• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


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What initially started as a challenge to complete fifty Rarilight one-line stories has become a general project of writing as much rarilight stories of varying lengths as possible, from two line stories to stories that just don't reach that minimum 1000 word limit to be posted as a stand-alone.

Stories range from all the available categories, from funny to sad to romance to etc…


Chapters (15)
Comments ( 135 )

Ah! The cuteness! It tingles!

Very good fics! I hope you'll continue!

Aw. Chromatic, if you ever stop writing RariLight, Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie will be sad. Two of them for the loss of love, Pinkie because... well, Pinkie.


If Pinkie is sad, we're all sad.
Just like Daryl from The Walking Dead. If he dies, the fans die with him.

#19 Ouch, big time.
#20 Ouch again.
#21 Double Ouch.
#22 Triple Major Ouch! Seriously I'm almost crying here.:fluttercry:

RariTwi is love. RariTwi is life :heart:

Oh no! More Rarilight, we poor souls! Whatever shall we do?


I know, it's terrible for you all.

The pain I have inflicted.

May the gods or whatever you may believe in help you.

5158277 Don't worry. We will read this, and sacrifice ourselves so no one else has to. If you happen to come across any more Rarilight fluff, do not hesitate to bring it here for enjoyment disposal.

It almost felt like it would hurt less if they were just honest with him and let the fire inside him burn out, instead of unknowingly trying to put it out with alcohol instead of water.


I have to admit, Monochromatic, you are really warming me up to this pairing. Between these and the ones where Twi is Rarity's bodyguard I think this is growing into my third favorite ship for Twilight.

This was so damn adorable. xD I don't quite know how to deal with how cute and hilarious that was.

You know that little giggle Rarity made at the end? I'm pretty sure I just made the exact same sound. :rainbowkiss:

Awe, Twilight. She's such a charmer! Bravo! Well done! :raritywink::twilightblush:

Except if Rarity was in the center of the hurricane, things would be relatively calm for her. The eye of the storm doesn't have a whole lot going on compared to the "arms". But nitpicks aside, this was a darned roller coaster. Why did you have to mix all the sads with the d'awws?

#17 - #22 ouuuuch! Those little excerpts would be wonderful one shot once some filler got added. I don't know if my heart could take it if Twilight didn't end up with Rarity after all that though. I can just imagine it... Twilight keeps going back to Rarity's after every fight with her hubby, knowing full well that she was ripping Rarity's heart out every time she did it. Twilight couldn't help it though, Rarity had always been there for her. Twilight broke up with Rarity because she fell in love with the 'surface Rarity' and Twilight decided that Rarity wasn't enough for her. Little did Twilight know that if she had looked just a little deeper, looked at Rarity's thoughts and actions in the TRUE light, she would've realized that Rarity is much more than what she originally fell in love with. Too bad Twilight only figured this out through going to Rarity's house after all the fights she had with her husband. She starts to fall in love with the real Rarity that she never knew before. It wasn't that Rarity ever hid her true self, no, Twilight just listened too much to the ponies around Ponyville and unconsciously interpreted Rarity's actions through what the gossipers said about Rarity.
Rarity is still hurting from being burned by Twilight before, so when Twilight reveals that she's starting to see Rarity in a different light, a better light than when they dated before, Rarity starts pushing Twilight away, even going as far as turning her away one rainy night, telling her to go to Pinkie's or Fluttershy's.

And then stuff happens and Rarity heals from the hurt of losing Twilight before and she gives Twilight a chance, even though Twilight is still married. Eventually Twilight divorces Husband McNoName because even though she tried to love him, whatever love she had for him faded with each fight and/or she tried to love him because the other princesses secretly pushed her to marry in order to maintain her new princess position.

And Twilight and Rarity love each other all the days of their lives thereafter.

~The End~

Ok, so a little longer than what a one shot would be, but yeah, that's what I imagine when I try to think of a way to give #17-#22 a happy ending. Yay for head canon!

