• Published 11th Nov 2015
  • 8,448 Views, 54 Comments

Daring Do and the Amulet of Graveeda - Bother

Daring Do encounters an ancient artifact that turns her into the avatar of a fertility goddess.

  • ...

Part 7

Daring Do and the Amulet of Graveeda

Part 7

The first thing Daring realized is that she could breathe again. She opened her eyes with a fitful gasp, expecting to see the ceiling of the home she’d entered, but there was no ceiling, or even a room at all. Instead, she was still in the blue, hazy void filled with twinkling stars and wispy clouds. She noticed that her body was entirely normal; no womb extended out to greet her, and all her aches and pains were gone.

“What the…” Daring looked all around. “Where am I?”

This place has many names, a voice said from all around her. The Empyrean Vault, the Ethereal Plane, Elysium, the Barzakh, the Yetzirah. It is a place of judgment and inanity, of reward and punishment. Some cultures revere it, others fear it, but that has not changed what it is.

Daring felt her hackles rise. She tried to find the speaker but she saw nopony. Before she could panic, though, a strange, silver fire the size of a house erupted before her. It's warmth felt strangely familiar, and when the voice spoke again, the fire flared with every word.

You’ve done well, Daring Do. It seems I was not mistaken in choosing you.

Daring’s lips parted. “I know you. You’re the one that’s been whispering things to me all day!”

I am the first, the flame said. I am mercy, I am renewal, I am life. It was by my hoof that the spirit Apate was slain. I believe you have heard my name once or twice before.

Daring was almost rendered speechless. “Graveeda...”

The flame waved back and forth. Apate’s power did not make me immortal, but it did allow me to linger in this place after my mortal body passed. I have remained here ever since, nullifying her foul curse, watching over my home and safeguarding its descendants.

Daring thought about that for a moment. “Heh, what do ya know? And here I thought only the evil guys got the big power-ups. So you’re kinda like a benevolent demigoddess or something, eh?”

Perhaps, but even as a demigod, I've never able to fully undo Apate’s last act, Graveeda said. The greatest scholar of my time, Starswirl the Bearded, aided me in my research. I sent word to the Equestrian Princesses, the Zebrican Kings, the Griffonian Thanes, even the Yakyakistan Monarchy. None could provide insight. I haven't given up hope, but at this point I am beginning to wonder if I will always be needed here.

Graveeda showed Daring an image to their left: one that Daring recognized as the silver artifact she’d seen back in the museum.

In my final days, I cast a spell that linked my power to my favorite amulet. From that point on, it served as a conduit to my spirit here in the Ether, and also allowed me to guide those that would share this responsibility. My chosen avatar would then be able to use my power to beat back the Apate’s curse whenever it resurged, as well as protect the town from other magical threats.

Daring saw something in the distance, a shimmer that gradually took shape. Three foals sprang into being, a colt and two fillies. They ran around in a field while playing with each other, laughing and smiling.

The curse is truly a dark thing, Graveeda said. It targets nascent souls forming within their mothers and snatches them away, body and soul, to hold them hostage in this place of limbo for all eternity. The curse will just steal them away again without constant protection, and only a pony with a link to my power can provide that. I found that the only way to allow the foals to be born is if I carried them to term, and when they were ready, I returned them to their mother’s womb. Not an elegant solution, but it works.

Daring watched the three little foals roll and play around. “So the mom experiences some kinda ‘phantom pregnancy’ while the Godmother carries the kid for real and keeps ‘em safe from the Black Smoke of Doom. Hmph. Yeah, that is pretty messy, but from what I’ve seen in my adventures, ancient curses tend to be real buttnuggets to deal with. I suppose what’s important is that everything works out in the end.”

The fire burned a little brighter. We think much the same.

Daring shifted back and forth. “Those three foals… are they… are they t-the ones I was carrying?”

Yes. They were not harmed by the episode you experienced.

Daring breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank Luna. For a minute I thought that…” She stopped short as a thought struck her. “But what about all the others that got snatched? Geez, there’s gotta be thousands of ‘em stuck here!”

Tens of thousands, Graveeda corrected her. They too shall be fine, for while it has taken a few weeks to wrest them from the void, I have recovered them all.

Graveeda's fire sparked, and suddenly Daring could see. Countless embers floated freely in the space around them, each one a tiny fire like the immense one that blazed before her.

Daring felt her skin prickle. “Whoa…”

Normally, when the Godmother has been found, she is brought before me here in the ether upon touching my amulet. However, in this instance, I was unable to fully summon you because I was too busy locating all of these lost souls. Graveeda’s fire dimmed. I'm sorry you had to suffer because of that.

Daring waved her off. “Hey, no biggie. What’s important is that we managed to get a lid on all of this.”

Indeed, Graveeda said. The curse is held at bay once more. The lives that it held hostage are now here with me in the ether... but that’s not truly what we want, is it?

Daring sighed. “No, it’s not. We want ‘em back with their moms. And you can’t do that by yourself.”

