• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 11,766 Views, 215 Comments

A Child of Kindness and Laughter - Autum Breeze

A human finds himself trasported into Equestria, but as an anthropomorphic filly alicorn. The problem is, the ponies of this Equestria are quadrapeds.

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Chapter 7 - Big Mac's A More Talented Singer Than I Thought

Chapter 7

Big Mac's A More Talented Singer Than I Thought


I stir, groaning as the sunlight is attacking me through my eyelids.

I grumble, rolling over, wincing and sitting up with an embarrassingly childish whimper upon laying on one of my wings.

Grumpily, I yawn, smacking my lids and slowly open my eyes.

I’m in Fluttershy’s bed, though it is missing said mare.

Stretching, I get out of bed, reaching for my underwear and shorts and slip them out, before heading out of the room.

After we’d returned to Equestria through the portal and warded off the Timberwolves with the weed killer, we came back to Fluttershy’s cottage, had dinner and, after I’d had a quick shower, I’d collapsed on Fluttershy’s bed and must’ve been fast asleep, because I don’t remember anything beyond that.

Entering the living room, I see Angel and Harry setting what looks like something for me on the dining table.

As I get closer, I see it’s a plate with some toast, eggs and I think steamed carrots, with a glass of milk.

Thanking the two, I sit down and start eating.

I swallow some of my egg and look to Angel as he sits on the table, watching me. “So, where’s Fluttershy?”

He squeaks a few times.

Huh. She went to talk with Pinkie Pie?

Must be to do with my living arrangements.

What with her being half my now biological mother, it would makes sense Pinkie would want me staying with her every now and then.

I blanch a little, feeling nervous.

Ho, boy. The Cakes how is going to get quite rowdy with two parents, a baby unicorn and Pegasus, Pinkie Pie and an anthro alicorn princess staying under one roof.

I do hope Pinkie will at least space out my times over, to give the Cakes a bit of a break.

Finishing up, I move to take my dishes to the sink, but several birds take my things and start washing them themselves.

“You know, I’m grateful, but you didn’t have to do that,” I assure them. “I was perfectly willing to myself.”

One of them, a blue jay, chirps cheerfully.

“Well, okay,” I say uncertainly, rubbing the back of my head. “If you say so. But, only until I’m fully settled, okay?” Gotta at least keep some of my independence now that I’m physically stuck as a child again.

Angel uses the table to propel himself onto a shelf and then onto my head, where he stay, kinda reminding me of how Ash’s Pikachu rides on his head every once in a while in the Pokemon anime.

“I get the feeling you know I’m heading into town and you’re not leaving me alone,” I say, looking up at him.

He squeaks, nodding.

I shrug. “Alright. Suit yourself, Angel. Bye, guys,” I call to the other animals, waving as I head for the door. “See you tonight.”

They all makes noises in response, waving.

I step outside and smell the air, before running towards town.

Walking around town, I notice several mares and fillies walking around together, before I remember the Sister Hooves Social is today.

I blink, before sighing, folding my arms.

Angel makes a concern squeak.

“Hmm?” I glance up at him, before sighing. “Oh, it’s nothing, Angel. I just remember…” I sigh again, walking over to a bench and sitting down.

The rabbit hops off my head and sits down next to me, looking up with a raised eyebrow.

I sigh again, looking around at all the ponies. “It’s just… I suddenly remembered how Applejack and Rarity are going to miss the Social. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom must be so sad. I mean, from what I’ve been told, they were both really, really excited about entering this year. Now… they both have to stay on the sidelines after all the effort I’ll bet they put into training for it. It’s just sad, ya know? Wish I could help them.”

Angel remains silent for a moment, I notice him rubbing his chin and frowning in thought several times out of the corner of my eye, before he blinks, frowning in a different way, before looking to me and squeaks a few times.

I blink back at him, an eyebrow raised. “Um… what do you mean I could help Apple Bloom? I’m not her sister. Heck, if not for Pinkie’s blood being in me, I wouldn’t even be related to her. And, since I’m pretty sure a fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin doesn’t qualify as a big sister,” I do air quotes “I highly doubt that I, as…whatever my being the daughter of said fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin makes me would count either.”

Angel folds his arms, scoffing.

I… cock an eyebrow. “Wait. Rainbow Dash is being Scootaloo’s big sister for the Social? But, the two of them aren’t even related.” I blink, frowning. “Are they?”