I actually can't stop smiling. This is too adorable! >////<

I admit it. I'm a sap. I'm a maple forest of sappy for your Rarilight

A maple forest of sappy for my Rarilight, you say?

Well.... *cough*


"No, but then again, you don't look like a princess..."

"You look like a queen."

Bottle me up and pour me over some pancakes because that is adorable

It doesn't matter how many times I read this, I still melt into a puddle every time.

And yes, I am a sap.

The amount of adorable in this is off the charts. Also, the timing on it was most convenient. It popped up right as I was finishing re-reading Demons and Desires and worked well as a short little capstone for it.

She climbed on the bed, settling herself next to the needlessly distressed alicorn and nuzzling her lovingly

well shoot me i didn't know rares was an alicorn! :rainbowlaugh:
if i'm wrong don't say anything, i blame the hour

but damn girl, why you always have to write such a good fluffy things
when i saw the new two chapters i was like, well i have to read them or i will not sleep peacefully, so here we are 4 a.m reading this... i regret nothing!!! :yay: :yay:
also that ending :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
i demand moar!! :flutterrage: :pinkiecrazy:

Thank Celestia fanfiction - and regular published-story-on-a-shelf fiction - of this quality is rare as heck. If it weren't, I'd probably spend my entire LIFE reading instead of things like, you know, eating and such.

In all seriousness, though, I would take up ultra-marathon running as a hobby for the talent in your left pinkie alone.

Yes, this is coming from the person who gets exhausted from walking into the kitchen at speeds above 'constipated snail'.

More Rarilight is always welcome. Delightfully fluffy.

Twilight, you dork. Rarity has always loved you, and will always love you. You just need to take good care of her.

My cat is a sap professor McGonagall

So, in most of my fics, I always only have Rarity say "my darling" once, and it's always in the most pivotal scene of said work. It sort of became a little "raritwi thing" between me and my friends, so when I had Rarity use it in my raripie fic, my best friend threw an indignant fit over it because "TRAITOR!!!" so I wrote this because he's such a whiny noodle <3

Did your friend recently join the Stormtroopers?


But srsly, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw

Such fluffiness! Very cute all the same. :heart::twilightsmile:

I keep wanting to upvote this, but I already left one a while back. This was adorable, though, and I can definitely see Twi getting jealous over something like that.

Not fair, Mono. Now I need to go write my own RariTwi fluff

You have succeeded.

The Lady?

or the



At this point, i'm not even surprised that i finished reading this teary-eyed. Once again, i am reminded of Monochromatic's RariLight prowess. :fluttercry::fluttershysad::heart:

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, my heart :fluttercry:... why...why ...would you do this!? :raritycry: :raritycry: :raritycry: :raritycry: :raritycry: :raritycry: :raritycry: :raritycry:

FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY RARITY! SAY NO!!!!!! Be with Twilight! You KNOW you want to. :duck: Screw the kingdom! Be with heeeerrrrrrrrrr! :heart:

*Sigh* You are truly a master of tragic romances, but thank goodness you usually leave it with a happy ending, which is what I'm imagining for the end of this ficlet and no one else can tell me otherwise!

.....unless you continue this and it's the unhappy ending, then I suppose you can tell me...but I wont listen!

I don't say this often enough, but you just write so damn well! Your descriptions, your sentence structures, your ideas, your dialogues...seriously, you are amazing! :pinkiehappy: Thank you for writing and sharing your writing with us!


Dude seriously.

I.. I out this off as long ad u could because I was like, no, she can't do that, she isn't doing it, but my restraint is small so like, I've read it now. And honestly, it is amazing, just as all your writing is. I was terrified of heartbreak and I happened but then...that ending. It was, in all honestly, the best ending this could have. Just. Brava, darling, because this is just that good

You tease. You love drama as much as you love RariTwi.

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