• Published 17th Apr 2015
  • 13,822 Views, 2,312 Comments

The Prince - BronyWriter

Prince Antares, formerly the human TD Powell, helps lead the ponies of Equestria through the trials and tribulatons his nation endures.

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"Ow," I said quite eloquently.

Luna somehow packs a bigger punch than Celestia does. She actually managed to knock me to the ground with her blow. I, of course, have come a long way since she snapped my spine over a chair, so I'm not exactly going to let this go right away. Once my head cleared a bit, I snapped out my hind leg and kicked her right in the shin. The force of my kick caused her to stumble back and fall down. Honestly, if it were a normal pony I just kicked, I would have probably snapped their leg in half beyond repair. Luna would likely just be bruised, though.

I leapt to my hooves, the pain from Luna's blow already fading away. Round two wouldn't even start if she knew what was good for her. Luna seemed to have similar thoughts, as she stood up, flaring her wings out at me. I noticed with some satisfaction that she was leaning on her left foreleg a little. Seems I did more damage to her leg than I thought. Good.

Just as the two of us were about to fly at each other for a proper fight, a golden aura surrounded both of us, dragging Luna and I to two separate corners of the room like foals being put in time-out.

"Enough of this, both of you!" Celestia snarled. "I will not have the father and aunt of my foal bickering like schoolfillies!"

"Ooh, an aunt!" Cadance squeed again. She turned to Celestia, her already wide smile growing unsettlingly larger. "Does that mean that he or she is going to be my cousin, Auntie Tia?"

"That is hardly the most pressing matter," Luna growled, as both of us canceled Celestia's magic with our own. "What matters most is that the thoughtlessness of you two will ensure that Tia will not take to the battlefield! She will need to stay here in Canterlot until the foal is delivered!"


Yeah. Right. Good point.

"This is unacceptable," Luna continued. "If we alicorns cannot take to the field, then Purgle will see that as a sign of weakness! Tia will become even more of a target than she already is! If our enemies somehow cause a miscarriage, where shall we be, Antares?"

"Okay, firstly, you're only blaming me like making a foal isn't some joint venture," I growled. "Secondly, this is the first time this has happened! Did either one of you even know that you had the ability to get pregnant? Sure, even I went into heat when I was a mare, but when Celestia and I... uh..." I blushed a bit. "Took advantage of that fact with each other, she didn't end up pregnant, and that's what heat is for!"

"Well of course not." All three of us paused and looked over at Cadance, a confused expression on all of our faces. She looked at the three of us for a moment and then huffed. "Look, the particular spell that you two were using for intercourse only allowed Antares to grow a pair. It didn't actually allow for conception."

"But even so, Celestia and Luna had harems of stallions in the past and they never got pregnant from that." I looked at Celestia and tilted my head. "Uh... unless you had them all gelded beforehoof." Celestia shook her head.

"Well of course not," Cadance repeated. "Look..." Cadance walked up to the small chalkboard we kept in the room and, to the horror of all three of us, proceeded to create a detailed drawing of a mare's reproductive cycle. "Now, when splooshy happens during banging and the mare is in heat, the sperm goes through the mare's system trying to find an egg to fertilize, correct?" Cadance updated her drawing for the full effect. "However, most of it dies way before it even finds an egg for various different reasons. Now, Auntie Tia is an alicorn, so her biology is way different from that of an average mare. The seed of an average stallion wouldn't even come close to one of her eggs. It'd be like trying to throw a piece of glass through a brick wall so it could land on something on the opposite side."

Oh please just kill me now.

"However, now that Antares is a full-blown male alicorn, his sperm is much hardier, and would have no trouble finding an egg to fertilize." Cadance finished writing on the chalkboard and put her chalk down before nodding to herself and turning to the rest of us. "At least, that's my best theory. I really can't see any other explanation."

