• Published 2nd Sep 2014
  • 5,794 Views, 162 Comments

Love at All Speeds: Running for Rainbows - LunaAdmirer25

When a young man is hurt from un-sportsman-like conduct, He is left to suffer. But as he passes out, He finds himself thrust into the world of Equestria, What kind of place will lie before him? Will he ever get home? Will he ever want to?

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The Shadow under the Rainbow, Love Shared.

“Back when Discord was reigning over Equestria, causing as much chaos and destruction as possible, he also became a scientific entity. He started experimenting with various things. One of the things he did was use the Mirror that was created by Starswirl the Bearded.” Luna was retelling the story of Shadow’s origins, why she called him son, and explained the reason behind the amnesia he had of his childhood.

Though her story was broken by Discord, who apparently wanted to hurry it along. “Suffice to say I grabbed a couple children from the human world and decided to create my own little brand of chaos within the magical elements of Ponies, see if I couldn’t make my own circus, if you will. Humans have no inherent magic you know.”

Rolling her eyes, the Princess of the Night continued. “When me and my sister fought him, with the Elements at our beck and call, we were able to turn him to stone, and undo much of the destruction he caused. With the power of the Elements of Harmony, we restored Equestria and it’s people. However, it turned out we were unable to fully banish his power. He could only be turned to stone, captured instead of taken away forever. Because of this, some of his magic still existed, one such being the Everfree attack on us awhile ago.”

Sighing, Discord once more interrupted. “Get to the point Luna, My humans turned Ponies kept their transformed magical abilities. See, I was trying to find ways of reversing the whole magical element for the three races. Unicorns could only manipulate physical objects for spells, Pegasi to have earthbound control, and Earth Ponies didn’t give life from the planet, but take the power for themselves. I thought it was genius anyway.”
This was starting to sound like what Twilight had theorized. Which is why she chimed in quickly. “Blitz was the Pegasus who could cause quakes and move land instead of clouds and aerial weather, Sombra was the Unicorn who could only use magic with physical entities, and there was Shadow, right? He was the one who took from the magic of Equestria to become fast. The Trinity.”

A graduation hat appeared on her head as Discord rung like a bell, his head actually turning into one. “There ya go, what a good egghead you are, so smart!”


That shut him up, and he slumped back to the ceiling and sipped a glass of water, only the glass not the water. “Fine, fine, tell your boring drawn out story.”

Rolling her eyes, Luna decided to hurry it along. “Suffice to say, when these three were just foals, after saving them from Discord’s evil plans, we found they would need guidance. Alas, we also needed to correct Equestria of the chaos, bring peace back to the land. As my job was to watch the night, where many ponies slept, I could handle giving lessons to Sombra as a Unicorn, and Shadow to control his ability to take magic as an advantage. Blitz did not care much for me when he was young, but grew to love me as an aunt. Celestia became his mother, as Sombra and Shadow became my sons. We raised all three to become the prince’s of Equestria, to one day rule peacefully over their own lands. Sombra took to this idea rather vigorously, whilst his brothers chose to just be under our watch and help those in need. I failed Sombra, and when he found the Empire, he found a way to become all powerful. That day was a sad day for us.”

Celestia came into the conversation. “The tyranny he implied caused great havoc and we needed to stop him. Luna tried many times to reason with him, but he resented her for holding him back. She taught him everything he could learn, but he wanted more power. A darkness corrupted him. Due to his enslavement of the Crystal Ponies, we were forced to act when he would not listen to reason. We did not want to stop him with the Elements, for fear we may accidentally cause his demise. We had hope there was still some good in him, so we sought to capture him instead. We couldn’t get near him, too many of his thralls and soldiers were putting up a fight against us, and they were not to blame for any of his tyranny. We had many of my guard and Luna’s fight, day and night, to find a way in and stop him. Blitz, Spectrum Blitz, was my top guard, trained in combat. He always wanted to protect those in need, even if it meant fighting.”

