• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
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Jeweled Pen

Just a girl trying to make it as an freelancer writer. Please check out my stories, both fanfiction and independent works! Any comments are deeply loved and you're all awesome.



This story is a sequel to Avatar: The Last Alicorn. Book 1: Pegasus

Following the events of The Last Alicorn, a new Avatar has risen. A new generation, a new world filled with new technology, countries and factions. Can this Avatar defeat the mysterious Meadowbrook and stop her from removing everypony's cutie marks? What other threats are waiting to strike and take over this new world order?
Image by Silfoe again. Thankies. :)
Special thanks to Angel_Bunny for editing the chapters for me.
Please enjoy!

Full collection:
Avatar the Last Alicorn:
Book 1.
Book 2.
Book 3.
Book 4.

Legend of Diamond Tiara:
Book 1.
Book 2.
Book 3.
Book 4.

Disclaimer: "Avatar: the Last Airbender" and all associated characters, storylines, and materials belong to Nickelodeon and were created by Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino.
My little pony: Friendship is magic and all associated characters, storylines, and materials belong to Hasbro, and was made incredibly awesome by Lauren Faust.

Chapters (29)
Comments ( 64 )

Looks fun. Hope to see more. :D

Worst temper avatar for worst temper filly, how fitting. And without surprise Starlight is Amon. :ajsmug:

Onwards with the legend of korra style story!

Ah, and so the legend begins. It seems that there are immediate things that separates Korra from Tiara. For one, Tiara was trained in her home instead of a compound. And Tiara was a lot less cooperative with her supervisors by comparison. Though, still affectionate in a way. And Prism I assume is going to be our Tenzin stand in. Seeing as I'm guessing Avatar Twilight never had any kids.

Also, even though he is the Tenzin stand in, Prism also has a bit of Lin's hardness, in part due to his wonderbolt training. Also, seems Rich lost the lady. Hmm, no Seena in this universe? And it seems Rich doesn't have nearly the same political clout either.

Also, even though Tiara might be way meaner than Korra at this moment, she does have that drive for agency. Hence the whole "Don't I get a say in any of this?” Also, I guess we won't be aging Diamond up into prepubescence? And I'm guessing there's also a little bit of Hiroshi in Rich too. With the whole "All that's left of her mother."

Anyways, so Tiara was ready to go. Though I think a part of her still didn't realize what she was getting into. Cause she thinks she'll be home in a month like this is a tutoring session. Au contrare Diamond. This is just the beginning of a lifelong journey. Though I have to wonder, when did they get so aggressive about finding the avatar. You think they'd have sent monks or something to....oh. Right. Air Nomads. Though, Healers?

Well, whatever the case, Diamond was a....handful to harmony. Totally self entitled. And not easy to handle. Though really, throwing the avatar away now might not make for the best choice. After all, Diamond's still not fully formed. We have no idea if the next avatar might turn out evil instead. Only amplifying rather than reversing her traits.

And thankfully, Republic City...I mean Harmony Land was a fine site to behold. Actually, despite what Prism wanted, Tiara does have a point wanting to see the city. Get shoved backwards a bit to take her down a peg. Let her see the species that she'll be protecting now. Though I bet Tiara's gonna hate the "Do whatever you say" tomorrow too.

But anyways, Tiara was enjoying the sites at first, but then we happen upon the next difference between Avatar land and Pony land. They're not using technology to create alternatives to bending in different tech. They want to simulate a part of what other species have. That's going for what they have, but not as an alternative. They want in, not a new way. Also, Tomorrow rather than Future Industries.

In the central park, there was commotion from the equalists, though in some ways, there are ways that benders have to shoulder the burden. How do you propose you raise the moon without bending? A machine can't do it. And they haven't invented rockets yet, so that's not even worth a try yet. Although, considering how Tiara is talking, he's got a point. Nothing but disposable tools. Oh, I can't wait to see the breaking. Hence Tiara got pelted.

Then she took down some criminals, and of course, next comes the "that's ancient history", and our other Lin character. Bring it on!

By the way, where's pinkie? (I'm not in the story yet, so I can't speak yet) Alright fine.

6720980 There will be lots more. ^^
6721685 Eeyup. She's got a lil bit of Korra, a lil bit of Diamond, and a lil bit of smart flank in her.
6721924 Forwards!
6722728 Oh, she's not prepubescent. She's young, but not THAT young. Also, happy to see you're still with us! Gotta admit, I always look forward to these posts. :) Great seeing the summaries of the story and how the fans interpret them. :)

Now, for all those viewing it, get ready for a ride. I actually managed to work up a fairly large buffer this time, so this story should be coming out fairly fast. Hopefully.

Ah, chin up Prism. Nobody said that the avatar was automatically perfect. :unsuresweetie: I mean, just look back 5 generations and you'd see that Clover lived a pitiful life as the avatar. Successful as a peacekeeper, but horrible as a guide or person. Anyways, let's break it down. (Like Chinatown) Are you sticking round pinkie? (Eh, why not? :pinkiehappy: Until I show, it'll all be frowns.)

Well anyways, Diamond awoke in the interrogation room. With the leader of the shadowbolts. Seems that Ironwing is our Lin stand in. Still, who's Ironwing again? It escapes me. If I remember correctly, one of Dash's kids? Anyways, if for anything, it seems Harmony is better at allowing civil protest. No clampdowns on peaceful marches. Also, technically Ironwing, there's overlap between Diamond's job and yours. She's kinda like the shock trooper. Out there to help every sector when needed. You get regular calls, but she's out there to help in any situation. I mean, that's what Twilight was about after all. And if you hold her in such reverence, why not allow such things for DT? (cause she's a wrecking ball.) Touche!

Though, it's again...here where we see clear differences between Korra and DT. Korra was proud of her bending, but she never had anything against Tech per se. Then again, avatar tech never tried to replicate flying and bending. So, that is a different sort of situation. Also, I didn't realize the avatar doesn't get the biological powers of a unicorn if they're not natural. Or....does that just take practice? Whatever the case, DT's a bit...sticklery about allowing non-natural ponies to go flyer or magic. Seems she has a bit of sour grapes right now. That she can't do magic, so she wishes others to just keep what they have naturally.

Also, never thought I'd see the day an avatar was opposed to having freedom for others. Though it seems Twilight did have a good idea on how to make the council a bit more harmonious. Instead of the reps being mainly from the former 5 nations, instead it's a team of 14. One from each tribe and specialty. Kinda like a mini senate. And Sunburst.....can you say Tarrlok with an S? (Of course not. It doesn't have an S silly. Ooo, but that does!:pinkiehappy:) Shush pinkie. You know what I meant.

Also, why would Diamond go for the earth bender spot? Cause she's an earth pony naturally? Couldn't she try for any of the elements technically?

Anyways, so it appears that in this universe, instead of being built around a natural harbor, avatar Island was...an accident. A spar between Tavi and Octy. I'm guessing they were fighting about Octavia's impending proposal to Big Mac. Love makes people do crazy things after all. Could also explain why they don't like to talk about it.

Also, FOUL! Attacking without warning? Bad form DT. Booo!! :flutterrage: Still, smooth to get her to make her own path. Then they landed on the island, and met the next 3 side characters. (not the new team avatar harmony....yet.) First we have copper shield. No doubt the daughter of Octavia and Big Macintosh. Getting her mother's hair, and her father's build. Mother's grace, and father's mannerisms. And...maybe a bit of Meelo? Hard to think of other comparisons....unless she's also jinora.

Next is Tittering Splash who....oh my spirits. This HAS to be a child of Pinkie Pie. No other gene pool could possibly produce such a motormouth! Although, calling it now. THIS is the Ikki of the fic. Though the shake does have a little bit of AJ in there too. Also, this must be from the next generation of Rarity's military. Since she came to Harmony after working under the water queen. Who DID have fire and water in her family! CALLED IT! :rainbowwild:

But we now have a marker for an event in the story. The Discordia festival. Diamond's next coming out moment. And dude. Twilight wasn't young. She was over 100 after all. Spirit burn and all that. Though it seems Vinyl finally found a pony more wild than she.

And finally, Blaze of the Pegasi. A council lady, seems a bit like a mix of Tenzin the politician, Jinora the calm and wise of the 3 "siblings", and Pema as the wife of "Tenzin". And still with a bit of bad blood with Iron wing.

Also, like how due to natural limits, they had to improvise with airbending. Since without wings, they can't get much at the moment. Just as Twilight learned the hard way. Besides, ponies have the hardest time with the element that's their opposite. Airbending is about grace and calm. Not focused like water, firm like earth, passionate like fire. Loose and smooth. Good luck with handling that little Avatar.

Also, loving how Blaze is being the mom DT didn't really know in her life.

Though there is one other element of DT that's almost wholly unique to her: That of the glory hound. DT thinking she has a great destiny to lead out. Kurruk was closest to this, but he already had his destiny. He didn't try seeking it. DT's the only one certain she has a grand destiny awaiting her, following the "avatar" legacy and leaving even more of a mark of equestria than Twilight did. To quote from Assassin's creed, "Such Pride. It will destroy you child."

Though there is one phrase that made me cringe with foreshadowing. "Perhaps if she's lucky, there won't even need to be an avatar for many generations.” If the population starts getting that idea in, then when they need an avatar the most, she won't be there for you. :fluttershysad:

But there is an additional dimension you're working into your "Tenzin". That of a mentor seeing himself in his pupil. Conflicting between his duty and his nostalgia or more personal touches. And like I said, an avatar isn't automatically good. The Yellow Daisy know that well enough.

Speaking of, since they never found the avatar right away......that means the Yellow Daisy is still in hiding at the moment. Its members might be serving openly in power now, but their secret society is still secret. Hmmm, wonder what that'll mean for the red daisy? Change their politics at all?

Also, seems there's a bit of The Prankster in Prism and Blaze. No doubt a carry over from RD. Well, day 1, complete. Day 2, NEXT!

Finally, PROBENDING foreshadowing. Bolin and Mako, you're coming soon. (You betcha!)

Well, give yourself some credit Prism. Unlike Tenzin, you're willing to experiment with training techniques as you go. :derpytongue2: That already gives you some unique points in my book.

So we begin with the morning jog. You know DT, if you're as good as you say, why don't you ace the the course and make Prism eat his words about not thinking you much good? Sounds to me that you like to talk more about how good you are rather than demonstrate it. :ajbemused: You know what that says to me? It's the boaster's paradox. He who boasts in their talents secretly isn't sure they're as good as they say. :rainbowwild: You say you're the best, cause deep down you're afraid that you're not.

Also, I'm loving the sparring on timing. “You're intolerable!” “No, I'm a morning pony!” “Same thing!” :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: And that is why I will never go to boot camp unless I must.

Also, DT obviously never got the memo. The Avatar is a master bender, but due to over-diversifying, there are specialized benders who are better at the individual crafts than her. Just look back a generation. Rarity, AJ, Rainbow. All were better benders in their field compared with Twilight. Heck, 2 of them pioneered new techniques in the process. Twilight became proficient, but there's no rule in the book which says the avatar turns out the best of them all. Seems Rich never got around to setting you up for disappointment. Bad form dude.

