• Published 25th Dec 2015
  • 2,118 Views, 4 Comments

The Christmas Gift - Beep-Boop

Spike got Christmas gifts for all his friends except one, Rarity. Spike forgot to get her a gift. As Spike rushes to get a gift he realizes that what she wants may not be a gift.

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The Christmas Gift

The Christmas Gift

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Ponyville not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. A young man by the name of Spike was still awake looking for Christmas gifts to give to his friends. He was heading towards the only place that was still open at that time of night, the mall.

Spike is a man in his early 20's who has green spikey hair that is not too long, but not too short. Spike is wearing black high top shoes with white soles, navy blue jeans, an unzipped brown leather jacket and under his jacket he wears a black shirt with a design of a white tribal dragon in the middle.

'Fuck it's getting even colder, I should've gotten those presents a week ago, but nooo my dumbass decided to stay home and do nothing productive.' Spike thought to himself. "At least the mall is right across the street." Spike said as he started crossing the street.

As he walked inside the mall, he looked around seeing the Christmas decorations outside of stores, signs that read "Buy one get the second one free" or "save money this Christmas with these holiday deals." As Spike kept walking further inside the mall, he saw a big Christmas tree that was beautifully decorated. The tree was full of shining yellow lights, gold and red ornaments, big red ribbons, and too top it all off, a great shining gold star sat on top of the tree. Spike stood there in amazement. Not being able to say a single word.

As Spike finally snapped out of the amazement, all he could say was "woah."

He began walking into different stores to buy the gifts he needed. Within the first thirty minutes, Spike got a total of two out of the six gifts he needed to buy.

'Who knew that buying gifts for women could be this difficult?' He thought to himself.

He continued to buy what was needed. After a while of looking for gifts, Spike lost track of time so he approached an employee of the mall and asked "Excuse me, could you tell me the time?"

The employee turned to look at Spike and said "It is ten to midnight."

"And what times does the mall closes?"

"In ten minutes."

"Ten minutes!?" Spike asked again in suprise.

"Yes sir, in ten minutes" said the employee

"Oh shit, I still need one more gift. I gotta go. Oh, uh thanks for the time and sorry about the language." Said Spike in an embarrassed tone.

"You're welcome and it's quite alright sir. Happy holidays." Said the employee

"Happy holidays to you too." Replied Spike as he left.

Spike now stood beside the tree and checked who was the only person left.

"Ok, I have Twilight's, Applejack's, Pinkie Pie's, Fluttershy's, and Rainbow Dash's gift. All I need is to get is Rarity's gift and I can go home. Now, where is that jewelry store?" Spike said to himself. Spike looked around the mall to find the jewelry store. At a distance Spike saw the jewelry store at the other side of the mall. Out of nowhere an announcement was made in the intercom. "Attention all customers, there are five minutes left until closing. I repeat, there are five minutes left until closing. Thank you and Happy Holidays."

Spike began to run in hopes that he would make it in time.

"Shit shit shit shit I need to run faster or I won't ma-." Spike was so worried that he didn't notice the sign he ran into.

Spike sat on the floor for a while looking around. "Why do I feel as if I'm forgetting something important?" Spike said to himself. Spike has lost his memory due to the impact he made with the sign. "Oh well, if I can't remember what it was than it probably wasn't important." Spike grabbed the bags he had and started to head towards the exit and left.

It was Christmas morning, Spike has gotten a few good hours of sleep, but that didn't mean Spike wasn't tired. Spike decided to wake up early to wrap the gifts he bought early in morning. As he wrapped them up, Spike was whistling a Christmas carol. As he finished wrapping the gifts he started to count the gifts to verify that he wrapped them all.

"One, two, three, four, five..." As Spike counted the fifth gift, he noticed there were only five gifts. Spike started to look for the last one, but couldn't find it. "Oh no please dont tell me..." Spike came to realize that he has forgotten to get Rarity's gift. "How could I forget the one gift that was my top priority?" Spike said. He remembered what happened the night before. "How can I be so stupid." "How will I be able to face Rarity without a gift? What will Rarity think of me? She'll probably never want to see me again!" Spike finally snapped out of his little trance and stared at the clock. "OK Rarity is probably still asleep. If I go now I might be able to make it before she wakes up."

Spike rushed out the door and started to speed walk his way towards the mall. 'Good progress, good progress.' Spike kept repeating those words inside his head. Spike was one street away from the mall. "Alright, I'm close I just need to cross and-."

