• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 7,733 Views, 75 Comments

Re-Igniting Love - Loxart

A human who has been trapped in Equestria that ends up making the leader of the wonderbolts develope a crush on him

  • ...

Not the usual tablemate (Spitfire/Anon POV) (Part 2 of 3)

Author's Note:

Next chapter is going to be about 2700 words long, so stay tuned for that. This is just the connector between what starts it and what shenanigans are going to ensue!

(Anon's POV)

So, lets recap whats happened so far today! First, I broke down at the wonderbolt's show, which caused me to snap at Rainbow Dash. Then outta the blue, the captain of the wonderbolt's crashes and messes up, which was so scary seeing that she could have been hurt, and finally I ended up in the bar with SAID CAPTAIN as my tablemate! What is going on today.

I've been here for about a half hour now and she is a little tipsy, so am I. We have talked a little and I have gotten to know her a little bit. She was different to say the least, unlike other famous people who hate to be bothered outside the movie set or just put on a fake personality for the audience their singing to. But Spitfire seemed like she WANTED to talk to me. It felt nice.

"So Spitfire..." I grab her attention while I think of something to ask.

She looks towards me, still drinking her glass of whiskey. "Mhmm?"

"Have you ever had anypony go starstruck from meeting you?" I ask with a sly grin.

She swallowed what she had in her mouth and smiled back. "Of course! A lot of ponies are like that! There is one in particular who does it EVERY TIME she sees me."

"Rainbow Dash?"

"Bingo!" She said, bringing us both into a laughing fit.

I looked closely at Spitfire. These ponies were super adorable, with them being smaller than me and the fact that they were so colorful. But I don't think that she was that adorable. She seemed to be more on the pretty side. After observing her for a bit longer, she finally noticed I was looking at her.

"You ok, Anon?" She asked.

As soon as I heard her say that, my vision went blurry and a flashback played in my mind.

"It's nice out here isn't it?" Cindy asked me, before turning to face me, eye to eye, "You ok sweetie?"

"Yeah... I am..." I say, smiling, "I just wanted to take in the sight of you... it really is quite nice."

"Aww... that's so sweet of you!" Cindy cooed, proceeding to kiss me on the cheek.


"Huh?" I snapped back to the real world with my vision clear as day.

"I asked if you were ok!" She said, worried.

"Oh... yeah I'm fine. It's just you look different than most ponies."

"Really?" She asked, intrigued, "How so? Is it the wings? It's the wings, isn't it?"

"No, most of the ponies around here are adorable... you are..."

"What? Creepy? Ugly? Horri-"

"Kinda Beautiful." I say, grinning slightly.

"B-beautiful?" She said, blushing.

(Spitfire's POV)

He just called me beautiful... I know that we are both under the influence of alcohol but... he just told me that I'm beautiful. That is something I rarely hear... especially when it is directed towards me.

"R-really?" I ask.

"Yeah. There is something about you that just makes it so."

"Wow..." I shake off the blush, "Thanks."

This makes him smile. "So, should we get another drink?"

"I thought you would never ask!" I say, delighted, and called a waiter over, "Whiskey please."

"And for you sir?" The waiter said.

"Caramel-Mint Scotch, if you would."

"Excellent choice. One moment." The waiter confirmed and headed towards the bar.

I looked over at Anon who was looking around. It wasn't very packed at the moment so he had barely anything to look at. After a good 3 minutes, he looked at me with a soft smile and looked away.

"Hey Spitfire..?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Can you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I ask, listening to the sounds around me.

"Close your eyes and focus on the clock on the wall." He said in an assuring tone.

I did as he requested. I closed my eyes slowly and focused on the clock hanging on the wall. After a few seconds, time seemed to freeze as all sound came to a halt. Afraid to open my eyes, I focused more, and a single sound filled the room. The chime of the clock striking. I was in awe of what was happening. As I opened my eyes, Anon was still across from me, looking away with his eyes closed. After a few minutes of sitting there, Anon returned to normal.

"How was it?" He asked, calmly.

"It was wonderful!" I exclaimed.

"Good. Use that whenever you are stressed. It can really help."

I gave him a small smile. "Well, were at the bar, and we have been drinking slowly. Lets have some fun!"

"Now THAT'S an idea I like!" Anon cheered, and called the waiter over once more.

(Still Spitfire's POV)
(2 Hours Later)

By the time we walked out of the bar together, me and Anon were both completely smashed. I knew we should of stopped at our... 3...4...17... 19th drink off... I can't remember. I can't really remember anything at the moment actually... what was I talking about?

"Yoo-Hoo. Earth to Spitzy!" A voice said, sounding drunk. Snapping out of my thought, I saw Anon in front of me, stumbling around.

"Whaz yu says Anon?" I attempted to speak.

"I saids Earth to Spitzy!"

"Earth?" I asked.

"Yeaaaa! Remember I told you that is wher I come froms?" He attempted to explain.



"Yu sayd that." I burst out laughing.

"Heh... funni..." He chuckled to.

"Sooo" I managed to get out, "What shuld we do now?"

"Hmmm... how abot w-"

Anon was cut off by another voice yelling. "There you are!"

We both looked up to see an angry Rainbow Dash and FleetFoot looking down at us. They swoop down and land right in front of us. We looked at each other and then back to the pair. We may have been smashed, but we both knew we were in trouble. The problem, however, was that neither me or Anon gave a damn.

"Where in Equestria were you Anon?!" Rainbow screamed.

"Same with you Spits!" FleetFoot yelled, "You should have been home a hour ago!"

Me and Anon looked at each other, then turned our bodies to the bar and pointed straight at it, turning our head so that we could give Rainbow and Fleet a confused look.

"So" FleetFoot looked to Rainbow, "Should we punish them?"

Rainbow grinned at the idea "Yeah! How abou-"

At that moment, all logic went out the window and my drunk self turned on escape mode. "Anon?"

"Yea Spitzy?"

"BOOK IT!" I screamed, as we ran away as fast as we could.

While we were running, I looked back to see FleetFoot holding Rainbow back from chasing us. She knew that I would get into trouble, but me and my drunken flank didn't care. I wanted to have fun!