• Published 27th Aug 2015
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BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony - I-C-U-P

After fate saved his life, BlackWarGreymon starts a new heroic life in Equestria. Making great friends along the way.

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Chapter 62: Dawn of an Unforeseen Power (Part 2)

On the fringes of the Everfree Forest, BlackWarGreymon, enraged from seeing Princess Luna in pain from Lord Tirek’s actions, caused him to unlock the power that was granted by Equestria itself. Red trails from the hundreds of magical orbs descended from the skies. All merging into BlackWarGreymon’s body.

But while powering up, something new had happened. For a moment, black flames were seen within the powerful red aura of BlackWarGreymon. Being hyped for the Digimon’s transformation, the ponies thought nothing of the momentarily change. As for ChaosBlackWarGreymon, who was eavesdropping behind some trees, he was the one who paid full attention to the brief change. His crimson eyes widened in shock as he gasped at the sight and the feel of the change.

What he felt wasn’t magic. He sensed something different about BlackWarGreymon. Something different, yet familiar. Something that frightened him enough to take a step back.

‘No. I…Impossible! That spark! That… that was…data! He almost surged with data! But why?’

His mind ruled out one possibility.

‘He may be a Mega, but he’s still an Artificial Digimon. So, it can’t be an ascension to… the level above. It’s impossible. So, what was that!?’

Despite the scene playing out before him, the sudden but brief change was something ChaosBlackWarGreymon kept on thinking about.

Back on the scene, as the last of the magical orbs entered his body, BlackWarGreymon could feel the energy trying to burst forth from his body. As all his muscles clenched, the furious Mega glared once more at Tirek before speaking in a hateful tone. Wanting to avenge Luna for what Tirek had done to her.

“Don’t…you…dare…TOUCH HER!!!!!”

In an outburst of rage from his echoing voice, all the energy within the Digimon exploded in a massive display of fury and power. The glow was so intense that everyone had to shield their eyes. The sheer force from his ascended energy literally tore apart the ground around him. As if he was the centre of an earthquake.

As BlackWarGreymon continued to yell, all eyes turned their attention back to him. They could see that his red aura looked more ferocious than ever, meaning that the Digimon had become stronger than ever. Possibly even more so than back at the Crystal Empire. Celestia and Ayumi, being the only ones who had never seen the form in a fight, could only stare on in silent awe. Though the others had seen the form before, they remained just as speechless as the first time. Even ChaosBlackWarGreymon paused in silence. Stunned at the level of strength BlackWarGreymon had reached.

Ayumi tried to muster a much strength she had to gaze at BlackWarGreymon’s true might. She remembered how strong he was when he was just trying to power up. But to actually see the true appearance of the transformation in it’s fullest, it was a whole new experience for her. Seeing a digital being and the magic of Equestria becoming one. She wished she’d still possessed her magic. Wanting to see how much stronger BlackWarGreymon had become. But it seemed that just seeing the form was all she currently wanted.

“So that’s it. The power he was talking about before. That’s… his Ascended form,” She uttered before her strength gave out. Slipping back to unconsciousness.

Although Luna was just as speechless, she couldn’t help but feel somewhat… influenced. It was in fact the second time her best friend unlocked his Ascended form for her sake. It was her in danger that drove BlackWarGreymon to break his limits and become greater than before.

Knowing that the fight had become even more dangerous, Luna retreated until she was behind a rock as the other ponies managed to get some cover behind the trees.

“Wha…what’s this!?” Tirek asked. Demanding an explanation.

‘Background music’ ‘Not Gonna Die by Skillet’

As Tirek stood silently, intimidated by the Digimon’s display, the powerful aura around BlackWarGreymon began to condense. Then as the energy huddled closer to his body, the super Digimon flew through the air towards Tirek at new frightening speeds. Before the giant centaur could react quick enough, the ascended Mega delivered an energized punch to the face.

With the blow backed up with tremendous energy, Tirek found himself skidding backwards as he yelled in pain. Despite his giant size, the attack was like being punched by another giant. Tirek stumbled as he came to a halt. Painfully grunting as he held onto his face. But his expression was more of shock.

“What the…!? How did he suddenly become so much stronger!?”

But as he tried to comprehend what was going on, the ascended BlackWarGreymon came in and dished out several more punches to the face. He ended the combo with a hard kick to his right cheek.

Tirek was again left stumbling and yelling. Almost toppling over. Was it possible that despite the size difference, BlackWarGreymon had become even stronger than him?

Not wanting to believe that the fact was true, Tirek roared as he threw his right fist to punch the smaller aggressor. But to his shock, BlackWarGreymon caught a firm hold on his giant wrist and then, to the surprise of the onlooking ponies, he threw the gigantic centaur over his shoulder. Similar to a judo flip. Then with his strength completely betraying his size, the ascended Mega smashed Tirek to the ground.

As the fallen lord tumbled across the ground, the super Digimon sent him further away after throwing a quick combo of punches and kicks. But then afterwards he grabbed a hold on one of Tirek’s rear hooves and spun around to throw him back to where the fight started.

The giant centaur uncontrollably rolled across the ground before coming to a halt. But before he had any time to recover, the ascended BlackWarGreymon appeared behind him and grabbed a hold on his tail. Then to the shock of Tirek and the onlooking witnesses, the super Mega had the strength to spin the evil lord around by his tail as Tirek yelled out in surprise!