Continuing for Shadow, Luna spoke up. “And Shadow was mine. He wanted to join the fight, try and reason with Sombra, his brother under me from the beginning. He and Blitz fought many of Sombra’s soldiers, and saved many slaves, but it was growing too widespread, the magic of Sombra would soon become strong enough to blanket the entirety of Equestria if we could not stop him. Shadow managed to break in, but after three days we thought the worst. So we attacked Sombra, who had confirmed he had captured Shadow, and tortured him against the Mirror. He had saw Shadow as a way through, but he did not understand the magic of the Mirror. When we finally beat Sombra, he cast a spell to envelope the kingdom, a spell strong enough to banish us to whatever hell he would make from it. We fled with as many as we could find. But… Shadow was gone, taken from me by Sombra, and at the time I thought for all eternity.”

Ending her story of the War with Sombra, Luna started to cry. Remembering the pain of losing not just one but both of her sons. Celestia held her sister close before continuing. “The pain was too much for her. I tried to bring her around, to see the brighter side, to let go of the pain and remember them for what she loved about them. But she grew darker towards me, and one day rage overtook her and we shouted at each other over Blitz, whom I still had with me. She had lost both her sons, and I still had mine, which she thought unfair. When none would console her, some even berating her in their dreams, she grew even darker, and with hate, anger, and resentment in her heart, she became Nightmare Moon. When none would love her, when none would help her, and she wouldn’t let me in, as others thought her the one to spawn the evil of Sombra, she lost all love for everyone, and tried to make the night last forever, to envelope everyone into shadow, so she could be reminded of her sons in some way. When Blitz tried to reason with her his own pain of losing them, she killed him, which caused my pain to grow, and we both hated each other. Fore an entire week we fought each other, shouting, spells flying in the sky. Soon I started feeling her pain, she didn’t want to hurt me, the only one left, but she was too far gone. I could see she wanted me to stop her, to stop hurting the memory of her sons. So I did. I used the Elements, and banished her to the moon.”

The entire group was in awe. They had never heard this side of the story, and it took them all by storm. Though Shadow had to ask. “but if I was gone in the Crystal Empire…. How come I woke up in the human world?”

Princess Celestia had an answer. “After the Empire vanished, we surveyed the area, trying to find any evidence of what happened. Though we never did, we did find half of the Mirror. It was apparently split into two halves. We didn’t know what happened to the other half, not until recently. When the Crystal Empire came back, we sent Cadence and Shining armor to guard over it. We could not leave Canterlot in case Sombra grew strong enough to attack. We received a letter that they had found that second half, right where we found the first half, and it was active. We theorized that when the mirror came back, it was making up for lost time, from being closed in a time warp. To it, the days never passed, but the Magic it was granted by the Moon had grown, making the portal a dangerous item to hold for Sombra. Cadence hid it until we could save the Empire.”

During the entirety of this discussion, Shadow was starting to have flashbacks, apparently to his past…

XxX Canterlot, a Thousand years ago. XxX

The night had fell, and in Luna’s chambers there was an armored knight, ready for battle. “I’m ready, Mom, Just let me at him. I can get past his guards, I can hold off his attacks, we’ve trained together I know how to beat him. Just let me talk to him, to finish this.”

Luna sunk her head, thinking. Turning to Shadow, she looked mournful. “And if you destroy each other? What then? Am I to mourn my sons death? Be it yours or his? If he kills you, and we must finish him ourselves, then what was the point I give you that chance?”

Shadow stood fast. “And if you must do that, then we’ll never know if I could have saved him!”

Raising her voice, the Princess shouted at her son. “I’ve already tired! His own mother! If I could not, then how can you?!”

Her son kept strong against her anger. “He resents you, but not me, I’ve always helped him train when you were too busy, he doesn’t hate me like he does you! Let me make him see the light! To take the darkness from him! I can do it, mom, just give me the chance! Blitz can cover me, I’ll be fine!”

Though she didn’t want to, she knew she could not dissuade him. Turning, she sighed. “Fine. Tomorrow the assault begins, you will find a way in and try to talk some sense into him. If you can’t, you run, do you understand me?”

Smiling, Shadow came up and gave her a hug. “I promise. If it won’t do any good, I’ll return to you. I promise.”