Not by myself, Graveeda agreed. A spirit cannot manifest in the physical realm without a body, and mine wasted away long ago. I need a willing, living soul as a conduit for my power, with a pure, healthy body to function as a vessel. With these two things, I can find the mothers of these little ones, and help bring them into the world.

Daring bit her lip. “And if you don’t have those two things?”

Graveeda’s voice fell. Then they stay with me here until another candidate comes along.

Daring dreaded what she was going to ask next, but she asked it anyway. “So, you need to, like… become me or something? Is that what you’re saying?”

Yes and no, Graveeda replied. When a Godmother is awoken, she gains full access to my power while I rest within them. Nothing of either of us is overwritten or undone. If you choose to accept me, you will gain the magic I stumbled upon long ago, and I will gain the ability to save the children of Prodigal Point. That is all.

Daring’s eyes widened. “Wait, choose? You’re giving me a choice in this? You’re not forcing it on me or anything? No sudden evil monologues, deceptions, or last-minute betrayals?”

Graveeda laughed. I wouldn’t be much of a ‘benevolent demigoddess’ if I did that.

A smirk crept up on Daring’s lips. “Touche.”

I've seen brief instances of your old life, Daring Do, Graveeda said in an earnest voice. I've seen the things you’ve done, and what you love to do. Becoming the Godmother would mean giving all of that up and devoting yourself to your subjects. I'd be no better than Apate if I tried to make you do this, and an unwilling host would make a poor conduit, anyway. You wouldn't be the first to say no, and none would think less of you for it.

Daring contemplated it for a time. She loved adventuring, exploring the world, courting danger at every turn and hunting for artifacts. She was still young and full of vigor, and the notion of settling down had never really been on her radar. This was a huge responsibility, and it’d bring a lot of changes that she’d have to learn to adapt to! Was she ready for this kind of thing?

“You said these guys’ll just stay here with you?” Daring gestured to the formless sparks floating around them. “They won’t fade away or anything?”

So long as their mothers still live, Graveeda said. If another Godmother is found before that time, and the family still wishes to bear them, they may return.

“But I’m special aren't I?” Daring pointed out. “The Godmother can't just be any mare.”


“...Would the curse come back if I turned you down?”

Not for some time, Graveeda said. But yes, eventually it would. As I said before, I don't know if it can ever be truly removed. Apate poured all her power into this spell, and the best I’ve ever been able to do is circumvent it by fooling it into thinking there is no foal at all, when in fact it's technically in two places at once. I will be able to manifest enough power thanks to this meeting to suppress the curse for another decade or so. Hopefully, that'll be long enough for another Godmother to appear. Those conceived in your absence would be born normally, and the little ones here I'd look after.

Daring mulled it all over. She knew that the mothers would eventually get over the loss and probably try again, but did she want to be the one to tell them that she couldn’t save these innocent lives? Did she be the one to admit that she’d been selfish and thought of herself first, and that they only had ten years to find a replacement? She admitted that this was all rather sudden, but still. She had a chance here to do some real good in the world. Was she really going to pass it up?

“...Okay. I'll do it.”

Graveeda’s flame flickered. Are you sure? Be careful, this is not a choice to make lightly.

“Did I stutter?” Daring asked, her eyebrow raised. “Look, these kids all deserve a life! It sucks rotten salt that they got screwed over like this, and I’m not gonna be the one to deny them! I’ve lived a pretty active life so far, but hey, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s adapting to the situation. So strap yourself in and lay it on me, sister. You’ve got yourself a Godmother.”

Graveeda laughed again. Very well. Prepare yourself.

The silver fire enveloped Daring, its heat familiar and intense. She recognized it as the same kind of warmth she’d always felt in her womb, and it was a pleasant, welcome thing. It swirled around her twice before coalescing, shrinking down, its essence becoming compressed.

Graveeda’s voice lost some of its formal tone. Er, just to warn you, this process is a little… intimate. It may get a little weird.

Daring waggled her eyebrows. “I may like weird.”

Daring was suddenly aware of hooves on her shoulders, along with a set of legs wrapped around her waist. The fire had taken on a form all its own, and one of a mare no less. Graveeda was a silver unicorn about one and a half times her size, with white starry eyes and a flowing ethereal mane. Her cutie mark was a golden, glowing ankh, and she smiled bashfully as she met Daring’s eyes.

“Like I said,” Graveeda said from her own mouth. “This may get weird.”

Daring smiled and pulled her closer. “You talk too much.”

Their lips met in a tender kiss. Graveeda embraced Daring and ran her hooves through her mane, pulling her tight with a pleasant hum. Daring closed her eyes and surrendered herself, allowing the spirit take control and have free reign. An amazing warmth was fed into her body, like a roaring fire being pumped into her very being. She moaned and pushed back into Graveeda’s kiss, dragging more of the wonderful sensation out of the demigoddess and into her own body. She could feel it now, the power rising higher and higher with every long breath, and she moaned into Graveeda's mouth as she continued to drag that sensation out, again and again.

Daring felt her gut rising to cushion against her lover's soft plot. Graveeda felt it as well, and she broke their kiss and looked down between them. She smiled and placed a glowing hoof upon it.

“Thank you again, Daring Do,” Graveeda said. “From me, and all those you’re going to help.”

