• Published 16th Aug 2015
  • 34,872 Views, 1,466 Comments

Twilight's Twinlight - Autum Breeze

After his sudden death on his way to school due to an idiot driver, Ken Williams wakes up to find himself as a strange quadruped with wings and a horn.

  • ...

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


Light, gentle laughter fills the air as a fire crackles in the hearth.

Luna, Celestia and I are seated on cushions in Celestia’s personal study.

We are all seated in the centre on a rug, the fire keeping us warm in the early morning.

Gather around us are several books an items. To a random observer, this items are nothing, random objects that hold no value or purpose.

To the three of us, however? Priceless heirlooms of a past long since gone.

“Oh, I remember this,” I smile as I lift up a small clay circle. In it are three different hoof indentations of three sizes. Under each one, going from smallest to biggest are the words Mama, Tia and Me. “You made this three days after I adopted you both.”

I rub my cheek against my younger daughter, who leans gratefully into the sing of affection

We have been spending the last 3 days reminiscing, rekindling the bond we all had long thought lost so many centuries ago.

Sadly, it seemed I had fewer of my memories back than I had originally assumed. Granted, I had a good number, but the biggest moments, the ones that were clearly the strongest ones, at best, were in pieces. It was like my memory had been Swiss cheesed.

When Discord showed us the past, it was more of a highlight reel, to get me up to speed to fully grasp the significance of my time in Equestria’s past.

The looks of sadness that passed over my daughters’ faces whenever it was clear a memory that meant so much to them was so vague to me it could never fully return broke my heart every time.

Thankfully, not all was lost. Of those memories I still retained, they were able to fill in the gaps, allowing us to put at least some of our most special moments back together.

Most useful were the diaries I had kept over my years in the past. While the ink had faded in some places, a good portion had remained.

I must admit, it is a bit surreal, reading your own thoughts put to paper, knowing, when you wrote them, you’d been under the assumption you would not return to the time I have lived through here in the present. Kinda cool. Kinda weird.

“It is so good to have you home, Mother,” my Tia says, nuzzling me, while wrapping her wing around myself and Luna. “Though, I will admit… I think the fact we are now taller than you is going to take some time to get used to,” she adds with a chuckle.

Luna and myself laugh along with her.

“Indeed,” my youngest daughter says, shaking her head. “Twas surprising enough to be around you before. To be taller now that you are back as our mother again is… vexing.”

I nod, smirking. “You both feel weird? Imagine how it feels from my end. My little girls now tower over me. I’m pretty sure a mother shouldn’t be experiencing that til she’s aged like Granny Smith.”

I can’t very well say as old as Granny Smith, since I’m technically older than her, despite the fact I look like I could be her granddaughter.

“Much has changed in Equestria since you left, Mother,” Celestia smiles, before blinking, glancing up in a confused frown. “Or… has it? I mean, you experienced Equestria as it is now before you experienced it in the past so…” She goes wall-eyed, before shaking her head. “I probably shouldn’t try to focus too hard on that, should I?”

I laugh, shaking my head. “No, Tia. I do not believe it wise to try and think too hard on that. Even a mind as long lived as yours would likely not do well if it tried to align my confusing lifeline to a linear perspective.”

Luna nods, giving an agreeing snort. “Indeed. Even in the Dream Realm it is difficult to comprehend. Tis best to not dwell on that aspect of Mother.”

I levitate up a cup of mango tea and sip. “So, while I got to know you before my time in the past, whathave you both been up to since our last meeting in those ancient times?”

Celestia smiles, before looking away. “Well, as you know, I found Cadance after she became an Alicorn and brought her into the family…”

“She means your hobbies, Tia,” Luna rolls her eyes. “Honestly, I am the one who was locked on the moon for a thousand years and yet, despite that, ignoring the difficulties during my first Nightmare Night, I am the one with more hobbies than you.”

I shake my head, smiling as Celestia puffs out her cheeks angrily at her sister.

“Well then, while your sister tries to recover from that burn and think of her own hobbies,” I tease the largest in the room, “what of your hobbies, my dear Luna?”