XxX Crystal Empire XxX

“You won’t join me, will you? Haha, fool. If you don’t, then you will join her fate! I will show Luna exactly what she should have taught me, this power, this strength, I can do ANYTHING! I can even force you to do my bidding!” Sombra faded to shadows, causing Shadow, who was huffing from exertion, to run. He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t talk sense into Sombra, and he would never join this campaign with his brother, he would not participate in evil. But as he got to the door, it closed, and he was engulfed.

Waking up soon after, he found himself tied to the mirror. “What is the meaning of this? SOMBRA!”

Getting a chuckling from his brother, he was surrounded by shadow knights, and his brother appeared with them. “You’re going to help me, whether you like it or not. The Empire held this secret, a strong magic. It has shown me the future, a future where I would rule for a millennia! But, in order to open the door, I need you, you are the key to opening this portal, it shown you as another creature, coming through this mirror. You will open it for me, whether you want to or not, and when it is done I will take the magic for myself, and destroy Luna, once and for all! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”

XxX Outside the Empire XxX

Though he was strapped rather well to the Mirror, Shadow felt it was best in the long run. After days of being zapped by magic, and experimented on to open the thing, he was thankful it never did open. The rigorous torture pulled the bonds just enough for him to finally break free, all but one front hoof and around his chest. As he pulled himself across the broken battlefield, having made a stealthy escape, he was almost out of there.

Though just as he thought he was home free, he was hit by a way of energy, causing him and the mirror to flip, and then get stuck in the ground. He could only watch as the Empire was engulfed in a white light, and soon after so was he, and all he saw then was white before blacking out. His last thought was sorrowful, wishing he could have told his mother he loved her.

XxX Present XxX

Luna looked up at Shadow, her eyes still watering from her pain. “We could not fathom what happened, but we found bonds around that other half. It was used as a Torture device, you were tortured on it to open it. We had hoped you had escaped, somehow you had come back with Sombra and the Empire, but we could never find you in the Empire once everything was finally settled.”

Shadow sat hard on the ground, and could only stare as he remembered his childhood. “Mom… Luna… I….”

Celestia gestured her sister to move and go see her son. “Go on… Tell him.”

Moving up to Shadow, Luna slowly made her way to him before putting a hoof on his shoulder. “You were the light in my life, and when I thought you dead, I lost it. But now I have you back. I felt it in my heart, somehow I had you back, but I was unsure until Celestia told me. A whole month, she wished me to wait, to see if you regained your memory. We’ve been waiting… I’ve been waiting. Shadow, my son. DO you remember?”

Tears filling his eyes, Shadow nodded before jumping up and hugging Luna, both crying as they held each other.

Twilight smiled, seeing her theory was right. “I knew it… I knew he was that Shadow. You doubted it too, didn’t you?”

Looking to the purple princess, Shadow sighed, nodding. :Yes, I doubted it, it made no sense at the time.. But hearing this, I think I owe you an apology. Thanks Twilight.”

Luna smiled as she let her son go. “So.. Does this mean we can finally be together again? Will you return to our home in Canterlot?”

Shadow thought this through. As much as he felt he wanted to stay, and in his heart he wanted to stay forever. Now that he knew the truth, he knew he was coming back for good. But there was still something he needed to do… Taking a stand, he shook his head. “No… Mom, I have to go. Even if my home is in Equestria, I have some unfinished business in the other world. I have friends to say goodbye to, my OTHER mother to talk to. I have a race to win, and a bully to beat. When I finish what I need to do, I’ll return.” Smiling, he looked to Rainbow, who had been stunned and quiet since everything happened. “I’ll return to my home… And to the one I love.” Seeing Rainbow blush when she looked to him and seeing him stare., he nodded. “My new home will be in Ponyville, with Rainbow Dash.”

Looking to Rainbow, Luna was wide eyed. In a month, he had found love with the Wonderbolt in training? That was rather unexpected. But with a smile, she gave her approval. “Then go… But remember your promise to me.. If things don’t go well…”

Smiling brightly, Shadow gave a firm nod. “I’ll come running home. I broke it last time, but this time there’s no chance for me to break it. I know what I can do, and I can do this.” Turning to Rainbow, he walked up to her. “I’ll come back to you too. Don’t run with those leaves without me, got it?”