Also, why doesn't Prism mention his mom is Rainbow Dash, the blind master who mastered Air Sight and helped end the war? That ought to give a real kick in the teeth for tiara. Especially with all the stories of where RD was needed to bring Twilight back to earth. :rainbowdetermined2:

Although, seems that Tenzin has forgotten one key fact about the avatar. The element most different from their personality is the hardest for them to master. Twilight was forceful by her firebending, but also unsure about her place, so both earth and water were somewhat a problem. DT and Firm in her thoughts, but unable to flow and see herself self-critically. That's why the wind evades you. Also, “Everypony has a different method of learning.” Season 4's Rainbow Wonderbolt Test reference!

Also, do avatars not cover spirituality anymore? You'd think that whole thing on "the avatar must master both" would crop up at some point, but really, it seems like ever since they locked discord away, the avatars were TOO focused on the earthrealm. Just leaving the spirit realm to Crysalis and the like.

Though, DT does have one key thing that she'll need to overcome before she becomes the Avatar she's destined to be: Biological advantages vs the Moral imperative. She thinks that talent will grant you a right to self-righteousness, when the moral imperative will inevitably cut down everyone. Even if the anti-bender movement is still just growing in.

Well, moving on. Still waiting on that pro-bending moment.

6730989 I am waiting for the day you decide to introduce the announcer from Korra version of your comments. I know you don't have to and its more work, but I was curious to see if he would take form in some way.

Were she not the air bender, he'd have imagined she wasn't an air bender at all

Should be "avatar" I suppose.

But who wouldn't want to meet me?”
“Anypony who has met you,” Prism muttered under his breath.

Of course Button is the exception affirming the rule.

Well, the players continue to gather. Asami, Bolin and Mako. All put into place, preparing for a future that's coming sooner than any of them might expect.

But we begin...with Diamond trying to outdo Prism by getting up first. Only to not check her blindspots, and get outwitted....again.:facehoof::rainbowlaugh:

Also, seems she's still trying understand the philosophy behind airbending. Hence her inability to understand that there are some things that you need to weave around rather than plow through for the best solution. Use your head rather than your horn.

Also, Seems Blaze knows there's tension between master and apprentice, but isn't quite ready to confront the two of them about it yet. Both oddly frustrated by their limitations. DT with the point of moving, and Tenzin with her inability to give even a puff. And I love the realism Blaze keeps pushing in. "No pony expects a miracle.” Slow development. And the old sneak out the back trick.

Also, so arrogant to wear the necklace to show that she didn't want to wear something. Show a little decorum and humility. Rich really did spoil you girl.

Then she arrived, with some festivities, but not as many of the non-poninoid species. And saw the play showing the end of the great discording, the avatar harmony team taping power of all with.....with what? (:pinkiegasp:) OF COURSE! IT ALL MAKES SENSE! OF COURSE IT WAS CALLED RAINBOW POWER! THAT'S THE NEXT EVOLUTION OF POWER IN FIM TOO!! You Mad Genius! :pinkiehappy:

And that's how you're meeting Silver? Like....Ah HA! Just like how Mako first met Asami in Korra. Running into each other! Yeah, you definitely need glasses young lady. Also, you need a bit of a backbone.

So they made their way to the benders area. Where we see the original master bending team. Since Team Avatar Harmony had splintered beyond belief, We never got to See AJ, Rainbow, Twilight and Rarity form an unstoppable 4 person Pro-bender squad. Instead, we find out that RD joined up with Jeong Jeong and Bumi to have an unbeaten record before retiring to new things. Guess Dash allowed herself more frivolities as she got older. Also, wouldn't Rainbow have been the one who would have rights to the first TRUE pairs of glasses? She's short sighted, not blind after all.

Whatever the case, again we see Diamond hungry for glory, and totally socially inept. In her case, she's like a drill instructor. (YOU CALL THAT BENDING? MY BROTHER COULD OUTBEND YOU WITH ONE HOOF BEHIND HIS BACK!" Shut up tiny) And...getting to meet her Mako and Bolin. Only in this case, it's Button and Acrylic. And just like Bolin, Button was all over DT despite her attitude. Classic Bolin, always going out to make friends despite his situation.

Also, to quote Jill's anger from Inside Out regarding DT's bragging, "I COULD STRANGLE HER RIGHT NOW!" :twilightangry2:

I also liked the nod of "You're the avatar, and I'm an Idiot" in this universe. Though still, unlikable DT. Unlikable.

I am interested to hear how probending works if they can actually draw from all 4 types. Is it a rotation sort of thing, or a sub in and out, or pick your team if it's more than 3?

Though, it seems that DT's getting seeds planted in her head. "Why did he react so harshly?" Oh, much to learn you have...young padawan. Oh my celestias. Diamond Tiara is like Anakin Skywalker. Super talented, socially stunted, arrogant, needs to come down a peg in some ways, destined for greatness in the future if they can keep their heads on. (brrr) you said it pinkie.

Oh, and Button, much like DT needs heart to get down what he's meant to be. She needs grace. He needs to be grounded in himself. Though, I love how DT's learning empathy by seeing Button's puppy eyes. :fluttershysad: I'm guessing he's going to partially by the Shy of the group too.

Then came the confrontation with Prism. Tenzin's at it again. :rainbowwild: Though, since she is younger than most avatars at this stage, you can get the whole "captured" thing. Seriously DT, put yourself in their shoes once in a while already. See the nuisance you're becoming for all of them. So DT saw her past again, foreshadowing spirit channeling...hopefully. And watch your mouth Prism. You think Discord was Bad? Wait till you get a load of Tirek. That being was so evil, Discord and Harmony actually teamed up to beat em. I mean...DT's got a big road ahead of her!

Oh, and past life deja vu. Hence her excitement to see the council. Well, let's see who's left of the old guard.

6735944 Button is just so sweet and loving to everyone.
6737817 Eeeee, not going to lie. I missed reading all these little summaries. <3 One of the best parts of posting these chapters. I love how deep you explore each thing and all your little hunches, guesses and formulating plans. Can't wait to blow your mind. <3 In the most loving way possible, of course.

Well, yeah. You kind of sucked out there,” Diamond said with a shrug

Blunt truth is her thing. Unlike Button, she isn't holding back anything. :trixieshiftright:

“No. You were being a shallow, spoiled, cruel little bitch--” The word struck Diamond like a second slap across the face. “

Who said the avatar always must be a paragon of vertue anyway.

She was an amazing bender, the best in the world.

And yet you get your ass kicked by a no-bender. :scootangel:

Wow. A lot happening here. But first....uh oh. :twilightoops: I have a bad feeling about this. At least Blaze is ready this time.

Anyways, DT was starting to Avatar Deja Vu. As with a council of elders, she somehow thought some were familiar, even though it's HER first time.

So we begin with the "chair". Sunburst. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect him of being Tarrlok. Leader of the council, aligned with a formerly heroic element? Overly eager to mask darker actions?

Next, there's Ms. Scootaloo. Oooohhhh, so Iron Wing is more like Lin than I thought. She's also the son of Scootaloo. So there is a connection to being a child of the old guard. Only this time, it's with Ty Lee. Seems that Scoots really has risen to great heights. The war eventually got her leadership. Lots of leadership! So much for being a flightless nobody. Told ya she was worth more you stupid old guard. :rainbowdetermined2: Also, if DT had an urge to call Scoots a Blank Flank, I'm guessing this is a side effect of Discord twisting the canons. Also, I wonder what Scoots cutie mark is. I don't think it's a matching one like in S5, so what would it be?

Ashmane was from the old guard above Twilight's. Then there was Ms. Zecora, who of course was the zebra who let Fluttershy save the avatar. Twilight wanted badly to hug her thanks, but DT's her own mare, so that'll have to wait for now.

Next was Styx of the bat ponies. You know...he kinda sounds....like Rainbow...Or Trixie? Odd. And he's unique. No direct analogies to the other characters...unless....is he going to be our Prince Wu?

But then we got Sassy Saddles. In one universe, her name was that of a control freak, but who came to understand the better nature of specialized rather than mass produced outfits. But if she really is Diamond's aunt, she has another persona that she'll be perpetually fighting against. And that is the name of Unlaq, conqueror of the south, lord of the dark spirits, renegade and traitor to the red daisy. And given the mention of "a tool", I don't have good feelings that the former personality is going to win out. Unless she's just mad at filthy for shutting her out after marrying Spoiled and having Diamond. Not to mention, poking at Rich's illogic on wanting to keep Diamond safe when she'd be much better guarded in the public life. I'm guessing he was just being selfish. Trying to keep Diamond to himself. :ajbemused:

For the bendders, Octavia's still kicking. Queen Bumi, older, with a son and all that, but still as regal as ever. And no doubt, about to give an alternate view of tough love on DT in the same way she gave a teasing tough love on Twilight the first time they met.
And, it seems despite the years, Vinyl's energy hasn't diminished at all. Jeong Jeong's still as go go as before, only now commander of a city rather than just of deserters. Oh, and so that's why "Ikki" was so bouncy. Vinyl passed down her energy to Tittering as the new moon commander.

New...wait a minute...:pinkiegasp: Bad news! (What?) Pinkie, do you notice anything about the leadership of Harmony? Its all concentrated in the old guard and families. No wonder nonbenders feel resentful. Not only are they outnumbered on the council, but it's concentrated in older heads rather than any new blood. All war veterans and legacy characters. Ooooohhh, bad consequences from good intentions! That's what's coming!

DT watching Discord's show had the Season 4&5 musing that he could've been fun if he just lightened up and got responsible. But...death was on his claws now, so not exactly workable at the moment. [Maybe I get to come back?] Shut up Vaatu! You don't get a second chance right now!

Then we move on to the defending champs. Who I'm guessing are our "wolf Bats" that the "fire ferrets" are going to be fighting. Babs Seed (any relation to the apples?) and her crew.

But...it's here where we have a SERIOUS shift in canon: rendering the subterfuge of Korra episode 2 pointless, as Diamond announced her intentions to be a champion to the whole arena. No secrecy of going out of training to probend here. But, this also forces a confrontation too. Cause with Prism's opinions of Probending...is this related at all to rainbow's "incident" that caused her to fly off to the swamp?...."you're not my dad" is about to get a bite back from "I AM your master! So start treating me as such young lady!"

Also, watch yourself diamond. If you really want to be called the GREATEST avatar, you better shape up. Cause with an attitude like that, you can do great deeds, speak great words, fight great battles, but if you have not LOVE, you have nothing. And you'll go down as a mediocre avatar at best. One who was more interested in her own affairs than in the world. Guess that's going to be wake up call 2 for you in time. Just you wait and see.

Blaze's verbal smackdown was brutal. Diamond Tiara definitely needed to be told off, but she didn't deserve to be called a soulless monster.

So, we begin with DT experiencing one...unique facet of being the Avatar: Celebrity. Autographs, attention. It's a new era for the Avatar in that after the exploits of Twilight, and a growth in population and culture, suddenly finding alone time is going to be more difficult. Also, beings drawn by name rather than by deed. Twilight was well respected, but mostly due to her deeds by the time they started swarming her. DT's getting the celebrity idol drop from being the avatar. Which REALLY isn't good for giving her humility. That's for sure.:facehoof:

Unfortunately, in her egotism, she didn't expect some serious push back from Tenzin. Well, I suppose that's canon for you. Also, this is why avatars seriously need to get philosophical as they learn their skills. What's also unique about your universe is that of the last 5 avatars, we haven't actually had a "selfish" one before. Clover was a recluse, but not considered arrogant. The Aang avatar was successful in life despite the pain. Cadence died of grief, but she did it all for love and country. Starswirl was betrayed, but still succeeded in holding out discord for 3 generations. And Twilight...well, you know what she did. So DT's unique in that for all these generations, she's a selfish avatar. And...I'm guessing Prism didn't know how to deal with that. Also, this is just like a Dad trying to send his girl off to reform school. Character foreshadowing anyone?