Luna blushes a little, rubbing the back of her neck.

“Well, I’ll be honest, Mother, during my first months, I was unclear what would interest me. Many things can change over a thousand years. Most of my past times from before my… stint on the moon were no longer really a thing in the modern Equestria I returned to.”

She lights her horn, a chest appearing next to her. She opens it, rummaging around, before pulling out a book with a Pegasus with a three-tone black, white and grey mane and tail and brown coat.

“Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle did, however, get me interested in this book series,” she says excitedly, passing it to me so I can hold it in my magic.

“Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny,” I read the title, before frowning at the cover. “Wait a minute. Is that… Rainbow Dash on the cover?”

Luna nods, before shrugging. “It turns out that Daring Do is a real pony and A.K. Yearling is merely the penname she uses for her books. Rainbow Dash got to be on the cover because she, Twilight Sparkle and their friends aided her in this adventure. Obviously she used different names and descriptions for them in the book,” she waves a hoof, “but we know Twilight Sparkle and her friends too well not to notice the similarities between the characters and them.”

I shrug, opening the book and flicking through a few pages, skimming them as I take a sip of my tea.

“Wait until you get to the part where Daring Do and Rainbow Dash thwart the evil Ahuizotl from using the Ring of Destiny to—”

I spit out my tea, coughing as some of it goes down my windpipe.

Celestia pats me on the back as I try to clear my airways.

Once I can finally breathe again, I look to Luna, wide eyed. “WHAT?! Ahuizotl? Ahuizota's descendant turned his back on the ways of the Guardian Creatures?!”

“I… urm… huh?” is all Luna can respond with, giving me a very puzzled look.

I quickly skim through the book and, sure enough, the creature described as trying to put the forests under eight hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat indeed matches an male sounding version of the being I vaguely remember, even going by a similar same name.

At once, I start rummaging in the truck of my possessions Celestia had held onto after my believed death.

“Um… Mother?” Celestia glances at her sister, uncertain. “What are you…?”

“Ah-ha! You did hold onto it!” I exclaim, pulling out a metal medallion with my Cutie Mark upon it, held by a deep purple ribbon.

I put the amulet around my neck and lift my hoof to touch it, before I pause, blinking and shake my head.

“Come, daughters,” I say, turning around, lighting my horn, “we have urgent business to attend to.”

“Mother, wait!” Celestia says loudly, causing me to pause and I look to them, only to now realize their bewildered expressions.

“What was that about Guardian Creatures?” Luna asks, looking both interested and very confused.

I blink, before frowning in confused annoyance. “Do neither of you remember the tales I told you of the Guardian Creatures, the ones who guard over the most dangerous relics of magic?”

Luna pauses, rubbing her chin in thought. “I… do remember something.”

I sigh, facehoofing. “Of course you don’t. You were both still so young back then, you likely never even noticed.”

However, any further explanation is halted as my horn aches, sensing a massive wave of magical energy passing over us.

Groaning tells me Luna and Celestia sensed it too.

“What…? What in Equestria was that?” Celestia asks, rubbing her head.

I shake my head, before narrowing my eyes. “Explanations will have to wait. For now, we must speak with that traitor!”

I quickly levitate over a piece of parchment, scribbling down a message and coordinates, before levitating the scroll over to Celestia.

“Um…” she glances from the scroll to me.

“Send this to Twilight. It has instructions to have Spike use his dragon flame to send it to this Daring Do, letting her know where to meet us.”

Celestia nods slowly, sending the message, after which I light my horn.

“Wait, Mother what do you—?” Luna begins, but is cut off as my teleport activates.


Celestia and Luna stumble, glancing around in confusion at our changed destination.

We are now standing in a swampy area.

“Wh-where are we?” Luna asks, shaking her head to clear it.

I do no answer, instead, putting my hoof to the amulet and lighting my horn.

At once, the amulet glows, a sparkle of magic flying up and splitting into two, before shooting off, one into the sky, the other… somewhere off in the trees?

