• Published 25th Dec 2015
  • 14,394 Views, 149 Comments

Paradoxes, Timelines, and Consequences - Frost Bear

Starlight Glimmer is now Twilight's daughter! But what does this mean for Equestria?

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A Chat with Rarity

Rarity woke up with a hiccup.

She had a nightmare about Starlight and Spike being siblings with Twilight as their mother. That part of the nightmare didn’t terrify her. The part that shook her to the bone was how gorgeous Twilight was! Out of all of her friends, she wanted to be the most beautiful one. Twilight had already gained notoriety in royalty. It wasn’t fair that she got unimaginable beauty!

Yes, she was jealous, Rarity accepted that as truth. Thankfully it was just a dream and Twilight should still be her plain, nerdy, adorkable self.

“Hi Rarity!” a teenage dragon greeted her.

“Hello Spike,” Rarity walked by to tend to her dresses until she noticed the obvious, “SPIKE?!”

Spike turned around, “Yeah? Oh, right, I have to tell you what happened with Starlight.”

Rarity waved a hoof, “I’ve grown to no longer care for that story. What I want to know is how you got so old and how did Twilight get so… so…”


“Pretty? Pretty?!” Rarity sputtered, “Stunning, spectacular, sensational! Those are words I’d use to describe Twilight’s sudden glamor! Pretty? Pretty is as good as an insult to what I’ve seen!”

Spike raised his claws in defense, “Woah! Hey! Calm down Rarity. It’s really not that good of a story.”

“Entertainment value has nothing to do with this vital piece of information,” she stomped her hoof, “I demand you tell me her secrets right now!”

“Alright,” Spike sighed, “But you’re not going to like it…”

[Three years post-adoption]

Twilight groggily slumped her way to the bathroom mirror. The previous night was harsh. Her temporary job pushed her to the limits. How Miss Cheerilie stayed cheerful with so many papers written by foals was a mystery to her. Twilight hopes the red ink didn’t stain her coat. At last she reached the vanity. As usual to her mourning routine, she levitated the hair brush and parted her mane from her eyes and horn.

Twilight immediately dropped the brush.

She expected to see an unkempt mane and unwashed face. Instead the mirror reflected the very essence of beauty.

Her lavender coat was untarnished and shined like a new dawn. Her eyes sparkled with alluring amethysts. Twilight felt she had grown much taller since the previous night. She also noted that her horn had grown longer and sharper, making a frightening thin point at the end. Worse was her mane and tail now held what seemed to be slightly flowing through etherial wind. Not enough to be noticed right away but it would be noticeable if she held still for a prolonged period of time.
All the world will now see Twilight as a beauty that is equal to, or perhaps greater than, the princesses.

Twilight screamed.


Spike came rushing down the hall! He burst through the bathroom door, “Twilight! Is everything ok?!”

he paused as he gazed at the goddess in front of him. There was a short amount of silence and awkward blinking before the two started screaming.



“HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?” Spike pointed at Twilight.



Starlight Glimmer angrily waltzed into the bathroom to check on the commotion that was disrupting the neighborhood.

“What’s going on in here?” Starlight rubbed her eyes before looking up and down her mother.

Starlight’s face went pale as she looked at Spike then back to Twilight.

The three of them screamed and panicked over the sudden transformation that they could not explain.

“Excuse me, Spike, but… that doesn’t tell me how Twilight became the way she is,” Rarity interrupted.

Spike shrugged, “None of us know. Twilight said she’d have to visit the princess and figure out what happened from her.”

“Still, no one ever noticed or cared Twilight suddenly became more beautiful than the princesses?” she thought for a moment, “Or… the princess, considering the time you three were in.”

“Twilight made up a story about a cosmetic spell she read about in an old book. No one bothered looking into it so that’s what we went with.”

Rarity hummed as she folded some fabric over a rack, “I’d imagine her sudden beauty made her students pay better attention,” she pondered that thought for a moment, “How did she become a teacher anyhow?”

Spike was organizing several threads chuckling, “That sort of involves how she adopted Starlight.”

[Adoption day]

“What do you mean ‘you can’t adopt this filly?!” Twilight roared angrily.

The mare who owned the orphanage flinched, “I-I’m sorry miss but the law clearly states you have to have disposable income to care for a child!”

