• Published 12th Aug 2015
  • 9,081 Views, 1,165 Comments

A Change In Fashion - Kevinltk

A changeling finds love in the world of fashion modeling.

  • ...

Bonus Chapter: Sick

Author's Note:

Contains some minor spoilers for the episode, Saddle Row Review.

Glamour murmured incoherently, and her eyes slowly cracked open from her slumber. She had been enjoying a good night’s sleep, nestled warmly in bed, when something loud woke her up. The sound had been brief, and her sleep-addled mind was unable to identify it.

Glancing at the alarm clock on the nearby nightstand, Glamour noted that it was only a few minutes before it was set to go off. While she had the day off and would like to sleep in, the mare wrapped in her gray hooves did not have that luxury. Her horn glowed softly, and the alarm was turned off, allowing her to give a more gentle wakeup call.

Leaning close to the pony’s ear, she whispered, “Coco, it’s time to wake up. You have a very busy day today.”

“Ah… Ah… Ah-choo!”

Glamour blinked. With a sneeze that loud, no wonder she was jolted out of her sleep. She was glad that Coco had fallen asleep facing away from her.

“Um, gesundheit.” Glamour pulled back her hooves and sat up to try and get a look at Coco’s face. “You alright, Coco?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Coco replied with a small moan as she turned to Glamour.

Glamour frowned when she saw the tip of Coco’s muzzle was a bit red. “Are you sure? I think you’re coming down with something.”

“I just have a little bit of the sniffles. It’s nothing serious. I’ll probably be all better after a shower and some food.”

Glamour’s frown remained, but she did not give any more protest as they got out of bed. While she prepared breakfast in the kitchen area, her worries only increased when she heard several loud sneezes coming from Coco, who was taking a shower in the bathroom.

By the time Coco came out, Glamour had a plate of toast and a steaming mug of coffee waiting for her on the table. To her dismay, Coco did not look better from her shower. In fact, Coco’s face was a bit redder, and she was frequently sniffling.

“Coco, really, you’re sick. You should stay home and rest today,” Glamour recommended.

“What? No, I can’t,” Coco protested with a shake of her head. “You know how important today is.”

Glamour sighed. “Yes, I know. You’re supposed to help Rarity with the grand opening of her new shop here in Manehattan after work.”

Coco nodded as she sat down at the table and began eating her breakfast. “That’s right, and I am definitely not going to miss that. I feel bad enough that we were too busy to help her when she was looking for a location for her shop. She has done so much for us.”

Glamour was also looking forward to seeing their friends again, but she had to focus on what was more important. “It still doesn’t change the fact that you’re coming down with something. Couldn’t you at least skip working at the theater today so that you can get some more rest before you have to go see Rarity?”

“I… I… Ah-choo!” Coco groaned quietly and sniffed. “I can’t do that either. The theater already gave me a half day so that I could help Rarity, and there are a bunch of costume revisions that have to be done as soon as possible.”


“Glamour, please, that’s enough.” A soft smile crossed Coco’s face. “I know you’re concerned, but there’s just too much going on for me to stay home. I’ll be fine.”

Glamour bit her lip. “Just… Just don’t push yourself too hard… Please?”

“I’ll do my best.” Coco looked to the clock on the wall and then stood up. “I really should be going now.”

“Then I’ll meet you at Rarity’s shop later,” Glamour said, walking Coco to the door and sharing a quick nuzzle with her. “Please, take care of yourself.”

“I will.” Coco smiled and leaned toward Glamour for a kiss, but when she started gasping with the beginnings of a sneeze, Glamour yelped and dove out of the way.

After the explosion from Coco’s mouth went off, Glamour got up and eyed a few flecks of green that now decorated the wall. “Um, maybe I’ll skip the goodbye kiss…”

“S-sorry…” Coco mumbled, her cheeks tinged red with embarrassment and probably with whatever she was coming down with. “I’ll see you later. Goodbye, Glamour.”