Buuuttt, then Blaze stepped up. And all of a sudden, "Pema/Jinora/political tenzin" did something big. More than support, she called BOTH of them out. One on impatience and control freak vibes, and the other on attitude and presumptions. You know, she may not be the son of rainbow dash, but if she did learn The Stare from Shy, I'd say she just provided stripes on her qualifications to be a moral guide to the both of them.:rainbowdetermined2: Like I said, the Mom DT never had. Also, I loved how she did the wifey "Don't you talk back to me!”

The next day, there was another...interesting connection. Apparently, Prism knew Button and Acrylic. Interesting. Very interesting again. I smell history in the future.:derpytongue2: Also, I would love to see why Prism has this apparent contradiction between hating and wanting probending, especially since his mom was part of the perfect team.

And the avatar question of doing pro sports. Cutting out the reveal, going straight to the rule: 1 element at a time avatar and we're cool. Also, seems Vinyl's being a surrogate for a lot of the people of harmony, saying it'd be awesome to see an avatar in action since Twilight got too busy nation building. Also, watch yourself DT. Any lost information could bite you later.

So, keep it simple stupid is in the rules, no headshots like dodgeball, no multiple moves for different elements, and knock em off the back. Everybody got that? :rainbowwild:

Also, even though she might be a jerk, DT oddly enough can drill into truth. Button and Acrylic DID need a change, or at least more training to go farther in the tournament. Also, 2 bucks there's a confrontation between the 2 meanies on the team down the line.

Anyways, qualifier rounds. Both sides ready to give their all. And we begin....with an overshot. Uhhhhhhhhh.....:facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof: I wish there was a head to desk emogi. Cause I need one. Though it does call to mind Korra's other trait going into book 1: "She's strong." "She lacks restraint." Should have taken time to read the rule book. Also, no arguing with the ref! You could get kicked out for that!

Though it also made her a target....for vengeance! :flutterrage: I suppose it was also the teams recognizing that even though she's the avatar, she is still just beginning, so they're going for the easy kill. And what did you expect DT? A duel of honor? All's fair when they know the system. Though, it seems her first taste of professional defeat humbled her slightly. Hence her more quiet questioning of timing. And it's through seeing overwhelming force where she finally had Prism's teaching break through. In her anger, she swore she wouldn't give in to learning something. She wouldn't. She wouldn't. She...she would not let herself lose like this. And so, she got to work. She humbled herself yet again, seeing she can't win alone. I think...this is DT's first friendship lesson! Step 1: complete!

And she moved like an airbender. Just as Twilight did fighting Lightning Dust, now DT shall use alternate bending techniques to win her matches.

And like a good teacher, Tenzin was humble enough to see that she was making progress. And DT was human...er pony enough to say thank you. Like I said, step 1 complete. Though I wonder: Why FIghting Notes? Obviously, there's no Pabu in this universe, so what's the backstory with a note?

Oh, and win all the championships? Well, I would say maybe, but something tells me the world will pull you down before that happens Diamond. :pinkiecrazy:

Diamond awoke the next day...sore! Too much stress on her muscles after that match.

Then Button mentioned Vinyl and....:derpyderp2::applejackconfused::twilightoops:what!?? Acrylic is....and octavia is...and they're.....well that would explain the mane. And the tag team. So...I guess they aren't orphans here???? I think my Mind...just blew a gasket.:pinkiesick:

Although, you're now moving into a new zone. And...a new stage of connection: Diamond was certain she would surpass her former, even though everyone else doubts it. Nobody thinks Button and Acrylic can pass their formers. And like DT, they live in the shadow of a legacy "parent". This is definitely a deeper connection beyond just destiny. And the clue...ney....the building block for making them part of the new elements of harmony.

And the owner of the future is...Dr. Alicity? Wait....wasn't he in your Octavia/Vinyl comedy spy fic?

And an...incident. Noodle! Also, given what Alicity's doing in providing the shadowbolts with artificial powers...this seems analgeous with police escalation of weaponry. Tasers and all that beyond mere skill. Though if her team are "royals" of a sort, I suppose they never worked with the triads. So..cut? Also, odd jobs reference for the rent and Pabu show. But then he said...“Secretary, get me the thing!”

:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: Is that...:pinkiehappy: Varrick!!!???? What are you doing here so soon?????? You're combined with Hiroshi Sato!!!!???? Complete with a pony Zhu LI???

So, then we got reaquainted with Silver. Guess one thing Diamond is working towards is seeing ponies beyond their "rank". Hence her getting to know mako, asami and bolin before she knew their positions in life. Knowing jewels beyond their position.

Silver was...filling out Fluttershy's role as well as asami's. And Alicity's working on getting movers working. But more to the point, he seems genuine in using technology to help others and make a bundle on the side....though that could also be spinning propaganda. And...a city of equality.....Uh oh. Twilight set up a city for all to be safe through political equality. And all to embrace their unique talents. Going to a world of complete equality? It sure sounds good, but how will it be pushed? I suppose this is where the line between the equalist's negative and positive traits go. Equal treatment, equal talent, so do you boost up, or bring down? Alicity is for boosting up. Let's just hope he's true in that.

The council crew was ok with it, but since she gets it all natural, DT wasn't as open. Though, A tried bribes. Lots of bribes. And silver was all over dad's skatterbrained tendencies.

Also, loving how Acrylic's calling Diamond's bluff on being fine. And Diamond!!!! Remember what happened last time you tried stopping a robbery!!!


So, as Diamond ran up, we found Amon! A cutie mark stealer! You speak of equality and protection, yet you now turn on civilians?? You disgust me Meadowbrook.

Although, I also liked how you played homage to Amon's "challenge" with Korra, with the step arounds, and saying "it's not time for us yet." Though, is she Starlight Glimmer? Or a servant...of Tirek???

And DT already could see that there was something odd going on if all 3 main corps were part of rescue, interrogation and supervison. Which leads into the reveal that Amon has been at work for a while, and this is the big one! A big attack. And with this sudden rush, well, suddenly the young avatar was feeling a bit overwhelmed. Especially with EVERYONE ready to talk about this new menace to Harmony. (double pun!)

So, from the other sections of harmony, we have....the yaks of season 5 (aggressive and dismissive as ever), The buffalo of season 1 complete with strong heart, (travels of twilight in the badlands?), Cranky (oh boy!), The Diamond Dogs (defanged I hope? And in a truce with the dragons? Diamond competition and all that), and Legend. (No doubt the son of Iron Will)

Also, I raised an eyebrow at Blaze objecting, but then again, she does have Tenzin's other side. And if this is part of episode 4 of Korra, (voice in the night), there's also that fear of pushing the avatar into something too quickly.
Though Tool Sunburst? Suspiiiiciousssss.

And....DT speaking of training and untesting. Even though she might be a glory hound, there is one thing she has brushed up on: her history. And that avatars are made to protect the world. She is drawing it to herself, but she's right. Like Twilight, she was made to defend the world. All the world. And Harmony is part of that.

Also, I got a serious chuckle on the old guard standing up for the new avatar. Zecora seeing potential, Octavia seeing collaboration, and Vinyl seeing inevitability. "She's a stubborn little filly. She'll probably do something stupid if we tell her no. So better she does the stupid thing we want her to do.”:rainbowlaugh:

There also seems to be an old/new guard split. The old guard thinks an avatar can handle it, the new guard is less sure.

At the least, they did give DT information. For 3 months, meadowbrook has created a cult of The Unmarked, anti bender, but untalented lot, speaking of the equalizer: that's her. And...thankfully, Sunburst seems to be saying that Future's on the level. Bringing ponies up rather than down like the equalizer. Then a month later, attacks began. Ponies went missing, and then a month later: no cutie marks. It began with criinals, so less public care about it, but there's nothing on how the marks get taken. Diamond gave a new step forward with the staff..Oh if only you knew. The lies in that staff, unless Discord twisted the story as a parting "gift".

And with no rug sweeps, what's next? Say that the avatar is with them? To stop this attacking team? Blaze was...less than happy about this, but in a bluff, Diamond said she was ready to say, "If gondor calls for aid, I'll be there." And to answer the nonponies, this could be a national isssue. Thus, you need all members present.

Diamond said she was in. She strode out, realizing that times are changing. And now, it's two goals: win the tournament, and defeat the equalizer. Save the ponies of Harmony, and show her stuff. Make some friends, and prove her worth. We have a story moving to high gear with the introduction of an antagonist. Let's go!:rainbowdetermined2:

Just to say awesome cover art. :scootangel:

“I'm not saying this just as the Avatar,” Diamond said firmly, stomping a hoof. “I'm saying this as a citizen. Giving into this nut job will only make her stronger. There's already panic and fighting in the streets. How bad will it be if you let this mare dictate what we can and cannot do? Many ponies don't see her as a real threat, but once you give into her demands it'll mean everypony sees her as a threat.”

For once, the Avatar is right. Like the old adage goes you never negociate with terrorists.

Diamond watched him leave, letting out another soft sigh. Sometimes, he was actually pretty awesome. Cute, too. She snickered. Oh, she'd have to make sure to say that within Prism's hearing. It would be hilarious.

That would be hilarous. Also if she is like Korra, she will have plenty of love interest.

6749928 Well, the avatar is meant to keep balance in the world. If she isn't internally balanced, well, there's a reason why the yellow daisy last time talked about killing an avatar if worst came to worse.

Anyways, sorry for taking so long. Family.

So we begin...with a press conference. Which, I think draws some inspiration from Voice in the Night. Especially with Diamond's Blasphemous Boast. Though it's not out of fear here, but confidence. Another key distinction between DT and Korra.

Speaking of, pretty quick to draw on such strong language already Sunburst. Sure, it shows strength against the enemy, but it might serve to radicalize the enemy by demanding their surrender and calling their leader a terrorist. Whether she's acting strongly alone or whether the unmarked are about to take a level in badass, you don't taunt your enemy like that.

Also, seems the ex-ruler isn't very happy with the extreme language used here. :fluttershysad: Seems the grounded one isn't exactly pleased with where things are going. Vinyl for her part was thinking that it was good they were at least doing something at last. Seems it's the old Oc/Vyn divide. Grounded vs fluid. Mare of patience vs mare of action. Hope it doesn't get too headed. Last thing you need is to take out your political frustrations on the kids.

Meanwhile, the wolfbats....(I look at script again)...er, the rockbunnies (seriously? What, not rock dragons or something? The fiercest rabbit in canon is angel. Why would you name your team after that? Winning notes I can get, since it could be Octavia playing homage to her old home at the city of Cadence, but why rock bunnies?) and Limestone (ooohhhh. Rock farmers.) Well, whatever the case, tempers were high. Thank Harmony we have a cool head in Acrylic. Oh. And marble. Of course, Pinkie's family in the other universe. Perhaps they're related to Maud?
Though, part of me is wondering if DT's gonna deserve it. You know, "going to knock you right off that little perch of yours.” Careful DT, trash talk leads to bad moves.

