• Published 5th Dec 2015
  • 5,918 Views, 328 Comments

More than Meets the Ear - MrAskAPirate

Vinyl Scratch has a secret that's out of this world...

  • ...

The Epilogue Everyone is Going to Love (but Will Hate Me Forever for Writing)

The sounds of gunning engines and thumping dubstep faded into the distance, leaving behind a still silence that belied the destruction the Starswirl Amphitheater had endured that night. Many moments passed with only a light breeze to disturb the scene.

Then the sound of a high-pitched, barely audible metallic clicking echoed along the bent and twisted superstructure above the stage. Near the apex, a small, four-legged machine emerged from the shadows and skittered along the scaffolding, at times climbing slowly and at others making leaps from strut to strut as it made its way toward the back of the stage, finally emerging onto the exterior wall and beginning a slow, careful trek down the vertical concrete surface.

Near the bottom it let go, falling the last few feet to land, gracefully and gently, on the shoulders of a young woman dressed in a formal school uniform who was leaning against the base of the wall with her eyes closed.

The machine clicked and buzzed, reshaping itself into a set of vibrant pink headphones that nestled over the girl’s ears. She raised one pink hand to gently touch the side of the device, and remained that way for several moments.

A slow smile crept onto her face as she listened.

Finally finished, she pulled the headphones down around her neck, taking a moment to smooth her lime-green hair before pulling out a cell phone and hitting one of the speed dial options.

“Report,” an older woman’s stern voice issued forth from the phone after only a pair of rings.

The smile on Lemon Zest’s face broadened.

“Found ‘em.”

Author's Note:


Comments ( 49 )

So Cinch is a spy for the Decepticons?

We'll only hate you forever if you don't make a sequel. On a completely unrelated note, my killer robot should be ready by New Year's.


Good history. :scootangel:I wait for the sequel!

Or a organization like MECH.

Bum bum bum...

Fantastic climax and a truly evil teaser. Great work all around. I hope you continue this sooner rather than later (or, if not that, later rather than never.)

I second thins motion.

7551077 I literally squeed when I read this comment...

I regret nothing.

7551072 I'm building some highly destructive blasters that go great with any transforming Warmachine. want me to fit it with one?

I've got laser beams, annihilator beams, and disintegrator beams.

NICE. :pinkiecrazy:

After all, It will be EG Twilight who is the brains behind the gear, even if Cinch is supposed to be running things.

Then again, that was a seriously impressive Deceptacon as the girl.

Love how Sweetiebot abuses the hyperspace properties of the all spark. Investigating that without realiseing the safeties and limiters needed would definitely lead to EG Twilight punching D Holes all over the place.

Blackbolt has Prybar Sabres? Wonder if she would be intrested in a few upgrade modules. :moustache:


My money is on COBRA. :twistnerd:

Now we need a second story. I'm sure it'd be a ton of fun.:trollestia:

Hot damn, one of my favorite characters was used...

I think I shall use my button for this.
Damn good show, now SEQUEL TIME~ :heart:



Well this is an interesting development.

Are you SURE you never watched prime before writing this? The Vinyl Scratch/subwoofer interactions are a flipped Raf/Bumblebee dynamic, which is excellently written. The Blackbolt/Flash is SOOOO reminiscent of Jack/Arcee, but with a way deeper dynamic. As a added bonus your Sweetie Bot has sooo many links to another autobot in Springer from the IDW continuity, with a slightly less insane creator. Then that evil sequel setup with Lemon Zest.

This was a fun story. Not bad for something that started as a one shot. Personally, I would have preferred Sweetie Bot finding a way to fight while small rather than growing huge, but that's just because I've already been imagining her in a lot of other situations and now I have to change her abilities. Like everyone else says, I hope there's a sequel.

Well that's a sequel hook if I've ever seen one.

EQG Vinyl needs some more fandom love

She doesn't get enough love? Look at her! She's, dare I say it, hot!

Allow me to join in the general pleas for a sequel... :scootangel:
Also, I do enjoy your characterizations... VERY well done.


Actually, I see Sweetie Bot more like a non annoying Sari Sumdac ( human bot, armor transformation, etc.. ).

The smile on Lemon Zest’s face broadened.
“Found ‘em.”

That Lemons Zest is a Spy!


If Lemon is working for the bad guys (whoever thay are), I suspect she must be older than she looks.

7551228 Actually I was thinking plasma.

7552714 drat. I was hoping you wouldn't want me to make plasma beams.
I have terrible luck with plasma beams.

...so, um, where's the sequel and/or prequel?

I both want to know what happens next, and how they all met.

Cool story, and epic sequel hook. Here's hoping you continue!

Now that was fun. Great characters all around, and just a great ride from beginning to end. Here's hoping for a sequel, though I think I have a pretty good idea of where it would go tone wise.


Next thing you know I'll be convincing people to listen to Nickelback! :pinkiegasp:

I already beat you to the punch, I listen to them a lot :pinkiecrazy:

This sure is an ending that only makes sense if there's some plan for a sequel.

