• Published 30th Nov 2015
  • 11,384 Views, 37 Comments

Waiting - Silver Moon

Alone in the nothingness, a mare waits.

  • ...

Time Will Catch Up

It’s cold. A small part of me wonders if I should have grabbed a scarf before heading out, but I quickly dismiss the thought. Even if I had, it would have fallen apart by now, torn to shreds by the harsh wind. Nothing of quality has been made in a long time, after all. And everything from before, well, the fire it was burned in would be nice right now.

I wince as a loud growl sounds above the wind, then relax as I find its source. My stomach has been noisy lately. I suppose it shouldn’t be any surprise. When was the last time I ate a decent meal? Longer than I care to count. It wasn’t supposed to matter. We were supposed to adjust.

My stomach growls again, and I wonder how long I have been waiting. Days? Weeks? Time seems to have lost meaning to me. Worry begins to gnaw at my insides but I shove it away. It won’t change anything. It’s much too late for regret.

The sounds of the portal opening distract me from my regrets. A weak smile graces my lips. At least I got one thing right.

The map appears before the mares do, the ponies falling down shortly after. They’re farther away than I had anticipated, so I drag my weary bones to my hooves and start towards them. The wind is more powerful when I stand, and although I stumble, I do not stop. I have to make it to them.

I see them more clearly now, despite the wind blowing grit in my eyes. I try to chuckle despite my situation but lack the strength. I’d forgotten what well-fed ponies look like. Their voices reach my ears a few moments before I do.

“-don’t know anything about me! I was perfectly happy before you and your friends ruined what I built!” I had forgotten the arrogance of a pony who thought they could change the world as well.

“This is what you built,” I say, my voice too weak to be heard by the other mares. I swallow hard, voice catching on the arid air. When was my last drink of water? I ignore the sandpaper in my throat and push on.

I lose track of their conversation but somehow know exactly who is going to say what, a memory I never had but always did. I know what is coming next without being able to put words to it and force myself to run.

I tackle her just before she raises herself into the air. For a few moments after we land in a tangled pile, it seems as though even the wind stops. Twilight is the first to find her voice.


I only cough weakly, my legs collapsing when I try to raise myself to my feet. My other self, the one from the right timeline, scrambles away from me and stares in horror. I know she’s counting my ribs, trying to wrap her mind around how clear they are. The memory is both hers and mine, but I am too weak to think about that.

A scaled, purple claw holds a flask of water to my lips, and I drink thankfully. I drain the flask and lay panting for a few moments more. I hadn’t realized how much that sprint would take from me. I guess I never saw the long term effects.

Twilight helps me sit up, my double still staring a few paces away. I nod my thanks and try to gather my words.

I had so long to plan. Funny how you never know what to say when the moment arrives.

Again, it is Twilight who breaks the silence.

“What happened?”

Starlight looks back at me and we lock eyes before I speak. “I won.” I let lose a dry chuckle at their shocked faces, only to flinch back when my other self charges at me.

“What do you mean, you won?” she spits at me. “I was creating a utopia, not this! How did this happen?”

Twilight gestures for her to calm down but she has already fallen silent, waiting for my response.

“I won,” I repeat, then hold up a hoof. “Let me explain. I owe you that much.” I cough again, and see Spike reach into his bag for another flask. I turn it away with a hoof.

“Rainbow still performed her Rainboom. A little later than originally, but soon enough for the six of you to get your cutie marks together,” I nod to Twilight. “And so things happened as they should. Nightmare, Discord, Chrysalis, all of them were defeated. Twilight became a Princess and then the map sent the six of you to my town.” I chuckle again, this time bitterly. I try to spit but lack the saliva. Spike offers me the water again, but I know it won’t matter anymore. I swallow instead and keep talking.

“I had learned from my mistakes, though, from memories I never had but knew anyway. So Fluttershy didn’t catch me with my real cutie mark. I convinced her to stay in my town, that it was the best for everypony. I eventually convinced the others too. Yes, even you, Twilight.” She had sat down at some point, jaw slightly unhinged as she tries to wrap her head around this new dystopia she has found herself in. Starlight is watching me too, her expression torn between hope of her dream coming true and fear as to how it became this. “I’m not proud of what I did to convince you, though I was at the time. Rainbow’s screams as I cut off her wings, Rarity’s face as I burned her boutique-”

“What?” Twilight cut across me, eyes widening in disbelief. “But how? You never had enough influence to get out of those mountains, let alone all the way to Ponyville!”

“Twilight, you have to understand, I won in this timeline. I took over everything. I had the Princesses’ cutie marks. I won.”

“No!” Both of us turn to stare at Starlight as she shouts in anger, Twilight jumping slightly as though she had forgotten we weren’t alone. “You’re lying! This isn’t what was supposed to happen. It was supposed to be a utopia. This is a wasteland.” She spits the last word with a venom I wish I could still summon.

