• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 19,768 Views, 1,031 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand - RK_Striker_JK_5

The TCB bites off more than it can chew as humans, Equestrians and Autobots roll out.

  • ...

Chapter Seven

A small convoy barreled down a residential road, a quartet of Humvees surrounding an armored limousine. A pair of police motorcycles with flashing lights, one to each side of a Humvee in the middle, completed the group. The convoy slowed down as it approached a police station that had been commandeered to serve as an emergency command post.

Inside the limo sat President Abernathy, surrounded by Secret Service agents. A small pedestal was in front of him, the three-dimensional image of Russian Premier Ivan Brekhov floating above it. “I am not happy with you going to confront this being,” he said, his lips curling upward. “It is far too dangerous and foolhardy, Clayton.”

A sigh came from the President. “I know, Ivan. But right now, it's our best best chance at getting information from this... thing. You heard what she said. She'll only talk to the 'head of the planet'. And right now, I'm the closest world leader for her to have a chat with.” A sardonic smile crossed his lips. “Although I'd give anything to have you by my side, old friend.”

Ivan snorted, but his left eye softened. “You are soft in your old age, Hawk.” He paused. “Then so am I, tovarysh. I've already talked with Iron Bear and the rest of the Ministry of Defense. We'll be coordinating with Hollingsworth and Lennox as best as possible and will have units standing by for support.” He chuckled. “Now perhaps we can test the Geneva Accords!”

Clayton let the ghost of a smile form. “Perhaps, but hopefully we won't need help.”

An agent touched his earpiece. “We've arrived at the police station.” Agent Smith said a moment later.

Clayton nodded to him. “Thanks.” He looked to Ivan's holographic image. “I will talk to you later.”

The limo door opened, allowing Clayton and his detail to emerge in front of the police station. A pair of EDC soldiers stood at the top of the stairs that led to the entrance, each one armed and armored. They snapped to attention as Clayton walked up the stairs and through the entrance, the President saluting them as he passed inside.

Inside was a scene of barely-contained chaos. Soldiers and police officers alike moved back and forth through the front lobby, some pausing at desks but most running about. The chaos died down somewhat as people began noticing the new arrivals, quickly pushing back to give them space. The agents formed a human barrier around Clayton and the group made their way through to the front desk and the secretary sitting there. “Agent Smith, lead agent of the president’s protection detail.” As he spoke, he pulled out an ID card and slid it across the counter.

The secretary took the card and looked it over before handing it back. She glanced over at Clayton and swallowed. “Glass door, first on the right,” she said, leaning over and pointing the way.

“Thank you,” Smith said, inclining his head to her before taking back his card. He led Clayton and the other agents down a short hall to a glass door and partial wall. Inside stood three people in front of a wall-mounted map of the local area. The first one, Chief Harold Michaels, was a tall, well-muscled police officer with dark skin, his black hair cut to a sharp buzz and wearing the gray duty uniform of the Kentucky State Police. The woman right beside him, Commodore Marissa Faireborn wore the white uniform of the Earth Defense Command, with shoulder-length brown hair a touch longer than regulation and pale skin. The final one standing there, General Bat Madison, was clad in the combat uniform of the United States Army, with a shaved head and tanned skin.

Smith knocked gently on the door, waiting for the trio to glance over at him before opening it up and walking in. Clayton followed, walking right up to them while two of the agents waited outside by the door. The three spun around, snapping to attention. Bat and Marissa snapped off a salute, which Clayton quickly returned. “At ease.” he said. His eyes went to each of the three. “All right, let's dispense with any formalities.” He walked up to the map. “What's the situation?”

Chief Michaels spoke up and motioned to a circle drawn on the map. “We're evacuating all residents and civilians out of a five-mile radius from the dome,” he said in a rather deep voice. “I've called in every off-duty officer available and we're converting every available building into shelters for those who need it, but it's been chaotic at best.”

Bat spoke up. “Every member of the National Guard has been called to active duty, and by the last report I’ve received, Fort Knox is sending combat engineers to assist in the evacuation while their training units gear up for combat. Their tanks will be ready to move by tonight. The 101st Airborne at Fort Campbell is fully mobilized and sending out units to coordinate with EDC personnel in setting up roadblocks and moving as close to this dome as they can. Their airmobile artillery is already positioning itself around the dome, and the First Brigade is moving into position right now.” He pointed to several spots on the map. “We'll have the area covered and we'll be ready for almost anything.”

