• Published 22nd May 2015
  • 7,575 Views, 1,562 Comments

It's OK to Be a Pony - David Silver

Lyra Heartstrings, transformation specialist and social worker for those who believe they were not born ponies. These are her therapy sessions, both in group and in private.

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60 - It's OK to be a Queen

Lyra ran her hooves together in slow and nervous motions. Her attempts to calm herself had been a complete failure. Her newest friend would be arriving, but this was not a normal client. This wasn't even Twilight-level clientele. Neigh, this couldn't be higher, and she doubted she could be more nervous.

She began counting to ten and back again as she set her hooves on the arms of her chair. She leaned back and closed her eyes and tried to filter out all of the world. Despite titles and position, she was still a pony, and she still needed a friend, and that was exactly what Lyra was. "She's just another pony. Treat her like anypony else. That's what she wants, so that's what you should do, like anypony else..."

It wasn't the first time she had met Princess Celestia, but it was the first time in that specific capacity. She had answered questions, and tried to help with disasters, but as a friend and confidante? That was different. A soft rapping on the office door made her start. "Who is it?!"

"Is this a bad time?" asked Celestia in a gentle tone.

Lyra clenched her teeth a moment before she forced a smile and used her magic to throw open the door. "Oh, perish the thought. I'm so happy to see you."

Celestia slipped inside, ducking down to make it through the door sized for a normal pony. Twilight had to stoop just a tiny bit, but for Celestia it was a noticeable delay, but not one she was stopped by. "I'm so happy you had time in your busy schedule for me."

Was she being polite? How could she even dream of saying no to Princess Celestia? "Of course I do! Please, have a... seat." That was when she realized her couch was nowhere large enough for Celestia to sprawl out on and began to sweat new and nervous drops into her mint-green fur.

Celestia looked back to the door and her horn shone a soft light as it closed under the influence of her magic. "I've instructed my guards to wait outside for us. We won't be disturbed." She moved for that couch that seemed comically small for her majestic and huge form and settled on it much like Lyra was seated upright in her chair.

Lyra suddenly giggled. Never in a million years had she imagined Princess Celestia would be seated this peculiar way, right there, with her. "I hope the trip here wasn't too rough. I don't normally get guests all the way from Canterlot."

Celestia nodded in that serene way she had. "It was no trouble at all, Misses Heartstrings. My apologies for not being there at your wedding. I've been told it was an absolutely wonderful ceremony."

Lyra leaded forward as she bobbed her head. "We couldn't be happier. We're both so... so satisfied to have our love formalized. I, uh..." She glanced away, then back at Celestia. "You know about her other job, right?" Celestia nodded. "Oh good. We even got past that. I'm her official un-official deputy!"

Celestia smiled with that relaxing way she had, like a loving mother. "You love her deeply, and you're a good pony. I've seen you leap to action to put things right before."

Lyra suddenly raised a hoof. "Wait a moment. While that's true, we're here for you, Princess, not me."

Celestia perked an ear. "You can call me Celestia."

Lyra flushed in her cheeks. "If you prefer, Celestia..." She felt so dirty addressing the princess that casually. "What brings you to me? I'm sure there's something on your mind specifically?"

Celestia gave a slow nod, her eyes closing as she did so. "Imagine my surprise when Day Court was suddenly interrupted by visiting royalty. This royal alicorn burst from the doors, crashed through the line of supplicants, and threw herself at me. She confessed to every slight she could remember inflicting on me, real or imagined, and begged forgiveness, right there, in front of everyone."

Lyra paled as the story was unfolded. "S-she didn't?!"

Celestia smiled serenely. "She did. After I dismissed court, she stayed and apologized all over again, then swore to listen more and speak less, after which she immediately began asking me all manner of personal questions. Do you know how I felt?"

Lyra shivered with dread. "Embarrassed, mortified, furious?"

Celestia's wings unfurled and Lyra flinched back. The princess reached and gently brushed a hoof over Lyra's snout. "I felt relieved, and joyful. You returned a dear friend to me, one I never truly appreciated had left me. That little unicorn I raised had become a mare with her own life. She left me, as grown fillies must, and found a life for herself. She grew well and tall, she grew just and noble. She did everything right, and left me alone on my throne. It wasn't my place to miss her. But you returned her to me anyway." Her other hoof came in and cupped the other side of Lyra's snout, holding her steady. "I owe you a deep debt of gratitude."

Lyra smiled even as she shook like a leaf in a violent storm. Celestia's words were at once terrifying and thrilling, and made her heart thud painfully in her chest as she tried to fight through the shock back to sensibility. "I-it's a pleasure, Pr--Celestia. I was just being a friend, to her."

Celestia drew back, seated awkwardly on the couch in that human way that Lyra had mastered long ago. "You did a very good job of that. Perhaps you would have time to listen to one more princess then? I have a few things worth talking about, believe it or not. We are not immune to troubles, inside or out, just by being what we are."

Lyra tried to nod gently, but it turned into a violent bobbing. "Of course! Anything you tell me will not leave this room." That time, that one time, she truly meant it. Not even her beloved Bon Bon would hear of the words she shared with Celestia. Not even a pack of wild diamond do--

Celestia gently pat her on the shoulder. "Think of me as any other pony. I would like a friend. Will you be my friend?"

Lyra smiled brightly. "It would be an honor to be a friend for you, Celestia. Please, tell me about yourself. I know the public things, but that's just a mask, isn't it? Tell me about the real Celestia."

Celestia began to speak, and Lyra listened closely. She would not fail Celestia. She could not fail their ruler and kind princess-goddess. Celestia had worked so hard for so long, to provide friendship and support was the least any pony could do in return.

