• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 1,710 Views, 933 Comments

Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone - David Silver

Tree Hugger comes to help the Pies with a tree that sprouted on their rock farm. It's in the way! Her attempt to move it peacefully propels herself and Maud Pie into the Ponyfinder world of Everglow, where they will have to learn to fight together.

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31 - A Civilized Party

With Crucifex gone, Fast shook her head. "Nevermind the ruse. It's a damn city of wizards and the like, I should have known better than to try."

Emerging from the crowd ahead of them was a familiar human female. Fast perked her ears up at the figure, flanked by several armed guards that looked quite ready. Recognition flashed in both their eyes. This was the soldier they unmasked in their escape, but she wore no helmet that day, or even attempted to hide herself.

"Out of respect for a favor given," she spoke, drawing her longsword free. "You are under arrest for the murder of my father. Please yield, and you will be treated fairly." Her men fanned out towards them, aiming to surround.

Tree blinked softly. "Woah, that's not cool. We're trying to get something righteous done here."

"Be that as it may, justice must be served." She waved the sword at their party. "Arrest them, gently. They'll see justice."

Maud hopped up and struck at a soldier's mace. He tried to bring it around her hoof, to bean her across the head, but she was too fast for the blow and brought her hoof down where it met his hand, knocking the weapon to the ground. "No." With a firm kick, she sent it sliding off into the crowd.

That same crowd began to form a circle around the commotion, watching curiously. They seemed far less flighty as a whole than the peasants were.

The noble woman fixed eyes with Fast. "Control your friends, or we abandon civility. I know you're in charge."

Fast grit her teeth as she considered her odds. "Stand down... I doubt they'd be here without agreement of the wizards, which means we'll anger them if this becomes a real mess."

"I knew you were a clever horse." She stepped up. "In accordance to the law, you are my prisoners. You will be taken in and the facts reviewed. If you have words in your defense, I will hear them. Lies will not serve you well. This is the city of magic, and don't think I can't afford their services for this. The truth will be known."

Flint suddenly spoke up, "Then ya want me."

She raised a brow. "Flint? Why you? You're just a ranger, likely caught up in this."

"I think not." Flint put up his hands. "I'm the murderer, the assassin. Don't blame tha rest. By the gods, tha grey horse tried to end the fight with His Lordship peacefully, and I was the one that killed him despite her promise of peace and mercy. His blood is on my hands and my hands alone."

The noble woman trembled, in anger perhaps. "Is this true?" She looked to Maud. "He speaks of you, tell your part and be quick of it."

She glanced towards him. "I won our fight without much fighting. I was going to take him prisoner and put him away while we left, but Flint shot him, with a crossbow."

The noble woman scowled. "You would be guilty of assault on a man of noble birth, but I knew my father well, and imagine he invited the duel, and a duel in good faith isn't against the law." She directed a finger at Flint. "You, on the other hand, have no excuses. Flint, I thought I knew you."

"Ah'm sorry."

"You will be." She made a grand sweep of a fist. "Take him away. Leave the rest. They're innocent, a miraculous thing, that. How you managed to break free of father's arena and through his manor without killing a single man." As her men grabbed Flint and pulled him off into the crowd, she stayed. "A talented group I would care to know more of. I am Elizabeth Stormbringer, the new Lady."

Fast raised a brow. "I gather you're finished hiding yourself."

"If there's any good to be had in my father's passing, it's the chance to remedy that." She looked Fast over. "How delightful it must be. I'm told ponies lean far more towards equality, with an eye towards the women for leaders. I apologize for the loss of your friend, but there really is no alternative. The murderer of my father must be punished, in clear view. I won't stand for less."

Paul was suddenly there, standing beside Fast. "No! Please! Anythin' but that. He ain't a bad man. He just made a mistake..."

She rose back to her full height, hand on the hilt of her blade. "A mistake that cost the life of a noble man, my father, I remind. He is guilty, by his own admission, or do you cast doubt on his words?"

"I-I did it!"

She burst into laughter before punching Paul with a swift strike to the gut, sending him to the ground. "You're a farmer, not a marksman. Your loyalty is touching, but misplaced. I'll be sure to inform him he had good friends here."

Staggering back to his knees and struggling to get higher, he held out a hand towards her. "I'm not... no farmer..."

"Oh? I've seen you working the fields." Elizabeth raised a brow. "What are you, if not a farmer?"

"An adventurer." He shoved up to his feet and grabbed for her sword right on her belt. To her shock, he pulled it free before she could stop him from wrenching it from her. The blade danced in the air in his shaking hands, trembling intensely. The crowd erupted into wild cheers at the sudden turnaround and little bets began to circulate.