Twilight felt the heat steam off her. If she had turned into a fire pony, she didn’t notice. Her anger over not being allowed to adopt Starlight distracted her from how terrifying she was. Spike shielded Starlight from wild embers. His dragon hide proved effective against Twilight’s flames.

“I… Don’t even know how you manage to adopt a dragon of all things,” the mare bit her tongue, seeing Twilight react like she said something she wasn’t suppose to, “A-And your name doesn’t appear on any forms I’ve seen! There a ‘Twilight Sparkle’ in Canterlot, but she’s far too young to even be considered a teenage parent! Then there’s the ‘Twilight Sparkle’ of Las Pegasus, who is of… unsavory profession. I really need to find proper papers for you to legally be a mother.”

Twilight sighed, “Where should I start?”

The mare sighed with relief, “Town hall will give you all the assistance you need. If they can’t find proper documentation they will surely be able to make you a legal citizen.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, “That’s legal?”

The mare nodded, “I know, it’s an insane loop-hole they never noticed when making the immigrant law. All you have to do is say ‘I lost my identification’ and they’ll issue you a new one.”

Twilight walked away to head to town hall. Spike stayed with Starlight Glimmer until Twilight came back. Spike is unsure what Twilight went through at town hall but he did hear her grumble about the complications of relying on a faulty law that needed to be revised in the future.

Twilight plopped a stack of paper on the table, “There! Full citizenship and legal documents on my adopted son, Spike the dragon! Now you can let me adopt Starlight.”

“She filed papers to adopt you?” Rarity asked Spike.

“Yeah, it was never confirmed in the legal system until she did that. Before I was legally considered a pet… or slave. Either way, those papers make our relation a lot better now.”

The mare examined the papers, “Yes, well… there’s still the matter of a disposable income. Which gives me good reason to take young Spike out of your custody.”

“What?!” Twilight yelled.

“Please calm down miss!”

Twilight bursted into flames, “Listen! I had to go through many files, papers, quills, and ink to get legal citizenship. The least you can do is allow me to take my child to a warm and love…ing… home… oh,” Twilight puffed out once a strong realization hit her, “I… don’t have a house in this town…”

“Well that’s unfortunate but I believe I have a solution that will benefit both of us,” the mare suggested, “You see… The local school teacher left town and we don’t have a suitable replacement. If you are willing, the job pays 30 bits a week and I can offer a house for you and your family.”

“That’s very kind of you! But… Why would you offer me this?”

“Honestly, we’re desperate in this town. Professional teachers prefer to avoid this town due to frequent monster attacks.”

“I assume the later is why the orphanage has good business?”

“Oh yeah! Same sex couples love this town for the available foals we have! uh, just a shame these poor dears lost someone dear to them already.”

“Well as luck would have it, I’m experienced in teaching and protecting towns from monsters,” Twilight stated proudly.

“Oh my! Are you some sort of warrior alicorn princess?”

Twilight fumbled over herself, surprised by the question, “Er… no, nothing like that. I’m… just a normal alicorn who has crossed paths with dangerous monsters before.”

The mare smiled, “Well, I’m glad you accepted the offer!” she stamped a couple papers, “Your adoption of Starlight Glimmer is accepted! I’ll help you start class tomorrow mourning,” she hopped off towards the door, “Please follow me to your new home.”

Twilight, Spike and Starlight followed the mare down the street. The downward hill they were going on was steep and several homes looked more worn down the further they went. Eventually they stopped at a nearly condemned home that had a literal bite taken out of it. Starlight shivered and hid behind Twilight’s leg.

“That’s going to be our house?” Spike spat undignified.

Twilight shot a glare at the mare.

“It’s the best I can give you! I know it’s a fixer-upper but surely an alicorn won’t have trouble with these conditions, right?”

Twilight gritted her teeth, “I’ll see you tomorrow…” she stormed to the house.

Starlight and Spike shortly followed.

“That place was a dump at first, but after Twilight got her first pay check things got better,” Spike stated as he pulled an empty cart around the corner.

“That’s dreadful,” Rarity gaged, “Can’t imagine living in a place missing most of its foundation.”

Spike laughed, “Ha, yeah, Twilight was boiling mad the first week. She annihilated the first monster that came to town!”

Rarity stopped in her tracks, “Monster attacks? Hmm… thought only Ponyville was victim to that.”

“Rarity, if that was true then why would anyone live in this town?” Spike put on a serious expression.