Author's Note:

You do one favor for a celebrity, ONE! Suddenly others are knocking on your door. Lyra is so nervouscited!

Comments ( 51 )

Poor Lyra... hehehe I'm loving this story more and more.

I'm slightly disappointed, because I was expecting this to br Chrysalis. Now THAT is a chapter I want to read. :pinkiehappy:

Still, these latest two chapters were a lot of fun, and I'm glad you returned to it. Even if it turns out to only be a brief return.

6420959 Just because it wasn't in this chapter doesn't mean never...

6420959 Lyra and Chrysalis kind of have a history, don't they?

Wow! Now THIS is getting interesting! Shame it ended before we could hear any juicy information though @.@

Still it's great to have another new chapter!! <3

Hopefully we'll see Luna join next ^_^

Not one, but two chapters of a story I hadn't expected to see. A lift to my spirits on the last day of my vacation. :pinkiehappy:
Thank you!

6421141 I do what I can, and what my muse tells me. It's quite a bully.

6421153 Lol, get him to bully mine. It's been asleep for two weeks and I'm starting to worry.:rainbowderp:

6421165 Oh god, my muse has a gender? This is getting confusing.

6421179 Well more of an a-gender if it convinced you to write two excellent chapters so quickly. :yay:

6421193 Oh man, now it's going to start demanding I respect its sexual liberties, and I'm not sure I can handle that.

6421200 Well if it wasn't at 'liberty' to say anything before now, it might not be the type of thing that needs 'handling'. But on the bright side, at least its not demanding you to reshelf its sexual libraries instead. That could be embarrassing. :rainbowlaugh:

6421223 It already does that by making me write strange things. Haven't you seen my stories? Not all of them are innocent as driven snow.

6421255 Ugh, I've only driven snow once. It was cold and wet, and the clutch froze up. Also, the AC seemed to be stuck on high... and the brakes seemed nonexistent. Wasn't a fan of it... nope, not a fan...

Trust me. You're doing juuuuuust fine. :trollestia:

I vary vary good chapter truly touching.
harts Fire is just sitting here grinning like pinkie.:pinkiehappy:


It was pretty good overall.
Kind of meandered in places, but nice.

6421862 Meandering is the goal at times.


I do it for 5 months of the year and it only is bad when it is fresh. Otherwise it is just like a slick road, keep an eye out for the nuts who are on the phone and you can get up to freeway speeds with no problem!

Lyra smiled even as she shaked like a leaf

awkward chapter... :ajbemused:
can't wait for the next one! :rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy::raritystarry::twilightsmile::ajsmug::moustache:

6420968 Just need to have Luna show up for a session because her friend Abby the Abacus isn't on speaking terms with her. :pinkiecrazy:

Who is the Alicorn ?

this story is handing out favourites.

lucy is best ponyhuman

6565486 That is an epic adventure. You found it though!

6565804 I noticed that this one has been marked completed yet still gets new chapters on occasion. Might I ask why?

6618060 It's been a few months now, but the way the story is, it won't be harmed with a sudden session if I get the overwhelming mood to write one.

Suddenly Bon Bon walks in, sits down, stares at Lyra... "Well?"

Lyra adjusts her monocle. "Um... yes?"

"Therapy me."


Oh man, maybe I should write that...

6618085 Ah ok. That makes sense. I am adding this to my tracking shelf then.

6692088 :P

I thought it would be interesting to see a Nazi soldier brought into Equestria in a similar way :P

Just like that? It's over?
The least you could do is resolve everything with the bugbear attack and all.

6699947 The collabers were writing that scene.

6699974 Still, it wasn't resolved, and I honestly feel cheated by the story for never mentioning it again.

I actually enjoyed this a great deal, though it does seem like it ended rather abruptly.

Go for the gusto. Bring in Pinkie Pie as a client. :pinkiehappy:

well, it's been sitting in my Read Later since the earliest chapters, and I finally got around to reading it

it's now 1 in the morning because i was too busy reading this to sleep, so I guess it goes to Favorites now

this post is dumb and meaningless but did i mention it's 1 am? so you're getting it anyway because tired is my drunk

drunk is also my drunk but i'm not so that's meaningless

okay bye

6762469 I'm glad you enjoyed it, and happy holidays!

This story is cute :twilightsmile: Especially Lyra in a top hat! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Casual Potato deleted Jan 13th, 2016

6830420 She is in all but title.

6899070 Er... Are you sure you didn't forget to save the changes? No matter how I refresh the page, I keep seeing those mistakes. :(

6932019 Well, how can you work with a subjective opinion? You can't please everypony, remember. :)

6932089 All well and good, but you didn't state your subjective opinion. You said 'something in this chapter bothered me'. I can't work with that. What in the chapter? How did it bother you?

6932156 The sheer idea of a religious person trapped in an alternate reality. It's the very idea I try to omit in every story. If you want to know, yes, one small contemplation on afterlife or even mentioning a 'soul' in a pony fic will instantly turn me away from it. Religion is not a topic that belongs to MLP fanfiction.

Usually I just give a dislike and leave, but this story was a perfect candidate for my favourites. I just couldn't avoid expressing my emotions.


I imagine some moving to the griffin kingdom so they won't be seen as weirdos ironically.

7566113 I was implying in my statement that 'magic' as exists in mlp or Harry potter or such is not the witchcraft of the bible.

In short, I agree with you.

I was so sure this was going to be Chryssy showing up to make amends.

7689963 Chryssie could use a friend.

sheep's and ram's are in the same genus so i count them as the same....and i have not been able to watch anything past season 5 so of course i didn't know about the mention should have figured they were going to mention him sooner or later

Don't mind me, just wanting to lift what may be the most pressing comment up. :heart:

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