So they kept practicing. DT was irritated by Button. A rock man, but ungrounded. Guh, it's like if you fused pinkie pie and aj into one mare. The element, but not as much focus. The passion and love, but not as much wisdom. And Acrylic, already crushing on Silver. Then came the 1st qualifier. Where DT got into laughing at fans. :twilightangry2: Boooo!! They obviously care about your work, and you insult their passion? Boooo!!

I guess this is a sticking point with DT. Since it's...you know, DT, it's hard to have her be likable. Interesting perhaps, and growing, but at this moment, kinda unlikable.

Also, the incident....that was the incident that was in the "shorts". I'm sure of it. RD flew off broken, a mare "should die", and it ruined Prism's taste for probending, even though she secretly loved it. Carried over from when Mom, Octy and Vyn were the best of the best. Maybe...her Dad died in an accident? Or an assassination? I spy another character beat down the line!

Well, DT was ready, but then got a bit rattled. Thinking she got stinked by her rivals. Though Paint thought it could be anyone. Keep your head on, and you'll go forward. Also, even though he's channeling Pinkie, Button has elements of kindness and laughter in there too. Offering space, friendship, enthusiasm, a uniform. Yes, I see Pinkie in him. I know it!

Also, I liked for the first bending round, throwing a curveball into the competition. Airbending. Absent due to numbers in Korra world, but legit here, and thus a different kind of challenge. Showing DT the power she could have if she got through with Blaze and Prism. It was a tough first sell, and the air power was defending the others, pushing em back, sending button out of bounds. But, like a great tactician, DT then plowed through the air, put extra force in, and then with her water warrior, pushed on to victory. Seems they were relying too much on 1 bender, when they should've been more evenly distributed. (Foreshadowing!)

Also, even though she tried to pass of her superiority, I think deep down she knew that there was failure potential in her future. Hence her adrenaline pound, and desire to cheer in victory. And the first ship tease!

Silver was the excited fan, but in one phrase, I'm certain she's gonna play fluttershy for this team too: “Is everything okay?” Empathy check succeeded immediately even though she was in euphoria before. Well done young mare.
As for DT though, empathy check failed. :twilightangry2:Booooooo!!!!! Meanie head! You shame the proud name of Avatar and Korra!:ajbemused: This is why you needed to get out of the compound and have a normal childhood! It totally ruins your sense of respecting others! Though, I'm guessing that this is also drawing in a bit of "spirit of competition" too. You know, dissent within the team. With...a little bit of Metalbending too I think? For Bolin's self worth issues. Only this time, it's for less...romantic reasons. Egomaniac! And no take backs! Now look what you've done! Splinters! Nothing but splinters.

Also, what silver was drilling at was something I learned in my religious upbringing: "I can speak with the voice of angels, and preach with great eloquence, but if I have not love, I'm nothing but the creaking of an old mill." That's why Diamond's words worked so little. She needed to speak truth, but also speak with love. A love that would build up her team, not drag them down. Psych up, motivate, not demean. That's why her critiques fell on deaf ears. That's what she needs to truly learn. She needs to learn to love. Truly love others as herself. A high order. But, no doubt one that's going to be drilled into her skull in different ways from different angles.

Oh, and RD was the reason for brutality rules? Well, good to see the warrior of Team Avatar Harmony still managed to leave a mark. Even if it's a mark to be gentle. Good to know. Oh, and Prism was still insistent on normal training.

Then came the question to Prism on form...and mom. Oh boy! Legacy talk ahoy! Oh, and a style! Of course! That's why Button's off. He needs to be his own stallion, not his mother. And it's getting at the harmony principle too. There's no 1 perfect style of anything. Just different variations on a base idea. That's what harmony is. Also, are you sure rainbow was the only one to get multiple styles down? AJ pioneered new styles as she went. Surely she could've had a different style chart for her work. Though for RD, I assume she got style power cause she practiced a lot. And cause of her advantage: since she could see with the wind, she could use it better. Way to go....mom. :rainbowwild:

Oh, and seems Octy's...not the perfect mom. Wants a legacy, even if Button might not seem the best.

But after that, seems..to use inside out language, DT gave Blaze and Prism a new controller. (Prism's Disgust, "Oh geez! I just remembered why we hate working with "the avatar" so much! If I wasn't honor bound, I'd totally keep us from being poisoned by this toxic wasteland of a mare!" Blaze's Anger: "You did what?!!! To your...and you...and....Alright that's it!!!!! No more mrs. Nice Mare!:flutterrage:) And, kerslap. Yep, the mom DT never had. Right down to the potential child abuse. But, at least she's voicing my own thoughts. Cool. :pinkiesmile: Still, vicious. (Blaze's Sadness: Don't you think that's going a bit too far? Blaze's Anger: She had it coming! Besides, you've been repressing me way too long. It's time Ms. Avatar finally got her head on straight and understand what's really fair in the world! Blaze's Disgust: Hey, save some for me! Prism's Disgust: Your Honor, the prosecution rests its case. Prism's Anger: How's that for brutal honesty! Taste your own medicine "avatar"!)

And it seems DT's learning the fragility of the crowd satisfying her. And it's here that she said it: "Or her friends." I think she's drilling at lesson 2: we are the sum of our relations. And you're too small to have you be the only thing in your universe. Especially with those paid to care rather than genuine friends.

And Silver: The true friend. Showing mercy. Seems DT finally knows what it's like to be hurt and humiliated. And chipping away at having her avatar identity define her. Just like Korra. :ajsmug: Well, good luck to you on that.

So, we begin...with DT's big connection to silver. She too knows what it's like to be fenced in by a father. Can understand perfectly motives. Can see their own family in being ponies of privilege, dreaming of something bigger than just their building.

Also, loving the passive aggressive Silver gave DT on Button. Especially on being hidden away as a "Hero" (note my sarcasm). At least with a mare of her heart, Silver Spoon can teach Diamond manners and love...with a bit of tension of course. And drilling at the friend clause. Like I said, lesson 2, now processing.

And back with some comforts, gave DT some time to think. Lots of time to think. See beyond her own benefits, wonder at getting the disgust look she use to give all the time. Man, talk about building an avatar from scratch. But, at least it's forcing her to see beyond. Understand that there's more to being avatar than being a bending master.

So, the next day came. DT was...surprised Prism hadn't given her the surprise, but then, they weren't exactly doing the best right now. So, she resolved to go out there, make things right, fix things up, and....be a human test subject for cyborg warrior bugs. :facehoof: Varrick!!!

Still, DT resisted promoting, but then we got a new character arriving: Sassy. Seems we're getting character building for Unlaq...I mean, that manager who turned good in the end...I mean...well..you know. :fluttershysad: But it is showing something new for DT: Temptation. A chance to join a new team. One focused on the win. Under Sassy's patronship, after this tournament, she'd be unstoppable!

But, seems the friend seed has weaseled its way into her heart. She won't just give up on her friends. Not for all the medals in the world. Also, I'm surprised. Even though DT's not versed in positive emotions, she can sense negative intentions. Hence her drilling at Sassy for trying to move her away from amon. Stubborn pride in herself, no matter what the danger.

But, it's also getting at more character building. An incident with the last avatar? What beef did their family have with twilight? Is this also why you hid her away for so long? Cause the breaker of your honor was now your daughter? But, I also found it...kinda neat that DT sees her dad in her aunt. Unlaq, there may be hope for you yet.

And it seems we're also getting a bit of "when extremes meet" here as well. Discord and Fear have infected Harmony. We need an Avatar to bring them above it all.

But it's here where she began witnessing how paranoia, racism and anger are sweeping up the innocent in the crossfire. Criminals, cults and law, now in a swirl, in need of reharmonization. And it seems DT's slowly building up her empathy. No need to go against a lone victim.

And with her power, showed the crowd some...blank flank sympathies? Or perhaps just showed them that she won't allow fear to ruin the city by tearing down all in their path.

In a way, the more I think about it, the more I see this as a contrasting sequel vibe. DT's arrogant and growing up sheltered, while Twilight saw it all, filled with empathy even for the enemy. And her team comes from ponies of privilege for the most part, while the older team were common ponies (except for rarity of course). It's a contrast made in Avatarland.

Well, time for the confrontation. (I brace) Ooohhh, no wonder he took the criticism so bad. He hears it every day at practice! He's off his game, emotionally compromised! Although, the whole look to the side and get hit with a stone thing was pretty funny.

Well, then they talked. And DT began to drill more at Button's motives. "why did you train to be a pro-bender?" "Cause I wanted to show that I could be my mother's son." (:fluttercry:) (Hold it together man!) Sorry Pinkie.

So, Diamond decided she was going to try something new.....to be continued!

So the beginning is brilliant! Not only having Button learn a different style, but also Diamond tapping what she learned in her bending: that other forms can boost your skill. Avatars can copy moves into other styles easy enough, but what she's getting at is teaching button avalanche style rather than keeping with mountain style.

And wonders of wonders, it was working. Absolute commitment rather than absolute firmness. Giving his all rather than holding his all. That's...that's great. Go to it little man. Now you'll impress mom! And, DT marked her 2nd official Friend. Button's the dope who gives his all to a relation. But his heart's really big, and that makes him who he is. Oh, and I foresee the beginnings of Lava Bending in his work. Hence the steam on the rocks.

But then...something...horrible happened. There was nothing. No moon, no stars. Nothing. Just like the 100 years of darkness returned. So they ran. They ran to the compound...destroyed! The blanks had come, stripped the moon risers of their marks, rendered their control of the moon useless. The 2nd true sign of the doom Amon's "utopia" would create. A return to the dark ages.

It was a massacre, and though some of the water benders succeeded in regaining their bearings, it was a terrible toll. Now, 1/3 of the old guard is shipped off to Queen Rarity's place for safety. With Acrylic's mom going too. Geesh. That's rough. And...showing that ML has the power to move against even those needed in the world. Well, I guess we're getting Voice in the night sooner than I thought! But also done differently. There's a bit of ego in the call out, but it's also born of richeous fury. How dare she hurt those needed to keep the world going! She'll destroy the world before she gets what she wants!

But, Tenzin as always wasn't ready. And DT tried to argue that as avatar, she had a special connection that would let her resist what ML tried. Though, the others were highly suspicious. Though a few were interested in turning the challenge into a trap. A way to catch the leader in the act.

As for DT, her uniqueness tried to steady her. But she had an unexpected hand. Silver was there to help. And, that subtle ego. Even to a nonbender. But then...it happened. Like VITN, Amon was ready. No coward, just really prepared for this. And this time, Silver was pulled along for the ride. Into their secret underwater lair.

And much like Amon, saying you'd be turned into a Martyr against evil. And I'm not evil. You see? "Great wars that have happened because of the differences ponies have." (Oh...that is so Starlight! 100 percent. :rainbowdetermined2:)
I also find it really cool that the avatar with an ego thinking herself above it all is clashing with a villain seeking equality by tearing it all down. Seems DT's struggle really is about seeing others bigger rather than tearing it down over uniqueness of talent in cutie marks.

And...then her friend lost her mark. Ouch. She was not martyred, but the daughter of the industrialist was still made an example of...just like the moon raisers. Well...we're bucked. For now at least.

