• Member Since 10th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen April 22nd


I wish I could just finish all the half-done stories I've got backlogged.


When things don't go the way we hoped for, it's easy for ones mind to become clouded with grief. It's times like these that all seems lost with no way of recovery. However, sometimes, the thing that one needs most is someone to talk to. Someone who will listen to your aching heart. When the invasion of Canterlot didn't go as Chrysalis had planned, she placed a heavy weight on her heart that nopony would ever be willing to lift, nopony, except Doughnut Joe, that is.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

Very nice. Nothing wrong with a little one-shot here and there. This is no exception. I really liked this one. Nicely written, with only a few mistakes that can easily be made and just as easily fixed.

Ya did good, Brony boy. Ya did good. :twilightsmile:


That's what I would do if I meet her

i like it, i think this one is complete so keep up the good owrk on your other stories.

Kinda wish it could have been longer though

Hmm... I think that I want a sequel to this. Good work!

When Doughnut Joe got out the milk, I remembered that there is an actual Biblical story where someone gives their enemy cold milk to make them sleep and then drives a tent peg through their head. Seriously. For a minute, I thought there was going to be a jarring, crazy plot twist there when he does just that.

So glad it was actually just my crazy imagination making something weird out of giving someone milk. The story is good as the heartwarming thing it is. :heart:

P.S. Doughnuts go especially well with strawberry cold milk in particular. :twilightsmile:

Coffee and sweets sure do dull the pain of defeat, no?

Doughey Joey did a good job! :twilightsmile: And so did you, writing this!

Chrysalis should be a waitress for a while there. That experience could do her good.

I ship them.

Judges 4 (4:21); just looked it up. How's that for hospitality...?
And remember, class: God approves heartily of killing enemies of your nation when he gives you the okay. So it's not murder. :pinkiecrazy:


There's actually a song by Kenny Chesney called "The Good Stuff" about a guy who had his first big fight with his lady (presumably wife), so he drove off till he found a small bar. He pulled up, the barkeep was alone in the place, so he sat at the bar and asked for "The good stuff". The barkeep, remembering his own late wife, poured them both a glass of milk and told him that "the good stuff" can't be found at a bar - it's where your heart is.

Amazingly touching song, and one that is... all too true.

5078169 That'd be a great sequel... or even a stand-alone, if she just decided/concluded to do something like that on her own. Maybe even start it as some attempt at infiltration, but ending with her learning from her experience there and changing.


Why do you hate him?

5081507 Stupid name, stupid look, stupid fans (with very few exceptions)

Hmm, not bad, kind of a nice setup for something more, too...

Nice. Though I thought I saw a story similar to this before.

Cute! I second 5078169 's idea of a sequel where chrissy tries to blend in as a (disguised) waitress. THAT has some potential as a heartwarming, meaty story.

not to disparage your likes or dislikes but I my view of Joe is based on this story
"A Cup of Joe" by The Descendant if you could overlook you dislike for Joe long enough you might find it interesting

5084213 I've done that kind of stuff bout two billion times. For example, I hate Spitfire, but I overlook that to read Spitfire centered stories, including the quite renowned Summer On Fire.

I plan to read it soon; it seems to have quite a juicy premise. However, that does not change how I think about Joe. (That's a human name anyway!)

P.S. It's because of stories like Summer On Fire that I gradually begin to like Spitfire, but nothing can change the way I view Dickbutt Joe.

Well that was heart warming. I hope you consider making a sequel for this. Great Job!

Gotta admit, wasn't sure how this was going to go. But I'm liking this Chrissy, well done indeed. And as the above folks have mentioned, following her story is something I'd love to see. Again, well done, and thanks for a nice, heartwarming fic.

A sequel would be nice though don't make it a romance I wanna see this become a friendship more than anything.

:fluttershysad: I kinda did feel bad after that episode :( Trollfacelestia was a butt anyway

This was a good little story, but the ending seems kind of weak. Look at the last paragraph:

Chrysalis was speechless. This pony showed a kindness that she never thought existed. They must have been talking for a few good hours and in that time, her emotional state had changed from what it was when she first walked in. Unable to think of anything to say, she smiled softly at Joe. Perhaps things weren't as hopeless as they first seemed. If this sincerity exists here, it must exist elsewhere too.

After the maybe ten minutes of conversation in the rest of the fic, it suddenly jumps to "they've been talking for a few hours." I recommend either getting rid of that "talking for a few good hours" part (maybe change it to "talking for just a few minutes") so that it comes right after everything else, like it seems like it should, or rearranging the beginning of the paragraph to say something like "After a few good hours of talking, Chrysalis was left speechless. In that time, her emotional state..." That way the time jump is clear from the start of the paragraph.

"Since I failed, the hive is in the process of creating a new queen. I'm not welcome there and because I created so many enemies, I'm not welcome here either."

Serves her right for what she did

hastily retrieved a pink frosted doughnut and placed it in front of the changeling queen.

Food Battle reference! Awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Seeing as she is incapable of that emotion in this universe, that's sorta a futile gesture.

Not going to lie...After reading it I wanted to see it not being complete. Something along the lines that she starts sneaking back after this conversation.
None the less, a enjoyable read.

This was a pretty good story.

So cute... if anybody trys the puppy dog eys on me i will rip them out and make some nice earing out of them

Not only was there a royal wedding, but also the bride was actually the queen of the changelings who kidnapped the real princess, brainwashed the groom, invaded Canterlot, and was defeated by the elements of harmony.

Wait a minute. The Elements of Harmony should be capitalized and they weren't used anyway. Cadence and Shining saved the day.

It's true that all equines have a unique way of sensing the emotions of others, could it be that he has an even more heightened ability than the average pony.

Uhh...is that a question or not? Where's the question mark?

"That's why we have to resort to manipulating other beings for their 'love.'"

If there is ever a time when an apostrophe (') and a quote (") MUST be side-by-side, it is considered "good form" (whatever that means) to put a space between them. Like this: "...for their 'love.' "

Of course that's one of those New Rules that not a lot of authors are using yet.

Not much of a story here, but I like the sentiment.

There is much potential for a sequel of this story. :moustache:


Nuuuuuu I want more D:

Site Blogger

The concept is good, but the delivery was ham-fisted. The set-up feels forced, Doughnut Joe's rapid 180 from terrified to comforting felt unrealistic, and there didn't seem to be any weight to the resolution. I think a lot more thought, time and preparation would have greatly improved this.

Sweet~ :rainbowkiss:


Not really, it's somewhat humorous seeing that no one is exempt from a bad day. Sure, evil tyrant and all, but her day went to shit in a matter of seconds. All in all, Joe saw her as a shell of herself, even if he didn't know her for long.

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