• Published 29th Dec 2014
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A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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98 - It's my Choice

The leader of the library extended a hoof, "Do we have a deal?"

Twilight reached back with a hoof of her own, just shy of touching, "Yes."

Spike slapped a claw on an adjacent shelf, "Hey. She can't agree to that."

The old mare raised a wrinkled brow, "And whyever not?"

Spike shrugged with a bit of a smirk, "It's not obvious? She's not the one paying, I am."

While Spike spoke, Applejack advanced warily and nudged Twilight's body into a less compromised and uncared-for position. Spike continued as he advanced on the desk, "The way I see it, if you do make this spell, it's going to be really valuable." He paused and looked to Twilight, "How much do spells go for?"

Twilight had tilted her head at Spike when he first spoke up, but when the question came she looked thoughtful a moment, "Assuming it was at least rated at the fifth level, which I can't see it not, it would cost one hundred and twenty-five gold bits to copy it."

The library matron settled back to her haunches, "There is another side you fail to consider. The higher the level of magic, the fewer there are to tempt with its knowledge. There are not that many arcane scholars that reach such a level of understanding. There is a significant chance it is sixth or seventh level, considering it supasses the utility of the basic 'sending' spell so thoroughly." She leaned forward and directed a gnarled hoof at Spike, "Still, I do see where you are coming from. Your demonstrations clearly cause you physical discomfort, a facet we will endeavor to remove if possible. We are not heartless, and we do hunger for knowledge, even when not practical." She turned the hoof towards Twilight, "What if I allow her three days' study time in addition. Unlimited time, even after hours, with her scribing tools."

Twilight was beside Spike in an instant, "Oh yes, please please please! Say yes Spike! Say yes!" Her voice grew more and more desperate as she begged, but Spike was unmoved.

Spike nodded softly, "Make it an even week, with a guide during normal hours to help her find what she wants."

Twilight emitted a soft squee of rapture as the mare nodded and hoof bumped against claw.

"Now then," spoke the mare, "Let's get directly to work."

She rose and guided Spike away, presumably to start studying, and leaving the others behind without so much as a goodbye. Applejack glanced after them, then moved to fetch the scroll still perched on Twilight's body. She held it up to Soft, who accepted it and began to unfurl it.

Good Tidings, Spike and Soft Mane,

This is Luna. My sister received your letter, but it was in the midst of day court and she set it aside. I looked it over and decided to act quickly. She can be angry at me later if she so chooses. I hope this serves Twilight Sparkle well, please send her my fondest wishes for her well-being. I have other tidings since I am already writing this letter. Cadance claims that her prayers have been answered. She has bowed her head to this 'Lashtada' figure and their magics are proving complementary. She's still learning the intricacies of this magic, but I've never seen her happier. She is returning to the Crystal Empire tomorrow, but she is bringing a gift with her to her people.

If Soft Mane is any indication, Lashtada is a gentle and good being, and I do not object to Cadance's reaching to her. Speaking of which, one of my clerics has learned to cast his first healing magic! I was never so proud! It was like being a mother watching their foal take their first sure step that turned into an ungainly gallop across the field. They will serve Equestria well, guarding its nights in my name, but not my direct will. Despite my sister's worries, I am careful. They have their own will. They are wielders of my might, but their minds are their own. I may not always agree with what they do, but it will be our ponies that do it. I trust them. I have my own faith. That is how this works, is it not? They have faith in me, and I in them, and the power flows freely.

May your Return to Life be Swift and Painless,
Princess Luna, Goddess of the Pleasant Evening

Soft Mane rolled up the scroll and tucked it away as Rainbow snorted softly from her perch, "It sounds like Equestria's getting interesting again, but what about the eleme-whatsits? She didn't write anything about it?"

Soft Mane shook her head quickly, "Not a thing."

Applejack didn't look concerned, "The way ah reckon, if she didn't say nothing, there's nothing t'say. Celestia and Zecora were putting their noggins togetha. They probably fixed it up right quick."

Twilight frowned slightly, "Very likely, but I'm not sure how I feel about Cadance."

Soft Mane wobbled a hand, "What's the big deal? I follow her and you're OK with that."

Twilight raised a spectral hoof, "You didn't have a choice, and you're not my sister-in-law nor my former foalsitter." She deflated a little, "That sounded mean... I didn't mean it like that!"

"It's OK," assured Soft Mane, "You care about her, a lot. All I can say is Lashtada's adorable, not scary. I can't figure out why anyone would not like her. Even if her power kind of... half-blinded me." She frowned a little at that, but it eased quickly, "I'm still not sure how I feel about that."

Applejack approached Soft and nuzzled her cheek, "Yer a good foal."

"I'm not a foal," argued Soft with a stomp of a hoof, "I'm old enough to marry!"

Applejack snorted softly, "Yer a foal to me, like it or not. Ah see Spike tha same way, bigger and spikier as he is or not. You two being an item just makes that all the more adorable." She set her haunches down, looking at Soft Mane, "Not that this is a bad thing, y'see. I treasure my foals, even if they aren't mine."

Rainbow sniggered from above before asking, "So have you two... You know? You went there?" She made kissy-face motions and fluttered her lashes in a severe exaggeration of motion, hooves held under her chin.

Soft Mane went red in her face and turned away, which only made Rainbow's sniggering turn into a full laughter, at least until she gracelessly flopped off the bookcase. Her wings caught her before she hit the ground and she landed gently enough.

