• Member Since 13th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago



It is recommended you read this story in one of the Dark formats in order to better distinguish the colored text of the 'other voices'.

Hey folks! Name's Deadpool!
I thought that was all of us?
It is. He's just introducing us as a single entity.
Will you two idiots be quiet? I'm trying to talk to the readers! Anyway, I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for this story ever since it was announced, and here it is! And it's going to have everything you'd expect of such a story!
Adorable father-daughter bonding moments.
Total babes!
Awkward hilarity.
Not to mention me, Deadpool, the merc with-
Daddy, who are you talking to?
Oh hey Chryssi! Just telling the readers about-
Are you breaking the fourth wall again? I thought you were going to teach me how to do that today.
That's what I'm doing! Say hi to the readers, Chryssi!
You will all love me and despair as I feed upon your adoration to become an unstoppable god!
That's my girl! Hey, wanna read the story with me?
I brought popcorn and chimichangas.
*sniffle* You're the best thing to ever happen to me, Chryssi!

Hey look! We've got cover art now!
Aww, you were so cute at that age!
And I'm not cute now?
Now you're sexy!
We should thank Sanyo21 for the image.
Then I guess I'll throw up a link! Nnnghha! http://www.fimfiction.net/user/sanyo21
...did you really have to literally throw it?
Oh, and for those who don't know yet, this story is part of the PWNY-verse. It's not all about us - even if it should be - but you'll probably enjoy it to-Oh, stop making me a shill already!

Oh, by the way, it's recommended you read this story in Dark or Ultra Dark. Some of the colored text doesn't show up clearly otherwise. Not necessary, but just a suggestion.

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 2644 )

So this is a thing I didn't know I needed in my life.
Be careful with Deadpool though; the Merc with the Mouth is a lot more difficult to write well than it looks.
Real, zany craziness like his is a motherfucking artform. (Hear that, Deadpool? You're an artist!)

Will this be based on the video game of Deadpool or just him in general?

On one hand Deadpool...
On the other, it IS one of Tatsurou's storys.
Added to the read later list.

He has a MOTH?? Ummmm title might need a vowel somewhere :twilightsheepish:

you think you can make one with the CMC being raised by someone separately? i have a few ideas on parents, but i don't know if you know much about the source material.

*Returns to life* About time, I thought I was done for, oh come on! *Points gun at head again*

Someone give me a VERY good reason not to pull this trigger.

I would be surprised that this wasn't your first choice for Pinkie :pinkiehappy:...
Until you think about it and realize the story wouldn't last very long (and not in length, just existence period) if the two of them were in the same place :pinkiecrazy: :rainbowlaugh:

Either way, Yay Deadpool, Yay Chryssi, Yay Ponies :derpytongue2:

<3 Ya Tats :twilightsmile:

Deadpool in general, but mostly his characterization in the video game.
'Moth' referring to Chrysalis, since Changelings are insectoid. It's a play on words.
Because Deadpool has stolen your gun and added it to his collection?

Awww... This is adorable :pinkiehappy:


Gotcha..... I retract my former comment. I'm slow on the uptake that way. :twilightsheepish:


Well at least Deadpool isn´t reading the comment section in here , i think were safe eh eh eh *relaxes*

I have only read the description and already love the story

Yup the description alone already won my attention

5936334 good enough. *Sits down to recover from the return to life*

MWHAHAHAHA! The awesome of deadpool and the cuteness of chrissy shall prevail!

Are you going to put them in my little pwny?

When will chrysalis get her first gun?

When will Chrysalis read her first Transmetropolitan comic book?


Funny. And adorable. I don't even know who deadpool is but this is everything I want in a story.

Sold, sold, sold, so fucking sold.

If it were more automated and you didn't need a place to host them, I'd suggest doing his boxes like I did for this story (they start in chapter 3), but I'm not going to suggest it for the reasons I just detailed.

5936361 thought you were talking about Fluffy, the Bringer of Darkness.

5936439 you fool you've tempted him! Repent for all hope is lost! Save the chimichangas and Blow!!!!!!! *dives out a window*

And here I was wondering how you were going to top Trixie/Sam and Max. You have my full attention and likes!

Another one for the history books.