Glamour gave Coco a smile, even though it was kind of difficult to do with her worries. When she closed the door behind the departing Coco, she let out a huge sigh. She had felt that Coco was warmer than usual when they nuzzled, and the unfinished meal still on the table only deepened her concerns for her marefriend.

She did wish Coco would rest, but she knew how stubborn the generous mare was when it came to helping others.

With another sigh, Glamour knew all she could do now was to hope Coco would be fine until they saw each other again later today.

Glamour wiped her brow after she finished wiping off the furniture and tossed the rag into the kitchen sink. A quick check told her that she still had plenty of time before she had to go meet Coco at Rarity’s shop, but with no chores left to do, she wondered what she could do to pass the time.

To her surprise, she heard the front door open, and she turned around to see who it was. Her jaw dropped at the same time her heart did. “Oh my gosh, Coco!”

Coco’s condition had deteriorated since she left the apartment. She was a lot redder with it spreading around her face, the parts of her muzzle that were not hidden by green snot, and inside her watery eyes. Her mane and a few parts of her coat had become frazzled, and it looked like she was barely able to stand up.

“H-hi, Glamour,” Coco greeted in a weary, raspy voice.

“Coco, you look awful!” Glamour rushed up to her marefriend and placed a hoof on Coco’s forehead. She retracted her hoof almost instantly. “You’re burning up… Please tell me you came home early to rest.”

Coco nodded before she released a sneeze.

Glamour breathed a huge sigh of relief. “Good. You need your rest. I’ll go tell Rarity that you can’t make it tonight.”

“I already told her on the way home,” Coco replied with a heavy sigh. “It’s not like I can do much like this. I was sneezing so much at the theater that I was messing up all my stitching and was just creating more work for everypony. I don’t want to do the same to her.”

Glamour gave Coco a hug. “I know you really wanted to help Rarity, but you did the right thing. Your health is more important, and I’m sure she agrees after seeing you like this. We can still go see her when you’re feeling better.”

“It’s just a cold. I’m just glad that everypony was all so understanding and let me go without any fuss.”

“It’s because they all know you’re such a hard worker,” Glamour said as she took Coco to their room and ushered her into bed. “Rarity would not want you to get worse on her account, and I’m sure the theater is not going to mind if you miss a few days.”

Coco bolted upright. “A few days?!” she shrieked, only to have a sneezing fit right after.

“Yes, a few days,” Glamour repeated, using a forehoof to gently push Coco back down. “Something like this needs time and a lot of rest to get better.”

“But there’s so much—”

“Coco, that’s enough.” Glamour’s eyebrows slanted into a stern gaze, and she frowned at Coco. It was time to put her hoof down. “You said that you can hardly do anything in your condition, and pushing yourself is only going to make yourself and other ponies miserable, especially me.” Her expression softened as she looked directly into Coco’s eyes. “You know how I worry for you. It’s tough enough to see you like this. How am I supposed to react if you get even more sick? Please, Coco, for me, just take it easy until you get better.”

“Glamour…” Coco stared lovingly back into Glamour’s eyes. “I… I… Ah-choo!” She let out a long groan. “Oh fine, I’ll rest…” With a small smile, she added, “Thank you for caring so much about me.”

“Always. Now, you probably should be drinking something, so how about some white chocolate mocha?” Glamour asked with a big grin.

Coco giggled. “Thanks, Glamour, but I’m going to have to pass. I don’t think it’s good for me now.”

“Whaaat?” Glamour’s jaw dropped. “But… but it’s white chocolate mocha…”

“Not everything can be made better with white chocolate mocha, Glamour.” Before Glamour could protest against such blasphemy, Coco suggested, “But I think I should have some tea. That along with some honey and lemon in it is good for a cold.”

With her need to care for her marefriend slightly winning over her urge to sing the wonders of white chocolate mocha, Glamour nodded. “I’ll get that for you right away.”

