• Published 14th Mar 2015
  • 1,920 Views, 7 Comments

Concert - femikol

Twilight knows of Rainbow's burning passion for the violin but what will her friends think?

  • ...


Author's Note:

Special thanks to Bronzedragon for the idea for concert! I do not own any of the characters. Except for Mrs. Song who I created off the top of my head. If there is a Mrs. Song in the My Little Pony Series I had no idea. All music posted in the links are not mine. That credit goes to Lindsey Stirling. I'm sorry if this sequal to Melody came off WAY worse than Melody did. I'll tear this down and rewrite it if need be. I appreciate any and all critisizm you happen to throw my way. I hope you enjoy this sequal to Melody! :applejackunsure:

It was an average weekend for Rainbow Dash. She had just finished her midday flight around the Everfree when she heard somepony call her name.

"Ms. Dash! Ms. Dash!!"

Who could that be? Rainbow thought to herself as she got off her cloud and glided down to the mare who has been calling her name.

"Yes ma'am?" She asked trying to be as polite as possible.

Good afternoon Ms. Dash. My name is Mrs. Song, I work at the Ponyville Orphanage. I'm sorry for this being so abrupt but I need your help."

"Wait... You need my help? What with and why me?

"We need your help with a fundraiser. You see the Ponyville Orphanage has suffered decreased adoption rates. A result of this is the inevitable loss of the orphanage. The reason why I ask you is because you are the most popular pony in Ponyville. Strategy, Ms. Dash."

Wow, what a weird mare. Rainbow thought. But I guess I'll help. It the right thing to do.

"Okay then. I'll help. What do you need help with?"

"You see, Ms. Dash we plan to leave all the fundraiser planning and preparations to you. Whatever you decide works for us."

"HEY!!! You can't just dump this on me!!!"

"Then I suggest try to find some friends to help you Ms. Dash. The orphanage would love to help but we have our hooves full, and we need the money by next week. Good day, Ms. Dash."

NEXT WEEK?!?! OH GOD I'M GONNA BE DEAD FOR SURE!!! Okay... Breathe Rainbow, breathe... Hmmm... How to go about this... Rainbow thought quietly to herself. I can predict Pinkie Pie's idea but who knows. Hmmm... I'll ask all my friends.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow called as she entered Sugarcube Corner.

"Hiya Dashie!" The ever energetic pink mare responded.

"Hi Pinkie. Can I talk to you for a few?"


And with that the pink mare jumped over the counter and all the way across to the entrance way and came to a halt just a silently as car tires screeching against pavement.

"So Pinkie? Can we talk outside?" Rainbow asked, feeling weary of all the eyes from the coustamers staring at her and Pinkie Pie.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie said as she bounced away.

"So Pinkie... I have an issue." Rainbow began.

"What with?" Asked Pinkie

"The Ponyville Orphanage asked me to create a fundraiser for them. I don't know what to do, and the deadline is in a week!

"Then I suggest a PARTY!!!" Pinkie said, yelling in the last word.

"I don't know, Pinkie... Everypony loves your parties but... Mabye not this time?"

"Oh... Okay then." Pinkie's face fell.

"Well I just want to use it as a last resort. Okay Pinkie?"

"So it might happen?"

"Yes, Pinkie."

"YES!!! Well I'm gonna go back to Sugarcube Corner. Bye Dashie!"

... Woah. Dash thought as Pinkie seemed to vanish into thin air.

Rarity had just finished a pitch black dress and was admiring her work. She planned to accessorize it when Rainbow Dash came charging through the door.

"Rainbow! What are you doing here?!" Rarity half asked half yelled to Rainbow.

"I'm in trouble, Rarity... Not in BIG trouble." She said catching the eye of the snowy white unicorn. I just need some ideas.

"Ideas? What for?" Rarity asked obviously perplexed.

"The Ponyville Orphanage might go bankrupt so they tasked me with preparing everything! I don't know what to do first!" Rainbow squeaked.

"Slow down dear. I heard you but you really must slow down from time to time."

