• Published 25th Nov 2014
  • 12,298 Views, 601 Comments

My Little Girl - CrackedInkWell

One night in 1986, the twelve year old Lauren Faust wakes up finding a talking pony under her bed. She follows the pegasus though a tunnel into a place called Equestria.

  • ...

13: Of Honesty, Family...

By the time the afternoon rolled around, Lauren was following Applejack and Twilight along with a guard escort through the streets of Canterlot. The reason for this was because Twilight had asked Celestia for special permission to visit her parents since she’s in Canterlot, and perhaps she could say hello to them. After all, it’d been months since she'd last seen them. Lauren tagged along out of curiosity given that the description of this Twilight’s mother, which sounds like an older version of the Twilight in the show she knew. As for Applejack, the others have already gotten the chance to know Lauren a little; she thought that this might be the perfect opportunity to get to know the Princess' mother as well.

“So… Lauren,” Applejack said trying to start a conversation. “How’s Equestria been so far?”

“I kinda like it. It’s a little weird, but I like it.”

“Weird? How?”

“Well, that I’m the only one except for Spike that walks around on two legs.”

“Point taken.” She said with a smirk.

“But I do think I’ll come back though, and in a place where ponies talk, who wouldn't?”

“And what’s so unusual about that? Ya say it like ponies don’t ever talk or somethin’.”

“They don’t where I come from.” It is here that the two elements and even the guards stopped in their tracks and gave her a puzzling look. “What? It’s true.”

“So, ponies don’t talk, at all?” Twilight questioned.

“Yeah, and come to think of it, I haven’t even seen a real pegasus or even a unicorn until I came here.”

“But, there are ponies where you came from right?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, but I usually see them at state fairs where we kids ride them. And even then they don’t talk.”

There was a moment of awkward silence before Twilight requested, “Remind me to talk to you about that later. But for now, let’s keep moving.” A moment later after they started walking again, Lauren asked Applejack, “Are you from around here?”

“Huh? Oh no, Ah ain't from around here. Ah mean, look at me, do Ah really look like Ah'm from around here? Actually born and raised in Ponyville on mah family’s farm.”

“You work on a farm?”

“As well as run it too, we have one of the biggest if not the biggest apple orchard in the whole country. Me and mah brother and mah sister help out with most of the chores and whatnot.”

“Where did you say your farm was?”

“Sweet Apple Acres? It’s just right next to Ponyville.”

“What’s Ponyville like?”

“Ponyville? Well, it’s a town that ain't too big or too small to live in. The place may look like somethin’ like out of a postcard with all its rolling hills and homes. But the town has always had somethin’ goin’ on, that being that of a fair or a monster on the loose, it never gets dull there. But Ponyville, as safe as it could be, does tend to have its dangers like somethin’ crawlin’ out of the Everfree Forest or some super villain tryin’ to take over the world. But except for those, it’s a pretty nice place to live.”

As Lauren tried to process what she just heard, she watches Applejack walk on, only to stop when she nearly came with a face-on collision with a lamppost before she went around it. “That was close,” Applejack said to herself.

“You’re definitely not the Applejack I know,” Lauren commented.

“What does that supposed ta mean?”

“The one in the show is much clumsier, but you’re not.”

“Clumsy? Me? To tell ya the truth, Ah don’t get clumsy very often, ‘cept for a few times though, that Ah admit. But that’s only because Ah didn't get much sleep, along with me not askin' for help,” she replied sheepishly.

"Why did you do that?"

"Out of pride Ah guess. Mah brother got hurt once right before the harvest, and he told me that it ought to be next to impossible for me alone to buck all of them trees."

“You mean from that one Applebuck season?” Twilight asked, in which Applejack sighed.

“Yup, that’s the one. Took on myself more than Ah could have handled and it cost a few days of sleep along with mah sanity. Should have asked but mah pride got in the way. Kept tellin' everypony that Ah didn't need any help, which in a way Ah knew it wasn't true. Guess things might have changed if Ah did say 'Yes, Ah need help. And lots of it.'”

“At least you learned your lesson from it,” Twilight pointed out. By now, they were on the street where the Sparkle family lived, “Applejack, you have met my parents before haven’t you?”

“Just once, it was from ya brother’s weddin’ if Ah remember right.”

Soon enough, they were at the doorstep where Twilight rang the bell. A moment later, the door opened up to a blue unicorn. “Yes, how may- Twilight!”

“Hey, dad.”

The first thing either of them did was giving each other a hug and a nuzzle, Twilight’s dad called out for his wife to come to the door. Lauren had to shake her head a few times at what she was seeing. There in the doorway was a pony kind of like the Twilight she knew, only the pink coat she used to see was now gray. Except for that, she looked just like the pony from the show.

Twilight's mother repeated the greeting as well as her father, but adding "Applejack, nice for you to stop by and…” She looked up at Lauren. “Who, and shall I say what, do we have here?”

For once, Lauren understood what the word ‘surreal’ actually meant. There before her was one of the stars of the show she knew and loved, yet, she seemed to be a whole lot older. She wasn't quite sure what to say exactly. So Twilight stepped in for her.

“Mom, this is Lauren, a new friend of ours. Lauren, this is my mom, Twilight Velvet.”

‘So that’s what her last name was,’ Lauren thought. The one called Twilight Velvet turned to her daughter, “What is she exactly?”

“If you can believe it, human.”

“Human?” Velvet raised an eyebrow. She muttered to herself, “Human, human, where have I heard that before?”

“Does Megan ring any bells?” Lauren asked, “Or Danny or maybe Molly?”

“No, I don’t think I've heard of those. But you do seem friendly enough I suppose.” Velvet turned to her daughter, “I was taking a break from writing and fixing some tea, would you and your friends please come in? It has been a little too long since we've last seen you.”