Good for her for figuring it out. As for the rest of us, we were sitting on the floor and trying to not make eye contact of any kind with either Cadance or the chalkboard. For my part, I was blushing so profusely that you could probably cook an egg on my face. Wait... no, no talk of eggs!

Cadance, seeing the reaction of the audience to her little lecture, sighed and clicked her tongue. "Look, we all are, or were, grown mares alright, and one of us just had all of this happen. You were wondering why Uncle Antares got Auntie Tia pregnant, and I just told you."

"Yeah... you sure did," I muttered.

"Regardless, if my theory is correct," Cadance continued, "you are the only pony who could get Auntie Tia pregnant without some serious magic, I'll wager." Cadance tilted her head and looked over to Luna. "And Auntie Luna, too, I guess."

Huh, well if it was awkward before...

If I did that, it would make our foals siblings and cousins. Not completely unusual of royalty back on Earth, but still, not my idea of a big, happy family.


Wait, hold on a second...

"'Uncle Antares'?" I said weakly.

"Of course," Cadance replied. "If you're in a relationship with my aunt, what am I supposed to call you, especially since you two are probably going to tie the knot now that a foal has been thrown into the mix?"

"Let's take all of this one step at a time, Cadance, shall we?" Celestia said, raising her hoof. "I hardly think that now is the time to begin planning a wedding when our country is on the cusp of a major invasion." Cadance gave Celestia a flat look, causing her to droop her ears and pointedly look at the ground. "Yes, well, in any case, I propose that we keep this quiet for the time being. I will, of course, be checking up with the royal doctor to determine the health of my foal. This must be handled very delicately."

"I agree," I said, desperate to get the conversation away from why there was a foal and onto what we were going to do now that Celestia was expecting. "You're not showing quite yet, and now that you know why you're sick in the mornings, you can take steps to deal with that. We can put off the announcement for a short while, I think. I think this should be a happy occasion..." I rubbed my jaw and glared at Luna, "but you're right, Moonbutt, we have to consider how this affects the upcoming war."

"Agreed, Scorpibutt," Luna replied nastily. "We should wait on the announcement until Tia begins to show." Luna turned her attention to her sister. "Until then, we must see the royal physician about your condition. We wouldn't want to misinterpret the situation, now would we, and we want to ensure the health of both you and the foal."

Well, that seemed prudent enough.

* * * *

"Well, Princess, it's... hard to say." Dr. Syringe put his stethoscope back in his medical bag and shook his head. "I mean, not the part about you being pregnant. You definitely have a foal in there. Thank goodness for that." He grimaced and snapped his medical bag shut. "I once saw this real hag of a noblemare who insisted she was pregnant. Turns out she had a tumor in there instead." He waved his hoof, forestalling any comments from the rest of us. "But yes, you are definitely pregnant, Princess Celestia."

"They what are you unsure of?" Celestia asked, sitting up on her bed.

"Well... pretty much everything else." Dr. Syringe frowned and began rubbing his jaw. "I can guess that it's because of your alicorn biology, but my ultrasound spell isn't coming through as clearly as it normally would. I can't get a good reading on the foal. I believe I sensed what could develop into wings in there, but I cannot positively identify the race or gender. If I had to guess based on past experiences, you are carrying a colt in there, but, like I said, I cannot be totally sure."

"So..." I walked up to Celestia and draped my wing across her back, a small smile crossing my face for the first time since we had found out about the pregnancy. "I'm going to have a son?"

"If I had to guess, but there are no guarantees at this stage."

My breath caught in my throat and I leaned in to nuzzle Celestia. I had always wanted a foal, but thought the idea was out of reach once I ascended, even after turning into a stallion. But now...

"A son," I whispered. "I... I'm gonna have a son."


"Dang it, Dr. Syringe, let me have a moment."

"Of course. Sorry, your majesty.