As the momentum sped up to shocking speeds, BlackWarGreymon wasted no time in tossing Tirek high into the air. With the flailing centaur high above him, BlackWarGreymon yelled as he flew up to him like a speeding red comet. What came next was an earth-shattering blow as the ascended Mega smashed into Tirek’s back. Causing the giant to roar out in agony. Then using his heightened speed to move faster then the eye could see, BlackWarGreymon briefly disappeared from underneath Tirek and reappeared above him. He then swung his right leg out to kick Tirek’s shoulder. Sending him higher into the air. The glowing Digimon repeated the pattern again. Swiping him with his foot and bashing him with his heels. And then ended it by ramming his right elbow into Tirek’s giant chest.

The combo of attacks left Tirek stunned as he fell back to the ground. Throwing up a mountain of dirt as he crashed.

“What… in Equestria… is going on!?” He roared as he felt parts of his body aching. Still dumbfounded from being beaten up by a foe so much smaller than he was.

BlackWarGreymon roared as he dived down towards the recovering Tirek with his left foot out to stomp on him. Tirek tried to counter it with his left fist to punch the Digimon away. But with the Mega in his Ascended form, Tirek took the full force of the blow. Yelling as if his hand was either heavily sprained or even broken.

BlackWarGreymon then surprised Tirek even more by flying up to grab one of his giant horns. Then after a mighty yell and a forceful toss, he threw the colossal centaur overhead and into the air. He then landed on his back as he fell back to the ground.

The ponies were amazed at the sight of their friend besting the giant centaur. Even the hidden ChaosBlackWarGreymon was stunned form witnessing how much stronger BlackWarGreymon had become.

After he got up on his hooves, the enraged Tirek used his magic to levitate several large boulders from the ground. Finally on the attack, he launched them to his advancing foe. But as the ascended BlackWarGreymon sped towards the evil lord, he proceeded to smash through every giant rock in his way with little to no effort. Seeing his attack fail caused Tirek to briefly panic as he threw a right-handed punch to knock the Digimon away.

But to his shock and surprise, his fist seemed to have passed through BlackWarGreymon before the image of him faded. But just as he realised that it was an afterimage, the real BlackWarGreymon came in behind to slam his left armoured knee into the back of Tirek’s head.

Tirek stumbled from the blow and tried to retaliate by turning around to throw another punch. But the ascended Mega dodged it, spun around and slammed his right elbow into the side of the centaur’s face.

As he held onto his face, the frustration kept on building up for Tirek. Ever since BlackWarGreymon’s ascension, Tirek was unable to land a single blow on him. Not even with all the power he had stolen. After getting fed up with being on the receiving end of the attacks, Tirek swung his arms down aimlessly. Managing to knock BlackWarGreymon to the ground. Tirek then proceeded to relentlessly punch the downed Digimon into the dirt. Dust flew as the crater grew bigger after every blow.

After several beatings, Tirek began to feel his knuckles burning from making constant contact with BlackWarGreymon’s aura. Thus, decided to fire a blast of magic from his horns to the downed Mega. But as soon as there was an explosion from the blast, the unscaved BlackWarGreymon leapt high up to Tirek’s head and grabbed a hold on the centaur’s left horn. Then using his own momentum, the glowing Mega swung around the horn and slammed both his feet into Tirek’s face.

As Tirek stumbled back from the attack, BlackWarGreymon decided to use one of his enhanced powers before his enemy could recover.

Performing his Dragon Crusher attack, the super Digimon threw his right arm down to release a wave of energy that forced Tirek back. But instead of raising his left arm up to release the fire and end the attack, BlackWarGreymon threw the arm down and created another wave of energy. Confusing the ponies, the Mega repeated it three more times.

With the centaur held back by five energy waves, both BlackWarGreymon’s arms were thrown upwards. Releasing not one, but two waves of negative fire.

The fire ignited the energy waves, causing the whole front of the giant centaur’s body to burst into flames.

As Tirek wailed as his body was being burnt, the ponies couldn’t help but stare in shock. It seemed in his Ascended form, all his attacks had been upgraded.

It was further evidenced when BlackWarGreymon flew up high behind the slowly recovering Tirek. As he got to a good height, the Digimon began to spin on the spot with his arms raised. But as his Black Tornado began to form, the group were surprised to see two more Black Tornado’s appearing either side of the spinning super Mega.

The attack was so unlike the previous version, it even had a new name in which BlackWarGreymon himself uttered.


As the spinning BlackWarGreymon dived down towards Tirek’s back, the two smaller tornados began to spiral around the central one. As Tirek turned around to see the triple threat, he only had enough time to cross his arms for protection. But despite his defence, the giant lord grunted loudly in pain as the spiral drill-like attack made contact with his skin. Pushing Tirek back while drilling against his bare arms.

Within a matter of seconds, the central tornado faded as the ascended BlackWarGreymon stopped spinning and flew back. But with the two smaller tornados present, the Digimon engulfed his metal claws in negative fire. Then by touching the whirling black winds, the fire ignited them. The trail of fire travelled downwards and then set fire to Tirek’s front once more.

The onlooking group were stunned silent. BlackWarGreymon was going all out with his attacks. And the sight of him combining two attacks into one was an amazing sight to behold.

As Tirek tried to fight back the burning pain on his body, he saw the ascended BlackWarGreymon preparing another attack. His two clawed gauntlets joined together as a green energy sphere began to take form. Knowing what was coming, he crossed his arms once more but then formed an orange forcefield around his body.