"Shhh," urged a passing pony before they closed the door to the office, granting the rest of the library some quiet.

A day passed. The group was invited to stay in the bunks of the library while work continued. Spike sent letters back and forth from Equestria several times a day while scribes, wizards, and divine casters alike all watched him. A day turned into two, which turned into a week. The room the tests were performed in became a wild mess of notes on the wall that Spike had no clue how to even start reading. A week turned into two. At that point, they were practicing their own spells with varying levels of success. At first only flat sheets of paper could make the trip, which was still a huge success.

Another week, another set of spells. They had begun testing it across dimensional barriers, with the researchers vanishing off to exotic planes before writing would appear. After several tests, they were finally satisfied, and a new book was quickly scribed with the spell. The matron clapped Spike on the shoulder, "We've done it. Perhaps, with this, when our brothers and sisters become lost in the planes, they can send a clear message home, free of uncertainty, or small word limits."

School conjuration(teleportation); Level cleric 5, sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M/DF (fine copper wire)
Range see text
Target one creature
Duration 1 round; see text
Saving Throw Fort Negates(See Text); Spell Resistance no
You contact a particular creature with which you are familiar and send an object the size of a scroll or less to the subject. The subject recognizes you if it knows you. It can answer in like manner immediately. Even if the sending is received, the subject is not obligated to act upon it in any manner. An object larger than a scroll may be sent, but requires a fortitude save, DC 20, or the object fails to arrive and returns to the sender, wasting the spell. The target also suffers 1d6 bludgeoning damage per size above diminutive(diminutive, tiny, small, medium, large, huge, etc.) against which DR is halved when large objects are attempted, whether or not the save is successful. The maximum size that can be sent is the size of the target. If the target does not wish to receive a large object, the save negates the spell entirely, preventing damage.

With the spell secured, the librarians made good on their promise. They had preserved Twilight's form while they worked, and now they brought it and laid it out on a simple stone slab. The matron turned towards Twilight's ghost, "We are ready to begin. You should go."

Twilight tilted her head, "Go? Shouldn't I hop into my body when you bring it back to life?"

The matron shook her head, "The spell calls your spirit from beyond. If it is not beyond, it fails. You must let go for us to finish."

Twilight would have paled, if she was not already transparent, "I... I don't want to..."

Applejack approached, "Sugarcube, Ah know it's scary, but we're all right here. Ah can't say ah understand all of it, but we're not letting you go for long, just a minute. Believe in us?"

Twilight began to cry, looking torn and miserable. Spike approached her next, "It's ok, Twilight. We're fixing it, right now. You just have to go for a second! You'll hardly even know you're gone before you're back."

Rainbow stuck out her tongue, "Don't be a crybaby, Twi. Take your medicine like the big mare you are."

Twilight frowned at Rainbow, but it did shake her out of her funk, "You're right, I suppose." She took a slow breath, as useless as the action was. "I'll let go." She closed her eyes and wished for the end, if only for a moment, and she suddenly vanished.

Twilight appeared before Soft Whisper, who looked at her with a kindly smile, "Had our fun? Good. I will take you to your proper place now." Twilight's wings shot out and she turned to flee, but Soft Whisper moved with a frightful speed, scooping her up, "None of that, little mare. You escaped me once, not twice. Now still yourself. We're going."

Everything went dark a moment, and Twilight could smell something familiar. Books! She looked up to see bookshelves as far as her eye could discern. There were ponies as well. They were busily indexing, reading, and otherwise living with content expression among the books. They sometimes called to one another in friendly tones, but mostly it was them and their books, and all was well. Twilight felt her worries fade away. This was a good place, a place of books, and friends. Her only faint twinge of regret was that her friends were not there with her.

"Soft Whisper says you gave her quite the chase," came a familiar voice before Luminace appeared from around the stacks, "I've been waiting to see you all this time, and you ran away. Naughty mare, have you no faith at all?"

Twilight's ears flipped back and she paused. That felt physical. Was she physically here? "I'm sorry. I didn't know she was taking me here. I thought... I thought she was destroying me."

Luminace softly snorted, "Destruction? Such a waste. You may not be my follower, but I would have to be blind to not know your place is here, with me." She leaned forward and nuzzled Twilight. She licked away Twilight's falling tears, "I'm sorry, your friends are already calling you back. I wanted to talk with you more. I can't reach to you, but you can reach me. Have a little faith... and invest it in me, if you wish. I would take you close to my chest and protect you."

Twilight didn't have time to respond. She could feel the tugging, and knew her friends were waiting for her. She had to decide right then. Nothing told her that she must, but she knew. She accepted the tug, drawn away from the heavenly library and its kindly goddess. It all became hazy as she slipped between worlds.

She jerked awake with a rough gasp. Her body felt heavy and sore, but it was her body. She was alive! But she had been somewhere else, somewhere fantastic. She tried to reach for the memory, but it was too faded, like a dream. She was suddenly bowled back as Spike tackled her. She wrapped a fetlock around him, but her other friends soon joined the pile. She was smothered beneath Applejack, Soft, and Rainbow, and she couldn't complain. Literally. Hopefully her friends would let her up before they smothered her right back to death.

Author's Note:

Twilight has rejoined us! A shame the afterlife is rarely remembered.

The writing for the chapter got mixed up in all the notes for the new spell. There's probably a few typos. Ignore them, they're actually arcane power words! Looking at them too closely may set something on fire.

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