All eyes turned to Marissa. The brunette stepped around and up to the desk, where an onyx-colored dome and keyboard sat. Her gloved hands danced across the keyboard and the dome lit up, a holographic map of the area around the dome appearing. Smaller objects, barely more than smudges, appeared around it. She pressed her fingers against the hologram's 'edge', rotating it for a vertical view of the area. “We have two squadrons of X-19's in the air surrounding the airspace around the dome and an additional three at Autobot City on hot standby. Troop transports have been deployed and are moving down both major highways and backroads for maximum coverage. And finally, Jazz is organizing a battle unit of Autobots for support out from Autobot City.”

Bat let out a breath. “Damn, how'd you get deployed so quickly?”

Marissa let out a grunt. “The Earth Defense Command is tasked with the defense of humanity, General. We have to be ready to mobilize at a moment's notice for threats from without and within.”

Clayton held up a hand. “All right, thank you all for the information.” He focused his attention on the holographic map for a moment before focusing on the Commodore. “Marissa, I want the word passed down to everyone in the blockade. No one is to make any first move out there. It's gonna be hard enough talking with this... being without worrying about our side setting anything off.”

Harold crossed his arms and tilted his head down. “So you don't believe this is actually Princess Celestia?”

Clayton shook his head at the chief of the State Police. “I've met with her close to a dozen times over the past year. And this isn't her.” He glanced off to the side, bit his lip and shook his head. “I've got to find out what her intentions are. We've got no information and that is not good.”

Marissa's posture stiffened. “Mister President, I strongly advise against you going to her like this. It'll be difficult at best to protect you, even when we get all units into position around the barrier.”

Clayton nodded. “I know, but right now we're seriously hurting on information. Someone's got to get in there and find out what's going on. Now I could wait for Ivan to fly in from Moscow, but something tells me we can't wait that long.” He let out a mirthless chuckle. “And hopefully she has enough sense to realize killing me there would not be in her best interests, as it'd remove any restraint on your part.” His expression once again turned deadly serious. “I trust you'll be monitoring me.”

“We've got one of the meeting rooms converted into a monitoring room, with feeds from a dozen sky-spy satellites and drones,” Marissa responded. “If a fly sneezes, we'll be aware of it.”

The President nodded. “Good, good. All of you, good work so far.” He looked to Bat, then to Harold and finally to Marissa. “Make sure all the civilians are out and taken care of as best as possible. That'll be a lot off my mind during these 'negotiations'.” he said, making quote signs in the air.

Bat nodded. “We'll do our best, Mister President.”

“As will we.” Harold added.

“That's all I can ask of you.”

The Barrier

The presidential limousine approached the dome of energy, driving down an empty street and abandoned buildings. Over two dozen Phantom X-19's, the most advanced fighter produced by humans, circled around the dome, the teardrop-shaped stealth fighters maintaining an aerial blockade. The pure-white alicorn standing on the dome's apex stared down as it drove up, then stepped off of it. Celestia spread her wings and gently floated to the asphalt still intact in front of the dome. She silently waited and observed as the limo's doors opened, President Abernathy and the Secret Service agents emerging from it.

Clayton walked up to her and spread his arms out. “My name is Clayton Abernathy, President of the United States and representative of the people of Earth.” He motioned to the quartet of agents surrounding him. “These are my bodyguards. They've been instructed not to attack in any way, but they will defend me and themselves in case of hostile actions.” He pointed to the sky. “This area is also being monitored.” He focused on Celestia. “Now, then. If I may ask, who are you and what are your intentions?”

Celestia nodded. “These actions are acceptable, President Abernathy.” She craned her head back. “There are members of the Royal Guard in the barrier with a similar purpose.” She looked back to Clayton, spread her wings out and the tip of her horn lit up. “And as for identity, I am Empress Celestia, of Neo-Equestria. I am here to help.”

Clayton's eyes narrowed and his lips pursed. “'Help'.” he repeated. He leaned to his right and stared at the barrier, wincing slightly at the energy crackling over its surface. “May I ask what this 'help' is supposed to do, precisely?”

A smile slowly formed on Celestia's mouth. “Of course, Mister President. I am here to help you shed your human forms and evolve into ponies. I am here to help you cast off destructive technology and embrace the wonders of magic.” She looked to the sky. “I am here to usher forth a new age, a union of our people into one whole, a new day of harmony for all!”