Glamour went to the kitchen to prepare Coco her tea and began with putting a fresh kettle of water on the stove. Considering how often she prepared white chocolate mocha, the vastly superior beverage, she was proud of her mastery of being able to boil water.

While the water was heated, Glamour went through the cupboards to find the other things she needed. Thankfully, Coco had some tea bags on hoof, so that simplified things. She also found that they had plenty of honey and lemons.

During the tea preparation, Glamour was treated to the sounds of trumpets being run over by a cart, or to be more accurate after she investigated the noise, Coco blowing her nose. When Glamour returned to their room with a hot mug of tea for Coco, she found that the sick pony was lying in bed with a big box of tissues and surrounded by the remains of said tissues.

“Here’s your tea,” Glamour said, passing the mug to Coco in her magic.

“Thank you, Glamour,” Coco replied in a nasally voice. She took the mug with both of her forehooves, blew on it a bit, and then took a long, slow sip. “Wow, it’s pretty sweet.”

“I must have put a bit too much honey then.” Glamour had to resist the urge to comment about how Coco was so much sweeter. After Coco stopped drinking, Glamour took the mug and set it on the nearby nightstand. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m al… al… Ah-coo!” Coco moaned and grabbed another tissue. She blew into it, the paper almost dancing in the nasal wind, before crumpling it up and letting it fall to the bed. “Okay, maybe not so great.”

“Just get your rest then, Coco,” Glamour said as she began to clean up the mess. She was grateful that she had her magic, but she still grimaced when she moved the wastebasket next to Coco’s side of the bed and then transferred all the used tissues into it.

A thought suddenly came to Glamour’s mind. “Hey, Coco, have you eaten anything since breakfast?”

“Um, does the tea you just made me count?”

Glamour slowly shook her head.

“Then, um, no…”

“You must be hungry then. It’s past lunchtime, and you hardly touched your breakfast.”

“Actually, I don’t really feel like eating…”

“That’s because you feel sick. You still need to eat to help you get better. How about some vegetable soup? That’s easy to eat, right?”

“That does sound nice… ”

“Then one bowl of vegetable soup coming up. Do you need anything else before I get started on that?”

Coco sneezed again and blew her nose on yet another tissue. “I think I’m going to need another box of tissues… or five…”

Glamour gave Coco a sympathetic smile before she leaned in and ventured a quick kiss on her sick marefriend’s cheek. “Get better soon, Coco.”

After receiving a small smile in return, Glamour went to grab some more tissues for Coco before returning to the kitchen area to cook some soup.

Her cooking skills had grown since the days where she fumbled through making white chocolate mocha. It took some time, and a few fire extinguishers, but she had gotten the hang of things. She was no iron pony chef, but at least she could make a bit more variety than just toast.

It was easy with her magic to get a pot of water on the stove, and as it started to boil, Glamour scoured the cabinets again for any vegetables that happened to be lying around. She found some peas and beans that went straight into the pot, while some slicing and dicing was needed for the carrots, tomatoes, and celery she found.

With the soup well underway, Glamour turned to the last vegetable she found still lying on the counter. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of an onion.

She had tried to cook with onions before, and it was a nightmare. Maybe it was because of her changeling senses, or maybe it was because the vegetable was just evil, but when she cut open the troublesome vegetable, the acrid fumes assaulted her. Her eyes felt like they were set on fire, and she was wailing in pain from the torture. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to her, the knife was still held in her magic, and with all of her flailing around, the sharp tool was also being swung wildly around the room.

Glamour shuddered as she remembered all the red that had splattered everywhere. It had taken her ages to scrub out all the tomato juice.

Reaching into a drawer, she pulled out her secret weapon, a pair of onion goggles. Perhaps wearing goggles specially made to shield her eyes from the baneful onion vapors was a bit much, but Glamour was not going to let some annoying vegetable get the better of her, especially if it was in the name of making a more delicious soup for her marefriend.

With a menacing grin across her face, Glamour donned the goggles and pierced the onion with the knife. The beginnings of an almost maniacal cackle escaped her before it was stifled by a brief coughing fit thanks to the onion smell that entered her unprotected mouth.

