• Published 11th Nov 2011
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The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments - Wanderer D

Sweetie Belle must find Twilight by travelling through different Fanfic worlds...

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Summary That Never Was: Harpflank and Sweets

Author's Note:

Arcainum and I messed around online a lot and we both had plenty of fun with wacky characters and stories, so when I absolutely adored Harpflank and Sweets, it was a natural choice to recruit him into my fic of doom Sweetie Chronicles planned visits.

This was so canonically intended, it is actually referenced in the fic: WD: The HiE Experiment in the "Unicorn" chapter.

The justice has been doubled! Though the world has been saved from Nightmare Moon, Metropony remains under threat. With the Empire gone, a new wave of super-criminals has emerged to fill the vacuum of power! How will the bastion of Harmony fare in an increasingly Chaotic world?! New friends, new enemies, and new adventures await those stalwart heroes named...



Pieces of concrete and glass flew around the zone of impact on one of the many skyscrapers of Metropony City, propelled by flames and followed by black smoke.

Below, the citizens cried out in shock and horror, stampeding in different directions, trying to find a safe place to hide as yet another explosion followed by another blasted the skyline of their city.

In their panic, stalls vending fruits and vegetables were utterly destroyed, bursting also into flames and adding more fuel to the increasingly chaotic situation.

Those ponies that were brave enough to gaze towards where the attacks came from, stammered and collapsed, babbling in incomprehension at the huge, cone-like metallic structure that slowly approached them. A flash of light on its surface would be followed by an explosion on one of the buildings, raining down a cloud of dust and debris on the streets below.

It was then that—with the collective sound of a brass ensemble—three strangely shaped airships of some kind; one orange, one red and one pink, roared past the city, their passing shaking the glass on buildings to the point where it would have cracked had it not been destroyed by the previous explosions.

The ships performed a sudden ninety-degree turn, speeding upwards into the air as they wove around each other.

From the red-colored ship a voice emanated, “Ready?! Fusion!”


Author's Note:

I think that this is one of the stories that I was REALLY looking forward to write, but we never got around to it, which really sucks. Harpflank and Sweets is one hell of a fun story, and Aranium and I had an entire outline ready, as you'll see below. The above part was the scene we had written for the opening, which we also never finished getting around to either.

I'm not messing around with it. This is how we planned this crossover would go, back in May of 2014.

Our story commences with a sudden attack on Metropony City! A mechanical fortress has suddenly appeared, crushing its way towards the last bastion of Harmony in the land! (Or THE Bastion if it's not the last). Before HarpFlank and Sweets can actually start fighting it, a giant Mecha emerges from an unknown location (let's pull a Mazinger Z- it emerges from the lake right next to Sweet Apple Acres; it splits in half and opens up as the Mecha is slowly elevated from its secret location)

It is the Cutie Mark Crusaders Mecha-Pilots (yay!) (Also, insert a scene with local Rarity preparing a Pineapple Pie for Sweetie, since she loves it- yay for Macross and... sad for Roy... might be a bit obscure for some readers but hell, if they missed out on the original Macross they missed out in a centerpiece of life.)

Flying a robot that can split into three pieces, they challenge the fortress into battle, firing and dodging clouds of missiles (a la Macross) and get into a fight with another Giant Robot, the THE MANTICRONE, piloted by Silver Spoon. The battle is fierce, but the distraction provides HarpFlank and Sweets a chance to try and get into the ship. However, they an unable to do so since the fortress seems to be impenetrable, and the only area of access seems to be the hatch from where Silver Spoon's Mecha launches.

They, along with the rest of M.A.R.E., End up watching the battle, trying to devise a plan.
In the meantime, the Crusaders are having a tough fight against Silver Spoon. Her Mecha seems to have capabilities beyond the ones they had planned for and in a particularly vicious attack, just after dodging some missiles, bursts through their defense, the THE MANTICRONE scorpion tail, pierces the CMC's armor, embedding itself in Sweetie! (Cue, Pineapple Pie falls to the floor and splatters)

However, that is the point where TSC Sweetie enters the world. Her Changeling powers keep her alive despite the fact that she should be dead. (Hopefully the tail is not made out of iron). This lets her hear the shouts from the other Crusaders to hit the Awesome Button, which dunks her with Chemical-X and sends her into a singing frenzy of Totsugeki Love Heart (which we'll link) this allows her to pull away and in a very Basara Nekki-eske move, destroy a whole lot of stuff with the power of Rock.