Clayton's mouth formed a thin line and his brow furrowed. “I see,” he finally responded. He raised a hand and motioned to the barrier. “You've got a funny way of offering 'help' to us. You've destroyed property, personally assaulted a citizen of this country and have displaced thousands of people from their homes.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “And you're impersonating royalty. If this was Great Britain, that alone would be grounds for the death penalty,” he deadpanned.

Celestia's wings fluttered slightly, but she otherwise remained impassive. “I am not impersonating royalty. I am Empress Celestia.” She let out a growl and her mane flared. “And I do apologize for the inconveniences,” she said, waving a wing about at the damage, “but it is a necessary evil for the greater good and harmony that shall come soon. You'll thank me, Mister President.” Her gaze drifted around to the agents surrounding her verbal sparring partner. “You'll all thank me, in time.”

Clayton held up a hand. “Okay, one point at a time. The Celestia I know is a princess of Equestria, no 'neo' there at the beginning. We're allies with them.” He pointed at the dome. “That dome has not only cut us off from them, but it's an invasion of our territory. I'd like it gone. Now.”

Celestia turned her head and narrowed her right eye at the President. “You do not seem to understand. It's not surprising, but it's still disheartening. The dome shall not be removed from Earth until its mission is complete.”

The President's eyes shifted to the dome, looking it over and the surrounding area. His face paled slightly as he noted the wrecked buildings, the almost-perfect curvature to the chunks removed from them... “My god,” he muttered.

A smile lit up Celestia's face. “Ah, now you see!” She craned her head around and looked over her shoulder at it. “The barrier is my creation, under my total control. It destroys that which I wish seen gone, leaving pristine land ready for resettlement.” She flapped her wings. “As it grows, the portal connecting Neo-Equestria to Earth shall grow, allowing my land to claim Earth for its own and to bring harmony to your species.”

Clayton's hands clenched, his fists trembling. “Invasion,” he muttered.

Celestia's head whipped around, her eyes wide. “What? Oh, no!” She held up a foreleg. “It's not an invasion, simply a merging of your world and mine. That which is evil on Earth shall be purged, for the good and harmony of all.”

“Whether we like it or not?” Clayton countered. “That’s not being very harmonious. I don't recall asking for your help, or anyone else doing so, for that matter.

Celestia shrugged. “Children think only of themselves. Their selfishness stops them from acting in harmony with others, so they must be helped, even if they do not ask for it.”

“But we're not children,” Clayton replied. “And even if someone asked for help, that doesn't give you any right to impose your will on every other sapient being on the planet.” He began pacing back and forth, keeping his eyes on Celestia. “Your intentions may seem noble to your view, but your acts are aggressive and tantamount to a declaration of war. Again, I ask that you take down this barrier, allow us to reestablish contact with Equestria and reverse what you did to Megan Richards. If you cooperate, then some sort of relations might still be salvaged.”

Celestia's eyes narrowed. “And if I refuse?” she asked, lowering her head until it was mere inches from Clayton's face.

Smith and another agent stepped in front of her, but the former brigadier general waved them off. “If you refuse, then that is a declaration of war, no matter what you say it is or isn't. Given your actions against Missus Richards, you're on some damned shaky ground as is.”

Celestia's upper lip curled into a half-smirk. “I have the powers of a goddess, Mister President.” She motioned to the barrier with her left wing. “The barrier is unassailable by your technology. More importantly, I have the righteousness of my cause leading me on and the moral responsibility to help you. I will not stop until Earth is converted and cleansed of technology; until humanity is uplifted to pony form and united.” She stomped the ground, sending a minor tremor shooting through the ground and shaking both the buildings and the humans. Two of the buildings, already damaged, slid into the barrier, the detritus disintegrating as it struck the translucent and coruscating field of energy.

Smith's hand went for his jacket, but Clayton held up a hand and placed it on his forearm. “Not now,” he whispered. He focused once more on the alicorn standing before him. “So, that's it then? No negotiation, no compromise on this issue?” At her slow nod he let out a grunt. “Very well, then.” he held up a hand and extended three fingers. “Three days.”

Celestia blinked. “Three days?” She reached up and scratched her head with a hoof. “But there are no facilities for your conversion, no time for-”

“You don't understand,” Clayton interrupted. “I'm giving you three days to reconsider, withdraw this barrier, stop the blockade of the Equestria we're allies with, pay reparations to the people whose lives you've disrupted and change Megan Richards back into a human. Failure to do so or any aggressive actions taken on your part will result in a formal declaration of war between at least the United States and your nation, if not this entire planet and our allies.” His gaze drifted up. “And believe me, our allies are quite powerful and numerous.”