Whooo!! And THAT is what I call the catharsis chapter! All of Diamond's secret fears, boasts, strengths, torn down in an instant. Seeing her best friend pay for her arrogance, and yet receiving that forgiveness almost stung as much. And then there was the bit on dad. No doubt Diamond was seeing herself in that moment. But still, ML did a number on her.

She broke the spirit. It's going to take time to fix it now. And now, she understands Button. That weight of legacy on her shoulder, of how responsibility can take its toll. That's what Lin can say for sure.

Seems being an egotist also made DT refuse to pass the blame to others now. Letting the grief flow with her other dad. Who used his fluttershy truth to let her let it all out. Retire her from public life for a bit. She may have avoided making a martyr, but ML did manage to destroy a symbol. And that's already a victory in her favor again.

Well, God bless DT, you finally are ready to be a true avatar now.

6812539 Woooo you're back! Missed these. :) And yeah, Diamond's a bit of a little twerp, but I think she has potential. I don't wanna do it like the show, either. Just shifting all the blame to one of her parents, even if part of it is their fault. Happy you're enjoying and can't wait to see your summaries of the later chapters. As an aside, though, the Rich family has a bit of a history with the Avatar, though it happened in the series itself. At the start of the second book.
6795880 Nope, but she came close.

Comment posted by Jeweled Pen deleted Jan 9th, 2016

6814155 Oh yes! I remember, He was the earth general who tried to get twilight to summon spirits, only for the air nomads to humiliate him and kick him down due to his lack of wisdom. And that's what scarred the Rich family so bad? Geez. Sensitive much?

Oooohhh, so there's that Spirit of Competition analogy. :scootangel:

So DT was getting her head back. Trying to remember what she was good at: bending. But even there, she was in trouble, as Glimmer was eroding her confidence, and because she is still acting with an element of self interest (or perhaps just not thinking right about the style...I forget what you had Rainbow teach Twilight), the Air would not come. On the plus side though, Button was getting good at being an earth chucker. Though Silver was now in the middle of a great political controversy. Being now a "blank flank", she was a living symbol of political strife in Harmony. Also, seems that much like the unmarked of Glimmer's place, being talentless makes them weaker as a force.

And much like Spirit of Competition, the great trouble for the team is having personal issues affect their play. DT squeezing it out of Button was just the start. A crush. Though...nonspecified.

Though in a nice touch, since they only just got into the semis, the world hadn't seen what Button could now do. Leading the team, in a playstyle that was now pure offense. Instead of protection, it's the avalanche. And it was making things good for them.

Unfortunately, the rest of his team...had other problems. :facehoof: And the normally good one was having problems. Also, anyone notice that he's got "korra's" natural element? He should be the fluid one, yet he's stuck right now. And it was making his work neigh impossible to be effective with all the others.

Cause he's got the inactive's guilt. The inability to be there for someone he cared about. And that's making him sloppy. So that even as Diamond speaks truth that ML would've demarked him too, he was too guilty and angry to hear. And of course, that only meant that going into another round, they were a mess. The lonely ego of their team (in the 3 part sense) couldn't get them to focus together. Funny how where Button once pulled them apart, now he's trying to draw them together. Definitely the Pinkie of the group.

This though gets at what I consider a bit of a...weakness of the quick pace of writing for this part of the series. That they had to resolve it via conversation in match rather than afterwards or the like. I don't call it bad...just a bit rushed. And not nearly as well tied in like her building a relation with Button went. Though, I did like how DT admitted that what she was going through here was...disappointing and not at all what she expected. Which is good. She's getting more honest about how this isn't what she thought the world would be like...so she can start fixing it and herself.

Oh, and THAT'S where the other family reference was coming in. Pinkie's Rock Farm sisters....and babs. Uuuhhh. Sweat drop.

Well, almost at the half way mark for Korra.

Well, next up...episode 6. AKA: The turning point.

DT was working well as an air dodger, but she was still the avatar without an element. Not even with wings. Hmm, well, twilight's wings sprouted when she finally realized that she loved her friends and wanted to be around them. It was...kinda sudden at the time, but....ooooohhh. When DT finally sees herself as a great befriender and taps into the magic of friendship, that is when she'll get her wings. Or at least, call that a theory.

As for Blaze, she was being all formal, which in DT's mind was a sign that she wasn't forgiven yet. But she didn't know how to get Blaze's touch back. Perhaps when she finally sees DT as the girl they never had, then she'll call her by name rather than by title.

Anyways, seems that Lin's facing questions of competency. Also, a question of legacy again. Wondering if he really was ready to be a corp leader, especially with him having to hold 75% more of the load as the other benders get shattered. But if they change out now, what will happen to the team? Only more problems? Well, that's what the skeptical...yet oddly supportive Prism thinks.

Also, I think there's a secret element that Prism needs to learn: A true friend sticks by you in your greatest time of need. But a true friend can also forgive even in the darkest of depths. And it'd be a darn shame if the sons of the 2 pegasi who loved each other would give the cold shoulder for all their lives. The sons of Rainbow and Scootaloo ought to be friends. What needs to be done is reconciliation. Being able to truly speak to one another again. Not to wipe clean, but be on speaking terms again. Seems DT's not the only one who needs to learn about the magic of friendship. It really is too bad the old guard isn't around. They would've had a thing or two to teach about friendship in the public sector.

Meanwhile, Silver was feeling the burn of being blank. She was trying so hard to carry on her old routines and skills, but without her cutie mark, her soul wasn't in it. So...burnt cookies, slow movement, lack of strong emotion. Though really Ac? Why not just fess up? You're a council boy. I'm sure if it's a question of worth, Silver would see it in time. And if she doesn't, you can still care and love her.

And as the talk rolled on, there was...a question of knockoffs. No...no. He's Varrick and Hiroshi, but more Varrick......right? :fluttershysad:

And also, the radio! And the challenge for the final competition. I assume SG isn't too fond of capitalism then. Since there's the issue of "good but not financially sound". That running a team takes a lot of funds, so the good but poor don't count without at least a little outside help. Kinda like what one would say of professional sports in our world too. But, it is a celebration of talent, and joy in watching some do what many would see as very hard. A showcase of their specialization. That's what SG's up against. And so, the threat was made.

Also, a TANK???? I sure hope it's a party Tank, or you're unleashing the change in warfare forever Doc.

So they moved out. Enjoying the fun. And getting a nice chuckle in for DT giving her "you can't" just a liiiitttle too early. Also, I'd love to know more about the Alibot and the restraining order. If it's anything like how it was in Secret Agent OCT, I'm sure it was hilariously dangerous. Also, Zhu Li, still pitching. Heh, even going political, Varrick manages to get a sales pitch in.

Though, I guess Blaze knew what was coming the moment DT came in. Since she foresaw "here we go."

Thus began the debate between Safety and symbolism. Symbolism in strength, safety in civilians. Also, seems Scoots is filled with confidence in her team she helped make great. Making her a sunburst supporter. And it's getting into an interesting difference between Amon and ML. ML does nonfatal KO's with the marks. So that even if it's a risk, it's of purpose rather than life. Which...is still bad. But not quite a serious, since there's still a hope to get it back. Though I had to chuckle a bit at Octavia of all mares saying that attacking a fully guarded area would be "that stupid". You know, since she's seen other stupid things happen in her lifetime.

So then in stormed Lin...er, Ironwing. Giving Blaze the Tenzin speech, even if they were split up. And that we must do all we can, but not force safety and fear on our people. WE must stand together, show that we're not afraid of anything to stop this place for all to be together. After all, this was Twilight's dream project. What IW is getting at is the question of whether one bad person is going to erode that dream so completely.

And thus began the first connection between avatar and shadow chief. Both wanting to stand against evil by not giving in to fear. It was the beginning of their connection. And perhaps as this goes on, they'll learn to even like each other in time.

Omygoshomygoshomygosh I didn't see this until now. MUST READ!!!

I gotta know, will this end like the show because killing off the antagonist instead of having them face justice kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.

Well, it's time. Time for the finals.

And both DT and Blaze were still at each other's throats. Both were exasperated by the nerve of ponies wanting to make knockoffs to Meadowlark's staff, and DT was unnerved on how things were getting worse for the city with all the fights and hate and the like. But, both still disliked each other at the moment, which lead to Prism now being the peacemaker between them, earning him an undeserved but still hilarious "Shut up!”

Also, seems that ML's strategy included diversionary attacks on the fringe in order to hide the fact that something bigger was coming soon. Interesting.

Though at first, it seems that the fans of Marble were a bit worse than the equalists...er, I mean the blanks. Rabid fans. Must be because Marble's the cute one. The cute ones always seem to attract the meanest fans. Also, filler joke about Babs Seed being a stand in for a lost Pie sister! Great.

Although, it was oddly sweet in a way that DT talked about Button and Acrylic standing on their own hooves once this was over. No longer just "the son of", but their own pony in the city. DT's already known, but now she's interested in making her friends well off too.

Buuuttt, it was not to be. Cause the bunnies had either rigged the match, or the ref had a serious bundle on them. I mean seriously, no respect for the rules. I mean, yuck. Ice, and behind the back shots, and long bursts? Boooooo!! I would say beat em with their own rules...but from the sound of it, even that wouldn't be enough if they tried. Also, perhaps this also ties into bad feelings against the avatar? That they let the bunnies get away with it? I mean, if they were criminal benders, that might also make sense, but how is it that they can get away with it? Did the bribe, cajole? I mean, come on!

But, well, oh boy....:derpyderp2: Seems that you're living out your personal fantasy for the story with revenge of the Avatar. Her anger burned bright, and so she lashed out like an angry snake. But unfortunately, the 9th rule of avatarhood is that you have to play within certain guidelines, or you get shut down by the outsiders. That's the Yellow Daisy's speal after all. And in this case, Lin...er Ironwing was going in hot to stop DT from doing something that might haunt her in the days to come. And unfortunately, it meant she got the shadowbolt strike for full paralysis...just as the moles began their reign of terror.

That's right, the full blown Terrorist attack on a public area. And saying...I told you so. Well..this is awkward for the leaders of the status quo. Tricked, embarassed, unable to keep their promise, humiliated, and left with nothing but bad memories after all this. And even the fact that there is some molecules of truth in ML. But that's why you need corruption investigations. And discipline for avatars. And friends. What is the equality you're actually looking for? Tearing it down? While there might be elites in the ring, at the least it does provide a place for species to come together. Enjoy a common interest and so forth. It's a place for unity...even if the sport itself has issues. Well, then the bunnies got cutie wiped. Now, where are the jars on MB's person?

Well, now for aftermath, and where extremes meet and so forth.

“Oh? You would say that, wouldn't you?” Meadowbrook asked as she took another step forward. “'The Avatar'. The most special pony of all, user of all four elements. Do you think that makes you better than anypony?”

"Remember, you are only a pony."

“I'm sorry,” she muttered softly. “You're right. I'm a horrible Avatar.

Well, she is based on a pretty lousy avatar who made a lot of terrible mistake, so no surprise. Hopefully, she won't be as stubborn as Korra.

There was a pause, then Blaze nodded. “It's not your fault, Diamond. But Prism just can't handle it very well. I've been down here a few times, so it's not so bad for me.”

She started calling her Diamond again. :rainbowderp:

The Avatar nodded. “Yeah. I... I now get that I'm going to have to work pretty hard to be like Avatar Twilight.”