Smiling, Rainbow pulled him close and kissed him with a deep passion, both enjoying their love growing by the second. As they separated, Rainbow gave his flank a bump with her own. “And you better get back here in time for it. Take on that bucking idiot Jagged Edge, he’ll get what is coming to him.”

Agreeing with her, the dark coated stallion left through the portal with a wave from everypony and for everypony. It was time to return.
Going through the portal, Shadow was greeted by a group of people, including Sunset Shimmer, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna, not to mention Fluttershy and a few of the others. Including, Jagged Edge. “See, I told you he was fine!”

Glaring at him, Shadow walked up and clarified. “Yeah, I’m peachy after you broke my leg and tried to take me out of the race.”

Shimmer sighed but smiled. “I told them you’d probably have been taken to Equestria. I see you’re alright. Good.”

Grabbing Jagged Edge harshly by the shoulder, Celestia looked at the young man. “You hurt a student just to cheat in the race today, you caused this whole stir, and for that I am banning you from the race, and you’ll be lucky if we don’t suspend you first.”

Though Shadow had other ideas. “Let him race.” Seeing Celestia look at him with confusion, he smiled wide and proud. “He tried to take me down because he thought I was a threat, and he the better racer. He wanted to win so badly he would get his buddies to sabotage his way to the top. I’m sure you’ll punish him accordingly, but I want to prove to him just how good I really am. I’m going to beat him fair and square.”
Jagged snarled at the dark skinned man. “You’re going down, Shadow, I won’t lose to a coward like you!”

With a smirk, Shadow chuckled. “I’m not the one who got three of his buddies and beat my opponent to secure a victory. You’re the coward.”

Turns out that Celestia was getting rather irritated by their back and forth. “Ok, that’s enough. Jagged, You’ll be allowed to race, but as soon as it’s done you’re going to be punished accordingly, maybe even expelled.” Taking the saboteur away, she gave Luna the go ahead.

Luna stepped up to Shadow and pulled him into a hug. “My son. I’m glad you’re alright. Did they treat you well?”

Though he knew better, he still felt both Luna’s were his moms. Hugging her back, he nodded. “They did. Fixed my leg up with magic so I am as good as new.”

Thankfully everything was good while he was gone, other than panic and a missing person's report, with Jagged being the prime suspect and had been held with kidnapping until he told them about where he last saw shadow, of which Sunset made the suggestion he went to Equestria by accident.

Now, however, Shadow had his own news. Speaking to Luna about what he remembered, what he knew now, Luna looked somewhat saddened. “I see….”

Shadow nodded sadly. “Yeah… I know I’m from this world originally, but I grew up and was raised back there, as the other Luna’s son. Which is probably why I felt so connected to you as a son, it felt familiar, it felt right. This doesn’t change how I feel about you, mom, just that now I know where I come from, and where I truly belong.”

The Vice Principal stood and went to the window. After a moment silence, she turned with a smile, wiping a tear from her eye. “I understand. Though I was starting to hope you would never learn so you could stay with us, with me, I understand and am happy you are so wise and kind. I do hope you visit still…”

Standing up and giving his human mother a hug once more, he sighed. “Yes, whenever I can I’ll come visit for a day or two. Though I’ll have to plan in advance, those trips by train take too long.”

Understanding, Luna let her son go to talk with everyone else. It was going to be a very good day, but also very eventful.

XxX Later That Day, Track Field XxX

The entire lineup for the big race was ready at the line, stretching. Shadow looked over to see Jagged glaring at him, and on his other side he noticed Rainbow, the human one. Smiling, he found the strength to use his all. If not for this Rainbow, for the other. And he knew his wish… He knew exactly what he wanted to ask once he won.

As the gun shot off for the start, the entire group of racers ran for it, sprinting like bats out of hell to get to the finish line. It was set up for three laps of the long field, an Endurance race, some held back to conserve strength, but for Jagged, Shadow, and Rainbow, their need for speed was heightened.

