• Published 23rd Dec 2015
  • 2,592 Views, 14 Comments

Tactics of Chaos. - Selene Moonlilly

The tactician from Fire Emblem: Awakening finds himself in Equestria.

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Chapter 1: Chaos Cursed

It had been about four months since Celestia and Luna saved me from Discord. I had yet to remember anything about my past or find my family. I was starting to think that I didn't have any family. I have been living in the castle that the ponies built for Celestia and Luna, after they named them princesses of Equestria for defeating Discord. The town that had sprung up around the castle is named Everfree in hopes that they will never suffer another tyrant. Every day I go to school there because it is expected of a colt my apparent age. It is really boring though, because I seemed to already know the information that the teacher went over. I also found it hard to make friends with the other colts and fillies. They seemed so immature and I would rather read up on history or magic spells. Of course this had the two royal sisters worried since this wasn't the typical behavior of colt. "It's been four months, if we were going to find his family we would have done it by now." I heard Celestia's voice coming from outside my room from afar. It was hard to hear them talking, so I decided to use a hearing enhancement spell to hear them in a clear manner.

"I know, but it doesn't seem right with me to force him to live with another family. I mean, what if his family does show up? We would have to break up a newly made family, which could devastate him even more." Luna's voice answered.

"While I admit that is a possibility, I think that Checkmate needs a more stable environment to recover from whatever Discord did to him. Besides, the unicorn couple that want to adopt him have lost their foal and can't conceive another one. So this is what both sides need. I know you're getting attached to him but with our new duties as rulers we don't have the time to give him the attention and care that he needs." Celestia stated.

"I still think that he deserves a choice in the matter." Luna grumbled. The sound of someone knocking on the door filled the room.

"Can we come in." Celestia asked at the door. I sighed and put up the book that I was reading, The anatomy of the races of Equestria. I walked over to the door and opened it up with magic.

"Hello Celestia and Luna, what brings you two to my room now?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Well, Checkmate, there's a couple of ponies here to see you, they are thinking about adopting you. I think you should at least meet them. This might help you with your amnesia." Celestia said in a beseeching voice.

"But you don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable." Luna added while giving a challenging look at her sister. "While it is true that this might help you, there's no guarantee that it will work. I don't want to push you into something that you don't want to do."

'Oh, seems that she doesn't agree with everything that her sister says. This could be a juicy opportunity to cause some chaos later.' Hm, where did that come from I thought as the two royals looked at me waiting for my answer. "If you think it will help, I will at least meet them." I answered.

"Then let us go, they are awaiting their chance to meet you. The mare is the teacher of young foals in the Crystal Empire, I think her name is Berry Shine. The stallion is the lead researcher in magic for the empire. His name is Sombra." Celestia said as we left my room and headex to the audience room.

"Now you don't have to go with them if you don't want to. If you feel uncomfortable, we won't be disappointed or angry." Luna added. Right away, I could tell that she wasn't thrilled about this. I had bonded with Luna more, as she would keep my company as I stayed up to read late at night. I really felt torn; on one hoof I wanted to get better. On the other, I didn't want to leave the only friend I've been able to make. As I pondered this I started to feel a discomfort in my horn, as if I was building up mana to cast a spell.

"They are through here, are sure you want to see them?" Luna asked as we got to the door. Both her and Celestia looked at me with patient looks on their faces, both of them not rushing me.

"Let's go in it won't hurt to meet them, besides they came all this way." I answered. Celestia opened the door and we walked in. As I entered I noticed the pair of unicorns that were waiting in the middle of the room. The stallion had a black coat and grey mane. The mare had a blue coat and purple mane. The two of them looked at our direction as we stopped in front of them.

"Your Majesties," the stallion said bowing his head to Celestia and Luna. "Is this him?"

"Yes, this is the one we talked about. "Celestia answered. She then looked at me and said, " Go ahead and introduce yourself."

"Hello, my name is Checkmate nice to meet you." I managed to stutter out as I felt the pressure in my horn increase. The couple looked at each other, thinking the stutter is from me being nervous.

The blue mare looked at me with kindness in her eyes and said," There is nothing to be nervous about we won't force you into anything. My name is Berry Shine and this is my husband Sombra. We are very happy to meet you."

'Ugh this is getting sickening sappy. I think it's time to liven things up' I heard a familiar voice in my head say. Then my horn started to glow and I felt the pressure that had been building up release all at once. The floor turned to chocolate, the unicorn couple shrinked in size and Luna fell asleep. As I looked around in confusion I heard laughter going on in my head. I started to feel disconnected with my body, as if I was no longer in control." Wow, talk about a change of view! Everything is so much bigger when I'm in the mind of a 6 year old body." The familiar voice spoke through my mouth.

"What's happening? this is chaos magic! Checkmate are you alright?" Celestia asked in a worried tone.

"Checkmate is not available right now, please leave a message at the gong. " I heard the voice coming from my mouth say as my horn glowed with magic. Suddenly a gong appearex and I felt myself hit it.

"Discord! How are you doing this and what did you do to Checkmate? "Celestia asked in confusion.

"Now, now my dear, one question at a time. Lets see, I'm projecting my thoughts and taking control of this body through the build up of chaos energy in his horn." Discord said as I was walking on the ceiling. “Now if I recall it the first day of winter should be today right?” He asked as I found myself wearing a sweater that said Chaos Rules.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Celestia asked in confusion, while looking up at me.

I felt my body stop and a list appeared before me. "Let's see. Self indulgent monologue for no reason, check. Vage warning about winter, check now what's next." Discord mumbled. "Ah yes, I propose a challenge. I will try to use this colt to cause enough chaos to free myself while you try to stop me. Doesn't that sound like fun!" He gleefully stated.

"No, I will stop you here and now! I will not let you ruin his life for your own amusement." Celestia said firmly.

"That's the beautiful thing. Since I'm not really here and am already turned to stone you can't do anything to me. So lets set some ground rules, shall we. One: No using that rainbow beam thing you do. I mean, not only is it considered cheating, but it will probably destroy this body. I mean, I did infuse it with chaos energy, and I'm guessing that beam some how forces order from chaos. Now, if that is the case, and you do use it on him all you'll do is ether put him in a coma, turn him to stone, or kill him. Two: You have thirty years to stop me. That's how long it will take me to build up enough chaos energy to escape. And three: He will not know or remember anything to do with this game. I have already set a spell that erases his memories in this area. If you fail to uphold any of the rules, than his mind is mine. With that my time is up." Discord stated as I felt everything fade away. The last thought I had before passing out is 'not againnnnn!'