Glamour really hated preparing onions.

Eventually, Glamour bested the onion and added it to the soup, along with some salt and pepper for taste. After letting the soup cook for a sufficient amount of time, she dipped a spoon into the pot to sample her cooking. To her delight, her creation was quite delicious, and she made a mental note to save some for herself after Coco had eaten. The onions in particular were fantastic, especially because they tasted like victory and sweet revenge.

Glamour paused to wonder if she was perhaps starting to get a bit obsessed with onions.

Focusing back on the main task on hoof, Glamour returned to Coco, carrying a bed tray with a full bowl of soup on top of it. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw how busy Coco had been while she was busy cooking.

“Wow, you produce more green goop than a changeling,” Glamour remarked, eyeing the overflowing wastebasket of discarded tissues. She was not sure if the ensuing groan she heard was because of Coco’s sickness or that her quip was not so well-received.

“Here, have some soup. It should help you feel a bit better,” Glamour said, placing the bed tray on the bed so that it stood over Coco’s hind legs.

“Thanks, Glamour,” Coco replied with a tired smile. She gingerly used both of her forehooves to pick up the bowl. As she raised it to her lips, she let out another huge sneeze, and the bowl shook in her hooves, causing some soup to slosh out. Luckily, none of the hot soup got on Coco, landing on the tray and the bed sheets.

Coco moaned and set the bowl back down on the tray, while Glamour hastily got some tissues to clean up the mess with her magic. “Sorry, for the mess, Glamour.”

“It’s alright. It’s not like you can control your sneezes.”

Coco giggled a little. “I wish. I’ve been doing it all day, and it’s going to make it difficult to drink your soup.”

“Hmm…” Glamour thought for a moment before a brilliant idea struck her. “Oh, I know! Give me a second.” She rushed back to the kitchen, grabbed a spoon in her magic, and returned to the room. She used the utensil to raise a spoonful of soup up to Coco’s mouth.

Coco’s eyes slightly crossed to stare at the floating spoon. “Um, what are you doing, Glamour?”

“Feeding you,” Glamour said simply.

“What? Glamour…” Coco whined. “You don’t have to do that. I can take care of myself.” A powerful sneeze shook her body right afterwards.

“Are you sure about that? Are you sure that you’re not going to sneeze again and spill more of the soup that I slaved over a hot stove for you, forcing me to clean up after you?” Glamour stuck out her lip and looked at Coco with big, pleading eyes.

Coco blinked several times before she let out a huge sigh and opened her mouth.

Glamour grinned triumphantly and inserted the spoon into Coco’s awaiting mouth.

Coco’s eyes widened a bit. “Oh, this is great, Glamour! Your cooking skills are getting better.”

Glamour’s chest puffed out in pride, and she continued to use her magic to feed Coco. Several times, she had to quickly move the spoon away when she saw Coco was about to sneeze, but no further mess was made. Watching Coco eat each spoonful and smile back at her filled her heart with joy, and she had to admit that she really liked doing this caring act for her marefriend.

Then Glamour got an idea to make things better.

Glamour stuck the spoon’s handle in her mouth, and instead of using her magic, she bowed her head to get a spoonful of soup and presented it to Coco.

“Glamour, what are you doing?” Coco asked again, this time with a raised eyebrow when their muzzles were mere inches apart.

“Feeding you,” Glamour replied with the same answer through her clenched teeth.

“Like this?”


“You’re having a bit too much fun with this.”

Glamour only smirked in reply.

Coco rolled her eyes with a smile of her own before opening her mouth again, allowing Glamour to lean in and dump the tasty liquid within.

Several more spoons of soup were delivered in the same intimate manner, and Glamour was even able to sneak in a few nuzzles during her feeding. She was quite happy with the change.

That is, until Coco sneezed again right as Glamour was leaning in.