Not that it did him any good. Because as the Digimon fired a hellfire of his War Blaster attack, the green projectiles smashed against the magical barrier. Causing cracks along the surface. Unable to withstand the barrage of relentless attacks, the forcefield was eventually shattered. And the giant centaur was left defenceless as his body was being bombarded by the attacks. Stumbling back and screaming in pain as his huge body took every single pounding hit.

After nearly stumbling over, Tirek regained his footing. BlackWarGreymon stopped his energy attack and charged down at the centaur once more. However, as he flew, he failed to notice that something about himself was off. He was so caught up in his fight with Tirek, he failed to realise that his magnificent glowing aura… started to dim.

As the ascended Digimon threw in a kick, Tirek raised his left arm to block it. A loud boom was sounded from the impact. But to Tirek’s surprise, nothing more.

As BlackWarGreymon retreated, a thought crossed Tirek’s mind.

‘Strange. That attack wasn’t as strong as the last ones.’

Feeling that he might even stand a chance, Tirek charged in and began throwing punches. In which BlackWarGreymon was forced to dodge and block. As the giant centaur attacked, the ascended Mega took advantage of any openings. Scoring hits on the evil lord.

Even though her digital friend had hurt Tirek more, Twilight started to feel that something was off.

“Wait. Something’s not right here.”

Most of the group looked to Twilight in confusion.

“What is it Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

The lavender Alicorn spoke out her concerns as she watched the battle unfold.

“Just look at Tirek. He’s starting to resist BlackWarGreymon’s attacks and fighting back.”

Rarity then spoke up in uncertainty.

“But how can that be? It’s not like Tirek can get stronger without absorbing our magic.”

But as Twilight paid closer attention to the warring two, her eyes widened in shock and realisation.

“It’s not Tirek. It’s BlackWarGreymon!”

Her expressions darkened more from realising what was happening.

“His attacks… they’re getting weaker!”

The other ponies all looked at her in disbelief. And then at the Digimon in shock. For some of the ponies, they could see that Twilight was right. BlackWarGreymon’s attacks didn’t seem to be causing as much damage to Tirek as before.

“But… how can that be? He’s in his Ascended form,” Princess Cadence spoke out.

Elsewhere on the battlefield, Luna started to grow concerned. She could see that BlackWarGreymon’s fiery aura… wasn’t as fiery as it was before. Being the only pony of the group to still have her magic, she started to sense the Digimon’s power. Only to gasp in shock from what she sensed about him.

“His power… it’s starting to drop!”

Unaware of his situation, BlackWarGreymon broke contact with Tirek and flew high in the sky. After forming an energy sphere in-between his hands, the Mega raised it above his head. As the group saw the orb growing larger, they saw that because of his Ascended form, the sphere itself greatly resembled a bright red and orange sun. Reaching eighty feet wide.


Tirek slightly gasped in shock from the sight of BlackWarGreymon throwing the burning red orb at him. Not wanting to feel the attack upon him, Tirek charged up as much magic as he could and then fired a giant thirty-foot wide orange beam towards the energy ball.

The whole world turned orange as the two powers clashed. The orange river of magic struggling to hold back the might of the Digimon’s attack.

But as Tirek felt massive strain from his counterattack being slowly forced back, he suddenly felt a drop in power. But it didn’t come from him. To his confusion, he felt it coming from BlackWarGreymon!

Using his discovery to his advantage, Tirek poured more power into his attack. His beam attack successfully pushing the energy ball back.

Seeing his attack coming back towards him briefly startled BlackWarGreymon. But then dived down towards it with his arms crossed in front of him. Like a battering ram, he collided into his own attack. The Digimon used his strength to push the ball down while the giant centaur used his energy beam to push the ball up.

The ponies held their breath from the unique struggle. Hoping that their friend would win.

Then as he found the strength to end the struggle, the ascended Mega forcefully kicked his own attack. The force behind it caused the Terra Destroyer sphere to plough through Tirek’s energy beam. Which was then followed by a blinding explosion and the painfilled yelling from Tirek.

‘Song end.’

As the massive smoke cloud filled the air from the blast, the glowing form of BlackWarGreymon landed back on the ground. But all his friends noticed that something else wasn’t right about him. Not only his glowing aura had shrunken, but they could see him panting for breath.

“Is… is he exhausted?” Prince Shining Armor asked.

“N-No way! There’s no way he could be tired out so quickly! He’s in his Ascended form!” Rainbow Dash protested. Disbelief written on the faces of her and the others.

But as Twilight looked carefully at BlackWarGreymon, she could still see him breathing heavily. Then as he tried to recompose himself and stand up straight, his body seemed to be strained as his legs slightly trembled.

Then a shocking thought occurred to Twilight.

‘Maybe… it’s the form itself. Maybe that is what’s causing it.’

As the smoke cloud cleared, Tirek seemed to have fallen. But after a few seconds of silence, the dirt covered centaur rose back up on his four hooves. And then turned to face BlackWarGreymon. After he took a good look at his smaller foe, Tirek began to grin.

“So that’s what’s going on.”

He began to scoff at the Digimon.

“Hah! It seems that I’m going to win this battle and take my revenge after all.”

Like the ponies, BlackWarGreymon was taken by surprise. True, Tirek was standing. But his body was battered and worn. Not to mention burnt in several places as well as scorched. Yet, he claimed that he would be the one who would come out on top.

“What makes you think that would happen!? I can still fight!” BlackWarGreymon stated as he readied himself. Not even realising that he almost stumbled by his feet.

Lord Tirek then explained BlackWarGreymon’s situation.