I mean, I only just recently found of Scootaloo is not only not an orphan like so many of us believed, but that she has two aunts and parents who are off somewhere on an adventure.

For all I know, somewhere in their family tree on whichever of her parents’ Pegasus side, there could be a relation to Dash.

Angel rolls his eyes and chatters.

I’m pulled from my musings and cock an eyebrow at him again. “Wait. The rules are that loose? You don’t actually even need to be blood related so long as there’s a strong enough bond?”

He nods, squeaking with a smirk as he folds his arms.

I frown. “And how do you know that, exactly? I highly doubt AJ or any of the other Apples ever randomly decided to tell a bunny the rules of the Social one day.”

He shrugs as he squeaks.

Oh, Winona unintentolly told him about it one day? Well, that makes sense, I guess.

Not to be rude, but, from what I saw of her in the show, she seemed a little bit of a dumb dog. That or seriously lacking in social awareness.

I smile. “Well, then, let’s find Apple Bloom and tell her. Although,” I pause, frowning as I hold my chin. “Now I’m suddenly feeling guilty that Sweetie Belle still gets left out.”

Angel sighs, hopping to stand in front of me with his paws on his hips.

I frown, before relenting. “Fine, fine. I’ll try not to feel guilty about it. Let’s just go find the CMC, okay?”


“Hey. You’re that new Alicorn, right?”

I glance around and spot Sweetie Belle walking towards me, flanked by Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash.

Inwardly, I deadpan upon noticing a lack of a certain yellow filly.

An hour combing over Ponyville and I couldn’t find the CMC anywhere… or Lyra, thankfully, and yet, now that I just randomly find them, it has to be when the one pony among them I’d been meaning to talk to is nowhere in sight?

Putting that aside, I smile and wave as I meet up with and keep pace with them. “Yeah. My name’s Taylor. We didn’t really get properly introduced yesterday.”

“What’s with the pants?” Scootaloo asks, nodding towards the garments around my hips, the pink blending well against my yellow fur.

“Wow. You and my sister are really gonna get along,” Sweetie remarks.

I sigh, folding my arms and shaking my head… noticing a lack of a bunny having to hold on. Guess Angel left after he saw Dash, thinking she’d be reasonable enough.

Whelp, I get the feeling this is an explanation I’ll be repeating quite often.

“No, Sweetie Belle. While I’m sure I will get along with your sister in a general sense, I’m not heavy into fashion. Truth be told, I never cared about it back home, like, ever.” Drove my very fashion forward sister absolutely insane.

Scootaloo cocks an eyebrow. “That doesn’t make sense. You’re name’s Taylor and you’re wearing clothes.”

I shake my head. “My name may be Taylor,” Fluttershy showed me a dictory during dinner and, it turns out, you the word taylor can be spelled either way and still mean the same thing, “and I may be wearing clothes when that’s something ponies don’t normally do, but that’s because my original species weren’t fond of going around nude, so almost always wore clothing.”

Sweetie Belle looks curious. “Why’s that?”

I cock an eyebrow as I look up, before putting my hands behind my head. “The more I think about it, I’m actually not entirely sure anymore. Well, aside from one key reason. My kind had a weird evolutionary trait. We gained a high level of intelligence and awareness, allowing us to become the dominant species on the planet, but it kinda came at the cost of a de-evolution, now that I think about it, where we lost the fur our ancient ancestors had, making us more vulnerable to the weather and other issues less evolved species don’t have to worry about.”

“Huh?” Sweetie cocks an eyebrow, clearly not sure how to response to that.

“Weird,” Scootaloo says, clearly not suffering from that same issue.

“So… you’re Fluttershy’s new daughter, huh?” Dash says… it only just now occurring to me she’s stayed silent this whole time.

I nod, suddenly feeling a little sheepish and slightly wrap my wings around myself. “Um, yes, ma’am.”

She studies me, before nodding. “Interesting. Well, Taylor, I’m your mom’s fillyhood friend, Rainbow Dash.”

I don’t bother to inform her I already know that and her name and just smile and nod, shaking her hoof when she offers it.

Dash lifts a little into the air and circles me a few times. “You’re definitely a different kind of pony, that’s for sure. How old are you, exactly?”

I sigh. “Physically five. As for my original age?” I laugh a little dryly. “Doesn’t really matter, does it? Can’t change back.”

“You really did get Nightmare Moon’s eyes,” I yelp as I realize Dash’s magenta eyes were staring right into mine. “And Shy said you can talk to anmails, like she can. You got The Stare, too?”