Using her mouth to manipulate the spoon made it harder for her to react quickly, and with her close proximity to Coco’s mouth, she was not able to pull back in time, and she was treated to a face-full of soup and snot.

“Uh…” Coco chuckled nervously. “S-sorry, Glamour.”

Glamour only shrugged and grabbed a tissue with a hoof to wipe herself. “I guess that’s what I get for teasing you.” She got up and grabbed the nearly empty bowl in her magic. “I’m just going to go wash my face really quick.”

Glamour continued to care for Coco for the remainder of the day and night, and by the time it was time for them to go to sleep, Coco was not sneezing as much, and her temperature had gone down a bit.

As Glamour lifted the bed sheet to get into the other side of the bed, Coco asked, “Um, are you sure we should sleep together, Glamour?”

Glamour cocked her head. “Why not?”

“Because I’m sick?” Coco replied as though the answer was obvious, because it was.

Glamour merely shrugged and crawled into bed. “I’ll be fine.”

“But, Glamour, I don’t want you to catch my cold.”

Glamour wrapped her hooves around Coco. “Do you feel more comfortable like this?”

“Well, yes…”

“Then that’s good enough for me. I want to help you get better and that also means making sure you sleep well. As a bonus, I’ll be by your side in case you need anything. Just, uh, make sure to sleep facing away from me. I love you, but there are some things you should probably keep to yourself.”

Coco laughed and then rubbed her back into Glamour’s chest. “Thank you, Glamour. Just make sure to be careful and not catch whatever I have.”

“Eh, it’s not like a changeling can catch a pony cold, right?”

“You’re an idiot, Glamour.”

Glamour slowly nodded as she lay in bed. She was dying. She was sure of it.

“Oh, don’t be so hard on her, Grace,” a sick Coco replied, lying next to Glamour. “She only wanted to make sure I was comfortable, and she thought pony germs would not affect her.”

“Guess I was wrong,” Glamour said with a sheepish smile.

Grace rolled her eyes. “Maybe if you were a bit more careful. From what you told me, I’m surprised you did not feed Coco by literally going mouth-to-mouth. You guys are really too lovey-dovey for your own good.”

Glamour and Coco sneezed at the same time, reached for a tissue from the box next to them, and blew their nose in completely synchronized motions.

“Yeah, that’s not creepy at all…”

“How was Rarity’s opening last night, anyway?” Coco asked.

“It was a big hit. Lots of ponies, free food, and some nice tunes from DJ-PON3. She even had some raccoons as waiters, which was both a bit weird and awesome. Oh, she told me to say hi for her when she told me that you were sick. She also mentioned that she wants to come check on you tomorrow when things at her store settle down. She was going to come today, but I told her I got it.”

“And we’re thankful for you coming over and helping out,” Coco said with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m a saint. So, anything you need right now?”

“Maybe some white chocolate mocha?” Glamour asked.

Grace shot her with a flat, unamused glare that screamed “Seriously?”

“Uh, I’m fine,” Glamour amended, sinking into the blankets as Coco giggled.

“If it’s not too much trouble, some honey lemon tea would be nice for the both of us,” said Coco.

Grace nodded and trotted off to the kitchen.

Glamour huddled into the bed sheets and tried to shift into a more comfortable position. It felt like she had no energy, her throat was itchy, her whole body was hot and sweaty, and she was getting irritated by the constant sneezing and coughing.

“I’m sorry you caught my cold,” Coco said.

“It’s not really your fault, and I should’ve been more careful, like Grace said,” Glamour replied. She chuckled lightly. “Guess I’m a bit too literal when I said I always want to be with you and do everything together.”

Coco scooched closer. “Well, I’m really grateful that you took such great care of me yesterday. At least now that we’re both sick, I can do this to you without worry.” She wrapped her hooves around Glamour and buried her muzzle into Glamour’s neck.

Glamour smiled, enjoying the feeling of Coco’s fur brushing against her and the love that poured from her.

This was definitely worth getting sick for.