Daring licked her lips. She gave Graveeda a small salute, grinning as her eyes sparkled with new magic. “Looking forward to working with ya.”

Graveeda’s form wavered, and she turned back into pure fire. She flew around Daring in dizzying circles, then without warning, she coiled like a snake and flew straight down into Daring’s mouth.

“AH!” Daring jerked back in surprise. Graveeda pushed down deep inside of her, the warmth and power of a demigoddess merging with her very soul. Daring's profile gave off a mighty flash of light, and just as quickly as it began, it was done.

Daring felt her belly button pop out of place again. Her stomach grew threefold in an immense throbbing surge, and that soft, lovely warmth she’d been feeling all day bathed over her once more. She watched her expanded belly rise and fall, sighing deeply as the waves of heat now came consistently instead of in sudden, uncontrolled spurts.

Daring let out a long sigh and stretched, her stomach churning with butterflies from the aftereffects of the joining. “Now that’s more like it. Pretty good gig all in all, I suppose. Certainly beats grading papers.”

Suddenly, she felt something tickling her, right at the base of her navel. Three little lights were dancing on the crest of her belly, moving back and forth eagerly.

“Well hey there, guys. You ready to—GAH!”

All three of them dove into her belly button at the same time. With a wonderful tickling sensation they traveled down into her womb, landing with a spike of a pressure and igniting within her like coals on a fire. Daring gasped as three sets of legs abruptly grew within her, shaking and rumbling her gut with their kicking.

“Heh… g-good to see you guys, too,” she managed weakly. “I take it you missed—”

She was interrupted by another tickle on her stomach.

Daring looked. It was another little ember, poking at her skin as if it were requesting entrance. It wiggled back and forth, but almost seemed timid in its actions.

“Oh, I’m fine.” Daring coaxed it with a poke of her own. “Go on. Get in there.”

Without further prodding, the little thing forced itself down through her navel. Daring grunted as a storm of sensations struck her, the light travelling down to her womb to ignite like another coal that billowed her gut. The force of it stretched her paunch taut and firm, and she closed her eyes with a moan, rubbing it as best she could.

Another tickle at her navel, followed by another sudden push down into her core. A fifth child popped into being within her, and her gut was filled with a wonderful ache that forced her womb ever-larger. Before she had time to recover she felt more pressing against her navel, this time an incredible four trying to enter her belly all at once. They tested her limits by all eagerly flying in together, making her gut grow in a series of sudden throbs! She felt even more trying to come in while she was still growing, and when she opened her eyes to see how many were left...

"Oh... Erm, hi there."

She was surrounded by an immense cloud of souls. The little ones blinked and shimmered at her like the northern lights, all lining up to be restored. It hadn’t really hit Daring that she was going to be playing host to such an immense host of life, but in that moment, as she looked at the tens of thousands of ‘stars’, she truly realized just what she’d signed up for.

“Nngh!” Daring grunted from the sudden pressure of becoming pregnant with an additional six foals. “Feeling a little small here, Graveeda! I’d like to get this done sometime today!”

There was a flare of warmth in response. Daring was struck by a wave of dizziness, and an aura of light appeared around her. The little dots of light suddenly looked smaller—no, she realized, she was getting bigger! A strange buzzing coursed through her limbs as the rest of her body caught up to her womb, her frame widening and expanding, doubling in size by the second. Before long she was the same size she’d been back in Teddy’s spa, but this time, she showed no sign of stopping.

The lights wasted little time. Entire groups began diving into Daring’s navel, the passage slowly accommodating more and more until the stream was almost constant. Her senses were driven mad by the dual sensations of the lights entering her and her body straining to keep up, and she let out a delighted scream from the forces being exerted on her. Her body would grow in a single immense throb, and then more coals would enter her and grow her belly in another throb. The time between these events was slowly lessening, but try as Daring might, it seemed that her belly was gradually outpacing her.

She let out a long moan when the stream became constant, her entire being in a constant state of growth and bliss. Daring had no idea how big she was, as there was nothing in the void to compare herself to, but if she had to take a guess, she’d put herself at around the size of a city block. Her belly was more than three times that size, and the sensation of the lights forcing their way in made her feel all manner of delightful butterflies throughout her body. Shivering tingles coursed through her skin as she continued to take all of the foals in, her navel a constant funnel for them, and the power of Graveeda never waned as it continued to make her ascend.

At last Daring could feel the end nearing, the last of lights making their way within her. Although, many of them were still growing to their full size. Their weight was truly monumental as she felt them pushing at her walls, stretching her paunch even more, but considering she was monumental herself, it wasn’t an issue.

The throbs of growth were becoming less gentle as Daring's gut became taut. She began unconsciously thrusting herself forward into a strange ghostly pressure, coaxing her belly to grow just a little more with each pulse.

“Damn... tease...” Daring muttered. She rolled her eyes, each the size of a house and getting larger by the second. “I can take… anything… you throw at me...”

The pressure within her womb built even more. The foals were still growing, and she was falling behind. Daring could feel the stress stretching her paunch to its limit, the foals fighting for room she didn't have. She could feel her gut spasm as it tried to grow just a little bit more, but her muscles were a force of iron that bound it to its current size.