As the three racers sped down the second stretch, Shadow found himself neck and neck with Jagged and Rainbow, but truly he wasn’t even giving it his all just yet. He was conserving most of his strength for the final push. As the three went into their second lap, Jagged tried to trip Shadow, but just as danger was about to cause him to get hurt, he saw it, the spots of magic, the line his feet were to move in. Quickly following it, he jumped the sweeping leg and started running with renewed vigor, and sped up to the point he left Jagged and Rainbow behind. Into his third lap, he was already lapping the previous racers, and almost lapped them all when he crossed the finish line, the gun going off again to declare him the winner.

Stopping as the magic faded, he smiled and looked behind him. Turns out, he almost got to lap Jagged, who was huffing and out of breathe. He got third behind Rainbow. Though he was tired and exhausted, Jagged growled and stomped to Shadow. “You cheated! You had to of, no way you got that fast!”

Shadow glared at his rival. “Hundred of witnesses saw me beat you fair and square! That’s why you tried to sabotage me, you knew you couldn’t win normally. You even tried to cheat me during the race, but I was too fast.” Smiling widely, he crossed his arms. “Goodbye, Jagged. Hopefully you realize just how stupid you were for being a bully.”

Before he could punch Shadow, Jagged was grabbed by Celestia again and taken away for judgment. Luna led him to the podium, and congratulated him. As the event winded down, he was given a choice of what he wanted. Smiling, the young man knew his wish. “I wish… to give my wish to Rainbow Dash, I won’t be needing it. I already got what I raced for.”

With that he stepped down so she could get her wish. Turns out, she wanted new uniforms for the Wondercolts.

The day was ending, and he remembered what he used to do. Heading to the Animal Shelter, he saw Fluttershy tending to her favorite rabbit,

Angel she named him. “Hey. Need some help?”

Looking at Shadow, she smiled. “I would. The animals missed you….”

Though not attempting to pet the bunny, as he looked at Angel, the bunny spit a raspberry at him. “I can see that….” Turning to Fluttershy, he smiled. “They may miss me even more. I’m heading back to Equestria.”

Turning to him, Fluttershy looked stunned. “Why? You’re human.”

Shaking his head, Shadow sighed. “Nope. I was raised as a Pony, just had amnesia, remember? But after a trip there, I got my memory back. I was a pony.” Chuckling, he found it funny still. “Turns out the Princess Luna was my mother, making the whole thing of our Luna being my mother somewhat fate-like.”

Though surprised to hear that, even Fluttershy giggled softly at that. “I see… So you’re going back… Don’t forget us, alright?”

Pulling Fluttershy close in a hug, he nodded. “Can’t forget someone who’s been a sister to me, you know?”

Blushing, Fluttershy just quietly muttered a yes. As they day ended, he finished helping her before going to sleep for the night. As he left,

Fluttershy looked down sadly. “I was just as sister…. I’m such an idiot….”

XxX The Next Day XxX

It was early in the morning, and Shadow was saying his goodbyes to everyone he called friend and family. Waving them off, he went through the portal, just in time. “I’ll be back to visit!” And with that, he vanished.

As everyone left, only the sisters held fast. Celestia looked to Luna. “Think they will ever tell him?”

Luna sighed, crossing her arms. “If I know myself… And I do.. I’ll tell him when the moment is least expected. I’d rather not, but if he starts asking, I may not be able to stop him from finding out. When he does… Maybe he’ll come back here? I don’t know. But I do find it rather strange my baby was taken from me during those dark ages, and it was my other self who mothered him. It’s almost like he was destined to be my son throughout his life.”

Celestia smiled as she turned away. “Well, I know this much. You will always love him, and he will you. That’s enough. He is grown after all, he can make his own choices.”

Pouting at her sister, the Vice Principal didn’t find it comforting. “He’s still my son, He better not make any bad choices or he’ll get a spanking.”
Giggling to herself, the Principal just walked with her sister back into the school. “I remember when we were back in the dark ages, the punishment for children was a wooden paddle. Think we still have one of those?”