I try to calm myself down, my heart beating really, really fast despite how small this was and shrug. “Dunno. Haven’t been put in a situation where I’d use it, intentionally or otherwise.”

This seems to satisfy the mare and we continue on.

We get to the Social and I look around, my eyes paying attention to every pony.

I spot Carrot Top with a similar looking filly with a blood mane, Sparkler and Dinky, Berry Punch and Berry Pinch… the latter not confusing me after a second once I remember what Angel told me about the rules of what counts as a sister.

“Today’s our big day!” Scootaloo cheers.

Dash flicks her head back, smirk on her lips. “We have so got this.” She then smiles normally, pointing towards a table where several official looking ponies are sitting. “I’m gonna go sign us in.”

As she walks off, Sweetie Belle stops by Scootaloo, looking dejected. “I guess I’m just a little jealous you two get to compete and I don’t.” She then smiles. “But, at least I get to be here and cheer you on.”

Damnit. I know Angel said not to feel guilty about it, but…

“I thought Apple Bloom was going to be here too?”

Sweetie’s voice pulls me from my thoughts of guilt and I notice she and Scootaloo and glancing around, the pegaus saying “Guess she changed her mind.”

Shame. I mean, at least I don’t have to feel guilty now about leaving Sweetie Belle out of it, but, I would’ve still offered to Apple Bloom anyway.

“Hey, there you are.”

I’m pulled from my musings again to see the two fillies moving towards Apple Bloom… who looks uncertain for some reason.

“You ready to cheer on me and Rainbow Dash to victory?” Scootaloo’s asking as I catch up.

“Uh… not exactly,” the farm filly replies, her tone as uncertain as her expression. “Seems Ah’m gonna be get to participate after all.”

Sweetie Belle gasps. “Applejack is back from Manehatten already?”

Wow. Now that’s what I call fast. Is that the fastest Friendship Mission completed?

I inwardly deadpan.

Oh, great. Now Dash will probably see that as a challenge and want to complete her next mission, whenever that’s gonna happen, faster.

Well, at least I don’t have to feel bad about helping Apple Bloom be in the Social while Sweetie still gets left out. Would’ve still liked to try it, though.

“No, our sisters are still gone,” I return to the conversation… during which Sweetie must’ve lightly tackled Apple Bloom, since she’s now on top of her, the yellow filly lightly pushing her off. “But, it, uh, turns out mah long lost cousin, Orchard Blossom, was able to make it last minute,” she finishes with a nervous laugh.

I cock an eyebrow. Orchard who? That name does not ring a bell, and I know a lot of the Apple Family names.

I know there was a pony with Blossom in their name, but Orchard was not before it.

“You’re cousin who what now?” Sweetie Belle basically verbalizes my thoughts.

“Well, I do declare, it’s hotter today than the business end of a corn cob pie” a voice with a deep feminine tone says, causing our heads to turn… and see a large red pony, wearing a blue buckle shoes, a white dress with blue apple designs and a pink scarf tied into a bow at the front, with a large blonde beehive hairdo that kinda reminds me of Dolly Parton, lipstick, lashes and blush.

I’m pretty sure I’m sharing Sweetie and Scootaloo’s opened mouthed looks.

The… pony before us seems to notice our shocked expression and laughs.

“Oh, my. I am so delighted to meet your little friends, Apple Bloom,” the leans forward enthusiastically. “Would these happen to be your beloved Cutie Mark Crusaders?” The pony pauses as I come into their line of view, there’s eyes widening. “Urm, and another friend who’s more surprising than others, it seems? ”

Apple Bloom heaves a very bored sigh. “Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo…?”

She glances at me, while my eyes are still on the red pony.

“Um, T-Taylor,” I answer, not really paying attention.

The farm filly sighs again. “Cousin Orchard Blossom.”

The red pony smiles. “It is my extraordinary pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

The three of us simultaneously deadpan, turning to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and I saying in unison, “That’s Big Mac in a dress.”

Orchard Bloom acts surprised. “Big Mac? Why, charmed as I am that you find me in the slightest resemblance to such a… a… fine and noble product of the Apple Clan, I’m astonished in equal measure.”

I just keep my deadpan. Okay. Where in the wide world of Equestria is this even going? What is with that get up? Big Mac is aware he doesn’t have to pretend to be a mare to participate with Apple Boom, doesn’t he?

Me not knowing, that makes sense. I only came to this world two days ago. But he’s a member of the family who started the Social. Surely Granny Smith told them about that ages ago, right? So what’s with the whole Orchard Blossom bit?