Daring noticed a tiny pinprick of fire before her face. Graveeda took on her mare form and landed on Daring’s nose, comparatively no more than the size of a flea. She let out a merry laugh that echoed in Daring’s ears and spoke to her titanic host.

How does it feel?

Daring smirked. She spread her mighty wings and rubbed her mountainous womb with gentle strokes. “I’ve had worse.”

Graveeda laughed again. If only there were more like you.

Graveeda dove down Daring’s throat once more. Daring felt a final wave of warmth surge into her gut, and her womb broke free from its invisible bindings. The sudden growth sent such a wave through her that the rest of her doubled, then tripled to get to the ratio it had once been at, and even still, her belly was left a little larger in comparison than it had been before.

All Daring could do was let loose a deep contented groan as her gut rocked about. At last, they were all inside her. She could carry them all. Their mothers back in the real world would soon be given the good news, and all would finally be well.

Sleep slowly began overtaking Daring, but she could still feel them in her womb, warm and happy as they tickled her from the inside with their little kicks. She sighed in contentment and let the glow of the void lull her into peaceful slumber.


Daring realized she couldn't feel them anymore. The warmth within her was still there, but the weight and size were gone. She looked down and saw that her paunch was almost flat, only slightly distended like she'd had a big meal. She also realized that she was on a fancy four-poster bed in a massive room, and the Amulet of Graveeda was snugly fastened around her neck.

“Good morning, Godmother.”

Daring damn near fell off the bed. Squawking, she looked to her right and saw an old stallion in a white robe, gazing at her with a fond expression.

“What the hay is the big idea!?” Daring demanded. “Ya nearly gave me a heart attack, ya git!”

“Excuse me.” The stallion cleared his throat. “Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Glory Finch, Headmaster of the Graveedan Order. Welcome to Prodigal Palace.”

The title combined with something related to Graveeda struck a familiar note in Daring’s memory. “Headmaster? Wait… are you the head guy of the ponies that were chasing me?”

The Headmaster bowed his head. “I hope any misunderstanding can be made clear. We mean you no harm.”

“Little late for that.” Daring grumbled. She settled herself back into the bed. “...Nice robe. Do only your acolytes wear black, or did you all suddenly decide to switch to something less gloomy?”

The Headmaster shrugged. “Black is the color of mourning. We wear it when there's no Godmother in office to pay tribute to her passing. When a new Godmother is chosen, we resume wearing the traditional white.”

Something clicked in Daring’s head. “You... guys were never trying to stop me, were you?”

“We were not,” the Headmaster said. “It shamed us all greatly to think you feared us in any respect. On behalf of the entire Order, you have my most sincere apologies.”

Daring snorted. “Fear isn't quite the word I’d use, but maybe if you didn’t let scumbags like Brash into your order, we wouldn’t have had any problems! If it weren’t for Clever Quill—”

She suddenly remembered what Brash had done. “Wait a minute, is she okay?! Where is she? Where am I?” She put a hoof on her belly. “Where are the foals?!”

“I can answer all of those questions and more.” He gestured to the bed. "If I may?"

He seemed to be asking permission to sit, so she gave it. As he got comfortable, she realized that it was going to be very unnerving to have ponies looking up to her as an authority figure. She usually ran away from these things as fast as her legs could carry her, not willingly embraced and made out with them.

The Headmaster was silent for a moment before speaking in a tired voice. “We went into hiding some time ago. The last headmaster did very deplorable things, broke almost every code that we’re supposed to live by. Our reputation was all but destroyed because of it, and we’ve spent the last thirty years restructuring ourselves and rooting out the last lingering dregs of corruption. It’s not been easy.”

“I think you missed a few,” Daring muttered, remembering Brash.

“There are still problems,” the Headmaster admitted. “But we seek to improve ourselves every day. We’ve come a long way from the tyranny of my predecessor.”

“What happened?” Daring asked.

The Headmaster winced. “Let's just say you're not supposed to lock away the Godmother and ration her out like a prize to those with status or enough money. I only hope that Quick Fix will be a fitting example of what all of us should strive to become... if the fool boy lives."

Daring frowned. Why was that name so familiar? She remembered Brash mentioning it while he was taunting her, but hadn’t mentioned anything about his life being in danger. Er, at least not seriously.

“He was the one who got the Amulet to you when you were being overcome by the curse,” the Headmaster said, noting Daring’s confusion. “He then used his own life force to revive you so that you could break free and ascend.”

Wait, the voice! The stallion that'd helped her when the curse had almost killed her! “I actually remember that! Wow, he totally saved my flank! Is he alright?”

The Headmaster didn’t answer right away. “...We've been giving him treatment, but I don't know if—”


The door to the room burst open. Standing at the threshold was a haggard, shaking stallion, covered in bandages with uneven eyes.

“The Captain of the Guard is to always be at the Godmother’s side!” he said in a wobbly, cracking shout.

“Quick Fix!” A mare in nurse’s scrubs came up behind him, who immediately bowed to Daring. “I’m so sorry, m’lady! He stormed off as soon as he was conscious.”