“Applejack has told me the crops grow quite well in this area.”

Spike shook his head and pulled the cart.

As the two made their way to the gem field, they came across Twilight and Starlight. Starlight was giving a display of her magical talent. She froze Scootaloo’s chocolate bar to a perfect eating temperature without melting in the sun.

“I understand it was Twilight who taught Starlight magic?” Rarity questioned.

“That’s right!” Spike gasped, “The day she got her cutie mark was the best day we had together!”

[One year post-adoption]

“That’s very good, Starlight!” Twilight cheered for her daughter.

“Mom, I’m only doing basic levitation,” Starlight whined.

Twilight nodded, “That’s true, but even simple levitation can become one of your most powerful spells when applied the right way.”

Spike flicked a gem into his mouth, “Believe it, I saw her lift an ursa minor back to its cave with just levitation!”

Starlight gasped, “Is it true, mama? Did you really levitate an ursa minor!”

Twilight giggled, “Don’t forget what I told you, Starlight.”

A high pitched whistle came from the kitchen.

“Oh! The tea’s ready! Keep practicing, I’ll be back.”

Twilight ran to the kitchen while Starlight continued to practice her levitation spell.

“Wow! Mom beat an ursa minor with just levitation! I wish I could be that good.”

“I’m sure you’ll get there eventually,” Spike munched on a ruby.

“But I haven’t even gotten my cutie mark yet! How am I ever going to be as good as mom if I can’t even earn a cutie mark?!”

“Don’t rush it. Cutie marks come and go all the time. You just have to keep trying until you get it.”

“Easy for you to say,” Starlight frowned, “Dragons don’t get cutie marks. They just spend all day eating gems on the couch.”

Spike sat up with a hiss, “You want to start something, Starlight?”

Starlight levitated a toy wand to her, “Let’s play a game. I’ll be the powerful mage Glimmer-Star and you’ll be the evil dragon king trying to steal my gems.”

Spike chuckled to himself, “Your gems?” he then noticed Starlight take his bowl of gemstones, “HEY! That’s mine!”

Starlight ran off with the gems, “Come and get them, evil dragon king! Hahaha!”

Spike chased Starlight around the living room. Twilight came in with the tea, almost dropping it when Spike and Starlight wormed their ways around her legs.

“Spike! Starlight!” Twilight yelled.

Starlight hopped on the coffee table. Spike dove after her.

Using quick thinking, Starlight levitated books near her. They acted as stepping stones for her. She managed to evade Spike’s grasp and create a tower out of books. Starlight landed on the very top of the tower with a triumphant grin.

“Try to get your gems now, dragon king!” Starlight blew raspberries at Spike.

“Starlight Glimmer! You get down here this instant and give Spike his gems back!” Twilight scolded.

Starlight bowed her head and levitated the book she was standing on to get down, “Sorry, mom… I was just trying to have fun,” she levitated the bowl of gems back to Spike.

A bright flash shinned in the corner of Twilight’s eye. She looked over Starlight’s flank and found a cutie mark had appeared. She gasped and pointed it out for Starlight.

“Oh my goodness!” Starlight squealed with delight, “I got my cutie mark!”

Twilight hugged her daughter, “Oh I can’t stay mad at you when you just got your cutie mark. Tell you what, we’ll celebrate tomorrow if you promise not to take Spike’s gems again.”

“I promise…” Starlight sighed.

“Good! Now let’s get you some tea. It’s going to get cold.”

Twilight levitated the pot to Starlight who levitated two cups. One for her and one for Spike. Twilight poured the tea. Starlight levitated a cup to Spike. Spike took the cup and accepted her apology.

“Oh and you’re grounded for the rest of the day,” Twilight declared.

“Look out!” Starlight shouted.

She crashed right into Spike, “Starlight! I know you’re doing that on purpose!”

Starlight held an innocent face, “Me? But I was just showing my new friends some fancy magic.”

Off to the side; Rose, Lilly, and Daisy laughed as though someone told a funny joke.

“Yeah right, your fancy magic always ends up biting me in the butt one way or the other. I’m a little busy here.”

Starlight tilted her head, “I thought you grew out of that crush?”

Rarity blushed a little. She forgot Spike had a heavy crush on her. She didn’t know how to feel about being romantically involved with a teenage dragon.

“I did,” Spike snorted, “Doesn’t mean I can’t do things for an old friend. Besides, I did say I’d tell her about our past when she woke up.”

