• Published 10th Jan 2015
  • 10,072 Views, 190 Comments

Chaos doesn't die, it just takes a new form. - ShotgunWizard

Discord's unexpected death brings about an heir. Whom finds themselves in a world that's unprepared for the coming storm.

  • ...

Mayor's Message

" No one loves the messenger who brings bad news." - Sophocles

As your mayor, I was elected to a position of great responsibility in our great town of Ponyville. While this position has mainly been managing the town budget and the yearly events required of us all. There are rare moments, where I find myself having to quell rumors and become the bearer of bad news. Many, if not all of us have just recently gotten over the recent terror and uncertainty that took over our great nation for a short time.

While Tireks reign upon our land was luckily stopped short of becoming invincible. Many ponies are learning of discord's role in aiding and abiding Tirek's plans. Even if Tirek did betray Discord during his reign the betrayal of trust and patience, I and many residents have given him still leaves many of us bitter to his name. That said, it is only thanks to the Elements of Harmony that we can once again rest safely in our town.

Newly-made Alicorn, Princess of Friendship, local librarian, Twilight Sparkle along with the rest of the elements have forgiven Discord. Many ponies have not, including me. Regardless of my feeling on the matter, this letter is to inform you, Ponyville, which last night at an estimated 12:37 pm, Discord, Lord of Chaos has passed away.

To better explain this statement, Princess Twilight respectfully asked to be allowed to speak on this subject regarding the validity of Discords passing.

For those of you ignorant of the study, and use of magic, a majority of a unicorns spell use would fall under what the school of Canterlot magical research and development would classify as "simple directive spellcraft". In layponies terms, a spell specializing in accomplishing or mimicking simple actions. This includes speaking, lifting, moving, turning with magic equal to or greater than other basic motor functions that require lips, hooves, hands, claws, etc. Therefore levitating an object by use of magic is considered as easy and commonplace as lifting something with your hooves.

This classification, however, ignores the use of chaos magic instead of the condensed and organically controlled magic of your average day unicorn. Putting Discords magic at a level that has no classification of use or practicality. However, there are things I do know about chaos magic that relates to my experiences with Discord. To be fair though these statements have not been tested so they only can reliably operate as nothing more than evidence for several hopeful hypotheses.

Discord's limit with magic is unmeasurable and magical potential is only limited to his imagination. Supported by his release from his stone prison and the ensuing chaos that plagued Equestria.

Discord has full control of his magic and nothing happens without his notice. Supported by magic use following snapping of his finger as the main trigger for magical activation.

Unless contained in a magically restrictive environment, Discord has unlimited access to chaos magic. Supported by stone imprisonment by harmony magic and magic drainage by Tirek.

Anything created by Discord has permanence as long as he wishes unless drained of magic. Supported by stone imprisonment by harmony magic and magic drainage by Tirek.

Chaos magic cannot harm Discord in any know scenario. Supported by dropping a conjured piano on himself as a joke. No lasting injury.

Almost everything known about Discord is entirely up to speculation and supported by what little historical documentation was left during his rule of past Equestria.

Chaos Magic by law is banned from use in every land of Equis. Today chaos magic remains one of the only fields of magic to be completely unresearched. The only thing research-wise that is allowed in Equestria is a spell designed to measure and locate areas with large use of chaos magic. This spell was used at the scene and indicated a large amount of chaotic energy where his remains where found.

Which included his old throne where his remains lay, one shattered bottle of wine dating back hundreds of years, and a broken full-body mirror with scorch marking upon the wooded base. Therefore it is the correct assumption that the last action of the being known as Discord, AKA, Lord of Chaos cannot be accurately decided upon. What is known is almost immediately after said action Disord's death quickly followed. The most likely cause being magically induced self-immolation.

While there is evidence to support and build the case that Discord committed magical induced suicide. Discord has proven many times over that the limits and scopes of his power are far beyond understanding. Whether this is some sick joke or action born out of desperation to be forgiven... I do not know. However, magical scans performed by our great Princesses and the best medical and magical professions indicate that the remains are Discord's, not a body double produced by chaos magic.

Even though I still have some hope that we made some kind of terrible mistake and wish this is all just some kind of terrible nightmare. I've come to realize that this is a new lesson in life and a less sunny reality for me. Discord was by no far stretch of the imagination a good person or even pleasant to most ponies he's met. But he was a friend to me and many others, no matter how short of a time I got to know him. My friends and I will deeply miss him and always hold his memory in our hearts.

Future information will be released at a later date in an official report after the Princesses and I attend an emergency meeting with Eqis leaders to discuss this issue and possible actions that may be required. In the meantime please respect our privacy in the coming month.

Sugarcube Corner will be closed this coming Sunday for a private event. Fluttershy asks that all animal and pet issues be on hold until after this coming Sunday and to respect her privacy, Thank you.

Sincerely, Mayor Mare.

Author's Note:

I decided to pick the story back up and see what I can do. Got some ideas going on in my head so expect more chapters to come out in the coming weeks. After this chapter, I will begin a rewrite of the First Chapter. There's some world building I need to fix up and update for a much smoother story in the long run.

Thank you for all you that have read, followed and favorited my story. I hope you all at the very least are still interested in what I have prepared for this story.

Special thanks to all the amazing authors on this site who inspired and entertained me for free for many years. My two current favorites are Changeling of the Guard by vdrake77 and Prey and a Lamb by Lambs Prey. I highly suggest giving each a read, both are amazing stories.

Comments ( 19 )

Ok this is awesome

IT LIVES!!! :pinkiegasp: Seriously thought great to see this story updated again, and really hope this means it's being picked up again.

Neat! 5 years between updates is a bit harsh but I’m always glad to see a new chapter of a story I like :twilightsmile:

For those of you ignorant of the study, and use of magic, the average magic user usually spells would fall under what the school

Seems odd, Is this an error?

Welcome back to this.^^

Hey.....you exist! That's great! Otherwise, you wouldn't, and I do believe existing is a better trait to have than not, so welcome back after your brief sabbatical. Hope covid ain't getting you down. Also, glad to see another chapter. Even if it was short, it's still good.

Nice, please continue

Now we gotta wait 5 more years for the next chapter

Hey good to hear that you didn't let this story die bc it has great potential can't wait to see more chapter for this story

"Author's report, June 28th 2020. Five years. Five long years. That's how long it took to get the story updated."

"At first it was going well.. but setback after setback, writer block after writer block.. made what was going to be an awesome and fantastic story..."

"Into Five years of hell."

Jeez its been awhile u stayin for some time? Btw great chapter.

Loving the rewrite so far! Can't wait to see where you take this ride!

WTF this was in the Cancelled/RIP folder good grief i keep visiting the page from time to time. Damn definitly will re-read this

Looking forward to where this story goes.

My man you cant just leave for 5 years and then put it on a hiatus

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