The Headmaster snorted. “Seems the ether has yet to claim you, Captain. So eager to see the Godmother on her day of apotheosis?”

Daring felt her skin prickle upon hearing that word. She reached up and felt her forehead, but it was still bare. She had to admit she was a little sad not to get the ‘full package’, so to speak, but then again, she would’ve had trouble wearing hats again.

“Just doing... my duty…” Quick Fix swayed back and forth before falling to his knees. “P- Permission to...”

He slumped into the nurse’s arms. She had a moment of panic while she felt his pulse, but relaxed upon noticing the rise and fall of his chest.

“So,” Daring said to the Headmaster as Quick Fix was carried away. “You're not the bad guys.”

“We are not,” the Headmaster confirmed.

“And you want to help me.”

“It's our sworn duty.”

“Alright, how soon until I can start helping everypony in town?” Daring asked. “They've gone on like this for too long. They need their kids back.”

“We can hold our first session in a few hours, during the twilight,” the Headmaster said. “It's the time in which you’ll best be able to channel your power. I recommend holding off on doing any experimenting until we can teach you to use your magic effectively, though. You’ll have trouble controlling yourself otherwise.”

Daring wasn't exactly sure what he meant. Or by magic, considering she had no horn. She was about to ask him to elaborate, but then he motioned to the Amulet around her neck.

“Right.” Daring put a hoof on it, feeling its warmth pulse against her skin like a heartbeat. It glowed at her touch, and her gut grew ever so slightly with a noisy gurgle.

“Whoops!” Daring’s hoof flew away. “Sorry, heh.” She looked away with a blush. “So, is there anything else I should know?”

The Headmaster thought for a moment. “Let's not overly stress you right now. The danger has passed, so we can take things at your leisure. I’d advise starting by only seeing a few mothers a day so that you might—”

“Nope!” Daring said immediately. “This town has been through too much to have to deal with some kind of waiting list. We take everypony we can get and set this train a-rolling.”


“I’m in charge, aren’t I?” Daring demanded.

“You are, but I don’t think—”

"They've been through enough!" Daring made a slicing motion with her hoof. "I don't care how much YOU think I can take. I’m not going to little a little discomfort get in the way of helping these ponies, so whether you like it or not, we’re going to help as many of them as we can, as fast as we can!”

She got up and shuffled off the bed without waiting for his reply, stumbling as she adjusted to her lessened size. “Now then, where’s your kitchen? I got all kinds of weird cravings going on, and I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. I’m so hungry I could eat my pith helmet!”

Headmaster Finch stared at where she’d just been lying, and then finally back down the hall. He did this several times before chuckling and shaking his head.

“Oh, she's gonna be a good one.” He got up and started after her. “Quick Fix is going to have his hooves full.”


That Evening-

Daring was escorted to a part of the palace that could only be described as a throne room. The walls were white marble with silver trim, with pillars every twenty feet or so emblazoned with golden ankhs. The ceiling depicted a dual painting of the twilight and dawn, the significance of which being the times at which the Godmother’s power was strongest. The area was large, but not dreadfully so, enough that a feeling of privacy and warmth still radiated through the space.

Daring was resting on a strange seat the likes of which she’d never seen before. She’d been informed it was called the Godmother's Cradle, an odd name considering it looked nothing a cradle, but appropriate nonetheless. It was silver and white with a backrest in the shape of an ankh, and she found that she could lay, lean, or even sit upon it in great comfort while still not being too far off the ground. Which was good, because Daring would’ve hated to have to sit on some hard, uncomfortable throne for hours on end.

However, even with the warmth of the room and the comfort of the strange throne, Daring was uneasy. Most of the knowledge about the Godmother was lost, apparently, and Glory Finch only knew so much from being a squire back in the day. The only other knowledge they had was from old books and accounts, and while Daring was certainly no stranger to digging through old tomes, the information was very piecemeal.

From what she could tell, there was quite a bit more to being the Godmother than just giving back the foals stolen by Apate’s curse. She also held significant political power, not just in the city, but the surrounding areas, as well. In times past, the Godmother’s authority had been just under the Equestrian Princesses, and the surrounding countries would often times send emissaries to negotiate local trade routes. She wasn’t able to glean much more in the few hours she’d had before coming here, but even still, that much was a lot to take in.

Daring shifted uneasily in the cradle, sitting upright as she tried to ease her nerves. The Headmaster was standing at her side like he’d been all day, and he curiously watched her fidget and squirm about.

“Are you sure you want to see them all?” he asked for the fifth time. “It really is no issue to—”

Finch,” she said with a sigh. She knew he meant well, but damn if he wasn’t a worrywort. She’d seen less uptight ponies preparing for grad school exams. “I’ve got this, okay? I just… thought there’d be more than seven of them.”

The Headmaster pursed his lips. “A lot of ponies are skeptical. The Order of Graveeda is nothing but an ancient memory to most. I'm guessing they’re worried we’re just making promises based off an old superstition.”