“True. But just look at yourself. You’re so worn out, you can barely stand up.”

The ascended Digimon looked at Tirek in surprise.


He then looked down at his body. To his disbelief, Tirek was right. He could see his legs almost buckling from the stress. With his focus moved onto himself, he could even fell his legs trembling. In fact, his whole body felt very worn down. He tried to clench his concealed fists but found little to no strength behind them. With those signs, as well as his heavy breathing, he DID appear to be very tired. Much to the confusion of himself and his pony friends.

“But… why!? How did…?”

Tirek then spoke up. Detailing exactly what was wrong with his foe.

“Whatever power you used to make yourself stronger, it’s clearly right now draining your stamina. It seems someone hasn’t fully understood his powers.”

His grin grew bigger.

“Or perhaps, there’s a flaw in that power.”

BlackWarGreymon wanted to deny Tirek’s claims, but the mockery carried a painful truth. But while the cause was still unknown to him, he realised that he only achieved his Ascended form only three times. All of which came forth only on accident or when enraged. On his own, with his own efforts, he never once achieved the transformation. And because the form itself was still new to him, and how limited he became ascended, he had little to no understanding of the form. How it works or how to use it properly.

In short, he wasn’t fully prepared to use the Ascended form, despite it saving him in the past. BlackWarGreymon grunted in anger as he looked down in shame. The onlooking ponies shocked to see that Tirek’s words, as well as their own theories, were true all the long.

“I… don’t believe it.” BlackWarGreymon said. Angry with himself.

With the fight seemingly paused, Tirek became more intrigued with the Digimon’s glowing aura. After taking a moment to actually sense the energy of the Digimon’s form, he was taken back at the shocking discovery.

‘That power! T…That’s magic! Equestrian magic! Just how did…!?’

Tirek paused. A cruel idea formed in his mind.

“Wait a minute.”

On the side-lines, the ponies were frightened by the sudden evil smile on Tirek’s face. As if he had just discovered something that they hadn’t noticed yet.

Their fears came true when the giant centaur spoke to the smaller Digimon.

“Now I know how you were able to do this. You used the very magic of Equestria to achieve this.”

His evil grin only grew bigger as he finished.

“If the magic from your pony friends can make me stronger, than the same goes for you now!”

Then in a blink of an eye, Tirek used a levitation spell on BlackWarGreymon. Lifting up the surprised mega high in the air. But before the Digimon could react, the centaur wasted no time and opened his mouth. Beginning to use his formidable magic stealing ability.

At the first instance, nothing happened. But then suddenly, BlackWarGreymon felt a powerful suction throughout his entire body. He briefly yelled out, as if something was tearing his body apart from the inside. He painfully grunted, trying to keep his ascended energy from leaving his form.

But with his body strained and worn from the battle, streams of energy slipped from BlackWarGreymon’s grasp! Slowly being consumed by Tirek.

The mares and stallion all stared and gasped at the shocking site. They couldn’t believe that Tirek’s idea was actually working on BlackWarGreymon. But since the Ascended form was magic based, it was likely. They all felt a painful sting in their hearts as more streams of magic left the Digimon’s body. Signs that he was losing his grip.

As he consumed the ascended magic, Tirek’s mind was bristling with excitement.

‘I don’t believe it! This kind of magic tastes even greater than I ever imagined! It’s so sweet and ripe! Fresh from the land itself! It’s so irresistible! I must have it all!!’

Seeing her friend in deep trouble, Luna tried to interfere by firing blasts of her magic at Tirek. But with the new power growing inside of him, the giant hardly felt her attacks.

Seeing that her magic was becoming more and more useless against the evil lord, the blue Alicorn looked up at BlackWarGreymon in sadness and horror. She could tell that he was losing too much energy. His struggles were becoming weaker and weaker. And for once, there was nothing she could do to help him.

“No. Not BlackWarGreymon. Not him,” Luna said quietly as tears started to form in her eyes. Because she knew that if BlackWarGreymon falls, so does the hopes of Equestria.

On the side-lines, ChaosBlackWarGreymon stood motionless. Ever since BlackWarGreymon used his Ascended form, and throughout the entire battle, the digital clone was in a state of shock and…awe. He stared blankly as his mind raced. Wondering how his progenitor became so much stronger than he was.

But while he was trying to find a possible answer, beyond his control memories came to him. The day when BlackWarGreymon chose to spare his life instead of taking it. The night when he defeated the Timberwolves, saving the Cutiemark Crusaders. But most importantly, a time when he spoke to the Tree of Harmony sparked to life. Reminding ChaosBlackWarGreymon of the conversation he had with the mysterious figure. And about his possible destiny.

His crimson eyes went wide in realisation when he pieces slowly came together.

“I understand now.”

He looked at the ground as he collected his thoughts.

“Sombra wanted me to destroy his enemies, but that was his desire. The boss wanted me to destroy everything in my wake, but that is also what he wants. But no. Not me. Not anymore. What I want… is what my desire is. And now I know what I want.”

ChaosBlackWarGreymon lifted his head up, looking at the only other Digimon in the area.

“It was right there the whole time. I was created from BlackWarGreymon’s data. So the path to my desire, must be linked to him. Wherever it is to fight him to see who’s the strongest. Or to uncover and understand the secrets to his strength. I don’t know which one it is, but BlackWarGreymon is the key. If he was able to become so strong despite going against his creator’s wishes, then… surely the same could apply to me. I can find out what I want in this life. To find my own calling.”

His red eyes went even wider as he reached his conclusion.