Celestia's jaw dropped and her eyes bugged out. She choked slightly before coherent words finally formed. “Y–you are threatening me?!” Her mane and tail both flapped and bolts of magic traveled up and down her horn. “A most unwise decision, Mister President.”

The old man shook his head. “It's not a threat, but a promise. Humanity's dealt with power-mad dictators, interstellar tyrants, ancient civilizations trying to 'reclaim' what they lost and even abominations that claimed to be gods. And that's just been the past four decades. Trust me on this, we will not back down from you or from your threats.”

Celestia snorted and rolled her eyes. “Ah, yes. And now you resort to threats and posturing. Like time and time again throughout your history, violence is the answer to everything for you.” She flapped her wings. “I'm trying to help you move beyond that, Mister President, to a more harmonious way of life. Can't you see?” She tilted her head to the side, her mouth drawing up in a smile.

There was a pause before Clayton finally spoke. “You're serious,” he muttered. He pointed to the ground. “You come here without warning, invade us, threaten us with genocide and then have the unmitigated gall to act shocked when we say we'll defend ourselves?” He slowly shook his head. “Unbelievable.”

A sigh escaped Celestia. “I should have expected this,” she admitted. “You're reacting quite similar to the ones I saved before. Sure, a lot of them saw the light and were converted, but-”

“Wait,” Clayton interjected, holding up a hand. “'Before'? You've done this... before? Where?”

A low growl came from the alicorn, but she continued speaking. “Yes, before. I saved an entire planet of humans from themselves.” She drew herself up straight. “Seven billion humans, Mister President, all straining under the yoke of their evil technology and their warped, twisted immorality.” She looked back down at him, eyes wide. “I couldn't simply let them be! I had to help them evolve, grow past what they were.” Her horn glowed and a small vial of rainbow-colored liquid popped into existence. “The vast majority were saved through this,” she said, looking the vial up and down as it shimmered in the sunlight. “With it, you and as much of humanity as possible will be changed into newfoals and saved from yourselves.”

Clayton stared at the vial, his face paling. “And you used this and your barrier to... wipe clean all traces of humanity from this alternate Earth.” His left foot slid back and he squared his shoulders, reflexes quickly reasserting themselves.

The vial suddenly vanished in a flash of light. “Do not fear,” she said, sweeping out her wings. “I need you to spread my message to all the people of Earth, so that they may prepare for their coming salvation.” She turned and looked to the barrier. “And things in Neo-Equestria are not quite ready yet, either.” Her head whipped back, her mane fluttering and billowing about. “But it soon shall be. Ponies work together, in harmony. You'll see. Eventually.”

Clayton looked her over, face a mask of stone. “I wish I had words,” he said, holding up his right hand and shaking his head. “The worst part is, you think you're right. That means you won't stop.” He turned, but a flash of sparkling light caught his attention. His head whipped around as a glowing vial emerged from the barrier, surrounded by a telekinetic field of magic. It flew at an agent, striking him, shattering and covering him with the iridescent potion. A strangled groan came from him as he shrank. His clothes bunched up as his skin changed to a light-blue shade...

And all hell broke loose.

Sergeant Leaping Blindly paced back and forth, glancing at the shimmering barrier and the humans beyond. His lips peeled back in a snarl as his empress haggled with them, showing her infinite mercy and patience. “Why does she not cleanse them right here and now?” he muttered, horn flashing on and off. With each flash, a vial of potions lid out of one of his saddlebags, sliding back in a moment later. “We can raise them up right here and now!”

Captain Shining Armor glanced back over his shoulder at the younger stallion. “We stay put, as the Princess has ordered,” he said. “She wishes to let them know what will happen to them, as a kindness.” He marched up to the subordinate, eyes never wavering from his fellow unicorn.” She could sweep the barrier over the wounded planet and be done with them, allowing our own Neo-Equestria to claim it. Instead, she gives them a chance they don't deserve.” He stopped right in front of Leaping Blindly and pivoted on a hoof to once more face the barrier, his eyes shining.

Leaping Blindly's eyes narrowed. His horn flared for an instant and all the vials in his saddlebags rattled. The one he was fiddling with shot out, flipping end over end in midair before finally flying at the barrier, passing right through. Blindly’s adam's apple bobbed up and down as he made out one of the humans being struck by it, changing into pony form. “Whoops...”