Starlight giggled, “Ok, BBBFF, I’ll be sure to tell mom about you and your old crush.”

“Old?” Rarity growled.

“Chill, Rarity, she didn’t mean anything by that.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry Rarity. Time travel and all that gets confusing. You understand, right?”

Rarity thought for a few seconds and nodded, “I suppose it is rather strange thinking us the same age when I knew Twilight when… well, when she was our age.”

“Hey Starlight!” Rose called out.

“I’m coming!” Starlight yelled back, “Sorry, my friends and I are going to visit the Doctor to check out his latest invention. Derpy said it’s pretty neat.”

“No problem, take care,” Rarity waved Starlight goodbye, “What a marvelous mare she’s become. Twilight certainly knows how to raise children.”

“Heh, she sure does.”

“And Spike…”


“Did you really grow out of that crush you had on me?” she gave him puppy dog eyes.

Spike muttered something inaudible under his breath.

“Didn’t quite catch that.”

“Yeah… yeah, I did,” Spike moaned, “It was just a school yard crush. We actually aren’t that compatible when you think about it. Dragons are known for their greed, after all.”

“Ah yes, the opposite of generosity,” Rarity coughed, “Thankfully, we can still be very good friends.”

“That’s great! This went easier than I expected,” Spike scratched his throat.

“Pardon?” Rarity gave a curious look.

“I just suppose after all the adventures we went on together, we’d be closer and things would get emotional between us.”

“We were never that close. Although, I appreciate the sentiment.”

The two arrived at the gem field. Many holes had already been dug. Sign of diamond dogs.

“Ugh… diamond dogs… one of my worse nightmares. Nothing but dirt and drool.”

“You handled yourself well last time we came across them,” Spike pushed the cart he had down hill.

“Dealing with them is no trouble. Being around them is disgusting,” Rarity shivered.

Spike gave a light laugh, “Say what you want, no one has had nightmares like Starlight.”

“Oh?” Rarity peeped her intrigue, “Do go on.”

“Remember when I said the town we lived in suffered from monster attacks?”

Rarity nodded as she searched for gems.

“Starlight lost her original parents to monster attacks,” Spike said darkly, “She was afraid of loosing Twilight because of that.”

“If I recall, Twilight stated she knew how to handle monster attacks.”

“Eeyup,” Spike confirmed while digging up gems, “Some nights, a vicious monster would attack the town and Twilight would defend it. Either driving the monster away or… taking care of it in a permanent way.”

Rarity gulped, “Remind me not to anger her.”

“I’d be running away if you angered her,” Spike teased, “Anyhow, whenever Starlight had a nightmare, Twilight would comfort her to bed. She promised Starlight she’d never lose her. That she’d always be there when she needs her.”

Rarity levitated a cluster of diamonds into the cart, “So Starlight’s biggest fear was…”

“Loosing Twilight,” Spike nodded, “Something that happened much later.”

“Oh dear, I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Twilight cried just as much as Starlight that day,” Spike threw gems into the cart, “She didn’t speak for a week.”

Rarity placed a hoof on Spike’s arm, “Then I’m happy she returned to you two.”

Spike smiled.

“Now let’s get these gems back to the boutique, shall we.”

The two (mostly Spike) pulled the cart out of the field and headed back to Rarity’s shop. During their walk, they ran into Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

“Hi Rarity! Hi Spike!” she echoed as she zoomed by.

“Wait up Egghead!” Rainbow yelled.

She stopped in front of Rarity and Spike, “Oh hey, what’s up?”

“Not much. Been telling Rarity about Starlight.”

“You tell her about your trip to Cloudsdale?”

Rarity grinned at Spike, “Cloudsdale you say? That sounds interesting.”

“Oh,” Spike scratched his chin, “I sort of stayed home for that day. Figured nothing happened so I didn’t ask too much about it.”

“His first question was ‘did you get me anything?” Rainbow snickered.

“If you know so much about it, why don’t you tell the story!”

“Sure, I’ll catch up with Twi later.”

[Two years post-adoption]

“Now remember what I taught you,” Twilight reassured Starlight, “Deep breaths, focus and feel the magic. Remember, I’m right here if you need me.”

Starlight looked down a little nervous. Cloudsdale was the highest city in Equestria. A fall from this height would be lethal. Fortunately, Twilight was able to fly.