"Well? What should I do? Pinkie Pie said throw a party but we both know why that can't happen!"

"Yes dear, yes. Well I would suggest a gathering."

"That might work... Say... Thanks Rarity! An idea just formed in my head! I'll go get Twilight's opinion on it!


Well, that's the last of them. A thoroughly exhausted Twilight Sparkle had been giving the basement of Golden Oaks Library a MASSIVE cleaning when she heard a knock at the door.

"Hold on for a minute! I'll be right there!" She called from behind the glorious hill of boxes.

"Rainbow?" Twilight asked as she opened the door.

"Hi Twilight." Rainbow Dash mumbled to her friend. It looked like she was nervous.

"What is is Rainbow?"

"I'm kind of in a pinch."

"What is it?"

"You know about the Ponyville Orphanage, right?"

Twilight raised one eyebrow and gave Rainbow the 'How could I not?' expression.

"Okay, I get it, jeez." Rainbow said suppressing a chuckle. "Well they just asked me to host a fundraiser in any way I see fit. I... Kind of... Need... Your help."

"Hmmm... Who did you ask before me?"

"Huh? Oh! Pinkie Pie and Rarity."

"Pinkie suggested a party?"

"Need I state the obvious?"

"No. What did Rarity suggest?"

"A gathering. But I want to make an adjustment to it but I don't know what."

"Waiiit..." Twilight said, scratching her muzzle, " Remember that piece you played for me when my mother... Departed?" Twilight had looked away, and Rainbow saw a single tear fall to the floor. The death of Twilight Velvet, Twilight Sparkle's mother had shaken them all. Even though they had never met Twilight's mom they had heard good things about her from a saddened and confused Twilight and a distressed and angry Shining Armour.

"Twilight.. Don't remind yourself of it."

"Sorry, Rainbow." Twilight shook her head. "But as I was saying remember the piece you played for me?


"Well Mabye you could do something similar? A concert, mabye! Then have a little thing of refreshments and a donation jar for the Orphanage!"

"That sounds great, but..."

"What is it, Rainbow?"

"How will the others react? To me playing the violin I mean."

"Oh,Rainbow." Twilight said, patting rainbow on the back, "They might be a bit shocked at first but they will support you."

"I hope so, Twilight. I hope so." Rainbow said while turning around. "Well now I have to visit Rarity for the dresses for the concert.... Oh, Celestia... This won't end well."

Twilight laughed as Rainbow exited the Library.

It had been five days since Mrs. Song had asked Rainbow for help, five days for preparing the hardly used concert hall that was conviently in the Ponyville Orphanage.

"Where is Rainbow? If she doesn't come soon she will be late!" Stated a scowling Rarity as she looked around for Rainbow with a suspicious expression in her face.

"Ah have ta agree with Rarity on this one." Applejack chimed in, as she scanned the skies. "SHE was tha one who put this here fundraiser tagether. Is seems unfair tha she doesn't show up fer tha concert!"

"Actually, from what I heard she said she would be there early." Twilight said in a vain attempt to keep Rarity's and Applejack's tempers under control."

"Rainbow Dash? Early? Ha! I'll believe THAT when I see it!" Scoffed Rarity.


"I'm sorry Twilight, dear but Rainbow does not strike me as the pony who gets to places early, IF you don't count Wonderbolt performances."

"You know what?... Whatever, we're here." Twilight snapped as they arrived. "Pay the three bits to get in, guys." She said as she took out three bits from her purse.

"Fine... But I will make it clear I would only do this for my friends. I DON'T like having to pay three bits to get into a rock and roll... Thing!" Rarity stated.

Twilight snickered. Oh, Rarity... If only you had an idea on how wrong you were. Rainbow had Twilight promise to not tell anypony else of how Rainbow played the violin. Nor how she is a musician.

"You see?! SHE'S NOT HERE!!!" Rarity screamed albeit a hushed one.

"Yeah... Looks like I was mistaken..." Twilight played along. "And look! It's starting!" For somepony had trotted over to the podium and as the lights came on her cyan coat and face was shown.