“I’m not lying. I, we, were simply mistaken. Ponies starved when farmers could no longer grow crops. The meager food that was grown was made inedible by chefs who couldn’t cook. Other ponies froze from the harsh weather that nopony could control. Houses collapsed with nopony who could properly build them, epidemics broke free with no doctors to fight them. I realized my fault, but it was too late.” I cough again, voice wavering. When I raise my head back up, all three are looking at me in horror. I lock eyes with myself again, directing my next words to her and myself. “You wanted to build a world where everypony is equal.

“We’re all equal in death.”

Silence, but for the howling wind. I lay down, no longer having strength to hold myself up.

“By the time I knew what I had done, I couldn’t change it. I don’t understand how time travel works, not when it comes to my own counterparts and memories, at least not fully. But I remembered. I remembered this meeting. I set out to find this place so I could fix our past.” I pull my eyes open and lift them to find my own face in front of me. “Please,” I beg, “please. Starlight Glimmer, look around. This is the utopia I created. Don’t let it be the one you create as well.” My eyes close again, voice falling out with the last word. It doesn’t matter. There is nothing left for me to say.

Over the wind, I once again hear the sounds of the portal coming to life.

It only takes a few seconds for my memories to start to fade. I know without knowing that a me that is not me is making the right choice, then I forget even that.

My name is Starlight Glimmer. I don’t know where I am, or why. But somehow, I know that I just did something right for the first time in a very long time.

Comments ( 37 )

Now that would have made for a dark thing in the finale. Starlight seeing the consequences of her world firsthoof... from herself.

Short yet poignant.

I am Ozymandius, King of Kings.
Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...


Here is change, it is awful.
What is needed is improvement, compromised at a leave above both arguers heads...

All these finale fics are so DARK. I love it.

What powerful yet unrecorded race; once dwelt in this annihilated place...

Wow, they could at least spared her and dragged her with them. Damn thats dark.

Even when she won, she still lost. Was it worth all this destruction for every pony to be equal.

I was thinking the exact same thing after watching the finale. 'What if the last timeline was Starlight's?'

6688430 what would be the point? She was dying...

Wow. That Was so.. deep...

Author Interviewer

You got a 'was was' in there. :B

This actually makes a ton of sense, though.

I know the series would never have actually done anything as close to as dark as this was, but I liked this solution better, having her own alternate self tell Starlight just how badly she had messed up would have really driven home the point of how wrong she was.

Wow. This' really great...

Dark yet meaningful.
Sad yet righteous.
Victory in ruins.
Equal rites.

I was going to write something with a similar premise. But I think you did it better. Nice job.

her expression torn between hope of hre dream coming true


You never had enough influence to get to get out of those mountains

And then there was one.

Wow. I love how alternate Starlight's "utopia" caused the barren wasteland timeline. :rainbowderp: I also love how dark all these alternate timeline fics are. :pinkiecrazy:

What gains a man, if he were to gain the world, and lose his own soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?

And now I'm eating my words. This is a rare gem in an overly-used and mostly-worthless trope.

This is the sole reason why I will still at least try to read fics with the tragedy tag; every so often, you get one that actually has meaning in the suffering. Still, for the most part, most of them bear out my main belief about this trope.

But that's just me. In any case, have a like.

well, they could´ve taken her to a hospital or something to help her or feed her or stuff.But then I realice that would´ve damage the world by having two Starlights in the same timeline.whatever

I love this

I arrived at this story quite by accident. My "Little Girl" asked me to read her a bedtime story. She was already half asleep, so I needed to pick something soothing and quiet. I remembered an old story that shared the same name -- "Waiting" -- and thought I was reading her that one. By the time I got a couple paragraphs in, I realized this was a different story, but we were both pleased with it anyways. As others have mentioned, a slightly more thorough proof-reading would have caught some of the minor spelling and grammar errors. I can easily forgive those, though. The premise and execution were very good!

“You wanted to build a world where everypony is equal.
“We’re all equal in death.”


Amazing and sad. I applaud you. :fluttercry:

Full review here, but in brief: Starlight's simple narration is nice, and I think it would have been a more effective story with less of the more extreme stuff. I still appreciate it taking a different path to most Re-Marked fics, though.

Short but built greatly. The premise and narration is quite satisfying to read.
Nice job!

This is a good story. That’s all I have to say about that.

“We’re all equal in death.”


Talk about Chills.

This is pretty cool! Good usage of the Starlight victory scenario.

This actually makes you think about what would have happened if she succeeded.

Be careful what you wish for, you may get what you wanted. You wanted equality, there you have it.

Either total collapse of civilisation and death of the planet


New ponies being born in few generations, who build EVERYTHING from GROUND UP. Those who do not have their quite marks removed.

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