• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2014
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A bag of plums

Plums in a bag and complexity addict. Chances are there's more to what you're reading than meets the eye.


An entry in the Bloodlines Continuity

It isn't always easy putting up with family. Some of them are embarrassing, some try to tell you how to run your life, and some try to invade the capital city of Equestria. Queen Chrysalis may be gone, but for the owner and employees of the Metamorphosis spa and massage parlor, their work has just begun.

In the meantime, Chrysalis is in for a lot of angry letters...

Featured on 6/10/19, 26/02/20, 29/08/20, 2/12/21, 3/3/22, 29/4/22, 3/6/22, 24/7/22, 14/9/22, 4/11/22, 7/03/2023, and 8/03/2023! Thank you all!

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 97 )

How much knowledge of the other stories in the continuity would you say is necessary to enjoy this one?

Very little knowledge of the rest of the continuity is needed to enjoy this story. So don't feel like you have to read all the rest to get this one; there are just a few little Easter eggs that people who have read the other stories will get. :twilightsmile:

Well this is interesting hope to see where this goes and how it ties with the Bloodline AU

Siege of Trot.

Where have I heard that before?

Also, does Psithyra exist in this world?

Oh cool, a new story! Can't wait to dive into this one.

I think she does. The short description and the cover art seems to confirm that there's some version of her in Equestria.

I like the cover :rainbowkiss: and I do wonder just what you have in store for us here~ can’t wait to see
To be sure, the pony is Psithyra right?

“Heheh… Did you know if we stick our hooves in this, we can probably climb on the ceiling?” Golden Lily, the unicorn, giggled and pressed a hoof against the green blood.

That's someone's blood, ya know.

Lily tried to pull her hoof up, but it was stuck fast. “Oh. I can’t move.”

And that's what you get.

The pink pegasus rasped and snorted. “If you ask me, something terribly egotistical and stupid.”

That's Chrysalis.

This Psithyra is different from the other. Let's see how this goes

“Right this way, Miss,” Lily chirped, leading their charge toward one of the onsen rooms.

What's an onsen?

It's a sort of raised hot bath, very popular in Japan.

OK. Tell me, do you study or live(d) in Japan or know someone who did?

I used to go to school with a guy who now lives in Japan. We keep in touch regularly.

Well this is a lot different from the human side. She has six changelings working under her? Are they like a parallel to the Mane 6?

The plot doesn't thicken so much as it immediately solidifies, much like some parts of Spike upon seeing Rarity.

This is an intriguing beginning, to be sure.

It's from the comics. The main information we have about the changelings before A Canterlot Wedding is... well, pretty much as recapped here. They invaded Trot and Timbucktu, Celestia defeated them, they got banished to a volcano.

Hm. I wasn't that taken with this chapter. The spa's name initially seemed highly suggestive given the context of changelings, but then we just get lots of introduction of OCs including their species, mane and coat colour, while they're all going about their similar jobs... It all comes across as quite repetitive. I like the silly one... Golden Lily, but I'm sure I'm going to get her name mixed up with the others.

The last bit is obviously much more interesting, though.

Heh. Well, that explains the suggestive name for the spa, at least.

Seems odd to have the changelings so enthusiastic for meat, though. You talk in the narration about it being a hobby, and not really sustaining them, but they talk about being hungry for it as if it did, which would be extremely odd for changelings.

Aww, they didn't get any juicy secrets out of Rarity. Useful intel, but no juice or dirt.

I still don't get why this hive collect secrets. There didn't seem to be any stated endgame, any blackmail plans, any reason. Yet they've been doing this a long time and built up a huge stash. What for? It's like they're playing Fallen London or something.

So the falling out between the two changeling sisters is during the events of A Canterlot Wedding? How did Chrysalis gave birth to Chrysidea in the meantime?

Oh, this is the Chrysalis and Psithyra of the pony side of the mirror. Sorry if that wasn't clear, but there are two separate sets of changelings, one on the human side and one of the Equestrian side, like in the Equestria Girls series. :eeyup:

Oh that makes so much sense now. Thanks for clearing it up!

Makes me wonder what happens when Ebony finds out from Princess Twilight of the pony worlds changelings.

That Rarity cameo! Nice!

But I do wonder what would happen after Thorax takes over?

Golden Lily snickered. “Nor is she going to turn herself into a stone.”

No, that'll take two princesses and a draconequus.

Lovely chapter as ever!

Weakness... IDENTIFIED!

Seriously, a few days after an invasion of shapeshifters and a conveniently sick employee returns to work at the palace? I would implement automatic vetting on the spot before giving out any passes, no warning. I see the Guard continues to be useless as always.

My Global Hawk continues to hang out on station, 60,000 feet up.

I'm really injoying this I can't wait for more

I wonder if we'll see this from Chrysalis pov?

I was waiting for the pass to dispel her on the spot...

And Princess, i am surprised by your lack of good thinking. With Chrysalis's mentality you might as well of declared war. The lack of responce is response enough...

C.W. Step.

Is this a Crystal Wishes reference I spy?

That was a surprisingly tense infiltration bit! Was that all done to try to tell Chrysalis what manner of search party was being sent? It seems quite a large risk for a relatively small bit of information.

It seems Psithyra is as bad at long term planning as Chrysalis. The hive is, supposedly, in the badlands. Chrysalis is in the badlands. Chrysalis already has magnitude more rescources at her disposal to handle eight tiny, insignificant ponies sent out (which split up again into pairs reducing manpower needed to subue the lot). Sure; the show had a problem with scale (given how small most cities were and tiny armies) but she has at least 100 drones with her.

Sure, your information is helpful. Chrysalis now knows the exact number of enemies, their race, that they have secret questions. But do you know what you did, Psithyra? You gave Equestria a test for their defenses. Reports will be made and, hopefully, someone with a brain (no Shining Armor) will start putting two and two together. AND unless that off duty guard files a report of "Dahlia" leaving one badge is going to be recorded going in twice (unless there is no identification markings on them or some other glaring loophole).

Your entire operation is now at risk...

You do make some good points, but I think perhaps you give the ponies of Equestria a bit too much credit. They've not exactly proven to be the smartest at handling these types of things in the show. Other than that I do want to see how things turn out for everyone.

That is why i said "someone with a brain". It is unlikely that the current command staff will have anyone. Honesty is treated as a virtue (and it is) but it leaves them so innocent and trusting that a lie is bought as face value.

Interesting start. The final story I need to reread in this universe. Then it's to the new stuff.

“You are most kind, Princess Psithyra.”

It was obvious but still neat.

“Certainly. My name is Rarity, darling.”

Oh. O h. Oh shit.

Interesting, that was far tamer then I was expecting.

Ayy Satin Breeze cameo.

Hoping for an update soon. This one is well written and mighty interesting.

at least dhalia will be a big red mark when someone COMPETANT takes over

“That. Utter. Moron!” Psithyra slapped her forehooves onto the bed, making the sheets ripple. She let out a scream of frustration and fell back onto her pillow, seething.

While your plan is good and sound your letters are getting more condescending towards your sister.

Right off the back of finishing A Long Way to Fall, an update to this one! How exciting.

The difference between Psithyra of Equestria Girls and the one from Friendship is Magic is fascinating. I suppose it just has to do with how Chrysalis behaves and all that but still.

Good chapter, nice to see an update.

Its alive yayyyyyyyyy and amazing chapter as always

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