Daring exhaled out her nose. “Can’t suppose I blame them. I almost had a fit when I woke up and saw that first foal in me. Was worried I’d gone nuts. I almost decided to take the next train back to Canterlot.”

“What made you come around?” A sly grin crept up on the Headmaster’s face. “Was it when you discovered the… sensations that come from using Graveeda’s power?”

Daring blushed furiously. “How'd you… did the old Godmother tell you about that?! She had to have. There’s no other way you'd know.”

“We shared stories...” he admitted, his expression wistful. “...among other things.

Daring’s wings about fanned out at her sides. “Did you two—”

“Another life,” the Headmaster said firmly. “Don’t worry yourself with it. Focus only on what’s ahead of you. We'll figure this out one day at a time.”

It was difficult for Daring not to want to pry, but something told her he’d be rather tight-lipped. Perhaps she’d get the details out of him later, but for now, she took his advice.

“Thanks again for staying for the first one,” Daring said. “I know you said you shouldn’t because of sanctity or whatever, but I appreciate having somepony walk me through this.”

“I see no harm in making exceptions when the circumstances demand it.” Her gave her a pointed look. “Such as when the Godmother tries to bite off more than she can chew.”

Daring groaned. “Would you relax, already?! I told you can handle it! I thought I was the one calling the shots!”

“It's not my place to tell the Godmother what is right,” the Headmaster said with a slight bow. “Merely to warn her when she’s about to do something stupid.”

Daring clucked her tongue with a knowing grin. “Finch, Finch, Finch. If that’s the case, you’re going to be warning me a lot.”

The door on the other side of the room opened ever-so-slowly. The mare that walked through the other side looked as though she'd tried to clean herself up for the occasion, yet Daring could see the bags under her eyes and tiredness to her gait. There was a place for her to sit if she so chose, yet she could just as well stand and remain at eye level with the Godmother in her seat. This one chose to stand.

“Hey there,” Daring said. “What’s your name?”

The mare wet her cracked, dry lips. “Zephyr, ma’am.”

“Zephyr, huh?” Daring smiled. “Nice to meet’cha. You know what you’re here for, right?”

“Yes, I...” Zephyr seemed unsure for a moment, but then she found her voice. “I want him back.”

“Good.” Daring leaned forward and grasped one of Zephyr’s hooves. “Then call him.”

She placed the Zephyr's hoof upon her slightly-pudgy paunch. She coaxed Zephyr to stroke her in an easy circle, and almost instantly, the warmth began to build. It was nothing she hadn't seen before, but Daring still watched in awe as her womb began to glow. The mother’s eyes glassed over, and she leaned forward to plant a kiss on Daring’s belly.

A tiny spark appeared from Zephyr’s mouth that dove into Daring’s navel, and all she could do was prepare for her slightly distended stomach to bloom with life anew. Daring leaned back in her seat as she let that familiar growth in her gut return. She could feel it brushing out past her legs, the sensitive surface tickled by her fur brushing against itself. The warmth continued to fill her at an even pace as the pressure challenged her stomach's limit, and before long she had a practical ball hanging from her waist.

Daring tilted her head back and let the wisp fly back out her mouth when she felt it arrive, watching it flit over to the entranced Zephyr. Zephyr saw the wisp, and as it approached, she whispered a name under her breath. It promptly vanished into her, and the Godmother’s power lifted her ever-so-slightly, leaning her back in a gentle embrace. Her belly was now plainly presented, glowing with the same radiance that was within Daring.

Daring watched the shape of her belly change as her womb filled. She groaned as strong legs pushed and distorted her girth, growing in an immense surge that pushed her paunch forward. Slowly strengthening throbs joined it as pressure in her navel pushed, and the mother before her softly crooned, her gut growling incessantly as it ballooned outward in sync.

Daring felt another kick, and then another push. A single great throb caused the foal to grow suddenly, and she was caught off guard from her belly becoming taut with the sudden weight. Her navel was a storm of sensations as the soft flesh slid out to present itself once more. The magic suddenly brought Zephyr closer, and Daring gasped as she felt a pair of lips on her sensitive navel.

"?!" The pressure within Daring skyrocketed. Her own womb surged in size, an immense twitch rocking her gut about. Zephyr continued to suckle on the little nub, each long drag making both of them larger... and larger...

Daring felt her belly spasm, causing a wave of warmth to push into the mother. Zephyr’s womb swelled and throb in surges of enriched growth, yet she didn't stop. She just kept pulling on Daring’s belly button, moaning in such a way that the vibrations ignited butterflies within Daring.

Then Daring felt a second spark. It was quite the surprise, but sure enough, another little foal began swiftly growing in her womb. She looked over at the entranced Zephyr, wondering if she’d known was carrying twins. Their bellies churned and groaned in protest as they were pushed outward again, teasing them both incessantly with the tickling sensations. Daring could feel every push, every throb, every movement that either foal made, and while it’d caught her off guard, she was confident she could handle it.

Then the pressure built up even more.

Daring’s eyes went wide. “You've gotta be kidding.”