I hope her spirit isn't broken. It's weird to have an humble DT. :applejackconfused:

What? But what about his mom? You're supposed to tell me! You can't just stop mid story! Tell me!” She tried following after the mare, but a sudden burst of air sent her into a spin, ending with her facing the other way. “Ugh. Blaze, you suck! Like... super me

Exactly, you can't let us hanging like that. :fluttercry:

Interresting, the counter-offensive is hitting hard and fast. A little crude, but let's wait and see how things plat out.

So this chapter deals with the aftermath of the match. Along with the main newspaper's extreme cynic style. No doubt playing up the idea of danger selling papers.

DT and Prism discussed her recent action, and DT admitted that lost cutie marks seem fair enough punishment for cheating in the championship. (well that's good. At least her sense of retributive justice was fulfilled).

Blaze meanwhile watched as Sunburst gave Lin the boot. Which..I admit was interesting cause it was skipping most of The Aftermath and going straight for demotion. Putting it all concentrated in Big Mac's child. Hmmm, since we haven't seen Big Mac at all in story even as a consultant or council member, I assume he too joined the allspark.

Meanwhile, Octavia, ex-ruler of Cadence (man, she's gotta be a little reminicent of those days. At least she could lead action faster that way, even if the water nation was a bit more intimidating) came home, seeing the son she got, and the son she gets to hold onto. Sometimes I wonder if she secretly wants Acrylic as her son. Cause he's calm, collected, grounded, everything she would want in a future bender for her legacy. But instead she gets the bouncy firebending earthbender. She even admitted that they "don't talk much". Perhaps that's your first step to getting him more Octy. Talk a bit more with your child. You might find yourself surprised with what you learn.

We also get a bit more character exploration from Ac too. That he's a perfectionist. That he wants to be just as..if not better than his mom, and in doing so he'll finally earn his birthright as the son of the lady who could fight princess luna to a draw if she wanted to. But at the same time, he's willfully sticking with a job that holds him down a bit. Seems he needs to get his priorities straight too.

Then the sky reigned fire, and the zerg rush began. Which is to say, the building to finale only gets bigger from here.

So, we now return to the story of Korra....I mean DT. And it seems we've moved straight to Where Extremes Meet. Showing a greater diminishing of council patience, and greater fragility. But on the other hand, now the unmarked are going for the whole city, and that means this is a universal problem now. And the problem was getting crazy, as even centralization didn't help hold MB down.

And that was when Octavia proposed...it. Oddly enough, given who Sunburst seemed to be a stand in for, I got some deja vu for Star Wars episode II, but in a good way. In that a well meaning senator is proposing giving emergency powers, and ultimate authority to a man with ulterior motives.

And...I suppose that makes sense for Twilight to want an emergency power clause so that like the Avatar, there could be a single leader in a time of desperation.

But with desperation comes greater need. The squads need new leaders. And right now, DT has her new Team Avatar Harmony with her, along with Tenzin the teacher and Lin. Though it seems if nothing else, a good scuffle has lifted Ironwing's sadness some. And with so much trouble happening, they need the avatar back. And it seems that he's deputizing the 3 more important ponies in her life too. And whether or not SB really follows Tarrlok all the way or not, he is right about one thing: Twilight could only win with the help of her friends. So he made the right call in letting her team and mentor come with. And...she asked for Silver too. Which actually makes for a fuller set than they give credit. Cause it's air, earth, fire, "normal" and avatar right there. All they'd need is water and they'd have the whole set again.

It also seems to set up a dynamic of the big brother vs the dad dynamic with Prism and Acrylic. P frets, while A trusts with a guideline. And DT's feeling mighty stressed right now.

Oh, and DT, Twilight? Well, she was a good fighter, but she wasn't forceful, so there's no telling if she really could've beaten MB. Unless it was the solstice. That might've been a different story. But she also had a guilt complex, so it's possible she'd be just as emotionally paralyzed at this point too since MB's been trying so hard to dismantle everything Twilight worked for.

And actually, it's kinda funny that Derpy of all ponies is being the enthusiast and the believer DT isn't right now. That she's what DT thought she was once, but right now, DT's not, so she's just a sourpuss. So...no Muffin Corp in this universe? Bummer. Even in the future, the muffin seller gets the short stick.

Then...we did get a bit of The Aftermath in, with the 2 "normals" held for questioning with new models making it to the streets. Hmm, a twist by including something normal. Me like! And don't be such a downer D. Twilight was fighting a 100 year war. Of course she felt overwhelmed. Though the great joke of course is that twilight never got to learn much magic due to finding out she was the avatar. No super pony in this universe.

Then DT took her first step forward in becoming respected beyond title. She took action against the zerg horde. An ineffectual zerg horde, but a horde nonetheless. It's almost darkly funny when you think about it. But by leading the cleanup, she almost held them all in and down. But they moved just a little too fast, so they lead a retreat.

I think this is an in between chapter, setting up a bigger development to come. But, let's hope it pays off as it moves on.

So we cut to after the riot, and it's here that I actually think you made a story misstep. That DT wasn't there to find out about Alicity. It would've been more impactful if she was there to see him confess his part to play rather than hearing it secondhand. Not only for getting a "how could you" out of her, but also better understanding complex motivations. That he wasn't aiding out of spite but care. Hearing it like this just feels a bit...rushed or hollow.

I guess this counts as the "mecha tanks" find for Hiroshi in your story.

Also, I liked how Sun tried to call down on DT to be willing to accept even more responsibility. Essentially cutting through her morality arguments by asking if she'd be willing to shoulder responsibilities for it all. All she had to do is say yes, and there'd be a chance to keep the steryotyping away. But the war has come. And DT's not ready. That much is clear. It's also clear Sunburst's a bit more Utilitarian in his outlook. Ugh, perhaps he's more like Tarrlok than I thought.

Yet it seems that the old guardslady has her own thoughts on the unmarked roundup. Particularly that there' just too many right now. There's going to be a crisis. And MB's moving Too fast.....waaay to fast. Almost like there was a traitor on their ranks or something. Or maybe it's just Tirek's luck.

And this national problem might need some help. Call for General Iroh and the like. But with all that's going on, there's going to be heads rolling for this. And Sunburst knows it. Man, this is pushing the palpatine stuff even further.

And it's then that we get into the lore of Twilight after her death. And Octavia is right. Twilight needed friends to win the war, and for that, she couldn't just bend her way around it. Heck, the first time she killed a pony, it traumatized her for days on end. But at the same time, she had a common foe that many could get behind beating. It was just keeping egos in check that was important. This is trickier because peace also makes mares greedy and petty. And so forming coalitions and looking beyond themselves is a bit harder. As for "rarely fought" though, I think your memory is starting to go Octy. Twilight, being a great firebender, was fighting quite a bit in her journeys. When she first woke up, at appleosa, against shadowbolts, against blueblood, defending cloudsdale, fighting gilda, defeating raiders, saving the firebenders, fighting in phillydelphia, the summer sun celebration, the last assault, against daymare sun. Trust me. There was a LOT of fighting twilight needed to do. It's just that sometimes the negotiating, wrangling and the like was more remembered, like the time she convinced the pirates to give them quarter by beating their leader in a fist fight. (See, more fighting. :rainbowwild:)

Actually, like I said, she'd probably be in panic mode right now too. She was always unsure of herself, even more than you in some ways. And thanks to the guilt complex, she was probably harder on herself too.

Then the voice rang out, and the party split. 2 ran to get help. And DT began taking command. Get everyone out to the island to be safe. And stop the unmarked from breaking out.

But the highlight of the chapter for me has to be MB vs Octy. Not only cause it was awesome to see the lady of cadence fight the terrorist, but cause it raised an interesting question I wanted to ask...if cutie marks, bending and talent don't make ponies special....then what does?

I also liked how Octy actually does know what it's like to lose things. It just didn't come up. She lost her city, her people, her friends. She almost lost her sanity in Discord's reign. But she got other things thanks to hope and friendship. She knows what it's like to lose, so she can understand your complaints. That's the balance rulers need to find. Balancing needs, with experience, with restraint.

But it was too late. Octy lost. Yet it also provides an interesting peak into the proceeds. MB called beating Octy "pleasure". That seems to indicate she has a backstory with her that they're not quite aware of yet. That's bound to be important down the line.

This chapter was great. But, at the same time, it kinda felt like it lacked a bit of the Gotcha factor that I sometimes got from Legend of Korra. Maybe it's cause of the interlude?

So we begin with DT checking the prison, but finding it surprisingly ok. And then we got the moment from "when Extremes Meet" where the affected are now crying out for help, professing their innocence in being swept up in this confusion. And DT for her part was highly conflicted about this, and also rather confused about how she thought she had an idea for what ML was going for, but instead ended up with nothing.

Then she got a second idea: what if she's picking off the ponies as they assemble at strongholds?

Speaking of which, 2 of her pals were at work, trying to ensure Tarrlok didn't get in any trouble. Seems they're their own squad.

As for DT, she was running in circles, only to suddenly cry out in frustration....and get a response. It's actually kinda cool that for her first outing, the avatar is fighting zombie (Zooooooooooombie ponies!!!???? :pinkiegasp:) Why yes Pinkie. That's right. It's a shambling horde of Zombie Ponies. In practice they're a pitiful fighting force, but in mass, they're kinda scary. Hence what ML's other power is: controlling her zombie horde to unleash her will.

And again, ML confronted DT's privilege. And for her part, the Avatar couldn't step away from the fact that she still thinks herself special. (And well, technically she is. Though I suppose she's more unique than special. According to 1 fic I read, there's a sharp difference between the 2) And...well, okay. Technically that is true ML. There is an inequality that can lead to lots of different issues. But really, perfect equality won't be able to solve that. Not really. You take away weapons from all sides, enemies will still try to strangle each other. You try to redistribute wealth, and ponies will still cheat, give themselves bonuses, and try to get over the perceived unfairness of being paid the same as a slacker. And most importantly, you cannot truly make power equal. Why? Because for some like Discord or Crysalis or the avatar, those powers are inborn. To take them away is to take away a part of their soul. Not to mention, that some things need those powers in order to work their life. If a bison was as strong as a pony, how would they survive the desert? If a Pegasi could only fly the same speed instead of variations, how would you have fast first responders? Like so many would be "fixers", you've given up on improving the hearts, and would have all fall in line for equality's sake. That sounds like A terrorist communist Templar to me (a what?) It's in a game we have called assassin's creed. A little too mature for you pinkie.

And then DT made her way underground to try and fight back, saved on a lucky break from the rest of the council. (On a seprate note, when ML loses her cloak and it shows her carrying bending around with her, that's going to be mighty awkward. Though I still suspect she has some Tirek power for this.) And Rover confronted her putting Ponies first on her agendas. Although, if you think about it Rover, for a while, Twilight was a Pony first avatar too. She fought in the end of the war mostly with ponies. She only really got to associating with the others after the war when Discord opened up the badlands for more involvement. So it's not like DT's really that different from Twilight in that way. So DT held her temper, and her hopes, saying that she was wrong to shut them to the side, and that she needs help to win back harmony.

So she made her way to the underground....which I think partially counts as Skeletons in the Closet I think...and a little of Turning the Tides too. Especially with Avatar Island fallen, Hmm, guess that puts a bit of Lin into Octy too. And with her reunion with Blaze, there was a subtle note that showed she was forgiven. DT was called DT once again.