Shining Armor's jaw hung open for a moment before he slapped his forehead with a hoof. “Leaping Blindly, you're going to be on KP for about a year for this,” he growled. He spread his hooves out and his horn lit up, a force field springing up right in front of him. “All right, you foals!” he shouted, getting everypony's attention inside the barrier. “Thanks to Private Blindly, the situation has just escalated. Princess Celestia will need our help.” His eyes shifted back and forth as other members of the Royal Guard formed up, unicorns in front, earth ponies taking backup positions and pegasi hovering above. He scraped a hoof against the ground and lowered his head. “CHARGE!”

The police station, five minutes earlier
Marissa paced back and forth, hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. She, along with EDC and US Army personnel, were inside the hastily converted observation room. Technicians were hunched over monitors, each screen showing the meeting between President Abernathy and the alicorn from a different angle. Mounted on one wall was a large screen showing the entire area around the meeting.

Bat Madison walked up to her. The two were standing in front of the wall-mounted screen. “We've got four battalions of artillery being moved into position,” he said, pointing to nine blue squares. “We've airdropped M198 howitzers with railgun upgrades and have M113 carriers with mortars moving into position. The National Guard will place older-model M102's in position here, here and here,” he said, motioning at several squares on the map. “But they’re not fully mobilized as of yet. We'll get tanks on tractor-trailers and they’ll be transported down the highways.” He paused and let loose with a predatory grin. “The tanks are Abrams, all the M1A3 models. I'm not making any bets, but I think they can handle most of what's thrown at them. We're also scrambling other units from farther away, but it'll take time to get to Kentucky.”

Marissa held up a hand. “Never a good idea to count your chickens before they've hatched, General.” She looked to the screen and turned to face it. “In any case, we also have units moving in to surround the area.” She traced a thin red line leading in from Tennessee. “And Autobots are on their way as well. Unfortunately our best bets are currently unavailable.”

“The Equestria we're allied with?”

“Precisely,” Marissa said. Her head turned slightly as Harold walked through a door and made a beeline for the pair. “Chief?”

“All civilians have been evacuated,” he reported, looking at a clipboard in his hands. He looked back up at the two soldiers. “I've still got every officer I can out there patrolling for strays, and to keep looting and rioting down as much as possible.”

Bat nodded. “Your men did a hell of a good job, Harold. You should be proud.” He glanced to the monitor and squinted. “Hey, what's going on?” He raised a hand and motioned to an area near the barrier. “That part's... wavering?”

Marissa's head whipped around to the bank of computers and monitors. “Magnify grid...” She looked back to the screen, eyes tracing a row of numbers and a column of letters. “Magnify grid G-5 and enhance.”

Harold's right eyebrow arched. “I thought that could only be done in TV shows,” he remarked.

Marissa smirked at him as the image zoomed in, losing none of its clarity. “This screen doesn't have pixels,” she said, waving at it. “I could tell you the name of the imaging technique and technology used, but the last time I thought of it-” She stopped mid-sentence as a vial emerged from the barrier, striking a Secret Service agent. “what the hell?!” She turned on a heel and scrambled over to the monitors, leaning over a technician. “Put me through to Agent Smith.”

The technician flipped a switch and pressed three buttons, connecting the Presidential Detail’s head agent to the room’s intercom. “You're on,” she said.

Marissa nodded. “Agent Smith, I need a SitRep right now!”

Agent Smith's voice boomed out. “- back here, Roger! Roger, what in god's name...” There was a pause before he spoke again. “Commodore, Agent Jones has been... compromised. He has been exposed to some sort of substance and has been transformed into a quadruped, possibly an equine.”

A sudden shout drew everyone's attention. “General, send in an air strike and pound this area flat with artillery!” the President shouted. “she's planning on turning every human on Earth into a – a pony and wiping our entire civilization out! She's already done it to a parallel Earth and is coming for our own!”

Smith's voice came over again. “We're evacuating the President and-the hell?”

Marissa's head shot up in time to observe a group of ponies clad in plate-armor emerging from the barrier. “General Madison, please remind me what the absolute lowest limit is for military aircraft operating in United States airspace.”

“One thousand feet,” Bat responded. “but as of now, all minimum safe altitude limits are null and void over that area. And now if you'll excuse me, I have to call in an artillery barrage in a danger-close operation.” He touched his ear and the small comm unit in it. “Get me the artillery battalion’s CO. Tell him to be prepared to fire.”