The fight turns around as the Crusader Mecha slowly tears itself apart while kicking ass. However, as they are about to give Silver Spoon's robot the last punch of awesomeness, a total systems failure forces them to crash land next to Harpflank and Sweets.

The two heroes quickly fish out the Crusaders from the burning wreckage. When the two teams (sans Sweetie-Belle) recognize each other, we have a “you!” moment.

The Fortress is temporarily stopped by a forcefield courtesy of M.A.R.E. (can we make a reference to Shining Armor?) but they have limited time to come up with a plan.

The Crusaders huddle up for a little planning session, where they discuss their options. Sweetie asks them to let her talk to Harpflank and Sweets. When she gets close enough to them, she recognizes who they really are and asks them if they are dressed up for Nightmare Night.

Bon-Bon immediately questions Sweetie on how she knows their names, which prompts Sweetie to just tell everypony she is a Sweetie Belle from another dimension. The fact that they all take it in stride makes it all the more surreal for her.

The group meets up with Vinyl and Octavia, which in turn causes Sweetie to insist on spending time with them.

The fortress keeps on firing at the shield while the group has an emergency meeting where it is revealed that it is Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon behind the attack. The group devises a plan to infiltrate the fortress: Apple Bloom and Scootaloo will pilot their mecha with the aid of add-ons piloted by Vinyl and Octavia. They will fight their way to the fortress’ hangar and deposit a pod containing Sweetie, Harpflank and Sweets into the Fortress.

The group departs, but Rarity catches sight of Sweetie Belle and stands confused for a moment before deciding to go to the communications center to find out what’s happening.

The battle is intense, but the Crusaders, Vinyl and Octavia manage to punch through the hangar doors and leave the pod inside. They continue their fight and while Vinyl tries to hack into the other mecha, eventually opening a video channel showing an older Silver Spoon, allowing her to tell them how she was stung by a radioactive Manticore and developed powers and how she’s going to die because she’s getting older and such.

In the meantime, the infiltration team is making their way to the control room when they are attacked by metal manticores! They fight their way forward, facing increasing odds in the form of different robots. Eventually they reach a really strong Robot, but with time running short, Sweets insists that they go ahead and let her fight it. A second Robot eventually appears and Harpflank stays behind to fight it. Sweetie carries on, pushed ahead by the words of Lyra and Bon-Bon until she fights her own robot boss. After the battle, the pony in charge of the fortress makes her appearance: Diamond Tiara.

Emulating magic with nano-technology, she battles with the tired Sweetie Belle until she defeats her. As Diamond Tiara is about to deliver the final blow to Sweetie, and the Crusader regrets the fact that she doesn’t believe she will survive this, much less any more worlds, Rarity manages to patch a transmission to her: “Sweetie, I don't care if you don't believe in yourself right now! For now... just... believe in me, who believes in you!"

Fueled by Rarity’s words, which somehow have a stronger effect on her than they probably should, Sweetie jumps back into battle, using her magic and changeling powers to slowly start overwhelming Diamond Tiara.

Harpflank and Sweets suddenly burst into the room, adding their power to Sweetie’s and managing to completely defeat Diamond Tiara. Sweetie notices that the control room contains Twilight’s shard as the power source for the fortress and retrieves it. This causes the fortress to activate a self-destruct protocol.

As the fortress starts to explode, the CMCs, Vinyl and Octavia manage to destroy Silver Spoon’s mecha. Silver Spoon bursts out of the wreckage, sporting bat-wings and a scorpion-tail, then crashes through the outer hull of the fortress to save Diamond Tiara.

She picks up her friend and flies out, leaving the heroes behind to die a fiery death... until, of course, the giant mecha piloted by their allies bursts through and picks them up. Cradling their friends in their giant hands, they pilot away as fast as they can... the fortress explodes with the shockwave hitting our heroes’ mecha just as they were about to make it.

Cut to scene: the group slowly crawls out of the remains of the giant robot, wondering at the fact that they are still alive. A vehicle makes its way out of the city, Derpy and Rarity quickly come out to check on their friends/family. After a short talk about what she’s learned, Sweetie uses the shard to transfer into another world, leaving behind a really confused Sweetie Belle who is terrified that her older sister knows she’s a Crusader.

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