• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 9,640 Views, 104 Comments

Rarity's Fantasy - FlimFlamBros.

Rarity keeps having dreams about a certain purple dragon, and they're driving her mad, but she loves them...

  • ...

Final Fantasy

It was a beautiful day in the magical Sunshine Meadows, where flowers bloomed into an array of colours, the bees hummed and bounced in the air, and all the little critters were cute with big, beady, eyes. The grass was green and crisp, blowing gently in the spring breeze, and in the center of this magical location was a small gathering.

“Dearest ponies, we hath all gathered here today…” Luna started. She was standing underneath a flowery arch adorned in purple and white flowers. The princess of the night was wearing a royal black suit, and was slowly reading old scriptures from a tomb. She peered up from time to time to see if everypony was still paying attention… and would give a stern cough if somepony was caught drifting before returning to her minister duties. After all, two ponies were counting on her this fine day.

Rarity and Spike stood hand in hand, staring lovingly into one another’s eyes. She wearing a beautiful white dress she could only imagine, and he a slick black suit with an adorable jewelled, bowtie. The mare, to be honest, wasn’t really paying attention to Luna, she was too busy dreaming up the rest of her life with the dragon. Starting with the honeymoon…

Spike was also deep in thought, wondering how he had gotten so lucky to end up with such a knock-out beauty like Rarity. He told himself once, and he’d say it a thousand more times: He really must be dreaming.

The two would glance over to their guests, all of their friends of course, Rarity’s parents and family, as well as several other ponies to fill the seats. Twilight kept pointing at Spike to look at Rarity and to stay focus, while Rainbow was trying to keep her eyes open. It wasn’t so much that she was tired or not happy for her friends. She was just… bored. Pinkie for some reason kept waving at them, perhaps thinking that there was a possibility they wouldn’t see her in the front row. Fluttershy and Applejack were the only attendance that were acting… well, normal.

Rarity’s mother couldn’t stop cry, while her father’s frown was burrowed deep as he tried his best to keep from sprouting into tears of joy as well.

“… and do you, Spike the Dragon, take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Luna asked, smiling to the drake. The dragon nodded. “And do you Rarity…” The princess stopped, looking a little confused. “Do you even have a last name?”

The white mare looked unamused. “Does it really matter right now? We’re in the middle of a wedding. MY wedding.” She gave the princess an irritated glare, something that only a bride on her wedding could do without getting a fistful of dark magical energy, or a banishment to some terrible location.

“Right, right, there is no need to get mad with us,” Luna nodded, only mildly threatened by the unicorn’s glare. “Now where was I? Ah yes… do you—”


There was a terrible roar booming from beyond the green mountains, and from the darkness of the blacken skies, a terrifying monster emerged. It was at least three stories tall, with fangs and spikey spines that were oozing a strange red and black liquid. It stared at them with all fourteen of their eyes, snarling a wicked hiss though its beak, and stomped towards them.

The guests all looked terrified, almost instantaneously going into a scared frenzy. Luna’s palm slammed against her face, slowly dragging down the side. She gave a loud sigh. “By the glory of the night…” She glared at Rainbow Dash, the only pony who wasn’t freaking out. “Rainbow Dash! We thought we already had this conversation? Stop dreaming up these damnable monsters!”

Rainbow blinked a few times, waking up. “What’s that?” She noticed that there was a giant monster rampaging in the valley. “Oh cool! I was just thinking on one of those things! It was from this movie I caught before… oh balls.” The Pegasus looked guilty, realizing what she had done. Within a few seconds, the monster popped out of existence. “My bad.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity growled, her rage more scary than that monster the blue mare had dreamt up. “If you ruin this for me so help me—I mean you’re the only reason we’re doing this rehearsal in a dream is because YOU had better things to do during the day!”

“Yes, and at the actual wedding she won’t be able to do this,” Spike smiled, trying to calm his fiancé down.

Rarity took a few big breaths, finally letting herself calm down. It was, after all, just the rehearsal. “Just try not to fall asleep again…” she muttered, still not understanding how that girl could fall asleep in a dream. But nevertheless, all the ponies were slowly starting to calm down. Everypony was just about to get back to their seats, when all of a sudden…

It started raining cookies.

“Pinkie!” Everypony shouted, leering into the pink pony who was snatching up a falling snickerdoodle.

“What?” She said with a mouthful of cookie. “I’m hungry.”

“YOU’RE IN A DREAM!” Rarity exploded… and she literally did. With her shocks of anger, several, powerful mushroom clouds erupted in the background. She threw her hand up into the air. “Ugh, I knew this was a terrible idea.”