“Mother, what… did you just do?” Luna asks, glancing around.

I turn back to them, indicating to the amulet. “This amulet was designed in case I ever needed to call on the Guardian Creatures. All I ever need do is picture the one I wish to see and either they or their replacement would come to my location. Not sure why two summons just happened though.”

“I’m… not really sure that answers our questions,” Luna looks to Celestia and back to me. “Mother, what do you mean Ahuizotl is a traitor? Doesn’t one need to have been on the side of good to be a traitor if they’re evil?”

I blink, glancing between the two of them, before sighing and indicating for them to sit down. “You both were too young, but, long ago, as best I can remember it, I one day learned of beings called the Guardian Creatures. A society of beings with long lifespans, just as we Alicorns have, though still limited. They have existed since even before we ponies. They are tasked with guarding the most sacred of relics, items of such unimaginable power, to mess with them is risking destruction the likes of which is on a scale one cannot even begin to comprehend. Your connection to the sun and moon are even bond by two of these relics.”

They both glance each other, before looking to me.

I sigh. “Long before unicorns began raising and lowering the sun and moon, they moved on their own. However, without warning, one day, they stopped. While many feared it, there were ancient sorcerers who did not fear it.”

“How could they not fear the sun and moon forever remaining in place?” Luna gasps, looking to her sister.

“An ancient toad sage had long ago told them of a prophecy,” I explain. “In this prediction, he foresaw two sisters whom would be bound to the sun and moon, able to wield them as if extensions of themselves. With his instructions, using spells long lost to time now, they infused two crowns with energies that would keep the power of the sun and moon from growing beyond control until those two sisters from the prophecy would come to guide the sun and moon. Crowns that were appropriately named The Sister Crown Relics.”

“Though, the unicorns started first,” Celestia points out.

I nod. “Keep in mind, daughter, unicorns were more… self-concerned, shall we say, back then. They were well aware of the prophecy, but were not willing to wait, so took up the role of raising and lowering the sun and moon themselves. And we all know where that led eventually.”

They both nod, their expressions honestly adorable, reminding me of back when they were younger and I was telling them facts of the kingdom that fascinated their young little minds.

Luna blinks, frowning in confusion. “But, how is it you learned of such a prophecy, Mother?”

I chuckle. “The Guardian Creatures themselves told me… during what I now realize was the first step towards Nightmare Moon’s awakening,” I finish, my voice quiet from shock.

Celestia and Luna look to each other, confused and worried.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asks, leaning forward.

I sigh, shaking my head. “Foolish old mare. One important fact about the Sister Crown Relics is that, should they ever be separated, the land in which they reside will be doomed to a great catastrophe. In this case, with the sun crown no longer in balance with its sister, the moon crown gained too much power and, if the sun crown was not returned, the land would be doomed to eternal night. Sound familiar?”

Both of their faces pale.

“The Sun Crown was stolen by thieves one day and, it was during that time, before you two came into my life, that I was approached by one of the Guardians. He was an aged Sphinx, soon to retire from his post, his granddaughter to take over. We found the thieves and retrieved the crown… but it seems, while the crown was returned, it was not soon enough to prevent a power swell. That is likely what caused you to fall to your negative emotions and become Nightmare Moon, Luna.”

The two stare, horrified by the idea that their suffering due to Nightmare was because of events they never even knew of.

“And… Ahuizotl is one of these Guardian Creatures?” Luna asks after some time.

I nod, scowling. “He is clearly not the one from back when I was in the past. More likely, he is a descendent and named after his predecessor. That is why I asked for you to summon this Daring Do, Celestia. If she has been dealing with Ahuizotl for so long, she may be able to shed some light on why he strayed from his ancestor’s noble path.”

“How long do you think it will take for her to get here?” Celestia asks, uncertain.

I blink, frowning. I hadn’t thought of that.

Suddenly, a teleport from behind me makes me turn around to see the mare from the front cover of that book.

Her eyes widen at the sight of the three of us.

“Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!” Her eyes fall on me and she bows deeply. “Princess Ken! I… um… I’m going to be honest, I… don’t know why you wanted to see me. Princess Twilight didn’t really explain.”

Luna is silently sqeeing, it clear only Celestia’s magical hold is keeping her from going all fangirl. Now is not the time though.

“Daring Do,” I say, standing up and turning around to face her. “You have dealt with the treacherous Ahuizotl. Can you tell me when he fell from his path?”

Daring just blinks, before cocking an eyebrow in confusion. “Treacherous? I’m sorry, princess, but how can somebody who’s always been evil be treacherous? Don’t you need to have been good first?”

I open my mouth to answer, but am cut off by a loud yell.


Before I even know what’s going on, I’m tackled by something massive and fuzzy.

It takes several moments before I realize whatever is holding me, a whatever with a voice I find shockingly familiar, is nuzzling me as it presses me against its cheeks.

I pull back slightly after a few moments, my eyes wide. “Fwinxie?!”

She gives an big innocent smile and nods, saying, “Yep!”

“Is… is that a baby sphinx?!” Daring’s voice shouts in shock.

With a little coaxing, I manage to get the sphinx to let me down and I hop down, nodding. “Indeed, Miss Daring. This is Fwinxie, the Guardian Creature of the deserts around Somnambula…” I frown, glancing up at said guardian, “though, last I checked, she should be an adult by now. Elderly at best. She was a baby when she took over for her grandfather.”

“Wait. They put a baby in charge of guarding dangerous magical relics?” Celestia looks shocked.

I shake my head. “No. Until she was old enough, the Guardian Beasts would take it in turns to help her watch over her territory. Though…” I look up at the apparently over a thousand year old baby, “why she has barely aged a day since I last saw her over a thousand years ago, I couldn’t begin to explain. Or why she’s even here.”

At this, the baby’s eyes water and she sits down, her shoulders sagging. “Wooking fow Som-Mama.”

I blink, before my heart breaks and I lean in against her, rubbing my cheek against hers. “I’m so sorry, sweetie.”

She sniffles, before gently leaning into my nuzzling.

“Um, who is this Som-Mama?” Celestia asks, an eyebrow raised.

I spend the next couple hours explaining what I can as best as possible from my fractured memories and what I can fill in thanks to what my diaries contained and my daughters had done for me over the week.

Somnambula was Fwinxie’s mother after this little one had adopted her as her mother (yes, I know that’s not how it works, but it’s how it happened) and was one of the Pillar of Light along with Star Swirl.

Fwinxie had apparently gone looking for her mother a few days after she’d left with Star Swirl and the other Pillars… but then found herself in this swamp, confused as to how she’d gotten there. She explains as best an infant that can barely talk can, that she got sick, though some of the things that had happened to her, though I don’t recognize as symptoms of any disease I’ve heard of.

“Wait,” Daring holds up a hoof, a look of recognition, confusion and fear in her eyes. “Fwinxie, you say you started growing tree leafs and were coughing bubbles?”

The baby nods, her expression uncomfortable. “Not wike. Bad bubbles. Feew bad.”

“Miss Do, what do you know?” I ask, my tone stern.

Daring gulps. “Well, from the symptoms she’s describing… I think Fwinxie here had Swamp Fever!”

Celestia gasps, while Luna and I glance at each other, perplexed.

“But, how?” Celestia looks to the baby sphinx, who just seems confused. “If she was that far into the sickness… how is she fine now? It is still incurable!”

“Well…” Daring says, rubbing her chin, clearly trying to think of an answer.

“DARING DO!” a loud voice yells, causing us all to jump.

We whirl around as a huge figure comes into view.

He shoves a tree aside, his face filled with rage. “Now you dare to steal the Summoning Amulet of the First Princess of… of…”

He trails of as his eyes fall upon our little group.

In particular, he’s looking between myself and the baby sphinx.

“P-Princess Ken? Fwinxie? But…” he puts a paw to his head. “But… how?”

“Ahui?” Fwinxie cheers, before charging towards him. “Ahui!”

