• Published 22nd Nov 2015
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Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer enters the portal to Equestria and finds herself in Skyrim. The only problem is that Tirek is there as well.

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10: The Augur of Dunlain

A few hours had passed since Sunset and her companions, now with the addition of Fiona the Vampire, had stopped the Caller from tearing open a hole between Oblivion and Nirn. She had arrived with the simple task of recovering the books that had been stolen from the College of Winterhold, but that changed when Sunset met Fiona and her sisters, who had been buried. She learned that it was Tirek who was behind giving the Caller the knowledge of a way to tear a hole into the barrier that protected Nirn from the realms of Oblivion. She was also quickly learning that Tirek had been in Skyrim much longer than she had been, but had waited some time before putting his plans into action.

As she waited for Fiona to finish saying goodbye to her sisters' graves she had to wonder what Tirek was doing at that exact moment, what foul plan he had in the works that she would eventually uncover.

"Bjorn told me a little about the danger that Tirek could bring to Nirn," Fiona suddenly said, walking up to Sunset, who was leaning on a wall on the outside of the keep, "but I got the feeling that there is more to the story than I was told."

"There's only so much I can tell you about Tirek," Sunset admitted, letting out a sigh as she spoke, "the truth is that my knowledge of him pales in comparison to Princess Celestia, my former mentor when I lived in Equus. She and her sister, along with Tirek's brother Scorpan, laid a trap for their enemy and then fought him together, before eventually defeating him and sealing him in Tartarus. Now I am positive that he won't fall for a trap the second time around, so my only option at the moment is to figure out a way to fight him and harness the power to defeat him."

"Bjorn also mentioned that you wanted to hunt down the Daedric Artifacts," Fiona commented, reaching into her pack, something she recovered after defeating the Caller, and pulling out a journal, "so I present you with this, my personal notes on where I believed that each of the sixteen artifacts were located. Originally I planned on gathering a coven of like minded vampires to recover the artifacts and seal them somewhere where no one would think to look for them, but the Caller got to us first. Think of it as a checklist; you'll be able to keep track of which Daedric Lords you've dealt with and which ones you still need to contact in the future."

"I... I cannot express how much something like this means to me," Sunset replied, amazed that someone would have put so much effort into the search for all sixteen artifacts, "I'm positive that Tirek will go after them at one point or another, so this gives us a starting point that he doesn't have. Thank you Fiona."

Fiona smiled at Sunset and bowed her head slightly, though now that she was done with the graves they quickly gathered up the rest of their gear and set off. However, they didn't get very far as they returned to the cave they had set up their temporary camp in and decided to use it for a quick nights rest before they set out in the morning. Fiona was decently surprised to see the camp, but she was thankful that they weren't sleeping in the ruin she had called home for some time.

As her companions went about setting up their bedrolls and getting a light supper prepared Sunset opened the journal and began with the first entry, Azura's Star. She read the various notes that Fiona had made, noting that the artifact had been destroyed by Martin Septim during the Oblivion Crisis before returning some hundred or two years later, surprisingly in Winterhold. There were a few more notes that Fiona had made, no doubt putting down each story she had encountered about the whereabouts of the Star, but it was clear that it had suddenly disappeared again. Still, Sunset considered having any knowledge about one of the artifacts, even if said information was where it had last been seen, an advantage over her enemy.

When the early morning arrived, about five in the morning according to both Bjorn and Fiona, the group packed up their camp and traced their steps back to the road they had used to get near the keep in the first place. Along the way they found a man, one that Sunset noted was dressed up as a jester, standing beside a wagon that had a busted wheel and muttering to himself about his mother the entire time. Fiona quickly promised to talk with the farmer up the hill and departed from the group for a moment, where she walked up to the house, knocked on the door, spoke with the man for a moment, and then returned to them. Once she was back she told the jester that the farmer had agreed to fix the wheel, even saying that he had apologized for turning the jester down several times before.

With the good deed done, and another four hundred septims added to their stash, they continued down the road, looking out for any more people that might need help or dangers that would need to be taken care of. While they walked Sunset also noticed that there was what appeared to be a Word Wall near the other side of the mountain that the keep had been built into, though resting on it was a dragon. It was then that Sunset had to consider leaving the dragon alone, no doubt to hurt people in the area, or take a detour and make sure that the area was safe.

A minute later she sighed and turned off the road, causing her companions to follow her and ask what she was doing, before they noticed the dragon she was heading towards.

"Why are we heading towards a dragon?" Fiona asked, not really sure why they were heading towards the Word Wall.

"I don't want to leave one of them in an area where they can hurt people," Sunset replied, drawing her staff as they approached the wall, "besides, I'm the only one who can get rid of them at the moment."

Fiona appeared to have another question that she wanted to ask, but the moment they drew close to the wall the dragon twisted its head around and stared at them. Sunset, seeing how the element of surprise was gone, gripped her staff, summoned some flames to dance around the weapon, and charged up the hill. As she did so she noticed that the dragon's head followed her, giving her companions time to attack it without having to worry about it turning back to hurt them. The moment that Sunset reached the top of the hill, where she spotted the dragon script on the wall and the coffin that rested next to it, she turned around and smacked her flames into the side of the dragon's head, causing it to roar and leap into the air.

The dragon circled to face Sunset and readied its breath, but this time Sunset was ready and summoned a barrier around her, just in time to block the frost breath from touching her. As she did that Bjorn and Lydia pulled out their bows, readied a set of arrows, and took aim at the dragon's side, loosing them into their target before it had a chance to fly off again. The dragon raised itself higher into the air for a moment, as if taking stock on the four of them, before it moved its head back towards Sunset and readied itself to give her another taste of its freezing breath. Seconds before the dragon loosed its breath Sunset tapped her hand on the ground and a barrier wrapped around her and her companions, who had moved to her side while the dragon had been looking at them.

Once the dragon silenced its breath Sunset lowered her shield, gathered her magic into her left hand, and charged out of the area she had been standing in, flames trailing behind her. Before the dragon had a chance to move she swung her arm and the magic rippled through the air, colliding with the beast's chest and exploding on impact. The impact knocked the dragon out of the air for a moment, forcing it to land in the area between the Word Wall and the path Sunset had taken to get to the hilltop, but as it did so it noticed that Sunset was coming its way once more. Sunset used her flames on the dragon's head, as a distraction as she moved around to the side and switched her staff for her sword, swinging her blade into the beast's side and igniting her magic.

The second explosion knocked the dragon onto its side, but Sunset was satisfied with the damage as she noticed that the light faded from the dragon's eyes. That was followed by its body breaking apart before their eyes and its soul phasing into her body, giving her the knowledge that the dragon had.

"Dragonborn," Fiona breathed, now realizing exactly what the other reason for them to come here had been, "I never thought that I'd have the honor of traveling with a hero of your caliber."

"I'll never get over how odd it feels to take their souls," Sunset admitted, turning to the Word Wall and the stone coffin, "but be ready, because I don't think that we're done fighting just yet."

As Sunset and her companions slowly approached the coffin she got the uneasy feeling that something powerful was waiting for something to disturb its sleep. Then, when Sunset was just a few steps away from the coffin, the lid popped open and the creature that called it home woke up, but she wasn't expecting something to levitate into the air and stare at them. The draugr was dressed in a robe of sorts that mimicked the scales of a dragon, with cloth pieces that reached down past its knees and showed off the sides of its chest a bit. The creature wore a mask that she swore was made of iron, though when it turned towards Sunset she noticed that it carried a staff in its right hand.

"A Dragon Priest!" Fiona said in awe, preparing her weapons as she waited for something to happen, "Be careful, these undead are incredibly powerful, as they served under the dragons before their defeat."

Lydia and Bjorn loosed a pair of arrows into the Dragon Priest's chest, but as the arrows neared it Sunset watched as the creature simply turned to the side and let them hit the wall. She summoned her magic into her hand again, though she waited a moment as Fiona appeared behind the priest, swinging her weapons at it and missing as the draugr continued to dodge. As her companions tried to hit the creature Sunset noticed that it continued to stare at her, as if it was trying to determine what she was and if she was an ally or an enemy. She glanced back at the Word Wall for a moment, wondering if her companions could keep the priest busy for a few moments so she could see if the wall held a Shout that would aid them in defeating their opponent.

Sunset turned and approached the wall, feeling the energy as she felt not one Word of Power become known to her, but all three words to an entire Shout; Zul, Mey, and Gut. Once she had the words, to a Shout she was sure wouldn't be helpful in this fight, she turned around and ignited her magic, allowing it to swirl around her arm as she turned her attention back to the Dragon Priest. As it turned out the priest was just staring at them, though its attention seemed to rest solely on Sunset and had stalled when she took the wall's words. She stared at the creature for a moment, wondering why it was stalling, almost as if it was studying them.

Then, before any of them could react, the priest turned towards the other side of the mountain and was off, leaving them there to wonder what had just happened.

"Umm, are they supposed to flee?" Sunset asked, canceling her magic and sheathing her sword.

"I've never heard of a Dragon Priest fleeing from a fight," Fiona admitted, worried about what a newly awakened priest would do, "but it seems that it noticed that it was outnumbered and decided to flee. I just hope it isn't going to torture some unfortunate people and begin a new reign of terror in Skyrim."


When Sunset and her companions returned to Winterhold it was almost noon, but Sunset was just fine with that as they had the books that Urag wanted and they had dealt with a dragon. Besides the priest that ran away she considered that they were off to a good start for the day, though she wondered what would happen when she turned the books over. As they approached the College Fiona also pointed out that a large statue overlooked the small town, the same one that was made in the image of Azura. Sunset made a mental note to trek up there and see what the Daedric Prince wanted in exchange for her artifact.

As they walked into the College grounds Sunset waved to her fellow apprentices, who waved back and whispered among themselves, and several of the Master Wizards followed suit. She had the feeling that something happened before she even reached her destination, but as they opened the doors to the Hall of the Elements she spotted something that she wasn't expecting to see so soon; the orb from Saarthal.

"Wow, they worked fast," Sunset commented, turning towards the Arcanaeum, "I thought it would take them a week minimum to get that thing out of Saarthal."

Lydia and Bjorn, seeing the orb for the first time, were amazed that such a thing existed, though Fiona merely stared at it for a few seconds before they followed Sunset. When they walked into the Arcanaeum Sunset noted that there were several Master Wizards moving books around and sharing their own notes with each other. It was clear that they were likely researching the orb, though she had to wonder how much more the library could offer them.

"Well, well. You seem to be in one piece!" Urag said the moment he took the books from Sunset, a small grin appearing on his face, "I'll look these over, and inform Mirabelle if I find anything relevant. Night of Tears, eh? I remember this one. Well, isn't that interesting. Did you read it yourself? If I recall it correctly, that has some interesting implications. You should mention that to Tolfdir."

Sunset nodded and returned to the hall where the orb was located, where she found Tolfdir walking around the orb, making notes on a slip of paper and muttering to himself. She informed the Master Wizard about the books, to which he seemed delighted to hear and commented that he'd reread the book later, before telling her that none of the known languages seemed to match the writing on the orb. All that told Sunset was that the orb was ancient and likely contained a vast amount of magical energy, which she knew Tirek would be coming after at some point.

"I'm afraid I must intrude." Ancano said, stepping between Sunset and Tolfdir for a moment and interrupting them, "It is urgent that I speak with your associate immediately."

"Now, I..." Tolfdir exclaimed, clearly outraged by the elf's actions, "This is most inappropriate! We are involved in serious research here!"

"Yes, I've no doubt of its gravity." Ancano replied, clearly not caring about what they were doing, though Sunset noticed a strange look in his eyes, "This, however, is a matter that cannot wait."

"Well, I'm quite sure I've never been interrupted like this before..." Tolfdir angrily huffed, before turning to Sunset for a moment, "the audacity!... I suppose we'll continue this at some later time, when we can avoid interruptions."

Sunset turned to the elf for a moment, wondering what that look in his eyes had been, before she sighed and beckoned for him to move, to which he glared at her.

"I'll explain this to you," Ancano said, leading her to the Archmage's Quarters, "I'd like to know why there's someone claiming to be from the Psijic Order here in the College. More importantly, I'd like to know why he's asking for you specifically. So we're going to go have a little chat with him, and find out exactly what it is he wants."

Sunset was sure that the elf was up to something, but when she heard that a Psijic Monk was here at the College, after telling her that they couldn't interfere with her affairs, she knew that she had to meet him. Besides, she was interested in hearing if the Order knew anything about what Tirek was doing, or if they could track him and tell her where to find him. So when they reached the Archmage's quarters Sunset immediately approached the monk and he held his hand up for a moment, his time stopping magic igniting and slowing everyone else down.

"So," Sunset said, staring at the monk for a moment, "I was told that you guys weren't allowed to interfere with my affairs."

"That was true before," the monk replied, "but this object... The Eye... is immensely powerful. It is because of this that I am to the College in person and not as my projection. The Eye is interfering with everything, though many in the Order fear that it will be misused. Indeed, many in the Order believe it has already... Rather, something will happen soon, something that cannot be avoided. The only way for you to stop the Eye is to find the Augur of Dunlain. He will tell you what you need to know."

"Than I shall find him," Sunset replied, though when she saw the monk start to lower his hand she stopped him for a moment, "Wait, before you go I need to ask you about someone named Tirek. Have you or anyone in the Order noticed anything strange lately... besides this Eye business?"

"We... we have felt a disturbance that is connected with that... that demon," the monk answered, "we are not sure of the damage he can cause in the future or how he'll go about gaining his full power. We also have no idea where he is at the moment, so you are on your own for the moment."

Sunset nodded and time resumed its natural pace, though she had to grin when the monk told off Ancano and walked out the moment he finished with the elf, who was fuming. The Archmage looked lost for a moment, but when Sunset asked about the Augur he told her to tell Tolfdir that he had better stop telling stories about him. With that information in hand she returned to the Hall of the Elements, where she found the Master Wizard still studying the orb as if noting had happened. When she approached him she simply asked about the Augur, where she was told that he would still be in the Midden, an area beneath the College that many of the mages stayed away from.

He even pointed out an entrance to the Midden that she could use, to which she nodded and left the Hall of the Elements with her companions following behind her. The area beneath the College turned out to be a place where Sunset felt that something unusual, though she believed that it had to be the pull of the Augur. She followed the pull through the entirety of the Midden, where she found many slaughtered creatures that had called the place home before she eventually passed through another door and entered another area of the Midden. In the second area she found more slain creatures, though besides the Augur's magic she swore that she felt Ancano's magic lingering everywhere.

Eventually she came to a third door, but this one was locked and a voice told her that she would only be disappointed in her search, as if it wanted her to go away. But before she could respond to it she heard the voice say something else.

Still you persist? the voice said, Very well, you may enter.

The door opened and Sunset entered the chamber, where she found a ball of magical energy appear before her, which she assumed was the Augur.

"So," Sunset said, wanting to verify her theory first, "you're the Augur of Dunlain?"

I am that which you have been seeking. the spirit said, Your efforts are in vain. It has already begun. But those who have sent you have not told you what they seek. What you seek.

"I was told to find you," Sunset told the spirit, "I was told that you could aid me in finding a way to stop the interference of the Eye."

Indeed. the spirit said, And so you have come looking, though you do not know why. Like others before you, you blindly follow a path to your own destruction. The Thalmor came seeking answers as well, unaware they will be his undoing. Your path now follows his, though you will arrive too late. The one who calls himself Ancano. He seeks information about the Eye, but what he will find shall be quite different. His path will cross yours in time, but first you must find that which you need.

"And that would be?" Sunset asked, not sure what the spirit was talking about.

You, and those aiding you, the spirit said, wish to know more about the Eye of Magnus. You wish to avoid the disaster of which you are not yet aware. To see through Magnus' Eye without being blinded, you require his staff. Events now spiral quickly towards the inevitable center, so you must act with haste. Take this knowledge to your Archmage.

Sunset nodded as the spirit seemed to fade away, though whatever his body was made of seemed to remain behind for a moment, before she turned to her companions. She beckoned for them to join her as she made her way back to the College grounds, though she was worried that things were getting out of hand. She needed to find Tirek, but now she had to deal with Ancano and whatever plans he was currently cooking up.


"Ah, she and her companions are gone."

Tirek was mildly annoyed with how close Sunset Shimmer came to discovering where he was living at the moment, but he was thankful that she was on an errand for someone and couldn't stay much longer. Once he heard the sound of a door shutting he tapped his staff on the ground and took a deep breath, soaking in a bit more of the College's magic for a moment. Ancano had gotten his knowledge from the Augur and was waiting to use it against the College, though now that both he and Sunset were distracted it was Tirek's turn with the powerful Augur of Dunlain.

He approached the door that covered the Augur's chamber and pressed his hand against the wood, soaking the magic into his hand before opening the door and forcing the Augur to show himself.

"Ah, the Augur of Dunlain," Tirek said, a small grin appearing on his face, "Your going to tell me what I need to know, just as you did with Ancano and Sunset Shimmer... and I won't take no for an answer!"

You wish to know how to acquire your full power, the Augur replied, but I cannot tell you what you already know.

"Ah, a wise guy eh?" Tirek remarked, closing the door behind him and holding his empty hand forward, "Very well, I shall slowly drain you of your magic until you tell me exactly what I need to know. If you give it to me then I may be persuaded to let you go... for the moment."

Very well, I shall tell you what I know. the Augur said, The key to acquiring your full power is...

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