"Fast." Elizabeth glanced towards the pony. "Tell your friend to put that down, slowly, and we can perhaps forget this unfortunate event."

"N-no! Give Flint back!" He stepped in, point shaking all the more fitfully in his terrified hands. "He don't deserve to die!"

Fast swung her body suddenly, quarterstaff connecting with the blade and knocking it from his untrained hands. "Paul, no. That was very brave, and very stupid." She smiled. "Flint would be proud."

Paul sank to the ground, weeping. "I don't want him t'be proud! I want him back! He was my best friend!"

Tree set a hoof gently on his shoulder, then pulled him closer. He suddenly fell on her, weeping into her neck and clutching to her tightly.

Elizabeth reclaimed her sword and sheathed it smoothly. "I'm sorry for his loss, but the matter is very clear."

"Unfortunately," agreed Fast, some bitterness in her voice.

Elizabeth strode into the crowd and was quickly swallowed in it as the crowd began to disperse back to what it was doing before the excitement had begun.

Fast turned away from it all. "We're going this way." She led the way through the crowd with a resolved frown until she heard the sound of men fighting, and followed it to an arena. Unlike the one they had found themselves in, it seemed to be entirely voluntary, with warriors training eagerly in the yard provided, and clashing for the delight of fans within the building.

With a firm nod, she turned to Paul. "You claimed to be an adventurer, but you aren't quite there. You've got the courage, and the dedication." She grabbed a sparring sword from the provided rack and tossed it to him with a flick of her head. "It's time you got some skill. It's what Flint would want."

Paul caught the sword with some fumbling, but looked devastated. "Why're you talking 'bout him like he's already dead?"

Fast stomped a hoof. "Have some respect for your friend. We aren't going to do anything for him, least of all in our current condition. He knew what he was doing when he did it. He had his head held high. He did it for us, for you, Paul. He did it because he could protect us. Respect that, damn it all."

Paul nodded, shaking like a leaf. He raised the wooden sword. "What'm I gonna do wit' this?"

Fast smiled. "Long ago, friends of mine said to cross blades with me was the true initiation of any warrior. It's time to initiate you, Paul. Your friend saw an adventurer in you, one fit to write songs about. Today, I'll bring him out of you, with tears and blood, like any good birth."

Tree leaned towards Maud. "That's some heavy imagery she's laying down on him."

Maud tilted her head. "I don't see anything being born."

Tree peered at Maud a moment, wondering if that was a joke, or if she truly missed it.

"Defend yourself!" Fast came at Paul and swatted at his leg with her staff, leaving a painful bruise. "Your sword is also your shield when you don't have one. See where I'm coming from, get your sword in the way and turn me aside. You have the strength, Paul, use it."

Paul suddenly swung at her with his wooden blade, forcing her to duck beneath it. She jumped forward as she rose, bringing her staff to crash into his side. "Nice try, but you have to swing at me, not in my direction."

A training warrior paused, watching the spar as it went back and forth."You going to let that horse show you up like that? A mare at that?" His attention brought others, who began to cheer them on, and shout advice to either of them, though Paul was their clear favorite. Every blow became a riot of cheers and shouts. The more ragged the both of them became, the louder the crowd rose to keep them going.

The sun was growing heavy in the sky when Fast rose a hoof to call them done. "You've given me a few stings to remember the day by." She smiled at Paul, heaving and panting as he was. "Flint was right. There is a warrior in there, waiting to break free. Tomorrow, we resume. Tonight, we rest, in some actual beds."

The four of them left to the quieting noises of the crowd. There was an inn not far from the arena. Fast found the prices reasonable, and rented the largest room they had, to fit all four of them easily. "Before we resume training, we sell the incense, hopefully at a good price. Any of you especially good at haggling?" When blank looks were the reply, Fast nodded. "Alright, I'll handle that. Let's avail ourselves of some hot food."

They gathered around a round table, and dinner was brought. Fast ordered five pints of ale. Tree tilted her head. "There's only four of us."

Fast didn't answer until the mugs were brought to them. Fast tapped the fifth mug. "This is for Flint. Thank you." She pushed it into the center of the table, then ignored it.

Paul stared at the abandoned mug, tears threatening to return. "Isn't there somethin' we could do? Somethin'? That's what adventures do, right? We do th' impossible!"

Maud shook her head. "Don't lie. Your friend lied, and this happened."

Tree gasped, her eyes widening a moment. "Sister, please. That was just cruel."

Paul slammed his fist on the table. "One mistake. He only made one mistake." His head sank to his arms, and he never finished his own drink.

Author's Note:

The long arm of the law catches up with the party, and Flint takes one for the team.

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