She slams into him, pinning him to the ground in a massive hug.

“I— but— how did— WHAT?!” is all I hear as he struggles to get out from the massive baby.

I walk around so I’m look directly down at him, my expression stern. “Ahuizotl,” he finches at the coldness in my tone. “How dare you turn you back on the path of the Guardian Creatures. Is this really what the descendant of such a great guardian as his ancestor has become, a being who would betray his very purpose for greed?!”

“Wait, what?!” his eyes are wide. “No, no, no, Princess. I swear on my life, I would never dream of turning my back on my fellow Guardian Creatures or my great grandmother's legacy!”

“Then explain why Miss Do over here has spent so long stopping you from doing just that?!” I demand, pointing to the mare in question.

At once, his fear is replaced by rage. “What? That thief? I have been doing nothing these last years but trying to stop her and her accomplices from stealing the ancient artefacts I am bound to guard!”

“Wait a minute,” Daring blinks. “Ahuizotl, you’re a Guardian Creature, just like that sphinx?”

“Of course I am!” he looks over at her menacingly. Well, as menacing as one can look when they’re being pinned down by a giant baby sphinx that’s nuzzling them. “You and your allies have been nothing but a thorn in my side, especially since it became my turn to watch over Fwinxie lands… Though how is she still a baby? My mother said she was still a baby when great great grandfather had my job.”

“Wait. Allies?” Daring cocks an eyebrow.

“Oh, please,” Ahuizotl rolls his eyes. “That Caballeron, that weirdo who started calling himself Stalwart Stallion and those blasted Wild Bunch Gang, among others. You think I do not know you are all working together?!”

“Now, wait just a minute!” Luna pipes up angrily. “Those are not Daring Do’s allies! They are her arch enemies. Well, aside from you, anyway.”

Ahuizotl stops struggling as he turns to Luna, before his eyes widen, even more so when he sees Celestia. “The Sisters of the Sun and Moon?”

“I— Oh, yes, that,” Luna coughs.

“Stop,” I hold up a hoof. “Everyone just stop for a moment.”

We finally get everyone just talking instead of throwing confusing accusations at each other and things finally get cleared up.

Due to a clear misunderstanding, Daring Do had always been under the assumption Ahuizotl was a thief after the treasures at every temple she encountered him at and him vice versa… though I do find myself facehoofing at the fact it never seemed to come to Daring’s notice that, if he were indeed just another thief, the tribes of the temples wouldn’t have ever worked with him, nor would he have so easily been able to activate the magical defences of those temples in which he did.

“Well… I’m certainly embarrassed,” Daring says after all the explanations are finally said and done, rubbing her leg, blushing heavily.

“Yes, well… I must admit, I could have done a better job clearing things up myself,” the Guardian Creature says, rubbing his neck, just as embarrassed.

“And I promise I’ll return all the artefacts I’ve taken from yours and the other Guardian Creatures’ temples as soon as possible,” Daring says, before looking uncertain. “Though… you might have to help me figure out which is which. I have unintentionally taken a lot of them.”

Ahuizotl nods, before frowning and folding his arms. “Now, if I could just find out how to stop those others from stealing them.”

Daring blinks, before smiling. “Hey. I could help you with that. I’m usually hunting the relics to stop them from being stolen by those I find on their trail. I could help you protect the artefacts, especially since you could probably use the help until Fwinxie here is old enough to protect her land on her own. I’ll even write that in my next book.”

I hear a muffled squee from Luna and glance back to see Celestia holding her mouth shut with magic.

Ahuizotl blinks, before sighing. “That would help a lot, Daring Do. Now that I shall be caring for Fwinxie herself as well, the help would be much appreciated.” He rubs his temple. “Mother will never believe me when I tell her that she is still an infant.”

“Kenny no come wiff?” I look to Fwinxie, who’s giving me the cuteness puppy dog eyes.

I give her a warm smile and nuzzle her. “I promise I’ll visit, little one.”

With that, the three of us bid the three of them farewell and I teleport us back to Celestia’s study in Canterlot.