I do find myself facepalming as, after Orchard Blossom says she’ll take the observation under advice and complimenting Sweetie Belle for being so perceptive, it’s like Sweetie briefly forgets reality and talks to Orchard Blossom as if she’s actually that.

What follows I find both parts amusing… and, now that I’m aware of my biological relations to the Apple Family, extremely embarrassing as Orchard Blossom causing the table where teams sign up to fall down.

I do find some amusement in the interaction between Orchard Blossom and Rainbow, though, with Dash not so subtly saying she doesn’t feel Orchard Blossom is familiar, followed by Orchard Blossom asking what Dash is in relevance to Scootaloo for the Social.

When Apple Bloom runs off, I go looking for her, running into Sweetie Belle, who agrees to help me look, myself inwardly cursing I can’t look from the air as I’ve yet to practice with my wings.

Still, we do find Apple Bloom relatively fast, her hiding behind a barrel near one of the stales.

“Have they called your brother’s bluff yet?” Sweetie asks.

“No! But they’re about to,” Apple Bloom covers her face with a hoof. “Ah can’t bear to watch.”

“Yoo-hoo!” Orchard Blossom’s voice calls out, causing us to turn to see her standing under one of the Social banners. “Apple Bloo-hoom. They’ve approved us as a pair.” She giggles. “Hurry up now, precious.”

I cock an eyebrow. And they haven’t informed Mac he doesn’t have to keep up the Orchard Blossom because…?

“Ah can’t believe they bought it!” Apple Bloom gasps, dumbstruck.

Hmm. Definitely getting the hint the two Apple siblings aren’t aware of why Mac’s been okayed here.

“It’s sweet he wants to help you out like this,” Sweetie Belle says, getting a slightly uncertain look, before smiling again. “Weird, but sweet.”

“Plus, I don’t have to feel guilty about you competing anymore,” I say, finding myself sighing with relief, much to my surprise.

Both fillies glance at me, Apple Bloom going, “Huh?”

“Wait. Didn’t you know?” I ask, blinking in surprise. “I’m not just Fluttershy’s daughter, Bloom. I’m Pinkie’s too. And, while I’m even more distant, since I come after Pinkie being your fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin, I’m still family.”

Apple Bloom blanches, before facehoofing. “That would’ve worked too! Sure, Ah don’ actually know ya well, but, if’n we’re family…” She heaves a louds sigh and trots off to join her cousin.

Despite Apple Bloom’s misgivings however, it starts out really well.

The song she and Applejack clearly rehearsed for the first event goes well, Mac maybe getting a little too enthusiastic during the performance, ending on him dropping the altering to his voice and singing the last note as him, but, otherwise, it was a good performance.

I mean, the fact he was able to sing so well while still doing the Orchard Blossom voice? Gotta give the stallion props for that.

Talking while changing your voice is hard enough, but singing in that altered voice? Now that takes talent.

After that, though?

Oi vey.

They do a chant that was clearly meant for AJ and Apple Bloom and they seemed to realize their mistake mid chant, trying and failing to replace sister with cousin and Applejack with Orchard Bloom.

It was not pretty. Made me suddenly very glad nopony is yet aware my relation to the Apples. I get enough stares being an anthro Alicorn with Nightmare Moon’s eyes.

I would be very happy avoiding more attention, thank you very much.

Orchard Blossom also is unable to do the jump rope contest, most likely because she has to avoid jumping too high and risk the shoes coming off.

A juggling routine they do starts out fine at first… until Orchard Blossom gets tied up in her own dress, anyway.

Several times, after fighting through the embarrassment and a strange anxiety that keeps randomly parallelizing me, I actually try to explain to Orchard Blossom that she doesn’t have to go through all that and can actually compete as just Big Mac, but she is so focused on getting Apple Bloom a win, she doesn’t take the time to properly listen.

Is this how Fluttershy felt in the first season of the show, when nopony listened to her at all, even when it would’ve solve so many issues faster?

It all comes to a head in the race… and, wow, if you thought it had gone downhill before, it was flying off a sheer cliff drop at this point.

All throughout the race, Orchard Blossom’s get up kept coming apart, to the point where, in the final stretch she was moving like a bulldozer, unintentionally barrelling through the other competitors, it becoming a neck and neck race between Orchard Blossom and Apple Bloom’s team, against Dash and Scootaloo’s… with the former wining… but Mac’s entire getup completely falling apart by the end.