* * * *

True to our plans, we did not release information about Celestia's condition to the public. Heck, I didn't even tell my officers or Tulip. It wasn't for them to know right now. Soon this piece of news would be arguably as big as the upcoming war. A pregnant alpha alicorn? I couldn't even begin to list all of the questions that would come from that. Forget Ara, the colt growing inside of Celestia would soon be the most focused on pony in the world. He'd become a chess piece in everyone's game. Although if any of the nobles thought they were going to manipulate my son for their own ends, they were going to be in for the shock of their lives. Perhaps literally. My son was going to have as normal of a foalhood as I could give him under the circumstances.

Still, as happy as I was, I did agree that the timing was a bit poor. If this happened after the war? Nothing but good feelings all around. Now, though...

I pushed the thought out of my mind as I walked down the hallway of my palace to my throne room. If Celestia and I did get married, where would we live? Especially with the foal. I couldn't continue to rule from Baltimare, as it would be pretty bad for the foal if we were married and his parents were on opposite ends of Equestria all the time.

Wait, no focus Antares. Gotta focus. There's a war and stuff going on.

I walked into my throne room and found, of all things, Tulip sitting on the floor and leaning against my throne. I guess as my acting consigliere this wouldn't be weird in of itself, but one minor detail made this image rather odd: she was fast asleep.

Like the kind of sleep that a pony gets when they literally have no energy to do anything anymore. I frowned and walked up to her, casting a quick spell to make sure she was alright. As I suspected, I found no signs of any magic affecting her. Tulip was simply asleep. I frowned and gently nudged her with one of my wings. She groaned and let out a rather spectacular yawn, but still didn't open her eyes. An amused smile crossed my face and I gently nudged her with my wing again.

"Gmgfh," Tulip grumbled. "T' m're minutes."

"Two more minutes it is then."

At the sound of my voice, Tulip's eyes snapped open and she shot to her hooves faster than I've ever seen. She began blushing profusely as she patted down the section of her mane that stuck out from leaning against my throne.

"P-Prince Antares! I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me!"

I chuckled and waved my hoof. "No worries, Tulip. You wouldn't have fallen asleep there unless you were really exhausted." I frowned and tilted my head. "Are the twins keeping you up?"

Tulip let out another yawn and nodded. "Yeah, they're getting kind of colicky. I don't know what it is, but they're also starting to resist nursing, too. I'm thinking that we're going to have to start getting them onto solid food here soon."

I raised my eyebrow. "Really? That soon? They're only a few months old."

"Well, whenever they're at the dinner table with me, they're starting to reach out to grab my food. They're getting hungry more frequently, too."

"And it's harder on you with Valiant off training the new draftees," I finished. "I understand." I scratched my jaw thoughtfully. "How would you like it if we got a foalsitter for the twins so that you could get more work done, and get more sleep? You wouldn't have to just rely on magic to make sure that they're okay. We could get a proper sitter for the two of them."

A grateful look instantly crossed Tulip's face. "I know they're my foals and all, and I love them dearly, but... yes, I think I would like that, Prince Antares. I think I need some me time."

"I completely agree." I sat down next to Tulip and gave her a warm smile. "They're your foals and you love them, I know that, but you need to take care of yourself, too. I live by that myself. I love all of my subjects, but I need some time for me. It doesn't make me any less of a ruler, just like you getting a foalsitter from time to time wouldn't make you any less of a mother."

"True," Tulip muttered, leaning against my throne again. I thought she might fall asleep once more.

"Tell ya what: I'll get some ponies together and you can decide who you want to watch over Ara and Veritas when you can't, okay?"

Tulip yawned again and her eyes slowly fluttered closed as she nodded. "Yeah. That sounds... good. Nice."

* * * *

"It will be time, soon."

"Yes, your majesty."

"The ultimate blow to Equestria. Something that not even Nightmare Weapons could accomplish."

"Yes, my king. Should I activate the protocol now?"

"No, there are still a few more preparations to be made. I need to make sure that everything is in position."

"Of course."

"We will move within a few days, though. A week at most."

"Very good, your majesty."

