• Published 17th Feb 2015
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Love....SERIOUSLY!? - Admiral Q Ponyform

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Night Affairs part 2

After the brief meeting with the Regent, Luna, Myself and our company were shown the rooms we would be staying in. Princess Luna, as per her station, had the royal quarters; but the one given to me weren’t bad. They were spacious, well kept, and of course night themed. I explored the rooms I was given. From the door I had a nice living room with a couch and a pair of chairs facing a small table. To one side was a small kitchenette alcove with a small dining set. On the other side was a decent bedroom and bathroom. And at the very back was a balcony. I walked out on the balcony, small by Canterlot standards but comfy and with an excellent view of the city. A yawn broke my face. It was a long flight and likely a busier day tomorrow. I took care of my needs and lay down. Sadly the bed wasn’t a cloud bed, but it was comfy enough that soon I was out.

The next day I got up groggy, and I dragged myself over to the kitchen area to make coffee. My face fell when I soon found the cupboards empty. They must not have stocked them yet and we did come unannounced. I trudged to the door and opened it, finding a thestral guard standing by it. “Ma’am?” The thestral, female by voice, asked.

“Kitchen. Coffee.” I mumbled eloquently.

“Ah, follow me then please ma’am.” I did, down the corridor, and almost instantly I could smell the sweet smell of brewed coffee. I moved to the source, nose taking over from half lidded eyes, barely acknowledging my aunt’s presence. I found the pot and poured a cup, before moving to a table and beginning to savor the hot drink. Then the thunder of laughing ponies was heard as a group came in.

“Oh look what we have hear gang! A sweepy wittle day pony.” It was clear he was talking about me. I gave him a short glare before resuming my drink. “Oh, did I hit a button?” He sarcastically asked me.

“I’d leave her alone if I were you.” My aunt warned. He looked at her.

“Oh come on mighty Sovereign. She is a Day Pony; they are weak non fighters.” He poked me. “Sure she’s in good fitness, but a Day Pony actually ready for battle? Plus she’s pink, how can a strong pony be pink?” I don’t recall what happened next. My aunt told me one second I was sitting there drinking my coffee, and then the next second the jerk and I were in a fury of wings and hooves. Moments later he was on the floor, battered and dazed, while I was back in my seat drink my coffee like nothing had happened. The thestrals were slacked jawed and my aunt was beaming, so proud. She was smiling that proud parent smile for the rest of the day, every time I saw her.

After a more normal breakfast I freshened up, put on my regalia, and met my aunt and the Regent in the throne room. She bowed to us.

“Sovereign, princess, we have prepared an event for your arrival.”

“Wow that’s fast. We just got here last night.” I commented. The Regent looked at me before replying.

“We have long prepared for the return of our Sovereign. When word got out of her return we began work on it. Now if you three stand here I will get the ceremony started and introduce you three.” As the Regent went out to a massive balcony I outwardly asked. “Three?” I looked to my right and there was Silent. “Ack!” I flinched away in reflex. “How long have you been there?” He looked at me with his usual stoic look.

“Since the throne room.” I sighed, bested, and resumed my spot and listened in.

“Citizens of the Kingdom of Night! The time we have long been waiting for has arrived. OUR SOVEREIGN HAS RETURNED!” Massive cheering began and trumpets roared. Regent waved them to silence but it took a bit. “She even brought with her a descendant of the heroic Shadow Knight.” I glance over to see a look a look of surprise on his face.

‘So he does have other settings.’ I mentally voiced, before deciding to go with it.

“So you do have other settings.” I quipped, provoking a quick snort from Luna.

“Now it is my greatest honor to present Sovereign Luna, her niece Princess Cadance of Equestria, and Personal Guard Silent Knight!” I stepped out with Luna and Silent to the cheering crowd. Wow there was a lot of ponies here. About on par with Manehattan, impressive. Luna stepped forward and waved and I swear I saw a mare foam at the mouth and collapse. Wow, just wow.