“BlackWarGreymon… is the key to my destiny!!”

As his hype reached its peak, ChaosBlackWarGreymon realised something. If BlackWarGreymon would fall to Tirek, then his hopes of the exciting future would never come to fruition. Once Tirek gets his chance, he would most probably kill the black armoured Digimon. And once he does, then the digital clone would lose all his chances to discover himself. Either to become stronger than BlackWarGreymon, or even something else that didn’t revolve around his master. Regardless of what his future would be, he believed that BlackWarGreymon was the only one who would lead him to his destiny. There was no other in Equestria like him.

Seeing that his desired future was at great risk, ChaosBlackWarGreymon turned his sights on the giant centaur. His crimson eyes narrowing in a glare of hate.

“And no one will stand in my way!” He said, his cold voice sounded more like a growl.

Back on the scene, BlackWarGreymon was in serious trouble. As Lord Tirek absorbed more and more of the Digimon’s magic-enhanced energy, his body began to feel weaker and weaker. Soon enough, he could barely move his arms as he continued to grunt loudly in pain. His aura fading more as seconds passed by.

‘No! I… can’t hold out… much longer! My energy is almost gone!’

On the ground, Celestia, Cadence, Shining Armor and the Mane Six all rushed out into the open. Leaving the unconscious Ayumi by a large tree for safety. Huddling together, they desperately tried to come up with a plan.

“We can’t just stand here! We need to help him!” Twilight declared.

“But how!? Luna is the only one with any magic left!” Cadence pointed out, then joined by Celestia.

“And I’m afraid my sister’s magic is now not strong enough to even hurt Tirek!”

“And I’m sorry to say that we’re too weak to fight, darling,” Rarity said, reminding the others that their energies were all stolen by Tirek himself.

“Then what can we do!? This…this can’t be it. Could it?” Rainbow Dash asked, her voice shaken by fear that the end had finally come.

To most of the group, it looked as though there was no hope of salvation. Some began to huddle close to their friends. Fearing the end.

But Princess Twilight Sparkle felt differently. Being the most defiant she had even been.

“No! If that prophecy is true, then this can’t be the end. There’s always a way. There must be!”

As Twilight finished her bold speech, she suddenly felt a build-up of massive power fast approaching from behind. Then parts of the land around her and her friends seemed to be glowing green.

Then to the complete shock and surprise of the whole group, a giant sphere of darkness flew over their heads. Flying straight towards the giant centaur. Then before Tirek could notice it, the dark energy orb exploded against his face.

Surprised and in pain by the sudden attack, Tirek lost his concentration to his magic stealing ability and lost his grip on BlackWarGreymon. As Tirek stumbled back, the near drained Digimon fell to the ground.

Although glad that their friend was free, one question lingered in all the minds of the ponies.

“Where in tarnation did that come from!!?” Applejack asked.

“Is that part of BlackWarGreymon’s new power?” Celestia asked, being the only one new to witness the Digimon’s Ascended form.

Out of the surprised group, Twilight was having a brain wave.

“No, Celestia. That attack is not one of BlackWarGreymon’s. It looked… almost like…”

The young Alicorn then received a flashback. She saw images. On the battlefield at the Crystal Empire, the duel between BlackWarGreymon and his clone. She then received an image of one of ChaosBlackWarGreymon’s attacks. His version of the Terra Destroyer attack. Shadow Destroyer.

It then clicked in her head. Both the cloned technique and the sudden energy ball… looked exactly the same! Even the feel from the thing felt identical.

Twilight’s eyes widened as disbelief plastered across her face. She then turned around to where the attack came from. Staring into the distant field of trees.

“There’s no way,” The startled Alicorn uttered. Her mind conflicted if it was true.

Deep within the trees, ChaosBlackWarGreymon hid himself once more. Levitating behind a tree. After quickly lowering his power again, he looked over to the downed Digimon in the field.

“Come on, BlackWarGreymon. Get up. You can’t lose to this bum. Don’t make me come over there,” He said quietly, so he wouldn’t be heard.

After she got over her shock from the sight of the Digimon freed, Luna tried to rush over to help BlackWarGreymon. Who appeared to have completely lost his Ascended form. But before she could reach him, a bright glow from her right caught her vision. Then like the other ponies, the blue princess looked to see where the glow came from. And were all horrified at what they saw.

With the magic he had absorbed from BlackWarGreymon’s Ascended form, Tirek completely ignored the surprise attack as he began to grow even bigger. Yelling as his power reached even higher than it ever did. Strangely however, as he reached a certain height, his growth stopped. Showing that his size had certain limitations. Yet despite the pause in size, his power continued to grow higher.

As the glowing stopped, so did Tirek’s growth in power. The evil centaur became more than gigantic. He was a colossus! Reaching almost the same height as one of Canterlot’s towers. Plus, his power had reached an all-time high.

As he laughed madly, he decided to test out his new power by firing a beam of magic at a random hill in the distance. With all the added power, it swirled around the river of magic. Spiralling around the beam. Soon the spiral beam exploded against the large hill, completely annihilating it. Much to Tirek’s satisfaction.


As he looked down at his clenched fists, a thought entered his mind.

‘I never felt so strong! With this power, I might be able to overthrow my master! Yes! He’ll be the one to obey me!’

As Tirek continued to declare his apparent victory, the weakened BlackWarGreymon struggled to stand back up. But despite the new threat that Tirek posed, only one thought was on the Digimon’s mind.