* * * *

"Thank you again, Sunny Breeze," I said, walking the new nanny towards the nursery. "I know that this is a rather daunting task, given their nature, but I don't see any reason why they won't take a liking to you, especially if I tell them that it's okay."

"Of course, Prince Antares," the orange maned, yellow furred pegasus said. "I know that Mrs. Tulip has been working hard, especially with Mr. Valiant gone. She needs some time to herself." Sunny Breeze smiled. "And I'm sure that the two of them are just darling."

"For the most part, yes," I said with a nod. "Just make sure they don't get too grumpy. Their stingers won't come out unless they feel truly threatened, so don't worry about them attacking you if you don't feed them fast enough or something. Just treat them like normal foals, and things should be okay."

The two of us reached the door to the nursery, where two of my soldiers stood guard. They nodded to me and opened the door to let the two of us in. We entered and saw Ara and Veritas inside their crib, sitting on top of their logs and playing with little stuffed Antares dolls Tulip had gotten for the two of them. Their favorite toys by far.

Odd for me, but hey, whatever made them happy, I guess.

The two of them looked over when they heard us enter the room, and smiled at me. I smiled back and sat down in front of the crib, using my magic to lift it off of them and raise the lights slightly.

"Ara, Veritas, this is Sunny Breeze," I said, motioning to her. Sunny gave a nervous wave to the two of them. The twins' happy expressions turned questioning, and they turned to look at me. I gave them a warm smile and patted Veritas on the head. "She's going to be watching you when your mom needs to take a nap and get some work done, okay?"

I turned my head to Sunny Breeze and beckoned her closer. She bit her lip nervously, but walked up and sat down next to me. She extended a hoof towards Veritas, who, to my surprise, leaned forward and began sniffing it. Like a dog would do. Odd. Ara crawled over to her and began sniffing her outstretched foreleg, too. I'd never seen them do something like that. Granted, they had most of their interactions with their parents and me, whom they knew very well, so maybe this was just them getting used to this new pony. After a few moments, the two of them smiled, causing Sunny Breeze and I to do the same thing.

"Excellent," I said, as the two of us got to our hooves. "Well, Tulip is going to be napping for a few hours, and then she's going to be getting some paperwork done. All a part of life as my consigliere, I suppose. There's some formula in the fridge over there for when they get hungry, so you should be all set."

"Thank you, Prince Antares," Sunny said, bowing to me. "I'll be sure to take good care of them."

"I'm sure you will," I said with a smile. "I'll come check on you in an hour or so, okay?"

"Sounds perfect, Prince Antares."

Cool. That's one less thing off of my plate, then.

* * * *

I did hope the real Sunny Breeze wasn't too badly hurt. My queen had specifically ordered me to not kill any of these ponies. It would just make the situation worse. Blood always makes things more complicated. So just leaving her bound, gagged, and unconscious in a locked storage closet would be enough for my purposes. I looked back to my targets, who were both staring at me with wide eyes and smiled at them.

"Just one moment, you two, and then we can get going."

I cast a minor sound spell around the room, ensuring that those pesky guards wouldn't be bothering us, before sitting down on the floor and closing my eyes. I felt my consciousness link with the rest of them before I connected with the one I searched for.

My queen. I am alone with the foals. Antares suspects nothing. I can be out in five minutes.

Excellent, came the reply. And what did you feel when they interacted with Antares?

It was beyond love, my queen. It was a connection that I've never felt before. They're young enough that I think we can mold them to have that connection with you. I've never tasted anything like it. We will feast if we succeed.

No casualties in the palace during infiltration?

None, I confirmed. They'll likely blame this on the griffins or minotaurs. They won't be found once we get them to the hive.

Excellent. You have done well, my pretty. Let me know when you're close.

Of course. I will collect them now.

I cut off the communication and got to my hooves. I turned back to the foals who had both started crawling towards me. I let out a quiet chuckle. "Well, well, anxious, are we? Don't worry, you two. I'll take you to meet your new mother soon enough. Don't worry."

I walked over to the fridge and retrieved the bottles of formula that Antares had pointed out. I collected a large foal bag and put them into the side pockets. Following that, I ignited my horn, bathing the bag in a green glow, and coursed my magic through it. An extending spell. One I'd been perfecting over the weeks. With any luck, I'd manage to make the inside of the bag large enough to fit both foals inside. When I powered down my horn, I looked inside the bag and smiled. Plenty of room. Time to collect the foals and return to the queen. I turned around and let out a slight yelp of surprise when I saw both of the foals closer to me than expected. Perhaps they were hungry? I smiled at them and sat down.

"We're going to be taking a little trip. I promise you that you'll come to like it." The foals reached me and began climbing on me, something that made me chuckle. "Perhaps I should feed you before we go, then? You seem to be hu--"

My side exploded in pain, and I shot to my hooves, dislodging both foals. I stumbled backwards and ran into the crib, sending us both crashing to the ground. I looked over to the foals and my eyes widened when I saw that both had their stingers out and at the ready. I began backing away from them, but paused when I felt myself being bathed in the familiar fire. My disguise had fallen! Had their venom shorted out my magic? I groaned and clutched at my side as I felt the venom course through me. I needed to leave.


I raised my eyes and gasped when I saw my queen standing in front of me. How did she get here?!

"M-my queen?" I groaned.

"You have completely failed me. I thought that I could trust you." She turned her nose up at began circling me like a shark. "I realize now that you're nothing."

"N-no, my queen," I moaned. "I can still--" I screamed when I felt another sting in the small of my back. The room began fading away, and I found myself in the hive, surrounded by my brethren.

"Failure!" one called out.

"Useless!" said another.

"I thought this job would be simple for you," my queen said with a sigh. "Now I realize that I misplaced my trust. I will not make the same mistake again." She turned her back on me and began walking away. "Goodbye. I don't expect I shall even remember your name soon."

I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry out, but all I could do was lay there as I felt something sharp dig into me.

* * * *

"Well, good afternoon, Tulip," I said, smiling at my consigliere as she rubbed the last bit of sleep from her eyes. "I didn't expect you to be up this soon."

Tulip yawned and shrugged. "Well, I woke up and couldn't fall asleep again, so I thought I'd check on the twins and see how the new nanny is working out for them."

"I hope well," I said with a grin. "It took you three days before you picked one you liked."

"I wanted to find a good fit," Tulip said with a shrug. "I didn't think they'd go for any old nanny off the street."

"True enough. I was actually heading over to go check on them myself. I thought you'd be asleep for another hour or so."

"Well, we can do that together then get some work done."

"Sounds good."

The two of us approached the door to the nursery and the two guards saluted us.

"Good afternoon. Any problems so far?" I asked them.

"Not that we're aware of," the one on the right said. "All is quiet, so I'm guessing she's put them down for their nap or feeding them."

"Sounds good," I said. "We're just here to check on them."

"Excellent." The guards pushed open the door, allowing us to walk inside.

The first thing that struck me was how... dark the room was. I mean, if the twins were down for their nap, of course the lights would be off, but Sunny didn't even have a light for herself? I frowned and ignited my horn to shed more light into the room.

I spotted the scene before me instantly.

Instead of Sunny Breeze sitting next to the crib, the crib sat on its side as if something had crashed into it. But far worse than that was the scene on the floor. Tulip instantly screamed, and the guards rushed in, gasping when they saw what we were looking at.

Instead of Sunny Breeze, a changeling lay on the floor, with Ara and Veritas on top of it, covered in its green blood.

They were eating it.

Author's Note:

What? Scorpion ponies get hungry. Although soon they'll have to start feeding them like this.

Fun fact: scorpions have an excellent sense of smell. They use it to find prey and sense danger. You know: kind of like Ara and Veritas did in this chapter!

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