• Published 24th Oct 2015
  • 1,583 Views, 26 Comments

Rewritable - Detsella Morningdew

A small pegasus colt wakes to find himself in a huge crater with absolutely no memory of how he got there. Or any memory at all. This is his story

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Chapter 3: Uh oh...

Before Twilight left the next day, she showed me around the library, pointing out the subject areas, and introducing me to the library's organization system. After that, though, she didn't stay long. If that crater had any information that would help me, she wanted to know it right away, before any information was lost.

Personally, I was just fine staying here at the library. I still wanted to master that spell, and as soon as possible. I didn't want to be the only pegasus that couldn't fly.

The section on unicorn magic interested me as well. How many other spells were like this "Magical Sight" one? The parts that required a horn were rather useless in that case. Was being a unicorn really the prerequisite for all of them?

Anyway, I was set for the day. I was worried about Twilight, though. She was going into the forest by herself. Would she be able to take on those timberwolves alone? I know that Rainbow Dash helped her the last time, but this time, she was going alone.

My fears were mollified quickly, though. As I was watching her leave, Rainbow Dash flew over to see what she was doing. Then, Pinkie---just---was there. I can't explain it. Anyway, she was safe, and that was all I needed to know. Twilight taught me as soon as I got here that Pinkie was too much to understand.

"Just from one logical mind to another," she said.

I set my mind back to studying. I had already memorized most of the important bits of Magical Sight yesterday. All that was left today was practice.

And, of course, getting a bit distracted with the other forms of magic.

I get distracted far too easily.

Around lunchtime, I looked up from the pile of books that I had been reading on the floor. I didn't know that reading could make you so hungry.

I walked over to the kitchen, opening the fridge.

Apparently, reading made your eyes tired, too. Go figure. Everything was so blurry .

But when I looked at things up close, it was just fine. It shouldn't be a problem. After I got my quick snack, I went back to reading. Unicorn magic was just so interesting, even if I figured out ages ago that I would never be able to do any of it. Maybe I could apply some of the principles to pegasus magic, when I learned more about it.

By about 3 PM, the words were beginning to get blurry, too. I guess it was high time for a break, and to finally stop neglecting my practice. I did want to fly, eventually.

I had slightly more success this time. An hour later, I could hold magical sight for about five minutes. But only if I had my eyes closed. The conflicting images confused my concentration.

The sight itself was amazing. Everything around me had a magical signature. All objects of a natural origin (like wood) had a faint glow to them. The library itself had a brighter glow. Perhaps it was alive, after all. And for some reason, many of the books had glowing words. Maybe it was those preservation enchantments Twilight was talking about. But the most interesting was himself. I could literally see my magical core, in addition to everything coming off of it.

My problem was quite clear. The magic emanating from it was random and erratic, not even reaching my wings. And now that I could see my magic, it was a lot easier to control. I experimented for a while. I managed to get the magic at least on my wings. Next, I would need to shape it to become remotely aerodynamic. This was amazing! I had to tell Twilight about it. But when would she be back?

I looked up at the clock, failed, then remembered to open my eyes again.

What I saw, or rather, didn't see, made me scream with shock.


It was just impossible. Why?

I went back into magical sight, then back out again.



Back into Sight. So far, the only way I could see.

I looked into a mirror.

Damn enchantments. I only saw a wall of white.

I searched Twilight's desk, looking for a normal mirror.

Of course the Element of Magic would enchant everything she could get her hooves on.

Where would another mirror be...the bathroom! Of course!

Navigating the library was a bit awkward, but I got there with little trouble. Metal was a huge bother, though. Being completely inorganic, it was completely invisible. Fortunately, doors have holes in them for doorknobs, so I was able to manage.

I finally made it to an unenchanted mirror.

I was immensely relieved to find out that mirrors did reflect magical energy, as I had fervently hoped.

What I saw was shocking.

Normally, everything that was living had a faint glow of magic. I could generally tell where my body parts were---even my mane. But when I looked into the mirror...

My eyes were pitch black.