“L…Luna. I’m sorry. But I must fight on. Even… if it costs me my life,” He said as he slowly stood back on his feet. Only to fall back down on his face.

Not too far away, Luna grew deeply concerned as she saw BlackWarGreymon struggling to get back up. Tirek had literally sucked out all the fight from the Mega. But the main factor that made her so concerned was BlackWarGreymon’s stubborn determination. She understood that no matter what pain he was in, he would continue to fight. But in his present state he was in, the fight could cost him more than his warrior pride. She feared for his life. In her mind, BlackWarGreymon could die!

Princess Luna had begun to realise the one thing she feared the most, it was to see BlackWarGreymon lose his life before her very eyes. So at that moment, she would give anything to help him.

As he finished marvelling himself, Tirek gazed down at the weakened BlackWarGreymon. Grinning in satisfaction.

“This is quite a turn, isn’t it? To have your strongest asset used against you. I honestly didn’t think I would ever become this strong.”

As he laid on the ground, BlackWarGreymon glared angrily at the towering giant. Grunting loudly as he tried to push himself off the ground. Tirek continued.

“I should thank you, BlackWarGreymon. And in return, I shall grant you a quick… painless death.”

BlackWarGreymon tried to muster a response. But to his confusion, he heard hoof steps approaching him from the side. As he turned his head, he was shocked to see Luna. Glaring up at Tirek as she stood beside his head.

“Luna?” BlackWarGreymon uttered.

All the ponies on the side-lines froze in suspense. Both silent and frightened of what the blue Alicorn was going to do. As for the towering Tirek, he glared down with a raised eyebrow of confusion. It was then Luna spoke. Using her Royal Canterlot voice.


Luna reinforced her statement by flaring out her wings. Almost shielding BlackWarGreymon behind her. Her horn surging in blue light from her magic. The sight and actions of the Moon Princess caught the onlooking group completely by surprise. Even the hidden ChaosBlackWarGreymon.

Tirek however shrugged her off.

“I don’t think you’re in a position to threaten me. But if you want to suffer for his sake, then go ahead. I dare you!”

“Luna. Don’t do it,” BlackWarGreymon said to the Alicorn. Almost pleading her to stop.

But to his surprise, Luna didn’t reply back. And to his shock, Luna took to the skies. Surprising even Tirek, who didn’t think she would really go through with her idea of defiance.

“Luna! No!” The Digimon shouted as he watched the blue Alicorn flew higher towards Tirek. Her horn glowing bright blue.

As well as forming a barrier around her body, Luna prepared to fire the strongest spell she could think off. As she done so, Tirek prepared to retaliate. An orange ball of magic forming between his giant horns.

BlackWarGreymon and the ponies all watched on in fright as Luna edged nearer to the giant centaur. Then with a mighty yell, she fired a powerful blue beam of magic. Aiming straight for Tirek’s head. The giant centaur fought back by firing his orange magical beam.

The area lit up when the two energy beams collided into each other. But as Luna was having massive difficulties trying to push forward, Tirek was the opposite. He grinned, knowing full well that he was holding back on purpose.

“YOU FOOL!!!” He shouted as he suddenly increased his magic. Causing his beam to overpower Luna’s almost instantly.

When the orange magical beam struck Luna’s blue barrier, it resulted in a massive explosion that lit up the whole area. But the most horrific thing was that they all didn’t even hear a scream. Fearing that the Princess of the Moon had been vaporized.

However, as the explosion turned into a smoke cloud, Luna was seen. Fortunately, her barrier blocked out the worst of the blast. But it left her knock out as her limp body fell from the sky. The blue Alicorn let out a brief, but loud yell as she crashed to the ground close to the other ponies. The group all rushed up to her. With a frightened Celestia being the first to reach her.

“Luna!! Luna!! Please say something! Anything!” The drained Sun Princess pleaded. But receiving no response from her battered sister.

However. The sight of Luna’s defeat was all caught in the sights of BlackWarGreymon. He stared at the fallen mare in complete horror as he gasped at her fallen body. She was badly hurt. But with his energy near enough gone, he couldn’t sense energy as much as before. But he could feel nothing from Luna. With his mind becoming conflicted with so many emotions at once, he couldn’t tell if the princess survived. For all he know, from his line of sight of her limp form, she may had lost her life.

Much like what WarGreymon felt on the day of his death, the new feeling that BlackWarGreymon was experiencing… was loss. The feeling of losing someone. But the worst thought of all… was that he wasn’t able to save her.

As he kept his sights on her, his eyes full of distraught, he felt something. Deep within his mind, something snapped. Causing his black pupils to narrow in slits, for him to breath heavily and a strange shiver to run up his spine. He could even feel his hair standing on ends. His anger began to boil over in a rapid rate.

He began to feel it again. The rage within his very being reaching to the surface. But a kind of rage he had never experienced before. Or… had he? Had he experienced such rage before? Or was it from one of his left-over programs? He was too into his trauma to even think rationally. All that was on his mind was the sight of Luna’s fall. And the foe who caused it.

As he felt his newfound rage surging throughout his body, his yellow eyes shifted towards the towering Tirek. His head then began to follow. As his breathing began to grow louder and more vicious, his anger started to become vengeful. He wanted to make Tirek pay for what he had done. That and tenfold. As if fuelled by his own rage, BlackWarGreymon began to move. Standing up on his two legs, despite not having the strength to do so just seconds ago. As he stood up, his muscles began to bulk in size. He then started to feel his energy. All the energy he had lost started to surge back into existence. He was unsure why, but he didn’t care. He could feel the power being more primal as his breaths became growls. As he done so, his eyes began to shine in a bright white.