“I don’t know mom,” Starlight muttered, “This seems like a bad idea. Couldn’t we do this at home?”

“Trust me, Starlight, sometimes you learn better by acting than reading.”

“Bu-but… it’s so high!”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m right here if you need me,” Twilight pushed Starlight off the edge.

“Goodness gracious!” Rarity shouted, “How could Twilight do such a thing?!”

“Um… That’s how most pegasi learn how to fly,” Rainbow gave Rarity a confused look.

“It’s simply barbaric!”

“Huh, so that’s why Starlight came home with a blanket around her,” Spike clicked his tongue.

“You going to let me finish or what?”

“Very well,” Rarity rolled her eyes, “please do go on.”

Twilight wrapped Starlight with her magic and levitated her above the clouds.

“See, right here for you,” Twilight smiled.

“Wow!” Starlight gazed at the view in front of her, “This is amazing! Is flying always like this?”

Twilight giggled, “Well you’re not exactly flying. You still need to learn that on your own.”

Twilight levitated Starlight back to solid ground. Twilight gestured her to try again with a warm smile. Starlight closed her eyes and focused. Her horn began to glow. Her aura was small but it enveloped her slowly. When it finally enveloped her she raised herself off the ground. Starlight successfully hovered for a few seconds before opening her eyes. She squeed with joy when she found herself a few meters over the edge. Then she lost focus and her magic stopped.

Twilight instantly caught Starlight in her magic, “That was perfect! You’re doing so well!” she nuzzled her daughter.

“But I lost focus and almost fell,” Starlight frowned with disappointment.

“You’ll get the hang of it,” Twilight promised, “I know you will.”

Starlight flew around her mother. A happy expression painted on her face.

“Can we get some ice cream?” Starlight cheerfully asked.

Twilight laughed, “Ok, but don’t tell Spike,” she levitated Starlight close, “He might get jealous.”

The two happily flew to the closest ice cream parlor.

“They got ice cream?” Spike yelled, “Ah come on! I would’ve gone if I knew they were going to get ice cream.”

Rainbow laughed hysterically, “She was right! You did get jealous!”

Rarity shook her head, “If you’re quite done, we have to get to my boutique.”

“Yeah yeah, sure, just wanted to tell you that stor-“

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight fumed, “I told you NOT to tell that story with Spike around!”

“It happened nearly a decade ago! Spike’s a big dragon now. He can take it.”

“I still would’ve liked some ice cream,” the big dragon pouted.

“We’re going to be late for Starlight’s coronation!” Twilight huffed, “Spike, Rarity, you two finish what you’re doing and hurry to the castle! Don’t be tardy or I’ll throw you in the dungeon!”

Twilight flew off.

“She’s not serious is she?” Rarity whispered.

“She made Fluttershy Pinkie promise to be on time,” Rainbow answered.

“We better hurry, then!” Spike pushed the cart as hard as he could.

At the coronation, all of Ponyville was there to see their new princess. Some were surprise to see she was not an alicorn but the idea of a unicorn princess grew on them. Starlight had a glittering light blue dress with emeralds around the waist. Twilight and the rest of the mane 6 stood in front of the castle with matching outfits. Spike wore a tuxedo fit for his size. Rarity could help but notice one crucial detail.

“Didn’t I make these outfits years ago?”

“Yeah, we ordered several things from you. You always had the best stuff for a good deal.”

“Ah, so you two were Mr. and Mrs. Anon,” Rarity lightly laughed, “I thought those measurements were odd.”

Starlight slowly walked towards Twilight with a wide humble smile.

“It’s like her graduation day all over again,” Spike wiped a tear from his eye.

“You said she attended collage. What was her major?”

“Magic,” Spike snorted, “Specifically Starswirl Alteration Theory with a minor in Arcane Artillery.”

Rarity jerked forward, “That’s a rather… strange combination.”

“It was mostly Twilight’s idea,” Spike sighed, “She really needed Starlight to perfect that time spell.”

Rarity sighed, “The price of destiny. At least she can live happy now.”

Starlight reached Twilight and bowed. Twilight gave a speech and crowned Starlight with her own tiara. It was small and made of silver with an emerald in the center. A round of applause echoed through the town. Pinkie blasted her party cannon. In little to no time, every pony began to celebrate their new princess.

Princess Starlight Glimmer; daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle.