• Member Since 12th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago

Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!


In pursuit of time-traveling Adolf Hitler, Kung Fury ends up in Equestria. Can he overcome Discord’s devious ploy, and vast legions of Changelings in his righteous path?

All the while, the shadow from the past lingers in the background, plotting to undo everything that the lone cop holds dear.

[You may also enjoy the Youtube reading (Chapter 1 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ Chapter 2 (⌐■_■) Chapter 3) and mp3 download (Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3) that are available for this story.]

* This story is a MLP crossover with the movie: Kung Fury
Cosmic Cowboy
Dismal The Zoner
Bad Dragon

The story collaboration is still ongoing. If you wish to join this project, click —> here <—

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 30 )

Comment section minigames for Chapter 2 of Kung Fury In Equestria.
GAME 1: Music alignment
Does Chapter 1 remind you of a song that you know? If yes, post it in the comments in the following format:
- A link or embedded Youtube video of it.
- Percentage of correlation (0% being an unrelated song, 100% being a song written exactly for this story [you get extra points if it's from the '80s]).
- Reason why this song reminded you of this story or the excerpt of the lyrics that resonates with this fic in some way.

Music recommendations for reading this story:
Kung Fury Full Soundtrack — Correlation: 95%

Kung Fury Unofficial Soundtrack: Playing for keeps — Correlation: 90%

Mitch Murder - Face Puncher — Correlation: 95%

GAME 2: Collaboration master
Join the collaboration and become a part of the Kung Fury in Equestria project.

Comment section minigame for Chapter 2 of Kung Fury In Equestria.
GAME 1: Music alignment
Does Chapter 2 remind you of a song that you know? If yes, post it in the comments in the following format:
- A link or embedded Youtube video of it.
- Percentage of correlation (0% being an unrelated song, 100% being a song written exactly for this story [you get extra points if it's from the '80s]).
- Reason why this song reminded you of this story or the excerpt of the lyrics that resonates with this fic in some way.

Music recommendations for reading this story:
Edguy - The Spirit — Correlation: 40% (Lyrics)
The spirit that guides you follow it through — To the spirit inside you always be true

Comment section minigame for Chapter 3 of Kung Fury In Equestria.
GAME 1: Music alignment
Does Chapter 3 remind you of a song that you know? If yes, post it in the comments in the following format:
- A link or embedded Youtube video of it.
- Percentage of correlation (0% being an unrelated song, 100% being a song written exactly for this story [you get extra points if it's from the '80s]).
- Reason why this song reminded you of this story or the excerpt of the lyrics that resonates with this fic in some way.

Music recommendations for reading this story:
The Payolas - Eyes Of A Stranger — Correlation: 40% (Lyrics)
In your lips I sense a danger — You've got the eyes of a stranger

Loved this shit.

Lookin' forward to more.

Have a moustache on me.


Why the actual fuck isn't this featured? I mean... there were only a few grammatical errors (that I saw), but this shit is amazing. You've earned yourself a follower, pal.

And Triceracop is best pone :P

It's cool that the special effects are also added for the intros.

Pinkie literally just tried to stop him from becoming Grumpy Cat.

I'm not gonna read this yet, but just so you know it will be on the back burner and seeing this made me smile.

Seeing this reminds me that I toyed with the idea of making a Kung Fury / TCB parody...christ, fucking ages ago. Still haven't gotten around to actually doing that.


While I'm a little miffed I didn't publish that first, I salute you sir.

7335541 You're also welcome to join this collaboration If you ever get the urge to write Kung Fury.

One thing I must ask... How is something like this E rated? I mean, Kung Fury is a heavy R rating, so how is a fanfic of said movie rated E for everyone?


haha i remember watching kung fury a while back, made me laugh. i will proberlly read this when i have more time. hope it makes me laugh as much as watching kung fury.

Where do you come up with this shit? And why can't I stop reading it?

8239388 That's the beauty of Collaboration. The more people work on something, the more unique ideas you'll end up with.

Another thing is the editing. When multiple people edit the same story, they add what's missing and remove what's clogging the text. That makes the reading fun and engaging.

However, the hard thing about collaborations is commitment. It's easy for people to start stuff, but hard to finish them. For every chapter added, it's harder for a newcomer to join the collaboration because there's more material to adhere to. The incomplete status of this story reflects that.

i havent read it yet but i will say this you had me at kung fury

You may want to get that ratting up. It's Kung Fury, it's going to get more violent.

8700011 I'll do that if the collaborative readers decide to go that route. Thus far, nopony got hurt, so I think the lower rating is still appropriate.

8905287 Good try but the song you suggested is about 'Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting'. In this story, there is just one true Kung Fu fighter. You have to have about 40% correlation to be listed, but your song only scores 35%. Regardless, thank you for participating.

I have reviewed your story; you may find it here.

¡This is great! It is funny that a 16-bit computer with 1 byte of RAM (8 byts) is state of the art. Now with have Triceracop, Thor, Hitler, and Kung Fury too. More is usually less —— ¡we all know the busy incoherent stories! ——; but in this case, more is more.

Nice story but... put some music there, that will be great!

9570134 I linked to the music in the first comment of this story. Or did you have something else in mind?

I mean put music "Into story"

9570250 Like lyrics? Or links to Youtube music? What exactly are you suggesting?

Ya know what? newer mind... your story = your rules.

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