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I'm glad everyone enjoyed this tale enough to want another! My original plan was to post a companion blog with the last chapter/epilogue to address the issue of this 'sequel'... long story short, lots of crap happened, and that blog didn't. I'll probably post something tomorrow or the next day; soon as I can get some time set aside to write it. Stay tuned!


I :rainbowlaugh:'d.

Also, yeah, I'm surprised as many people got on board with this as they did. Bookish Delight is probably the main reason for that; she put out Audio Therapy the same day this one went live, and we cross-promoted each other. I definitely got the better end of that deal, :twilightsheepish:

Y'know, I looked up Prybar Sabres thinking it must be an actual thing but google failed me; whatchu talkin' 'bout, Booster? :trixieshiftright:

I am so not bringing Snake Eyes into this; I don't need two mute characters to deal with, :fluttershbad:

I have not seen Prime yet, although thanks to comments folks have made here I've added it to my (unfortunately long, :raritydespair:) list of shows I plan to watch. I also took a look at the voice cast and noted how many of my favorites have major roles (Jeffrey Combs, Sumalee Montano, Tony Todd, Ernie Hudson, Gina Torres... even saw Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and George Takei on there with guest spots; the list goes on an on, :raritystarry:) so I'm really looking forward to that one now, :pinkiehappy:

The situation has most certainly improved since I wrote those words... even SSE did an EQG Vinyl Scratch story not long ago.


Out of curiosity, what makes you say that? :rainbowhuh:


Oh, neat, I'm not alone!


I dont know if they are a thing, or if they are, what the correct term is, but if you have seen a Flaming Sword, as in metal pointy bar with magical effect covering it, Sabre Bars are otherwise normal prybars, 5 foot long, 20 pound, but with field exiters on the surface to give a Light Sabre effect. or nastier, Wall Shield, like a Monofilament, but thicker. As in instead of making a cut nanometers wide through everything it touches, so easily, but which can stick back together, it makes very large gaps in things. Depends on the drive power and shorting ability of the target etc. Given even running in ultraviolet at least means its hotter than any solid material can withstand, even terrapascal ice. :moustache:


DAMMIT! How did I forget that one?

Awesome man! We cannot wait to see!~ :heart:

Awesome! :yay: Glad to see I'm not alone either~ :rainbowkiss:

Damn that final fight scene was freaking fantastic! Nice work! :pinkiehappy:

I also love the banter between the humans and their Autobot friends. Especially Octavia and Maestro. Those two are just hysterical. The teaser that you placed in there as well was also written nicely. So with this, I would like to thank you for this story, and I will try to keep an eye out for a sequel!

~ Super-Brony12

Well that was a ton of fun! :pinkiehappy:

...holy crap on a cracker, you finished it.

I mean, I'm ecstatic, but now I need to find time to read it. And I have no idea when that will be. :raritydespair:

There's robot kickpunching in it now. You won't like it, :raritydespair::raritydespair:

Though you might enjoy Flash's car. She's got some sass, :trixieshiftright:

This was such a fun read and if cinch is behind this OK maybe not behind this decepticons scout but is she working for the decepticons like the humans in dark of the moon

Also will there be a sequel story

Glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

As far as a sequel goes, the TL:DR answer is 'not anytime soon;' more details can be found here.

Well, too bad this isn't getting a sequel but I'd enjoyed from beggining to the end. Nicely done!

By the way, in Chapter 2 does Octavia pointed a hint to the Anon-A-Miss incident? Or it just me?

Wooo, I finally went back and finished this! I loved the first chapter when it was just a one-shot, and I wondered if the rest would maintain the same level of sharpness.

I'll be honest, I felt like the middle chapters weren't quite as compelling. I can see how they raised the emotional stakes of the fight scene, but taken by themselves I don't feel like there was quite the same level of substance. Vinyl and Subwoofer sending the Dazzlings packing has to be one of my absolute favorite moments in all of MLP fanfiction and it's just a really tough act to follow. With that said, I did enjoy the interactions between Octavia and Maestro; they make a great duo!

So then we get to the fight scene. It was spectacular. I thought that the action was clear, the battle was intense, and all of the characters present for it had moments to shine. The relationships between them helped make it more emotional. And when it's over, we get a real stinger of a finale that I can enjoy purely on the level of being a stinger, even if a sequel never materializes.

This has been on my favorites list since day 1. On the one hand, I feel like the middle chapters could've been tighter, especially in the way that they slow down the pace for the sake of giving backstory about the Autobots. But on the other hand, this story really rocks when it hits the gas.

Regardless of my nitpicks, I applaud your work, and I appreciate being able to read it. :twilightsmile:

Not sure if you’re still around, but I made a TV Tropes page for this fic.


Man, this is one epic story. I really hope you find time to make more. I feel like this one of those things that was unbearably short, like the Critic cartoon.

The characters really interacted well with one another, the action was good, what more could you get from a good crossover.

Anyways, I hope you return with more stories to tell.


As a fellow Troper, I salute you for keeping this story alive.

that depends... has one of those two ever had a vehicle mode that was a normal car?

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