“Well, that was… not quite what I was expecting when you said you’d be staying with us for a while, Mother,” Celestia says, shaking her head.

“I got Daring Do to sign my copy of her book! I got Daring Do to sign my copy of her book!” Luna sqeees, dancing around in a cute trot, her copy of the Ring of Destiny floating in her magic.

I giggle, nodding. “Neither did I, Tia. Neither did I.”

Author's Note:


Yes, after such a long hiatus, i finally got another chapter of this fic up... though i'm honestly not sure if it's any good.

For context, even after i restored chapter 20 to its former glorly and best reinserted the liens i'd removed regarding KenLight\TwiKen, (still dunno what to call the ship), i realized i wasn't really sure how best to handle the moving forward before Twilgiht's freak out and then the Crystaling.

as such, i was stuck... until i remembered Daring Doubt and Fwinxie and realized i could use that, not to mention solve a lot of Daring's problems even before Daring Done's events.

Still, I dunno if i did this well enough or not,

it probably doesn't help that, monday evening, i screwed up my wrist, so not only wasn't able to go to work for the rest of the week, but couldn't even go down to the library to write a new chapter of anything because, thanks to covid, you have to wipe down the computer before you use it and that's pretty hard to do when one of you wrists is bugged up, so was sitting on the idea for the last 1 3/4 days.

i say 1 3/4 because i've just spent the last 3+ hours typing up this chapter on the home computer, something i don't normally do because... well, it's kind of a dumb personal reason.

anyway, if this chapter is... well, crap, it's likely because i wrote it in the last three hours, with a stiff pretty busted up wrist and it is almost 11pm here now as i'm finishing up.

i do hope it's a least decent enough a start and, hopefully, next time, i'll be able to do more with the chapter, since i'll be having Ken's time during the Crystaling.

anyway, i'm gonna go relax a bit so i can get a good night's sleep for tomorrow, whatever it may bring.

hope you enjoyed this chapter and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and goodnight everybody

Edit 25/7/2020: So, having seen several comments talking about how Ken doesn't seem to be acting like Ken anymore, more like a completely different character, i felt i needed to clarify a few things.

Something to keep in mind is this is Ken only a WEEK after the season 5 finale events. think about that, REALLY think about that: only a WEEK since all the time travel insanity she, Twilight and Spike were stuck going through due to Starlight Glimmer.

That is only a week since Ken, after fighting in a war for several months and finally hooking up with Twilight, had time to stop and think about the myriad of memories she got back of her time in the past.

She is still coping with the pain from the fact she thought she'd never see her daughters ever again.

"But, Autum," you might say, "she knows full well she didn't lose them and DID see them again. she was around them for all those months BEFORE getting her memories back."

But think of it this way, if you thought someome close to you had died, and the trauma was so bad you repressed the memory, only to find them alive and well, but the memory of the pain came back after months of interacting with that person, you couldn't just ignore that pain could you, could you?

You'd know that the pain doesn't matter, because the person is still alive and you've been with them all that time... but the pain won't simply go away.

Trauma lingers, no matter how easily it could be explained away.

THAT is Ken right now. Even though she is fully aware she's been around Celestia and Luna for months since before the finale's events, she still feels that pain her past self had endured in her final moments before her body turned to stone, techincally made all the worse by seeing exactly how Luna had reacted in the final moments of those memories.

You try watching your daughter wailing in sorrow at what she thought was your death. I doubt you'd cope well with it either.

Ken acted as she did throughout this chapter because she is in Mama Bear Mode right now. The memories of wanting to be with her daughters so desperately are still there and she can't just ignore them by rationalizing it due to the wibbly wobbly timey wimey nature of it all.

Ken is still Ken, she just needs time to realign her current self with her past self until they can exist in a cohesive manner. it's what she'd been spending all this time with Celestia and Luna doing.

She needed to come to terms with her emotions in order to move forward and be the Ken we all know and love AND Celestia and Luna's mother at the same time.

Ken isn't a new character, she's just trying to find a way to work with this other side of her.