“My subjects! Tis is with the greatest joy to be with you again. When my mind was clear again you were my top concern. I feared you gone, that you were my last failure. But seeing Silent gave me hope. As soon as I was strong enough I came and what I found……” she took a deep breath. “What I found is beyond my dreams. You have thrived here, and together we will bring a more unified era to Equestria!” The crowd went nuts again. Luna stepped back and fireworks were set off, bringing an end to this part of the Celebration.

“Sovereign, our reporters would like some time to ask questions if you don’t mind?” The Regent asked. Luna took to the throne and sat before responding.

“Send them in.” I moved to sit between the throne and the Regent’s while Silent stood on the other side of Luna’s throne. A gang of ponies entered the throne room wearing the typical attire of reporters and all yelling out for aunt Luna’s attention.

“SILENCE!” Auntie bellowed, as she R.C.Voiced for the win, knocking the reporters into shocked silence. “I will pick out who gets to ask me questions.” Hooves jumped skyward. “Now then, you in the back.”

“Sovereign, do you plan setting up shop here in Kingdom of Night?” Auntie looked confused and I lean over and whisper in her ear.

“They want to know if you are going to be ruling from here.” I return to my position.

“No I will not. I am visiting for a few weeks and will routinely return but I will rule beside my sister in Canterlot.” She pointed out another reporter.

“Sovereign, what is the purpose of the Day alicorn at your side? Is she your handler?” I snorted and heard auntie take deep breath before putting a wing over me.

“Cadance here is my adopted niece. Since the night I returned she has done her up most to assist me in the changes that have happened in the last thousand years. I love her dearly and I invited her to come here; is that CLEAR?” Without waiting for a response she picked another.

“So what are your plans for the Kingdom?”

“Simple, strengthen it’s bonds with the rest of Equestria. I know it will not be easy, many things in life never are but there will be a slow introduction to the rest of the country. I am starting to reconstitute the Night Guard, and while day ponies will be part of it I hope to have thestrals be a large part as well. They and any thestral willing to go will be the first representatives of this kingdom.” There were a few more minutes of these kind of questions before the reporters were dismissed.

“So, what’s next?” I ask.

“Well I planned to show the Sovereign the Royal Archives…..but it is meant for just the Sovereign.” I frowned and then shrugged.

“Okay, I’ll just hang around town and be the token DAY pony.” With that I turned and left the room.

Luna watched her niece go with that subtle anger simmering. One she shared. She pointedly looked at the Regent. “I do not appreciate the attitude my niece is given. She has been nothing but supportive since we met. I brought her here because I trust her and wanted to so her to see something I am proud of. Yet she is treated how you were before my banishment.” Regent looked ashamed. “I am an alicorn of the night but also a day pony physically. Remember that. If Cadance is mistreated at all I will be most displeased. Are we clear Regent?” Luna stared at the elder mare, and for once the Regent feared her ruler.

“Crystal my sovereign.” Silent just stood there living up to his name, but mentally vowed to never get on the Princess’s bad side.

I left the throne room irritated. Racism here is strong as ever it seems. I stomped to vent a bit and I noticed a thestal mare in armor walking behind me. I whirled to face her. “Why are you following me!?” I demanded. Had to hand it to the mare, she didn’t even flinch.

“I am your guard during your stay your highness.”

“So they don’t even trust me to simply walk around the city. Why do you consider me such a threat? Is it simply because I am a so called day pony? I had never even heard that term till I got here!”

“No ma’am, I am here to ensure your safety. You can go where you like in the city. I am here to make sure you get back to the castle.”

“So how dangerous is it for me?” I asked her and she grimaced before answering.

“There is some danger from those that just hate day ponies. Many of them had suffered under day ponies and they can’t forget. They may see you and try to avenge past wrongs. Hopefully my presence will make them rethink attacking you.”

“They’ll regret it no matter what.” I resumed walking. “So what is with this Day Pony thing?”

“Well, your eyes are not suited for low light levels and darkness, nor do you have echo location. Your body is designed to be most effective during the day. You can stand bright lights better then us.”

“I get it, so what’s your name?”

“Corporal Night Lance you’re highness.”

“K or N on the night?”

“N, I don’t have the honor of being part of that bloodline.”

“I wouldn’t put too much in bloodlines. The nobles back home focus on who they are descended from, rather then being a good ruler.”

“So that remains unchanged.”

“Yeah, I have been working on it, but it will take centuries to overcome.”

“I wish you luck then.”

“Thanks.” We entered a market place and I looked around the stalls. There was the usual foodstuff and utensils but there was more exotic stuff further down. Figuring I might buy something, I summoned my saddle bags.

“Where did they come from?” Night Lance asked, the sudden appearance of my bags startling her.

“I summoned them from my quarters. Perks of having a horn. By the way do you guys take bits?”

“Uh, yeah we do…so what’s it like being an alicorn?”

“Cool; being able to fly and use magic, have the strength of an earth pony, and agelessness. But you have to deal with politics, and I’m going to have to get used to watching friends grow old and die.”

“Never thought on that last one.”

“Most don’t. The last thousand years had to be hard on aunt Celestia, watching every pony around her die. Luna was her rock and sadly one she didn’t pay enough attention to. I bet it was why she was ecstatic when news of my ascension got to her. I wouldn’t be surprised if both my aunts could use some therapy. The best I can do is support them when I can.” A stall filled with crystals caught my eye and I moved over to check it out. They were of various sizes and shapes. Till one necklace had a crescent moon on it’s side with wings. I smiled and bought it, slipping it over my neck I wore it as we walked on. I noticed the ponies glancing at me. I occasionally waved at them and kept walking. Just judging by the colors I would always stand out in this place with my bright PINK coat. This place had various shades of black, grey, blue, and purple in their coats. Fits with the whole day night thing. She suddenly sensed something approaching her at high speed. I caught it before looking at it. It was a simple ball. The kind you use in kickball and such.

“Nice catch.” Lance complimented. I looked over my shoulder at her.

“Thanks.” Then I heard the sound of little hooves approaching. I look and see a group of kids coming up then stopped and stared. I couldn’t stop the smirk on my face. Their looks were just adorable. “I’m guessing this is yours?” I lowered the ball within their reach.

“Yeah, sorry we were playing kickball. And the ball went way foul.” One kid explained.


“Is it dyed?”

“How do you have a horn and wings?” And from there the questions came like a tsunami.

“Hold it, hold it, hold it, HOOOOLD IT!” They all went silent. “Now I will answer your questions the best I can. My fur is pink because I was born with it.” ‘And because a certain alicorn thought it be hilarious to put me in a girly body.’

In a pocket dimension.

Faust was watching Cadance through a crystal ball and heard the last remark.

“Nnnnnoooo I didn’t.” Her eyes going back and forth like AJ’s did after being Discorded.

“So are all day ponies bright colored like you are?” another kid asks.

“Oh no. There are all colors. The filly I foalsat years ago has the same lavender coat as you and she is currently the personal student of my aunt Celestia, as well as the pony that restored your sovereign to her true self. And to answer your question about the wings and horn; Well I belong to a rare group of ponies called alicorns. We have the traits of the three main tribes of ponies.” Time passed as I answered their questions and played with them. Things came to an abrupt halt when a couple of mares dove in and grabbed their kids.

“GET AWAY FROM HER! SHE’S A DAY PONY!” They flew away before Cadance she could retort. She gave Lance a cold look for a second before checking the remaining kids. They looked uncertain.

“Maybe we should go.” One kid said and many nodded. One filly looked at me and asked.

“Will we see you again?”

“I would like to.” I answered giving her a small smile. She came over and hugged me before leaving as the group dispersed. I started to head back to the castle. I heard Lance by my side.

“I’m sorry about how those mothers reactions. Lance said.

“You’re not responsible but it is ironic. Treated this way by the very group persecuted because they look different. They strive to be treated the same as others, but give it a few centuries or even a few decades and the persecuted become the persecutors. Thus the cycle begins.” With that we walked back to the castle in silence.