• Member Since 5th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th


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Rainbow Dash can't seem to think of an idea to stop Tank from hibernating so she turns to writing questionable song lyrics and bad fan fictions for inspiration.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 59 )

You should have done all of it in rhyme. That would've been cool...

:rainbowlaugh:BAHAHAHA! It's so good!

she turns to writing questionable song lyrics and bad fan fictions for inspiration.

Sounds like a typical Thursday to me.

Then Rainbow Dash said, "Yippee!" And with her pet Tank,
Had a musical number about her great prank.

That they did, that they did.

Sooo... I still have no idea what I just read, but I liked it. Not sure why, though.

Happy Hearths Warming Eve, everypony! :rainbowwild:

That title is indicative of the grinch

This is fantastic :3.

6007511 I am happy that you liked it. Thank you for the favorite. XD

6007558 That might be something to try in an edit. ^-^

6007934 why wouldn't i favorite it, it made me laugh so much that i couldn't breath

6007565 I am happy that you enjoyed it. Also, thank you for the favorite on my Equestrian Fairy Tales. I have a lot of stories to add to it, but I've been working on some other stories at the same time so it might be a little bit before I have the rest up. But at least I have the first stories up. XD

6007587 I am always writing questionable song lyrics and random fan fictions. I think I can relate with Rainbow Dash. :S I am glad you enjoyed the fan fiction.

6007658 Yes, Rainbow Dash should have caught onto that. But this is Rainbow Dash we are talking about here. She isn't always the most observant when it comes to these types of things.

6007678 I am happy that you enjoyed it. XD Also, thank you very much for the favorite.

6007938 I am happy that it could entertain. ^^

I got the title reference.

6008581 I didn't, can you explain senior Dead Pink?

6009657 'You're An Awesome One Rainbow Dash,' is a play off of the title of the song, 'You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch'.

6009680 Oh okays. ^0^ I like your user icon. It is cute.

6009684 I used to love that movie when I was little. The cartoon one. That's how I got it.

6009720 It was one of my favorites too. I watched it so many times. ^0^

that Dashy could just not bare!

So she's trapped in a costume or something? I think you mean bear.

with one defeated whiney

Well, I suppose a whine is the natural sound a Rarity makes, but most ponies prefer to whinny.

She needed some energy if she was going to bash,
The big winter party

As a rule, in poetry you place the commas in exactly the same places as you would when writing prose. You do not need to punctuate the end of every line unless that is a natural break in the sentence. The same rule applies when you are reading aloud: it generally sounds better if you do not pause at the end of every line.

6025199 Cool! Thank you for the edits. I will make the proper adjustments.

Very well done, sort of a different less serious take on the whole hibernation thing and perhaps a better way to deal with it.

But yes, I know the Grinch animation well myself

6039667 Thank you for the kind comment and the favorite. Also, thank you for the watch. I returned the favor. ^_-

All I can say is

Faved! :heart:

6053043 Thank you for the nice comment and the favorite. ^^ I am glad that you enjoyed it.

6053166 I did very much. :twilightsmile:

Then she got an idea! An awful idea!

Best part in the Grinch movie, just, that FACE, *shudders*

6059399 It's both creepy and awesome at the same time. Much like anime hair. :o


How is anime hair creepy? I'm going to regret having asked that in a minute, aren't I?

6059481 It's creepy in that is defies the laws of physics. :0 But it is awesome for the same reason.

Oddly enough I've never read 'How the Grinch stole Christmas.' Even still I enjoyed reading this one.

6287787 I am happy that you like it. :) Thank you for the kind comment.

(*Sigh*) Yep... I figured mine WASN'T the only one attempted, after 'Tanks for the Memories.'

Great variations on the same theme, here. Like minds think alike; just not all in the exact same ways. Viva' variety!!

6559389 Yeah I noticed that a few people had gone with the whole Grinch poem theme. So I decided to turn mine into a humor/ parody story to make it stand out/ be different. :S

After Tanks for the Memories this was only inevitable.

Ps: well done for all those rhymes. I would never have had enough patience to think of them all! And for that, I reward you with a special gift!
+1 Stamp of Approval added to your inventory.

6738128 Thank you so much for the kind comments. And thank you for the favorites. I appreciate them.

You appetite them? LOL!

6738302 Yes, they are tasty. :rainbowwild:

6738321 I guess I don't need to give you Internet Cookies anymore!!

6738334 But I like cookies too. :raritydespair:


6738444 I secretly have an entire cupboard filled with cookies though. :rainbowkiss:

6738449 But are they Internet Cookies? Those ones have a slight taste of meme, which makes eating them all the more SATISFYING!

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