Ah! And Twilight DID write down her notes about how to be an avatar! I knew it! Why couldn't they have pushed that on her sooner. I know she was a brat, but don't you think a little knowledge might've freed her sooner too? Eh, then again, experience is the harshest teacher as well. Perhaps it was the only way to get her down a peg before learning more about Avatarhood. Though considering Twilight never stressed anything like this in her will or anything like that, she kinda dropped the ball there. Well at least DT's getting close to calling up some old advise the same way Twilight did.

And....then they carted in Lin: Bruised, broken. And if he wasn't a shadowbolt, he'd definitely have no bending. As it stands though, DT for one of the few times going forward, knew empathy over injuries and the grieving. Seeing the pain all those around over the Ironwing who lived for his duty. Styx, Prism, Blaze. And for once, DT stepped away. After what happened with silver spoon, I'm guessing she knows that pain now, so she's not going to butt in on something so personal for those around.

This is...better. I admit, some of the storytelling in terms of the 3 friens's story is a bit....clunky, but it's better than the past lives stuff,, if only cause it feels more natural to do exposition that way for something the past.

So, where are they charging again? Do we know ML's stronghold location? At least we have a clear idea of what to do, go find the donkeys and yaks, find a way to turn things around.

Also, "Doesn't that seem a bit....simple." (That should be simple? if it's a question).

But DT was going to have a mission of her own: Find Alicity's radio, and call for help from the other 4 nations....preferably starting with the ones who can get there first. (My guess is the air nomads get first prize for flying in.) And I never expected the buffalo to be first invested in asking for caution. And it seems that DT is getting a bit of the Twilight spirit in one way: going for quick moves with her taking the brunt of the action. Only instead of out of insecurity, it's out of confidence that she could make it work. (Aaaannnd expect the radio to weigh a ton.)

DT for her part was...vexed that she couldn't get it all fixed by now, and a bit miffed that ML had gotten it all right so far. Maybe she has a luck cutie mark she's using for her plans.

And so the Avatar and "mom" (eh, surrogate mom at least) talked about Ironwing. I have to admit, the part about dating was hilarious though. Exactly the confused reaction I'd expect from Diamond Tiara. It seems though that Blaze was...fresh blood for the wonderbolts. And somehow the only pony who ever managed to complete training under the great Rainbow Dash. I'm surprised Blaze didn't work circles around others in that case. Cause RD was a pioneer in Airbending technique with her air sense, not to mention ultra skilled, as one of the few normal ponies capable of pulling off the sonic rainboom, which normally only avatars can do.

And I wouldn't call the Dash eccentric. Think of her more as, ultra confident mixed with some laziness. Cause when you know you're good, you can show it, and push others to catch up with you. That is RD, and that part of her never changed. I'm also thinking it was her way of showing that just because I have poor eyesight doesn't mean I'm not still one of the best. Her way of shooing off anyone who would dare pity an element of harmony. And as an element of loyalty, she was there to step with you every way, even though she would make your wings fall off in the process.

And hearing about it all, seems that the past also changes ponies in surprising ways. Hence how Ironwing was tense, but also caring and sensitive. He probably gets that from Scootaloo, since mom grew up with a disability. Knowing that he too could have been scorned, and so he showed compassion and love to others too. Though I now have the oddest image of him snuggling with Angel's new burrow of bunnies. That's so weird to think Lin could be like that.

As for Prism, I'm guessing being raised by the fastest pony in equestria also helped give him the same devil may mare attitude to go forward. Getting good genes gave him the same natural talent the Dash had, and it made Blaze jealous. That he could put in half the work, get proper results, and spend the other half being the prankster Mom would normally be, including the old itching powder trick from Griffon the Brush off. Seems that naturally, Blaze would be more drawn to the softer, hard working, though slightly more stiff one rather than some arrogant prankster taking the worst aspects of his mom.

But, time changes things. And in part, being top rank cadets, Prism and Iron fought for dominance, thanks to the shadow/wonder conflict, which also made Blaze realize that she and Iron weren't going to commit any further than just people who get along together.

But they were still friends even after the breakup. But then Mom thrust her legacy upon her son. And in trying to live up to that...well, he ended up exactly how Lin turned out in Korra land. Putting the job above all else to ensure mom's name would live in his work. Which...of course meant that for the friends he had, well, they suffered by neglect. And with such work, he didn't seem to be able to make time for his pals. Even when they asked to help HIM. Stuck up proud dude. :fluttershysad:

And with him gone, Blaze started to appreciate Prism more. Seeing that he DID have the best parts of his mom in him. Fun and dependable just like her.

And then we get down to why the 2 of them won't talk: Shining Blast. No doubt the Yakone of this story. And probably related to ML inevitably. Unless she's part of the Red Daisy instead and you're saving her for later. Whatever the case, the officer corps didn't work out very well in fighting her, and THAT was the incident that lead to RD being...broken. I wonder why that is still? Is it her husband? Did DASH make a mistake with her bending? Did...:pinkiegasp: Did Shining Blaze kill one of the elements????? Whatever the case, that's what lead to Prism being hurt, falling into Fluttershy's arms, and the true fallout between Scoots and Dash's kids. So sad. :ajsleepy:

Whatever the case, now Blaze is scared Iron will die before making up. Aw, don't feel so down. Don't you know the rule of narrative dramatics? They will make up. If it's on the bounce back or a last breath, no pair of sparing buddies ever split up without making up even if only in their hearts before they died. And...I suppose we'll get hermit Dash before long too!

So, it was time to return to the factory.....uh, is DT going to put on the enhancements to succeed now? Well, Fido the strong was coming in as muscle, and from the old guard....Hornclipper????? Oh so that's what it means when they weren't sure if Ironwing's dad was a real pony! It's hornclipper. That....actually kinda makes sense. After all, he did help Scoots escape from Water death, and then went on to acclimate her to resistance. I guess Scoots saw past his sharp exterior, and eventually married him and had Ironwing as reference to his dad's iron unicorn's bane cutter wings.

So, the 3 of them were off. And I'm guessing since Button and Acrylic are still protecting Sunburst, paths will cross before long!

Not sure if it was your intention but the avatar and her allies seem more like the villains, So I'm rooting for the Unmarked and Meadowbrook.

6959407 Uuuhhh, and how is that exactly? I mean, I know that the villains of Korra had their sympathetic points, but how do you figure that ML is the more heroic of the 2?

Diamond and her allies appear to be bigots while Meadowbrook and the Unmarked seem to have legitimate grievances also i would like to point out that even in the cartoon Korra and the elemental benders of Republic city displayed little sympathy for the plight of the non-benders in Republic city and even after the shows supposed villain(never saw the guy as evil) was defeated(not really) the discrimination that the non benders suffered was left unresolved.

6961817 Sigh. Well, I suppose for the author's part, this is the tricky thing about making Diamond Tiara the Avatar. That since she's starting from a point of unsympathy, the trick is to slowly warm the audience up to her as they move forward. And yeah, there was definitely that edge going into the story, but this.....what Meadowbrook (and my apologies, I accidentally abbreviated it at Meadowlark) is doing, there's making a point, and then there's becoming just as bad as the "tyranny" that you're fighting against.

I mean, I guess that's part of the difficulties in writing Amon. That he was so charismatic and awesome (or in tv tropes terms, filled with magnificent bastardry) that he won some fans over to his ideas. And yes, there is good reason that some ponies should reach better equality. Yes, there was corruption in the bending games. Yes, there is danger in there being power in some hands and less in others. Yes, despite diversifying the council into 15 rather than 5 seats, there's still some nepotism, elitism and power lockout in Harmony. Yes, the government could be trying to create bigger social programs or safety nets or what have you. Yes, crime and gangs are still a bit of a problem in this universe. But the problem is that the world Meadowbrook is creating, the land of equal signs, it doesn't work within the structure of the world it's been created for.

1. To get straight to the big point early in the fic, this universe NEEDS benders in order for the natural cycle to even work. It NEEDS waterbenders and firebenders to make the moon and sun move in the sky. Just without that, it would be a repeat of the horrors of Nightmare Moon's era. If you get rid of bending through that, then they'd be stuck in the middle of night, day, or perpetual twilight. And if any alternate universe fics in the MLP worlds have taught us anything, it's that leaving those things where they are is a BAAAAADDD idea. And since Meadowbrook is a politician rather than an inventor, how would she propose to keep crops growing, ponies living and so forth?

2. The world she's creating is actually tailored more towards ponies than any other species. I mean, I know ponies have a strong position in society, but if MB's going for an equal world, how is she going to deal with species without cutie marks who are naturally stronger or faster or what have you?

3. She's stealing soul fragments. I mean, that's part of what a cutie mark is, isn't it? It's a reflection of a pony's best talents. Remember the Cutie Map? Taking away those marks takes away that part of a pony that is able to do their thing the best. Pinkie being funny, Rarity being fashionable, Fluttershy being able to understand animals, etc. By stealing that away, MB's taking away a lot of helps them be unique among their friends. Dragging them all down to a lowest common denominator isn't going really be best for all, cause it would lower the quality of food/jokes/speed/intelligence/magical prowess and so forth.

4. She's doing so by force. As noted back around chapter....9 I think it was...maybe 10, the unmarked were originally done in part by coercion. But now ML's gone into foal napping, daylight draining attacks, terror strikes, mobbing and destroying as she goes.

5. She doesn't believe in redemption and forgiveness. I mean, do you see the way she's tearing Hornclipper apart in this chapter? As stated in Avatar the Last Alicorn, Hornclipper was a spy for the resistance who infiltrated the fire tribes to figure out a way to free the foals in time. But cause he had to maintain cover, that's why he was such a good dehorner: with magic to make it as painless as possible, even though he hated it. And once he succeeded in his mission, he did everything in his power to turn the fight to the water nation instead, got hurt by discord, and has been working for as long as he can to make Harmony a better place. But all MB sees is that dehorner, and so she's trying to break his wings for it.

6. She's blackmailing stallions into helping her cause by subverting more productive means of improving the world. Taking Dr. Alicity and having him give up his inventions to her crusade, when said inventions were meant to raise up ponies to not feel unequal. Give the dehorned a second chance, or the flightless pegasi a better way and so forth.

7. Harmony DID allow protest groups to circulate before everything went south. They did allow for activism among the nonbenders. And MB then turned it all violent, which is precisely what the council wasn't interested in happening.

8. To turn to the spoilers at the end of Cutie Map and Korra season 1 (presuming you know them), Meadowbrook is a liar and a hypocrite. Cause the staff is just a piece of wood, and she's actually using others bending for her own goals. And keeping her cutie mark despite saying they're evil. She won't even play by her own rules or be forthcoming to others that she's only doing this temporarily or anything like that. She's already undermining her credibility as a leader by doing so.

9. And this one you're bound to roll your eyes at, but I must say it nonetheless. She's not acting out of love. Even if they're neglectful at times, flawed, stingy, enforcing in strict terms, making questionable moral decisions and so forth, no matter who's on Harmony's side, they're still acting out of a love for the city, for their family, for their friends, for the safety of others and so forth. MB is acting more out of anger towards benders than anything. And stealing talents without asking, leading riots, intimidating her followers, taking "examples" like Silver Spoon who just wanted to be with her friend, that is not the path of love. Love builds up, keeps no record of wrongs, protects, trusts, hopes, brings out virtue, honor and kindness.