Who the hack is going to raise Sombra? DEATHSTROKE? Lex Luthor? Doomsday?
GAAAAaaaah, just take the like.

Why Crissy? Why not Deadpool and Pinkie?

5936574 Blasphemy! From Wiki with Love He's an insane mercenary that does 4th wall breaks, will shoot down to kill a guy in another panel, and can recover from the most horrific of injuries. He's OP as hell, but funny about it.

5937059 Because he already did a Pinkie story with Kratos

Do you know what would be cool? Chrysalis absorbs so much love energy she's about as powerful as Deadpool.


I think they are in the Megus XLR fic.

I have a plan for Luna (ish), and an idea I'm bouncing back and forth on for Celestia, but none for Cadence.

Good old DeadPool breaking the 4th wall

Because I don't have a good enough handle on her character - who she is when she isn't being a Princess - to match her with a parental figure who would both develop her and be developed by interaction with her.

Oh, I can tell this is gonna be so fun! Will Chrysalis be involved in the Deadpool game?

While I'm not gonna complain about a D-Pooly fic on here, I'm a bit surprised you didn't put up a Star Wars crossover for May the Fourth.

Forget what I just wrote!
I just remembered I'm nearly a day ahead of you, here in Aus, AS I posted it.

Hi guys! Great to have you here, special thanks to 5936439 for making this all possible!

5936259 I know. Aren't we fabulous?

5936574 what... WHAT!?
There are lots of people that don't know us, like the millions of children in Africa without TV, video games, comics...
'Scuse me a sec while I deliver happiness to Africa

5937059 Because the author said so...

5936334 hope you don't mind.
But there's nothing you can do to stop me, so why bother.
He could report us.
Please no, i like it here
Shush! Stop giving him ideas.

What does Star Wars and 5/4 have to do with each other, anyway?

5937304 Ideas for the 3:
-Celestia with Superman (as both seem to get a lot of energy from the sun,both act as guardians to their cities, and are probably the most powerful beings in their world.)
-Cadence with Link & Zelda in the "Skyward Sword" (can show Cadence being the ride Link uses to rescue Zelda with and, since Cadence is the princess of Love, empowers link with love to beat Ganon to rescue Zelda)
-Luna with Shepard in the Mass Effect Trilogy (Space, stars, planets with moons, Luna can act as Shepard's second in command and act a bit as his morale compass from time-to-time, while learning some harsh lessons about life, even in the iconic future)

And some Extras:
-Daring Do with Indiana Jones, Nathan Drake or Lara Croft (Adventures, puzzles, and treasure)
-Shining Armor with Gears of War crew (Soldiers and can help brighten Dom a bit after his wife dies from the Locusts.
-Discord with Q from Star Trek (Chaos with chaos = MORE CHAOS!!!)
-Sombra with Sinestro (Both use fear and rule their lands with an iron fist... or hoof.)
-Tirek with Shao Kahn (Do I really need to say?)

My plans so far are...

Nightmare Moon (also Luna) with Wreck it Ralph (title is "There's Nopony I'd Rather Be Than Me")
Celestia with Jean Luc Picard (working title "Where Nopony Has Gone Before")
And CMC with Uncle Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures, working title "Three More Things")

Skyward Sword does not give me enough material to work with as far as character interaction and development over time.
Haven't played Mass Effect, and it's not to my tastes.
Daring Do basically is Indiana Jones, so doesn't work there.
Haven't played Gears of War, and the games aren't to my tastes.
I'm not doing Star Trek twice.
Sinestro is either Marvel or DC, I'm not sure which, but I've used both already and would rather not again (Deadpool is an exception, since I consider him a continuity to himself).
I won't be doing a Tirek for Spoiler reasons.

Be careful you don't fall into the common modern iteration where he's not even a fucking character and more of a meme-spouting plot device.

5937404 Dear god... Can I have your autograph!

5937444 So, are you going to do a Discord is Q then! Be a good way for Q/Discord to make it up to her.

5937444 what about Sombra? it would be awesome to see him being raised by somebody like say... Bowser.

not to mentionyou'd already have one little scene premade involving a certain Chain Chomp being replaced by an ash filled oven.

One, Sombra has no character, so nothing to work with.

Two, that's not where Chompy came from.

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