"Rainbow?! What's she doing over there?!" Rarity whispered loud enough for the other four to hear her. "And look! She is wearing a black dress! Is she the MC do you think?"

"Mabye..." Replied a quiet Fluttershy.

"Thank you all for being here today." Rainbow Dash spoke through the microphone. As you might know this concert is a fundraiser to help the Ponyville Orphanage. After the performance there will be refreshments thanks to the courtesy of Sugarcube Corner. There will also be a donation jar for the Orphanage. The three bits entry fee will be going to the Ponyville Orphanage as well. Now the first piece to be preformed is called 'Elements' by Lindsey Stirling." And with that Rainbow walked over to her seat and picked up...

"A VIOLIN?!?!" Came the hushed shrieks of Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity.

"Yes! Rainbow plays the violin! Now shush!" Hissed Twilight.

"What kind of rock and roll can you play on a violin?" Rarity inquired to no one.

"None! Now zip it!"

Then Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch began to play Elements.

As the song went on Rarity's, Applejack's, Pinkie Pie's, and Fluttershy's jaws had hit the floor. The speed and grace that Rainbow had shown on the violin had blown them away. Twilight still had a hard time getting used to Rainbow's skill with the violin.

When the song ended there was a HUMONGOUS amount of applause.

"Thank you, thank you." Rainbow Dash held out a hoof to calm the crowd. "I wanted to explain the next piece. It has singing and is noticeably more energetic than Elements. This next piece is called 'Shatter Me'. Also by Lindsey Stirling. I hope you like it just as much or even more so that Elements." And with that Rainbow and Vinyl began to play Shatter Me.

By the end of the song Even Twilight was staring at Rainbow with her jaw dragging on the ground. Okay. Rainbow is a good violin player but near the end of the song she started playing TWO VIOLINS AT ONCE?!

"I... Never... Knew... TWO violins?!" Rarity struggled to say.

"I know... It's amazing." The other four stated.

As Rainbow was packing up her violin she saw her friends come galloping towards her.

"WOW!!! HowareyousogoodRainbow?! ThatwasthemostamazingthingIhaveseenEVER!!! WENEEDTOTHROWAPARTY!!!" Pinkie Pie motor mouthed at record speed.

"Rainbow... I never knew you liked that music. And you're so GOOD at it!!!" Rarity miracously managed to say without that many pauses.

"Heh, heh... Thanks, Rarity." Rainbow replied with a smile.

"Rainbow... I know you are good at the violin but you can play TWO at once?! That's amazing!!!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Ah never knew ya loved the violin so much! Why did ya never tell us?" Applejack asked.

"Well... I never saw any reason to." Rainbow replied.

"Well I'm going to go to the refreshments table now!!!" Said Pinkie Pie who was (of course) twenty feet high in the air when she said that.

"Rainbow... Do you know any really soft tunes?" Asked a very impressed Fluttershy.

"Yeah. I sure do. I'll play one some time. Vinyl finds songs made by famous ponies and records them for me and I edit the violin part out." Rainbow said with a grin.

"Wow..." Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy said.

"Well Ah think we need ta keep Pinkie in check." Applejack suggested.

"Yeah." Came the other replies.

Before they went through the door Rainbow said to Twilight, "You know... It's weird. My secret that I tried to keep so long is out yet I feel better than ever."

"I'd imagine." Twilight replied with a smile. "You can now just be yourself whenever others are around."

Rainbow stared at Twilight for a second, then smiled. "Yeah... That sounds great."

Twilight looked at Rainbow, Rinbow looked at Twilight. Even if it was for a second a spark of something... That felt more that friendship passed between the two.

"Well let's see how much damage Pinkie has felt to the cupcakes." Twilight suggested.

"Haha! Sure!" Rainbow laughed as she opened the door.

Comments ( 7 )

Yet another truly awe Inspiring story

5737378 You're welcome,. :twilightsmile:

Now that was a good way to make a fund raiser for the orphanage. Great sequel.

5751679 Heh, thanks! ^_^ But like I stated in the authors note. All credit for the idea goes to Bronzedragon.

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