ChaosBlackWarGreymon was the first to notice BlackWarGreymon. And stared on in shock at what he was seeing. Especially when he saw the glowing eyes.

“Wait. That look again. I’ve seen it before!”

He began to think back when he and BlackWarGreymon clashed after he destroyed the Wonderbolt Academy. Back when the hero, suddenly went wild.

“It was when we fought the second time. But…why is he…!”

He paused as his crimson red eyes went wide in fear. There was one likely reason for BlackWarGreymon’s sudden change. Something that all Digimon fear. But after a moment, ChaosBlackWarGreymon had second thoughts.

“N-No. It’s… it’s impossible. There’s no way. He was created from Control Spires. There’s no way he could do that.”

Despite his doubts however, ChaosBlackWarGreymon couldn’t help but feel intimidated at what was happening to BlackWarGreymon. He kept his sights on him.

To where the ponies were, Celestia made a thorough examination on Luna. She then breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank goodness. She’s still alive.”

Then as most of the group looked over to BlackWarGreymon, they were surprised that the heavily drained Mega was back on his feet.

“Hay! He’s back up!” Rainbow Dash cheered. She and the others were amazed at the Digimon’s determination.

Then as all eyes looked at the black armoured being, Rarity began to notice something.

“And… he’s glowing.”

The mare’s tone was rightfully confused. Because when the rest of the ponies took a closer look, she was telling the truth. BlackWarGreymon was starting to glow. A faint aura was forming around the Digimon’s body. But unlike the glow of his Ascended form, the glow wasn’t red. It was a faint white glow. The same could be said for his eyes. Slowly glowing brighter.

But as Tirek looked down at the Digimon, he paid no mind to the changes and started to make fun of him.

“Oh, what’s the matter? Are you getting mad?”

As BlackWarGreymon kept staring at Tirek, he began to feel his entire body trembling from within. What’s more, the Mega could feel his mind shifting dramatically. Slowly being filled with nothing but hate. As he spoke to the centaur, his voice began to take a darker tone. With his pupils growing ever narrower.

“Ti…! Ti…rek!”

Tirek wasn’t the only one who felt a little unnerved from BlackWarGreymon’s more aggressive voice. The onlooking ponies too were puzzled.

But everyone was then blown away at his sudden outburst, as he roared at the heavens.


Upon screaming Tirek’s name in such a hateful volume, it caused the land around him to tremble and shake. Everyone around him were startled and almost stumbling from the vibrations in the ground. Caused by BlackWarGreymon’s voice alone. Furthermore, the skies above them began to darken as clouds began to gather. Sparks of thunder began to take form in the skies above. All the ponies looked at their digital friend in deep concern. They could see that he was the cause of all the sudden abnormalities.

As his echoing voice died down, the trembling world thankfully subsided. But then as BlackWarGreymon glared back at Tirek. From his outburst, he could feel his energy fast returning. Something within him was triggering his energy to replenish. And then ascend much further. BlackWarGreymon could feel a new kind of energy surging within his digital body. New… yet familiar. Causing his faint white aura to grow more visible.

He began to talk to Tirek. His voice almost sounding predatory.

“You knew you would win against her. Yet…yet you still hurt her.”

BlackWarGreymon took one step back. But due to what his body was going through. It was like his entire body was moving from the inside. Then as he spoke to Tirek, small black flames began to appear again. Dancing around the Digimon’s body as his rage continued to grow.

“What you have done… won’t be forgiven. I… I will make you pay!”

The hidden ChaosBlackWarGreymon flinched as he saw the black flames again. It was clearly a sign of something bad to come. He could somehow tell. As for the ponies, they too noticed the flames flickering around BlackWarGreymon. But unlike last time, they were very curious as to what was causing them. As seconds went by, more and more flames began to appear. The flames themselves even becoming much bigger.

Then as BlackWarGreymon could feel his negative energy reaching its bursting point, he spoke one more thing to Tirek.


With his latest verbal threat, BlackWarGreymon could no longer hold it in. Letting out a mighty roar to the heavens, all the black flames around his body all ignited into a massive aura of black light. Surging all around the Digimon as the sudden increase in power caused a powerful gust of wind to blow through the whole area. All the ponies had to duck down to avoid the worst of the winds. Even Tirek felt as though he was being pushed back from the gusts. Much to his confusion. All the trees rustled loudly as ChaosBlackWarGreymon tried to fight back the winds. Some trees being blown over around him.

The digital clone looked over to BlackWarGreymon. He could see it in his eyes. Feel it in his energy. Hear it in his screaming voice. BlackWarGreymon was going through a change. Something that he denied at first, was becoming truer by the second. Much to the grey armoured Digimon’s horror.

“Impossible! It’s… really happening!”

“RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” BlackWarGreymon screamed as he was surrounded by his black surging aura. His negative energy surging out of control.

“W-What’s going on!?” Celestia asked as she held onto the unconscious Luna.

“I don’t know! This has never happened before!” Twilight replied. Leaving one eye open to see what was happening to her friend.

But then, part of BlackWarGreymon’s mind tried to fight back. The Artificial Digimon wailed out as he tried to resist the new feeling. Thrashing his head about as he held his right hand against the side of his head. Grunting very loudly as he tried his hardest. But as he paused his thrashing, his sights were fixed squarely on the confused Tirek. Seeing the centaur caused BlackWarGreymon’s rage to reach heights it never reached before. In response to his change, his yellow eyes completely faded away. Replaced by a piercing blinding white light.

