• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 3,323 Views, 272 Comments

Pokémon Harmony & Chaos - MythrilMoth

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo become friends as they begin their Pokémon journey.

  • ...

Button Your Shorts!

Five hours after leaving Ponyville, the girls broke for lunch. It was a warm day, and while they'd seen a number of different bird and bug Pokémon flying around in the sky, as well as various Pokémon calls coming from the trees, they hadn't had any more direct encounters with any wild Pokémon.

Once they found a decent place to stop, Sweetie Belle spread out a picnic blanket, while the other girls dug around in their packs for food. Scootaloo had a couple of sandwiches and a bag of potato chips, Apple Bloom had some hard cheese and jerky and a baggie of apple crisps, and Sweetie Belle had a small tray of spring rolls. "Now remember, eat light," Apple Bloom said. "We got a long way t' go till we can stock up on food." She rummaged in her pack. "Oh, an' let out yer Pokémon, Ah got some Pokémon treats." She released her own Pokémon; Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo released Oshawott and Torchic.

After they ate and packed up, they got back on the road. An hour later, they saw a boy about their age sitting on a big rock on the side of the road. He had messy reddish-orange hair and wore a brown T-shirt and loose white shorts. A propeller beanie was perched on his head. His attention was focused on a handheld gaming system. As they drew closer, he noticed them; he looked up, blinking, and jumped off his rock. He clipped his game system to his belt, then ran out in front of them, spreading his arms wide. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!" he screeched in a whiny voice.

The girls drew up short. "What's wrong?" Scootaloo asked.

"Don't you know?" the boy asked. "Only people wearing shorts can pass here!"

The girls looked at one another in confusion. "...huh?" Apple Bloom asked.

The boy pointed at Scootaloo. "You! You can pass." Then he pointed at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. "You two!" He made an X with his arms. "No entry!"

Scootaloo snorted. "Get lost, dork," she said.

The boy ran behind the rock, and returned with a wagon full of shorts in various colors, styles, and materials. "If you want to go past, you either have to buy some shorts and put them on, or beat me in a Pokémon battle!"

"And what if we just walk past you?" Sweetie Belle asked.

The boy smirked, rubbing his nose with his forearm, and laughed. "Heheheh...hahahah...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....!"

He pulled a small remote out of his shorts pocket, then pressed a button. A chain link fence flipped up out of the dusty road, locking into place with a loud ka-kliiinggg! sound.

Scootaloo groaned. "Oh, you have got to be KIDDING ME!"

"How in the heck did you even...?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"Now, what's it gonna be, ladies?" the boy asked. "Shorts...or battle?"

The girls looked at one another, then back at the boy. "Battle," they said in unison.

The boy grinned. "You're gonna regret that!" he said. "My name is Button Mash, and I'm the gatekeeper of Shorts Road!"

"This ain't Shorts Road, it's Route 1!" Apple Bloom declared. "Girls, let me handle this!"

"Get 'im, Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo said.

Button Mash sneered at Apple Bloom. "Prepare to face the wrath of...!" He pulled a Pokéball out of his pocket, expanding it and throwing it. "...MAGIKARP!"

A Magikarp appeared in the middle of the dry, dusty road, flopping uselessly on its side, its mouth gaping. "Karp, kaaaarp," it moaned.

The three girls facefaulted.

"Oh, for..." Apple Bloom shook her head. "Ah almost hate t' do this, but...Chikorita, Ah choose you!" She threw Chikorita's Pokéball.

"Ri riii!" Chikorita said as it appeared. It looked at the flapping Magikarp, then back at Apple Bloom. "Chika?"

"Yeah yeah, Ah know, but jes' get it over with, okay? Use Razor Leaf."

"Magikarp, use Splash!"

Magikarp flopped around on the road. Chikorita exhaled a resigned sigh and launched a flurry of leaves at the pathetic fish.

"Kaaaaaaaaaarp!" Magikarp moaned as its eyes rolled back in its head and it stopped flapping.

"Aww!" Button Mash groaned, stomping a foot. "I thought this time for sure!"

"Okay, we battled, you lost, now git this stupid gate outta th' way!" Apple Bloom demanded as she recalled Chikorita.

Button Mash sighed. "Alright," he said. He pressed the button on his remote again; the gate crashed back into the dirt, narrowly missing his poor Magikarp.

As the girls started to walk past, Button Mash rushed out in front of them again, dragging his wagon. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!"

"Oh come on!" Scootaloo moaned. "What NOW?"

"You beat me fair and square, so I'm giving you free shorts!" Button Mash said.

"Uhh..." The girls took a step back, faintly alarmed expressions on their faces.

"That's, uhh...nice an' all, but..." Apple Bloom said.

"No no, it's okay, really!" Button Mash said. "Everybody should have shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!" He looked the girls up and down, then dove into his wagon, coming up with a pair of indigo denim cutoffs, which he presented to Apple Bloom. "Here, these are for you," he said.

"Uhh...thanks?" Apple Bloom took the shorts. They were actually pretty nice shorts...and, scarily, they were exactly her size.

"And for...the pretty girl," Button Mash said, blushing faintly. He rummaged through the pile of shorts, producing a pair of short, pinchy-looking royal purple bloomers. He presented them to Sweetie Belle with trembling hands and a furious blush.

"Umm..." Sweetie Belle backed away slowly.

"Just take 'em," Scootaloo said.

"Okay...thank you?" Sweetie Belle said hesitantly, daintily taking the shorts with the tips of her fingers.

"And you..." Button Mash said, studying Scootaloo. "...you're already wearing shorts. Pretty nice shorts, too. I don't think I have anything better than what you've already got." He kicked his wagon off the side of the road. "Well, that's that...goodbye, ladies! Safe travels! Maybe we'll meet again one day! And when we do, I really hope you're wearing shorts!"

The girls walked past Button Mash, who was waving enthusiastically at them, and his fainted Magikarp. As they got a good twenty yards away, Apple Bloom chanced a glance back at him. "Weird kid," she said as she stuffed the shorts into her backpack.

"Super weird," Scootaloo said.

They had just turned away to continue their journey when a blinding flash of strobing light caught their attention from the direction of Button Mash. "What the—?"

"Whoa, what's happening?" Sweetie Belle asked.

They could hear Button Mash laughing triumphantly. "AT LAST!" he screamed.

A tower of strobing light filled the road in the direction of Ponyville...

...and a massive serpentine Pokémon rose up from the dust, unleashing a roar into the sky.

"What the HECK IS THAT?!" Scootaloo cried, eyes wide as dinner plates.

"It's a Gyarados!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. She gasped. "No...it couldn't be—!"

Apple Bloom pulled out her Pokédex. It beeped as she scanned the distant Gyarados.

//Gyarados. The evolved form of Magikarp. It is believed that Gyarados' Dragon Rage is the result of the frustration it feels during its life as a Magikarp.//

Scootaloo's jaw dropped. "That pathetic fish evolved into THAT?!"

Button Mash suddenly started screaming as a tower of blue-white fire filled the road. "RETURN! RETURN!" he cried. In a bright crimson flash, the Gyarados disappeared.

"Do you think...he'll be okay?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Who knows," Apple Bloom said. She shook her head. "Come on, girls. Let's git goin'."

They turned away and continued down the road to Appleloosa. Sweetie Belle looked at the purple bloomers she held. "I guess...he was just trying to get his Pokémon to evolve..." She gripped the bloomers tightly. "Maybe he wasn't such a bad kid..."

"Are you kidding? He's totally wacko!" Scootaloo said. "If we never see that dork again, it'll be too soon..."