The second spasm was greater than the first, copious amounts of magic pouring into Zephyr. Their wombs quivered and grumbled from the power, then all at once, they ballooned outward enormously with the emergence of the third foal. It kicked and pushed a few times at its siblings, as well at the walls enveloping them all before settling into place.

Daring could only sigh in relief as Zephyr finally went limp, the magic gently floating her back into the chair across the way. She seemed to be sleeping, pleased with what'd happened. She stroked her pregnant belly in her sleep, humming dreamily. She'd have quite the surprise waiting for her when she woke, but for now, she was at ease.

Huff… huff… You see, Finch?” Daring panted. She couldn’t him see over the enormous swell of her womb, but she figured he hadn't moved. “Told you I could handle it.”

There was a dismissive noise, followed by the sound of hooves walking away. “I suppose I won't be needed here.”

Daring didn't protest as he left, but she did kinda feel odd flying solo so soon. Maybe she shouldn’t have tried to put on any bravado, but what was done was done. She could manage things from here on out.

The Headmaster turned back to Daring just before he went out the door.

“Have fun seeing the other six.”


That Night-

Daring was a mess of nerves. She’d been escorted back to her private chambers after bringing back the foals of all seven mothers, and it'd been extremely trying to keep her size under control. Her womb was only as large as one may look with triplets, but there were actually far more in there; an ability of the Godmother that Glory Finch had coached her in beforehoof. Things had gone much smoother after the episodes with the triplets, but it gotten harder and harder to maintain her size as each mother came and went.

Now Daring lay in her four-poster bed, propped up on pillows with her belly taut with ten foals. The surface blushed and wiggled with the little ones inside, her navel throbbing with each tiny twitch. She was trying to see if she could keep things under control rather than just cutting loose, but the pressure inside was incredible. She was filled with a strangely pleasant ache that begged to be answered, but instead she just focused on her breathing. She’d never find her limits if she didn’t test herself, so she couldn’t release the stress just yet.

Suddenly, something started tickling her at the base of her belly. Her breath was stolen away as it slowly traveled up her sensitive surface, making her quiver and gasp. It was getting closer to the crest of her womb, to the navel that ached to be touched. Unconsciously she coaxed whatever it was, her belly becoming a giant knot of nerves that built up more and more. The tickling was getting so close, but then, it stopped just short of its conquest.

Daring let out a frustrated grunt. “Come on…. come onnnnn!” She thrust her gut upward, trying to tease the tickling to the last stretch. Stubbornly it refused, staying exactly where it was no matter what she did, and she was left desperately wondering why it had stopped.

A warm, smooth surface ground against her navel.

“AHHH!” Daring exploded in size. Her body doubled, tripled, then quadrupled in seconds, her belly surging to its true majesty and rising swiftly toward the ceiling. The bed was utterly crushed by her expanding bulk, nearby objects sent flying across the room. Her girth pushed and rocked about as it filled out before, with dozens of hooves kneading her from the inside and coaxing her ever larger. Her body and belly grew until she filled the room and then some, her hooves, head and womb pressed snugly against the walls and ceiling, but then the growth finally subsided.

Daring closed her eyes and just listened to the sound of her breathing, her titanic womb still twitching in the afterglow of released pressure. She had no idea what had caused that. She was probably gonna have some explaining to do, but damn if that hadn’t felt—

She heard somepony snickering.

Daring opened her eyes. It was hard to look around from her vantage point, but she managed to see two tiny ponies standing just outside her room. They were both laughing hysterically, one of them holding a familiar sponge in his magic.

The Headmaster got his laughter under control. “I’ll consider that an effective demonstration. You’ll make a fine Royal Masseuse, Tender Care. Possibly also a progenimyst, if you can make more of that salve.”

Tender Care twirled his sponge and put the bottle of Godmother’s Kiss in his bags. “I most certainly can, Headmaster. We can negotiate my salary later.”

Daring narrowed her eyes at the two stallions. "Hello, Teddy.

Teddy broke into a shit-eating grin. “Hello yourself, Godmother! Man, you’ve really put on weight since I last saw you. You should really cut back on the donuts.”

Daring swiped at him with her tail.

“I hope you understand now why I wanted you to take it slow,” the Headmaster said seriously. “Even if your heart was in the right place, you’re still learning control. You could very easily destroy the palace.”

Daring rolled her eyes. “Fine. You’ve made your point.”

“I hope so.” He wiped a bit of plaster off his shoulder. “I'll let you and Tender Care get reacquainted. The public section of the palace is now closed, and once we have you shrunk back down to size we can see to your restoring your room. After that, we can try to hit the books again.”

Daring shifted her weight, causing the walls and ceiling to creak ominously. “The more I can understand, the better.”

“As you wish.” The Headmaster bowed and walked away. “I’ll meet you in the library.”

Meanwhile Teddy squeezed his way into the room and clambered onto Daring’s rear hoof. “How you holding up?”

Daring sighed. “Please tell me you can shrink me back down.”

“Probably.” He pulled a bottle of glowing green paste out of his bags. “My grandfather knew his stuff when came to making magic salves, and Glory Finch told me that you were gonna need help staying de-stressed these first few weeks. Consider me at your beck and call, your mighty Godmother-ness.”