Then with one last roar of rage and malice, BlackWarGreymon had surrendered himself to his hatred. His black aura began to morph itself. Wrapping itself around the Digimon’s body to form a black sphere. While the winds died down and the tremors stopped, all eyes were locked on the newly formed black orb. Knowing that their friend was hidden inside.

In the city of Canterlot, the side effects of BlackWarGreymon’s change was taking a severe effect. At first, all the streetlights began to flicker on and off on their own. Only to then have their lightbulbs blown. Scaring the citizens with each glass pop. For homes that had microwaves, toasters, lights and anything electrical, it all began to go haywire. Either malfunctioning or exploding from the digital energy overload. The same was happening in Ponyville. But since the town was much further away from BlackWarGreymon, the effects weren’t as destructive. But all manner of machinery were still playing up.

“Wha…What’s going on with all the lights!?” Applebloom asked as she, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Spike were hanging out at Sweet Apple Acres. All scared at how all the light bulbs were turning on and off.

Back on the scene, all the mares and stallion stared at the large orb in confusion and concern. For Celestia, she couldn’t help but feel that she had seen something similar before. It was when Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon. She too was concealed within a dark energy sphere during her change. A memory that haunted the Sun Princess.

Then to their surprise, the black sphere began to expand. Growing almost twice as large as it was before.

BlackWarGreymon’s change was even felt from another realm of existence. Within the Harmonium Nexus, the figure that resides in it gasped in horror. She could sense the amount of hostile energy being emitted from Equestria. But worse still, it came from BlackWarGreymon.

“No! Not my warrior!”

As the eyes of the ponies, Tirek and ChaosBlackWarGreymon all kept their sights on the much larger ball of black energy, they were surprised to see that it was starting to crack. Beams of white light escaped from the cracks that continued to spread all across the sphere.

That was when they all heard his voice. It sounded like their friend, but it sounded far more hostile. Carrying a predatory growl.


Upon saying those words, the black sphere suddenly exploded. Briefly lighting up the area in a blinding white light. Carrying a force that felt like the whole world was being torn apart.

As all eyes recovered from near blindness, all heads turned towards where BlackWarGreymon last stood. Wondering what in the world had happened. It was there where they saw him. Revealing himself in an entirely new form!

The black armoured dragon warrior had grown taller. His new height reaching up to fifteen feet. Towering over all the ponies. His armour had a much darker shade of black as the faint while aura continued to flow around his body. His legs were near enough the same as before, but there were some changes. The feet of the Digimon had changed to resemble more draconic. His claw-like toes even became sharper, almost like talons. And his knee spikes on his shin guards became slightly larger and pointier. His muscles also had growth. Bulking up to a point where veins could be seen. It was there where similarities ended. One of the most striking changes were his Dramon Destroyers. Rather than being single shelled-like, the new gauntlets were more streamlined and refined. The black armour completely surrounded his wrists and even ended in what looked like an armoured glove. On the end of his gauntlets were his new and more horrifying weapons. Instead of the three clawed static look, each hand was ended with long razer-sharp blades on his fingers and thumbs. With his new razer finger-style armoured gloves, gleaming in the daylight, he looked more like a slasher villain than a warrior. Another startling change was that he no longer had his Brave Shield. Symbolizing that his new form sacrificed his defence for his offensive abilities. His spikey yellow hair had become longer and wilder. Reaching down to the middle of his armoured back and even draping over his shoulders. His new look resembled more like a wild beast than anything else. Another startling change was his head. His overall helmet looked narrower. The ends of the two horns on the side of his head were angled more to the side than pointing straight up. The same could be said for his nose horn. The whole thing angled more forward. The entire eye sockets of his helmet were completely void of any features. Nothing but pure white light. But one of the most shocking sights was that the mouth guard of his helmet was gone. Revealing for the first time to the ponies, his mouth. A mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. Snarling in hate as the Digimon growled.

All the ponies stared at the Mega in shock and disbelief. Wondering what had happened to him. But the one most in shock was ChaosBlackWarGreymon. His body froze in shock as his eyes widened even further. His pupils almost shrunk away completely. Being a creature created from the essence of his master and BlackWarGreymon himself, he knew full well what had happened to his progenitor. Though it was a Mode Change, it still belonged to the same category of Digimon evolution. A power awakened through pure uncontrollable rage. Something that left him gawking in fear and intimidation. To him, BlackWarGreymon’s new look was so overwhelming, he fell to his knees.

As he stared on in terror, he spoke up. Revealing a name of the transformation.

“Th…That was… D…Dark Digivolution!”

Author's Note:

Hay everyone, here again with something new.

Fun fact, this chapter was originally supposed to introduce BlackWarGreymon X. But after months of thought, as well as some helpful advice from other readers about the Digimon lore, I decided against the idea. The whole revelation would've been very 'out of nowhere' and admittingly, too fanservicey. Which was why I made a bold decision to not only go for something that was in the lore of Digimon series 1 and 2, not only something that's already been hinted at several chapters earlier, and something that would bring tension to the story and raise the stakes to new heights.

As well as making BlackWarGreymon's new form the most terrifying while staying true to the basic form, this whole idea is one of the main reasons why I increased the age rating of this story.

If you want, I could try and do some sketches to show you all what the form looks like. But for now, I hope you'll all like what I've done in this chapter. Leave a comment. Leave a like. And get ready for the massacre that is the next chapter.

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