However, as expected, the ponies in charge explain how, while Mac being a stallion and dressing up as a mare wasn’t a problem, the brute force he’d used to win the race, causing damage and risking the safety of the other competitors is cause for disqualification.

Sweetie Belle and I watch Apple Bloom leaves with Big Mac… though, from the way Bloom is glaring at him and he’s looking dejected, I get the feeling there’s a miscommunication that I want to help solve, but, family or no, I shouldn’t.

That is clearly a matter between brother and sister and, having used to be an older brother with younger brothers and sisters myself, I know it’s not my place to but in.

“Well, that was certainly an eventual Sister Hooves Social,” Sweetie says as we leave the farm… mostly because I’m secretly trying to avoid a certain mint green mare I’d realized was among the crowd cheering for Scootaloo and Dash’s victory, who’d thankfully been too focused on that to notice me.

“Hopefully next year won’t be so crazy,” I remark as we walk towards Sugar Cube Corner.

“So… is all that you said really true?” I glance at Sweetie Belle. “About being related to Apple Bloom, I mean. You’re really Pinkie Pie’s daughter?”

I giggle nervously. “Biologically? Yes. The way I got here ended up merging me with fragments of their DNA that happened to be in the area I arrived and it bonded with my being.”

“So, if you’re related to Apple Bloom through Pinkie, are you staying at Pinkie’s?”

“You bet! Sleepover!”

We both scream in fright at the loud voice and the pink mare who is just suddenly there in front of us.

I blanch. I’m actually staying with Pinkie tonight?

I suddenly have a sinking pit feeling in my stomach.

Author's Note:


It's with barely 10 minutes to spare, but i finally got something out right before the new year.

Been meaning to get back to writing, but, with Christmas and everything else that's been going on, finding the time hasn't been exactly easy.

Will Taylor survive at night at her other mother's place?

Before the year ends, i wanna mention something interesting i found today.

See, months back, i bought a copy of the animated show of The Neverending Story, the first volume, even and i finally got around to watching it today... and i noticed something odd.

Big Head, the guy who works for the Child Like Empress? For some reason, in the first and last episodes on the disc, he was openly hostile towards Bastion going on the missions the Child Like Empress wanted to send him on.

i was watching that and thinking... dude, Bastion has saved your WHOLE WORLD several dozens times in this iteration. what's with the hostility to the guy you literally own your existence several times over to? Quit treating him like he's some common urchin or something and be grateful, ya twat.

I'd been watching The Neverending Story along with several Boxing Day sale buys, including Black Lightinging season 3, the one that ties into the Crisis on Infinite Earths event, Stargirl seasons 1 and 2, Doctor Who The Abominable Snowman and, much to my absolute surprise, at two different secondhand shops, the two disc 40th Anniversary edition of Mary Poppins on DVD and a 5 disc Disney music set called Classic Disney Celebrating 60 Years of Musical Magic, containing a number of Disney songs you can't really find anymore, including some from within the Disneyland parks from as far back as 1967.

1967! That's just crazy, to me that I now have these,

anyway, i'm rambling and there's less than 4 minutes til New Year's, so i'm gonna stop now so i can post this before the new year rings in.

Thanks for all the patience, understanding and encouragement throughout the 2022 and, til year, stay safe, stay clean and Happy New Year. everybody!

Comments ( 18 )

You’re still alive

When I originally saw this episode -and "Orchard Blossom" specifically- I immediately mope'd it.

I Was waiting for a new chapter. I know you always come around to update your storys, it just takes you a bit.
PS: The Orchard Blossom part was hilarious.

More good

Man, time zones can really throw you off. This came out around noon of Dec. 31 here on the US east coast, so it took a bit for me to figure out why you were in such a rush to get this out before 2023 started when that was 12 hours away.

Time for a nice chat with Gummy. :pinkiecrazy:

Maybe Big Mac wants to wear a dress and feel pretty. You ever think of that?

Oh, Winona unintentolly told him about it one day? Well, that makes sense, I guess.


That guy reminds me of Argyle Ascot from kudzuhaiku's House of the Rising Sunflower.

Great new chapter, got to ask though are you going to have Taylor get into a Heart Song by chance and if so will be a song from her old world then that is child friendly?

Hi, when are you going to continue the story?

I remember reading this, still hope you continue

I wonder what would've happened if this story continued

I’m apprehensive to start reading this because I don’t know if it’ll be continued. Will it be?

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