"Spike!" Came a familiar voice. Spike slowly turned around hoping it wasn't the person he was thinking of. As he turned around he saw a woman who stood a few inches shorter, but still two years older than him. She had her long purple hair down, wore white winter boots, dark purple jeans, a white winter coat, purple leather gloves, and a purple scarf.

"Oh Hi Rarity, how are you?" said Spike

"I am doing well thank you for asking, how about you?" Said Rarity.

"I'm doing fantastic." He replied nervously.

Rarity looked at him closely. "Are you sure? You seem a bit off." she said worried.

"Never better." Spike said panicking

Rarity put both hands on her waist and said "Spike, why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not lying?"

"That was a lie right there."

"No it wasn't"

"Yes it was"

"No it wasn't"

"Spike stop lying"

"Seeing he wasn't going to win this argument he finally gave in. "Alright I'm sorry." Spike said in shame.

"It's quite alright dear, but could you please tell me what's wrong. Said Rarity.

Spike looks at her in the eyes for a couple of seconds. After a moment of awkward silence, Spike tells Rarity the story of how he forgot her gift. "After I hit my head I couldn't remember anything I was thinking about. I only remembered a few minutes ago so I rushed towards the mall to get the gift and then you found me here."

"Oh you poor thing are you alright?" Rarity asked with worry.

"I'm alright, I got a bit of a headache, but I'm alright. I'm sorry I forgot your gift Rarity." Spike said while looking down.

"Oh Spike, I don't want any jewelry this year."

"You don't? "

Rarity nodded.

"Do you want a new shirt? "

Rarity shook her head.

"New shoes?"

Again Rarity shook her head.

"A mug?"

Rarity chuckled, but shook her head once more.

"Than what would you like for Christmas?" Asked Spike.

Rarity simply looked Spike in the eyes and said "You."

"Me?" Spike asked confused

"Yes you" she replied

"What do you mean?" Spike asked

"I mean I want to be with you, Spike" Rarity clarified.

"I'm sorry can you say that again?"

"I said I want to be with you."

"OK, can you say that one more ti-."

"Spike" Said Rarity in a serious tone.

"I heard you the first time I just wanted to hear it again, but in all seriousness how long have you felt this way about me?" Spike asked her.

"I've had feelings for you for the last five years I believe."

"Five years!" Spike said surprised.

"I never told you because I was afraid that you didn't love me that way."

Spiked simply replied with "You and me both."

Rarity looked at Spike with confusion for a few seconds until she finally understood what he said. "Do you mean you also feel the same way as me? Since when?"

Spike looked at her in the eyes and said "I've been in love with you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. I remember when Twilight and I first moved here and we didn't know anyone besides each other, but then we met the five of you and we felt as if we already knew you all. All of you introduced yourselves, but when it came time to introduce yourself, I couldn't look at you in the eyes because you were so beautiful. Hell, I can barely maintain eye contact with you right now. My point is that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and the only woman I'll have eyes fo-." Spike was interrupted by a sudden kiss that Rarity gave him. Spike wasn't expecting the kiss, it left him with his eyes wide open. He slowly closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Rarity. Spike was finally getting what he's been wanting for so long. They felt as if their kiss lasted an eternity. As they slowly broke apart, they stared at each other with smiles in their faces. Spike was the first to break the silence.

"I think I know what true happiness feels like now."

"I do too." Replied Rarity. As Rarity took Spike's hand she said "It's already eight, shall we go meet everyone at Sugarcube Corner?"

"We shall, but first let's go to my place and pick up the gifts I got everyone."

As they headed towards Spike's house, Rarity broke the silence and said "I believe this is the best Christmas we've ever had."

Spike simply replied with "It truly is, it truly is."

Author's Note:

Well that's the end of my first story. First of all, if you are reading this I want to thank you for taking your time to read the story. Second, if you see any mistakes such as grammar, spacing, or any other issues, please feel free to tell me. Third, I got Rarity's outfit by a drawing made by AppleStems on DeviantArt so you should go check out his work. Last but not least, merry Christmas and a happy new year

Comments ( 4 )

Cute, a bit rushed, but still cute.:raritywink:

That was adorable, it could have done with a bit of slowing down but still a worthwhile read.

So they are all human but still live in Ponyville? That seems weird to me:rainbowhuh:

I thought about that while writing the story, but I couldn't think of anything else so I just went with it.

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