XxX A month Later, Equestria. XxX

It was the final stretch of the Running of the Leaves, but Shadow and Rainbow were out in front, Applejack not far behind. Ever since they were together, Rainbow had been getting faster on foot. Though they kept their pace to complete the running and not leave any leaves behind, they were seeing who would win.

The finish line coming up, Shadow pulled up front and took the lead at the last second. As the race settled down and they were given their medals, Shadow pulled Rainbow in for a kiss and the two enjoyed their embrace. Walking back to Shadow’s new home, Rainbow held up her silver medal. “My second one so far. Though I still think I’ve got you beat.”

Grinning, the stallion held his head high. “What can I say, we’re quite the pair. The one two finish, no matter where we compete. Though I bet you I’ll win the next one!”

Pouncing on Shadow, the weather mare pinned him to the ground, grinning. “You’re on. But first, I think I deserve another kiss from my special somepony before I go see Applejack. She wanted to see about a little more rain this weekend.”

Turning the tables on his mare, the dark coated stallion caught Rainbow by the wings and flipped her. “Yes ma’am. And don’t forget to bring some of those apples with you, ok?” With that said he gave her a big and long lasting smooch, their kiss infinitely more passionate than the next. Letting her up, they bumped flanks. “Get out of here beautiful. See you soon.”

As she saluted with her wing and then flew off, Shadow sighed in content. He was happy, and everything was right in Equestria. Heading to his home, he opened the door to his single bedroom small house that he had built under Rainbow’s own home, which was tethered to his near town now. “Home sweet home…”

XxX The End XxX

Author's Note:

And with that, the story hasd come to a close. I hope you all enjoyed the experience, i know it too way too long, but i am glad to give you another completed story! with this, my work load is that much smaller, and i am less stressed about getting things done. I'm going to take a small break from MLP stories to focus on my other titles on Fanfiction.net, but do not fret, i have other plans for our colorful pony gals, and will be giving either a one shot or two, or the next longer story. though i am sure i will not be doing THAT until the current season is done. Once the current Season is finished, I will be finding ways to incorporate my ideas without having to put another Alt universe tag up. Have fun everypony, and have a wonderful day!

Comments ( 15 )

Will Rainbow Dash be beating anybody up in this story?

7298679 this story is finished, so no. Sorry

daww very waffy ending. makes my heart all warm an happy!:heart:
good story, though would like an omake where some of the human girls come for a visit sometime, an vice versa..but that might just be me :trixieshiftright:

7303834 well as much as i would like to accomplish that, i've completed the story. besides, the main focus was for our couple, SHadow needed his origin and background developed, but also who he was and what kind of personality he had, whilst also doing something to get Rainbow into a romantic relationship without screwing around with her own personality we all know and love. was hard enough doing that. but i do appreciate the support, and am happy you enjoyed the story.

Was fluttershy in love with shadow

7371072 that was the hint, indeed. in the beginning, he said he helped her out alot, and they were great friends. thing is, with fluttershy, she both feels like she doesn't deserve kindness, but loves fluffiness in all forms, even romantic. to have someone help her, be kind to her, and the like everyday, she would fall for Shadow, but she would hesitate to the point of not even letting anyone know for years if it came to that.

7376911 don't feel too bad for her. whilst technically this drama of love lost for someone so sweet shouldn't have been put in the story in the first place, it was put there for a reason. as a sort of cliffhanger for my NEXT story, which is going to be a sequel. this time, with FLuttershy as the love interest for our main character. thing is, i am unsure whom to pit her with.

Omg just finished reading this and wow I hope u really do the sequel:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

7556679 Glad you enjoyed! and again, i am awaiting the next movie, after i watch it i will consider where to pinpoint the sequel

yes yes, i know, been over a year now since i said that for the evrfree movie. look, it's not that easy at the moment. besides, trying to tie in a big threat to the sequel is hard when my plans and my "headcanon lore" conflicts with eachother. i know what to do, i just need to plan this out. i want the sequel to be epic.

it's cool my guy, personally, I'd wait another year or whatever for another chapter so take your sweet time. just happy to hear the status on this one.


Fluttershy got sister-zoned ! ? ! ?

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