That's why I say that for all their flaws and problems, no matter what problems Diamond and her new team might have, they're still on the better side by comparison. And I'm sure that like so many hard lessons learned, by her actions Meadowbrook/Starlight Glimmer is going to bring about change. Just not in the same way she wanted it.

Well, took you long enough. Then again, took me long enough too. :ajsleepy:

So we begin with the mission DT's not leading. Spot and the dogs/ponies going to investigate rescuing other leaders. Using intimidation to try and get what they want.

Though they did walk into an ambush, seems the unmarked spent a bit too much time monologing, allowing them to escape them. While the Unmarked did manage to use their weaknesses to try and fool the teams, the dogs and benders were a bit too tough and skillful to be beaten. And so they began their search for leaders once again, the dog now admitting that perhaps bending would be useful going forward. While this is a side story, something tells me it's going to hold great significance down the line, just like seeing Octavia go down was important to fill in that gap.

Meanwhile, Diamond had arrived. And Hornclipper has his wings extra tight? Is...is that penance he keeps so that he remembers the horns he took? Or perhaps just his old days training in ensuring he strikes hard still, and does more damage to others in the process?

They got in with a siren...who knew the doc had spring floors? And found out the equalists had raided the weapons too. Seems the weapons meant to defend the city are now being used against it. They grabbed the radio, unplugged and everything, and it was easy. Buuuuttt, then when they stepped out again, the fliers and Meadowbrook were all there and ready. Diamond for her part was ready to make the sacrifice play and let them out right away....but something else stands in the way: Seems MB considers Hornclipper personal business, something that's tense for the both of them. And it seems that the past has returned to judge the spy. Him and his many nicknames while working undercover. And...well, Hornclipper for his part realized that he was far more personal to the leader than DT was, so he decided to make the sacrifice play. Fight to atone for the pain he inflicted while working for a greater good. For her part, it seems MB's taking this guy very personally. And...well, after Discord's disaster, I'm thinking no pony was really interested in punishment after the hell they went through. And he sought to turn it around too. Like he said, he's not asking to be forgiven for what he did, but what he wants is space to atone in other ways. Cause he can't change the past. Only move forward from it.

But MB for her part was vengeance......though if she's at all like Amon, I'm guessing she might have a small lie in there too. Well, we'll find out when the mask comes off..later. And don't call Scootaloo a whore! That pegasi was married to the job for years! She knows when there's a stallion that's good enough for her. And besides, I'm guessing after the war, they made up, found common ground in being broken things, and then got married. Well, unless something dramatic happens RIGHT NOW, he's going to lose his wings!!!!!

I also laughed that Fido was thinking dramatically in making a great exit in the chase.

Fido got space to take the radio out, but the unmarked weren't even sure how to proceed. Cause they were of right mind, and thus still hesitant to go after the most special pony in the land. And it seems that MB is ruling through fear. Hence their hesitance to fully commit when that fear meets fear of getting buried, drowned or burned. I also chuckled at the cookies. And you guys were doing so well with the zombie metaphor too!

Although....cookies? Running? Of course! These are the villagers from the cutie mark village! The ones who had their talents stolen, but who realized the truth first. Looks like we have an introduction to the fall of Starlight!

Diamond was overwhelmed again when they did the whole "We all have swords" moment, and started pounding on her earth shield. She was prepared to meet her end in heroic sacrifice, but then the other 3 made their way back into the plot! They had hung low, Fido got out safe, and DT then lead an earth retreat away from danger.......but...but...without....hornclipper. Diamond....you never leave a man behind unless necessary.....:fluttershysad:Please.....save him!:applecry:

Well, I guess that's a bit of Aftermath and Turning the Tides with Amon taking the bending of "lin" or a lin stand in in this case I'm thinking.

Onward ho.

6852323 Always happy to have a new reader. ^^
6853881 Can't say, depends on how things go. No spoilers.
6854583 Eeyup. Humble DT is a lot of fun to write, actually. She still has a long way to go, though. But she's getting there.
6902105 Lol, I don't know about that. But, if this story follows completely in Korra line, that is the destiny...
6961817 Oh, I won't lie. The unmarked do have legitimate worries and objections. But the way they're going about it is... not quite the best. But I could really see how anyone could root for either side.
6962039 Oh there have been so many little things just popping up, yikes. Sorry for the delay >.< But, on the up side, all the side stories should be done, my next book is almost done and I've started the next book in the Avatar series, so it's all coming together now. I did find it funny, though. I posted my last side chapter the day you posted your last review, right as I was getting ready to post all the new chapters. Was perfect timing.

Now, to everyone! The new chapters are ready to go, so it's a straight shot to the end of the book! Woooo! Almost there! Sorry for the long, long delay.

Thanks for the explanation but i have to say that its true that both factions are in the wrong however if Meadowbrook is a hypocrite it does not change the problems in the city and her lack of forgiveness to Hornclipper is understandable and the is nothing wrong with refusing to forgive.

Meadowbrook's unwillingness to forgive may not be to healthy for her mind and might be contributing to her extreme views, I think she could use some help moving on, Hornclipper's actions seem to have had very negatives consequences and the folks that had to live through the aftermath are well within their rights to demand justice and compensation.

Well, at least Sunburst didn't throw a fit and try to hold onto power whatever the cost. :twilightblush:

Well, they got back, all in one piece, and parts of the team were distraught. Button in particular was over the moon about Octavia being demarked. I can see he's trying to keep up his positive facade as he moved forward. Probably doesn't want a repeat of what happened after the qualifiers.

And DT began feeling the regret for not going back, but that's how heroic sacrifices go: you give space for the others to run...no matter how they might hurt from the loss.

Sunburst for his part was sad that they had to resort to asking for help, but he held up his head for this happening, and moved forward with it. Is he thinking that Harmony will be dissolved after this? I mean, Twilight did take the time to get the deeds to land all the way...right?

Diamond then felt the sadness that Sunburst was saved, but poor DT didn't get to the compound, didn't get MB down, didn't save Hornclipper. And in some ways she's definitely channeling Korra here about being the Avatar to be the hero others needed. Also, there's no telling twilight would've even managed to stop her. After all, she was probably a worse bender than you. More of a planner than anything. And if MB seems to be good at anything, it's messing up plans. Though, depending on when she caught her, Twilight could have gotten the band back together to rainbow blast her face. And so, Ac just told her to do what she can, and we'll all work our way forward. But it was also noted by him that the unmarked aren't cohesive. A lot of them don't fully believe in The Cause. Which...is a bit different from the equalists, though only in so far as the troops aren't fully loyal right now even before what comes next. Also, I liked the way Ac made the joke about her being clingy since you never included that DT let go. Also, DT's TOOTALLY crushing on Ac right now.

And of course the reality check all ther heroes need to remember about avatars: "If half the stories mom told me are true, then she was HOPELESS without her friends.” Which is true. They gave her motivation, watched her back, pulled her back when she was going too far, was her connection to her job and the world. And, I suppose she was good at making friends only because she was so meek she wasn't interested in boasting about her position. Speaking to them pony to pony rather than leader to leader.

So they made the call for help, and started to get results, but Diamond got bored, so she went to see the Ironwing. And found out about the reason MB hates him so much. And that Twilight...as I said, thought him ok to keep working as a free pony. I also wonder what Blaze was going to say that Ironwing shared with his dad.

Seems that now that he's better, he and Prisom are at it again. :ajsigh: Not even death could fix them right away. Figures. I guess that the problem is that Ironwing had a never my fault issue with what happened before. And that's what got him riled up.

Also, anyone find it both sweet and hilarious that Scoots still calls her son Sweetie. I suppose this is one "toph" who isn't neglectful to her kids per se.

And it seems IW is trying to pass off his hero stripes as just doing his duty. But he was also questioning his ability to nip this before it happened. Seems mom can also relate her son's experience with what happened at boiling rock. The unexpected creating a dramatic change. Seems that he thought the world of Dad too. Must be breaking him down.

And...well, that was when DT got another training session: finding out that even though the elements might have disappeared for a generation, the fact that the Avatar WAS reincarnated gives hope that they might be able to reconnect after all. And it seems part of why Z was chosen as rep. was because she was able to use words to work to her favor. Fun.

Oh wow. Are we already on Skeletons in the Closet/Endgame? Okay then. Well, then there was no love triangle, no evil father reveal, no evil tarrlok reveal...wow. You really are trying to follow yet be different aren't you?

Anyways, so Diamond was learning that if you think you can do it all, then you won't go get help. And hence how she's started to get twilight help now and again now. Well, they were getting closer, and even her welcome speech was well known by Z, but then the plot cut in. Drat!

And then there was danger. Some kind of broadcast that the firetribes were going to purge the unmarked. Given what happened afterwards, I'm guessing MB did this not only as a trap, but as a propaganda moment. Trick her armies that the outside world doesn't care.

So, the journey began, with DT now having emotional and a bit of a philosophical state in the mission. And as they got into position, it seems that there is one thing that DT can hold over the Diamond Dogs: She knows how to work air for ponies much better than them.

Which lead to some nausea for the pegasi, and Blaze having a Space Jam moment: "But mommy, I don't want to go to school today. I wanna stay home and bake cookies with you." Only this time with blocks. I wonder if that's foreshadowing at all? But this also gave DT her first view of everfree. So, it seems that it is growing back from the chopdown back in the war. And DT rested with the dogs, getting some brief deja vu to early training sessions with being woken up.

So they set sail to stop the ship. But it was also here that we learn that Twilight had another pet project she was working on in the off years: better air balloons. I mean, she got crashed in the party balloon, the air tribe ship, the pirate ship, the attack ships, the rescue ship to the south pole. No wonder she wanted a tech update. But, just to spite her one more time, the universe instead hit her new ship with lighting, causing a hindenburgh, though nobody saw a cloud in the sky. Guess fate just wanted to mess with her.

And so they landed, only to find....(insert star wars clip of admiral ackbar. You know the one). And it seems that among the prototypes, Alicity was working on flamethrowers. Horrible, but cool too. And somehow, MB was showing up too. This must be Turning the Tides/Skeletons stuff. Amon stopping the first wave before it could come. Also, I'm guessing she unmarked Alicity to get it to work? Or just more threats?

And although she'd been jumped, outfoxed, outboxed, unable to move, cornered, and forced to flee before, this time, Avatar Tiara would not turn back. I mean for 1, there's no place to hide. But for 2, she finally has something to fight for besides herself, and too many have sacrificed already.
And so, DT broke the mask in 1 swoop. Showing the pink, channeling button in her assault. And getting very, very close to exposing Starlight. Only in a different way than Korra or Twilight did. Cause if the staff breaks, HOW ARE YOU BENDING?

But, as the fight was going, that's when it happened: The debending hit. And yes, 3 times, for the 3 elements. But...the funny thing is that you can take away the fire, the water, the earth. But you haven't taken the wind, and you can't take The spirit of the Avatar itself. It's untouchable by mortal hands! You may think you have won, but break the staff, lose your cloak, and your whole house of cards collapses. You think you got a knockout MB, but your end is almost upon you.

Great ending. I totally had no clue. The only hint I could think is Asami was originally planned to be the main vilain of LoK. I love you for going with that, and I'm hype beyond reason for the next book. :heart:

So what was the hints ?

Wait, so Silver is Trixie reincarnated? Wha? :twilightoops:

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