• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

The card holder

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Sometimes, reality gets boring. Sometimes, those in charge of said realities get together and kill time by talking about their own personal universes.

Sometimes, odd situations are made regarding said universes.

And that's why, one day, four different villainous beings from various universes, along with a local villain, are brought together under one roof in the town of Ponyville, all watched over by the resident princess.

So, let's sit and watch what happens, shall we?

Now featuring coverart that took literally 2 years in mspaint to make.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 88 )

This is gonna be good

Not gonna state this as would happen but it would be funny to see Space Core fall from the sky yelling "Space!"

Hmmm... this looks interesting, WELP! Better go grab some popcorn.

This could be pretty amusing.

The first part made me think of Poker Night at the Inventory.

A pity this won't be paid much attention to; I kind of like it :rainbowlaugh:

Never played Hotline Miami, so I never recognized Jacket.

Im not fan of Sonic but I saw few snippets of Eggman comics and Robotnik from SATM(or whatever its called) and I'm courious how you gonna make him, because both characters are completly different where one is Crazy genius and other evil mastermind ( oh damn He was one of few evil masterminds who was so well made)

I'm counting for Eggman wanting dismantle Wheatley somewhere later

10/10 and someone need to make this into a groups of like this story

And Flowey's becomes the jerk to everyone

6697544 That's who I thought as well, at first, but then I doubted it.

Well, "Do you know what time it is?"

I was expecting Toby dog or even Toby himself as a god

Snrk, nice start.

And whatever you say, changelings sure are energetic and optimistic.



Ugh that generic and cliched setting :(


And again with the tags dude. I've looked over every other crossover fic, and they all have the other tag.

It's got flower in a mass crossover fic. And it's a good one at that. I don't know why you're complaining.

6752000 It doesn't make sense to me.

What doesn't make sense to you?

6753170 the whole concept of this fic

6753170 Even the first undertale fic that was posted, Undercooked didn't make quite as much sense at the time since I was still new to the game, but at least that fic was hilarious.

This story is in good hands, check out this guy's other works

6755215 I have. it was the first Undertale fic to ever be posted on the site.

who is jacket anyway? i know he's the ckicken, but i've never heard of him before.

The protagonist of the first Hotline Miami, and an indirect focal point of the plot of the second one.
Also he's a guest heister in Payday 2, because why the hell not.

Amusing, most definately.


Poor Twi, you really have no idea what you're up against.:unsuresweetie:

Surely, she could come up with a lesson to teach five less-than-nice people to be friends with each other and everyone else.


Yeah, sure Twi. You can come up with a lesson for a homicidal maniac that goes by Rooster, a genocidal maniac named Robotnik, a tennis ball so fucking stupid calling Wheatley special needs is an insult to special needs children, a parasite that looks like a bug, and a sadistic time-altering flower.

Yup. This can only work well.

This can only end well.


That Spongebob reference :rainbowlaugh:

Time's up, Twilight~...

6813066 i swear i see you almost everywhere


(In all seriousness, though, I completely no-life FIMFiction, so I read and comment on a lot of stories. Smut, cute, long, short. Doesn't matter to me.)

6785218 here is a pic of you i found randomly dont ask why i have it i just doi2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/027/387/dea.gif

It is a little known fact that there are, in fact, multiple universes in existence.
Now, surely some of you at this point would be quick to point out the multiverse theory. And while it is true that the idea is very common, it is, in fact, actually false. You see, there are not an infinite number of universes, based around infinitely minute changes in infinite things, but rather, there are dozens upon dozens of standard universes, each one separate from the others.

i think you forgot that there is thing stronger then gods.... void gods or death him self

6814419 nah, it's the power of a god combined with seven human souls to make him even more powerful god.

6814390 ahh

"In their rooms," Wheatley said. "Not sure why. It's a beautiful day outside! I mean, the birds are singing, there are flowers blooming..."
Unseen to both of them, Flowey visibly winced.
"So, they are here, right?"
"Oh, yes, absolutely!"

I need more my friend. More flowey. More Jacket. More Wheatley. More. I need this like drug addicts need drugs. And water. And a shower.

I wonder how long it is before Flowey gets bored, saves, and then tries to commit genocide. :moustache:

Ya know, reading the wikis, Wheatley and Jacket are arguably less "evil" than the others. Wheatley basically has self control issues, and never allowed anywhere near power. Jacket looks like he has some serious PTSD.

6815327 He's probably already done it.

Eighteen different times.

And failed spectacularly.


That's make a fic of its own.

6815723 I'd love a good Flowey in Equestria story. AFAIK, though, there isn't one yet. And I'm too lazy and consistently distracted to write one myself. :eeyup:

6818900 There's a Flowey on Gaia story. You just have to find it.

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