• Published 4th Feb 2017
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My little Omniverse 2: The Ghostly Nightmare - Time Agent pony

Ben 10 and Rook are summoned back to Equestria to free the land and the ponies that live there from the darkness of Zs'Skayr

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The possession begins

On the inter-dimensional planet known as Anur Phaetos, the ghostly overlord Zs'Skayr was standing before a horse shoe shaped gateway made out of glowing purple crystal.

"The time is now" Zs'Skayr said, in his wheezing metallic voice, turning to his most loyal servants: Dr. Viktor, The Mummy and The Werewolf, "power up the portal!" he barked.

"Yes, master" Dr. Viktor obeyed, He plugged the energy conductors on his back into two sockets. Purple lighting sprang from Viktor and surged into the gateway.

"I will proceed through the gateway, wait for my signal" Zs'Skayr commanded,

"Master, I know it's not my place but, we don't know what world lies beyond, allow one of us to come with you" Dr. Viktor protested,

"I am well aware of what lies beyond this gateway, Viktor and I do not require your assistance" Zs'Skayr responded indigently,

"Very well, we will await your signal, master" Viktor said, he detached himself from the sockets and handed his master three purple crystals,

Without another word Zs'Skayr floated though the portal.

In the armory of the Canterlot castle, the Magic Mirror portal sparked into life and Zs'Skayr dropped out, "So this is the world of Equestria, I expected better" he spat.

Zs'Skayr glided through the nearest door, hearing the sound of something approaching, he stuck to the shadows. The guard passed him by, "I think I've found my cover" he gloated.

He glided up behind the guard, who didn't even see him coming. Zs'Skayr's ghostly form allowed him to posses other beings and so he dived into the guard and took over his body, "I think I could enjoy this" Zs'Skayr said, looking at his new body. The guard looked the same but he now spoke in metallic wheeze.

He turned to the purple crystals which he had dropped, "I think that these should be sent somewhere of reach", he smirked,

Luckily for Zs'Skayr the guard he had possessed was a unicorn, he touched his horn to the crystals and all of them vanished,

"Now to find this princess of night," he said.

After wandering around he reached a room with a half moon above the door, "Looks like I've found my key to conquest" Zs'Skayr whispered, to himself.

He phased out of the guard, who fell unconscious, Zs'Skayr glided into the room, where Princess Luna slept,

"Now it begins" Zs'Skayr said, he flew straight at Luna and into her body and mind, into the dream world and Luna's dream.

"What happened!?" Luna said, in her dreams, looking around her. What had once been a nice moon light night, had now become a dark and twisted place.

As if in answer a wheezing metallic laugh echoed through the dark place, "You are the Princess of the night, Luna correct?" the voice continued,

"Show yourself, you coward!" Luna cried,

"As you wish" the voice replied, after that a grey spectre appeared before her,

"Who are you!?" Luna demanded, "and how did you get into the dream world?",

The spectre said nothing, there was a ripping sound as sharp talons poked through his hands and tentacles burst from his chest.

The spectre, showing no sigh of pain, brought his talon hands to his face and ripped the skin off, revealing a nightmarish face,

"What in Equestria are, demon!?" Luna said.

"I am Zs'Skayr, the ruler of Anur Phaetos and soon this world" the spectre replied.

Without another word the nightmarish creature rushed straight at Luna, possessing her body and mind.

"Let's have some fun" Zs'Skayr's metallic voice said, from Luna's mouth.

Next morning,

"It is good you accepted my invitation when you did," Princess Celestia said, as Twilight and her friends entered the throne room.

"What's this all about?" asked Rarity.

"Not some world destroying force you need us to stop?" joked Rainbow Dash.

"Something is wrong with Princess Luna," Celestia replied, "she's been acting strangely since the morning and I'm getting worried."

"Strangely how?" Twilight asked.

Before Celestia could answer, Luna entered the room, Zs'Skayr still possessing her body.

"Luna, are you alright?" Celestia asked.

"I'm quite alright, dear sister," Luna replied.

"Something about you seems off," Celestia continued.

"Must be your imagination," Luna responded.

"What's wrong with your voice?" Applejack asked.

"I have cold," Luna answered, adding a fake cough, "should get to bed," she finished.

"Nothing seems to be wrong with her, apart from her voice" Fluttershy said, after Luna had left the room.

"Perhaps you're right Fluttershy," Celestia replied, "maybe I'm being a little over protective of my little sister."

Twilight and her friends left the room, "Maybe I was being a bit over protective," Celestia said, to herself when they had left.

"No, you are right, about there is something wrong with me," Luna answered, she had entered the room.

Celestia was going to answer, then she noticed that Luna's eye weren't her usual light blue, they were black with pink pupils.

"Your not Luna!" Celestia said.

"You are correct, I am not your Princess Luna," not Luna replied, "I am Zs'Skayr, soon to be ruler of Equestria."

"You'll have to go though me first," Celestia replied.

"Time to take you out of the equation" Zs'Skayr smiled, Luna's horn glowed and a portal opened up.

"What's happening?" Celestia asked, as she was slowly sucked towards the portal.

"Princess Celestia!" cried six voices.

Zs'Skayr turned to see Twilight and her friends, they had heard Celestia's shout from her throne room.

"Your next," Zs'Skayr smirked.

"Twilight! You have to get to Ben 10 warn him" Celestia cried, "before its too la..." before she could finish Celestia was sucked into the portal, which closed behind her.

"What did you do with our Princess?!" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"Do not concern yourselves with what I have done," Zs'Skayr laughed, "rather tremble at the thought of what I am about to do." Luna's horn glowed again and the moon began to move in-front of the sun.

"Darkness falls," Zs'Skayr declared, "Equestria is now, my domain."

Before Zs'Skayr could go any further Twilight, using her magic, teleport everyone back to her castle of friendship.

"What do we do now?" Rarity asked.

"Uh... panic?" replied Fluttershy.

"That's your answer for everything!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing," Applejack finished.

"Your right," Twilight agreed, "we have to get to Ben warn him and Rook about whats happening here."

"You can get us to Ben's world?" Rarity asked.

"I have to try," Twilight replied.

Everyone gathered round Twilight as she prepared to teleport, Spike and Starlight Glimmer opted to stay behind.

When it was ready, Twilight's horn glowed and in a flash the girls disappeared.