He began massaging her with the paste. It had a cool feeling, like aloe, and the glow spread out to encompass her entire form. Daring felt herself able to concentrate again. She immediately refocused herself like she’d been trying to do before, and before long she started to shrink.

“Gotta admit, you got me good with that little sneak attack of yours,” Daring said. “You really know what you’re doing.”

Teddy chuckled. “That move works on the wife, too.”

“I’ll bet,” Daring said. “So, you’re gonna be working for me now, eh? Gotta warn ya, I can be pretty demanding.”

“I think I’ll manage.” Teddy hopped off her shrinking hoof and resumed his ministrations. “After all, you can’t be too uppity with the guy who knows all the weak spots on that big ol’ belly of yours.”

“Ha!” Daring crowed. “That’s the spirit! I swear, I was worried it was gonna be all bowing and scraping with the guys around here. Do me a favor and never change. I’ll need someone to keep me from getting a big head.”

Teddy snorted. “Along with a big everything else.”

In no time at all Daring was compressed once again, the feeling of so many in a space so tight still giving her no end of ache and need. Yet she could handle it, even if they were cramped inside a womb made no bigger than for a single foal. She felt like she was a little bit taller than before, but perhaps that was just her imagination.

“Suppose I should get to it,” Daring muttered, looking over at the door. “I still have a lot I have to learn.”

Teddy patted her shoulder. “You’re gonna do great. I know it.”

Daring went off to find the Headmaster, to learn more of herself and the duties she had to uphold.

And so began the reign of Daring Do, a fair and kind Godmother to her subjects.

Sketch by Tsitra360
Colored by 09Hankris

The End

Author's Note:

This tale sadly has to come to a close, so that others might grow in its place.
Thank you all for reading, this project took far longer than I initially intended, and I hope you enjoyed it for whatever reason brought you here. Cause I had a very fun time writing it.
See you next time,


Comments ( 26 )

Interesting that I didn't get a notification for either this story or your reply. :rainbowhuh:

I'm glad I gave this story a chance when I saw it. I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. The only thing that seemed to not have been tried yet to fix the curse is to hit the whole town with the elements when it resurges, though I guess that would be too easy. Either way I liked the ending so good job & a pat on back for ya.

Needs a one-shot half sequel about Daring and Quick Fix getting to "know" each other.

You know what? This story is great, just that last chapter seems a bit sexual...

May I cross-over one of my fics with this one? I really like this fic as it takes an over-used concept (magic pregnancy amulet) and makes into a super-hero-like action adventure. If you can make a pregnant Pegasus look like Doctor Who, you can pretty much make any plot work with any material.


You'll need to ask Bother on that one.

6668810 Where can I find him? On this site? Also, why do you have his fics?


He's on this site, and I don't have his fics. He's just the one who'd have the final say on the kind of thing you're asking.

6669461 Yea I was stupid for not looking at the freaking cover description...but I posted a comment on his user page, hope that's good enough.

Wonderful sweet little story, plus hits all the right sort of buttons :)

There needs to be a sequel

>I’m not going to little a little discomfort
-I guess the first 'little' is supposed to be 'let', right ?

Since ths seems to be the end, i can give a critique of this.
This story was a massive mother-lode of magnificent motherly madness! It had action, comedy, suspense, a satisfying ending.... all of the little ingredients that a story should have.

10/10 on the :yay:itude meter! if there's a sequel, i'm looking forward to it!

That was a good story you did a good job I hope more stories are good

I do wish there was a sequel to this! I love preg growth stories like this one!

7485056 Having just read this for the third time, i certainly agree.

Wow loved this story so much. Maybe if other couples in equestria have lost children she could help them too.

Graveeda’s form wavered, and she turned back into pure fire. She flew around Daring in dizzying circles, then without warning, she coiled like a snake and flew straight down into Daring’s mouth.

Reminds me of The Master from Doctor Who as a snake.

The lights wasted little time. Entire groups began diving into Daring’s navel, the passage slowly accommodating more and more until the stream was almost constant.

Makes me think of the star pocket from Dora the explorer.

not going to let a little discomfort

Daring groaned. “Would you relax, already?! I told you I can handle it! I thought I was the one calling the shots!”

She placed the Zephyr's hoof upon her slightly-pudgy paunch.

she’d known she was carrying twins.

She couldn’t see him over the enormous swell of her womb,

to size we can see to your restoring your room.

That was a nice story but I see a sequel for this. I would like to see Daring Doo writing a book for this adventure and seeing Rainbow Dash’s reaction.

Wonderful story!:raritystarry: Consider me a fan!
By the way, I could totally see something like this as an animated film!

Huh. A little strange...But fascinating too.
Good story.

Congratulations this story became my 100th story added to my bookshelves :heart:

That was pretty good. Not as lewd as what I'm used to. But still quite good. Very cute.

Comment posted by Lovebro1 deleted Oct 12th, 2022

How've I not come across this before? It's amazing!

Man, Rainbow is gonna freak when she finds out that her favorite adventurer is now a giant fertility goddess.

It’ll certainly make for an interesting read:twilightsmile:

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