“That’s what we told you,” Luna mumbled. “The power of the conscious mind is the very power of god.”

“Power of god, eh?” Rarity thought to herself… a devilish idea forming in her mind. “Well then, since it’s getting obvious that our friends can’t seem to focus…” she looked to Fluttershy, who surprisingly was being courted by four VERY muscular and half-naked stallions she had dreamt up. “… Huh?” She shook her head, not wanting to lose focus herself. “Attention!” she shouted, getting everypony’s attention. “I do appreciate all of you for taking the time out of your dreams to come to my dream wedding, and I do look forward to seeing you all in the waking world, but for now… I think me and my fiancé would like to be alone.”

And just like that, they all disappeared. Out of sight and back to their own heads.

It was just her and her dragon. “I’m terribly sorry about that fiasco,” she apologized. “In my head I saw that going better.”

“I say it went better than expected,” Spike grinned. “To be honest, I didn’t think we’d make it past ‘we are gathered here’.”

The unicorn laughed. “Well, we still have a few more hours before we need to wake up,” she spread her arms out, her white wedding gown slowly sparkling away into a skimpy white toga. “I’ve been daydreaming about this fantasy…”

“Oh, I think I know how this one goes…” Spike grinned, his tuxedo disappearing into a suit of bronze and red armour. Their surroundings turned into that of old Grease, with tall pillars of marble rooking them, as they looked onwards to a view of a shimmering bronze city.

“Oh Spike,” Rarity cooed, playfully falling into the dragon’s arms. “You were so brave today, rescuing me from that terrible hydra. If there was only some way for me to reward you for your efforts?” She grabbed the loose sleeve of her robe, letting the sleeve slink off her shoulder and down her arm. “Now, let’s take off all that armour…”

“And get lost in the dream.”

Author's Note:

And that's it!
To be honest, this story was supposed to end last chapter, but you guys loved it so much I decided to quickly pump out a little something extra. Cause you're awesome like that.

But alas... it is now over. I really hope you enjoyed it and as always, thank you for reading.

Comments ( 21 )

Rarity’s mother couldn’t stop cry,


Otherwise, a perfect chapter to end a perfect story! Can't wait to see more by you.

Awwww! Im sad the story ended:raritydespair: But it was really good! And maybe ,just maybe there could be a sequel?? HINT HINT

The princess of the night was wearing a royal black suit, and was slowly reading old scriptures from a tomb.

So thought this was a funeral at first. Tome perhaps?

Only Rainbow can fall asleep in a dream :rainbowwild:
Still the Sparity Master, I see. I hope there's a few more of these stories to come.

Bravo bravo !:pinkiehappy: Snickerdoodles for everyone !

Well... I did say there'd be an Olympian fantasy yet, lol. Oh, Shy. Cookie rain sounds good though.

Excellent work as always mate.

That was awesome. Thanks for that story.

Good stuff. But you might want to change it to complete. :twilightsmile:

Was I the only one thinking of the Final Fantasy video game series when I saw the chapter title?

Beeeooootiful! I love this! Alas, all good things must come to an end... I guess...
Thank you for the wonderful story. :twilightsmile:

Well that makes me want more, but I love how you left it hanging there. I hope to see more like this someday.:twilightsmile:

PLEASE. make a frigging sequel :duck:

this story is mint

I enjoyed this one, it was fun.

Indeed, trying to have control in a dream, especially when there are other dreamers.... nope. Not happening :rainbowlaugh:
At least they both got what they wanted in the end!

Final Fantasy

so what its another dream?

It was a beautiful day in the magical Sunshine Meadows, where flowers bloomed into an array of colours, the bees hummed and bounced in the air, and all the little critters were cute with big, beady, eyes. The grass was green and crisp, blowing gently in the spring breeze, and in the center of this magical location (okay its definatly a...) was a small gathering.

“Dearest ponies, we hath all gathered here today (oh my god):pinkiegasp:

Loved it! I really like when authors write Rara like a lusty slut! Great job, I don't know how could you make a sequel for this, but even if it's not a direct sequel, I'd absolutely read another Sparity-fic from you!

Also...I can feed on this!

I loved this story except the part of big mac and cherlee but that's only because I like big Macintosh so its for a selfish reason heh, all and all great story.

Come on... couldn't you write ONE more... maybe about the actually wedding.... and the honeymoon... and go into more detail... I would mind an "M" rating.... pwease? *puppy dog eyes*

5772191 lol... "At least they both got what they wanted in the end" I'm sure SHE did, but I didn't know Spike was into that.

Lol. Proper punctuation is important.

6239352 New synapses dude!

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