Agent Smith's hand flew to his jacket pocket and he pulled out a slim, blue-tinted laser pistol. There was a mild hum as he disengaged the safety and the internal power generator cycled up. A small targeting reticule appeared on a HUD on the interior of his sunglasses, matching where the targeting scope on his firearm was. He let out a small breath as his friend and comrade of over fifteen years galloped over to the alicorn claiming to be Celestia and prostrated himself in front of her. He held up his pistol in a two-handed grip while slowly backing up, he and the other agents forming a human shield around President Abernathy. “Mister President, we're getting you out of here,” he declared, his eyes never leaving the armored ponies.

The President gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, the knuckle bones cracking. “Dammit, what the hell happened to Roger?” He craned his head up. “Roger!” he barked. “Snap out of it, man!”

Celestia's head shot up. “He does not follow you anymore,” she announced, her voice ringing out. “He is a newfoal, the first of many.” She looked back down at the prostrating pony, extended a wing and gently stroked his back. “Do not fear, little one. Your time of strife is at an end. Soon you and all of humanity shall know harmony in Neo-Equestria.” She looked to Shining Armor, standing at her side. “Captain, who threw that vial?”

Shining Armor ducked his head, keeping his eyes on the humans. “It was Leaping Blindly,” he said, motioning to a unicorn with crimson cheeks. “I've demoted him to the rank of private and will have him doing KP for the next year.”

“There's no need for that,” Celestia replied. “It was impulsive, but ultimately for the best.” She bent down and looked the still-prostrate newfoal over. “So what shall we call you, little one?”

“His name is Roger Jefferson!” Clayton shouted, face flushed red.

Celestia's eyes glanced up, locking onto Clayton. “Not anymore. He has shed his flawed form and has evolved into one that shall lead your people into a new golden age.” Her ears suddenly twitched. “Captain Armor, take the newfoal into the barrier, along with yourself.” She looked to the sky. “I feel the humans are about to show the one thing they have skill for.” She let out a tired sigh as she observed the President and his agents reaching the limo that brought him here. “As soon as he leaves, I have a feeling they'll begin attacking us.” She snorted, her nostrils billowing out and a cloud of steam emerging from them.

Shining Armor looked to them, his horn's glow intensifying. “I'm surprised his bodyguards held their fire.”

The alicorn shrugged. “Their duty was to get him away as soon as possible. I shall let him leave, to honor my half of the agreement. He did not attack me.” She looked to Shining Armor out of the corner of her right eye. “Now, don't you have somepony to get to safety, Captain?”

The unicorn's ears flattened against his skull. “Of course, your majesty.” He motioned with a hoof and a pair of earth ponies broke away, flanking the newfoal and leading him to the dome.

Celestia's wing extended. “Also, Captain, prepare the air wing.”

“Of course, he replied, ducking his head low. Shining Armor himself backed up, eyes never leaving the humans as they escorted their leader to their vehicle. The other Royal Guardsponies followed, eventually re-entering the dome.

Five seconds later, a shimmering trail appeared, heralding a high-pitched wail and the thump of a hypersonic bolt of metal impacting against the barrier. Several more impacts rang out from multiple directions, each one striking the dome and sending out waves of magical lightning and coruscating energy with each impact. A few struck Celestia directly, rebounding off her own personal shields.

Celestia rolled her eyes and slowly spread her wings out. “Very well,” she said, rising into the air even as teardrop-shaped aircraft approached, spitting out lasers and missiles at her and the dome. The tip of her horn flared and her eyes flashed golden. “If this is how you wish to behave, then so BE IT!”

A yellow beam of magic shot from her horn, flaring out and sweeping through the sky in a wide arc. It passed through the chassis of several of the aircraft firing at her, slicing them apart like a hot knife through butter. The aft sections exploded, sending the forward parts tumbling through the air to the ground below. A few canopies were blown off and ejection seats rocketed out, but most of them impacted the earth, scattering both plane and pilot.

Celestia let out a grunt as more shells, missiles and lasers impacted her personal shields and the dome below. “I wish I could've saved you all,” she muttered, “but my power is too low. I must... end this... NOW!

She kicked at the air, leaning forward and shooting off to the nearest weapon firing at her, sonic booms echoing in her wake.

Sergeant Rebecca Winchester raised her binoculars as the fifth armor-piercing round from her team's M198 howitzer shot to the target. She let out a growl as the round impacted, doing no appreciable damage to the translucent dome. “Target hit, no effect.”

The rest of the crew let out groans and a few muttered swear words. The piece of artillery, airdropped into an evacuated parking lot near the barrier, had fired at the barrier when the order came in from General Madison, but no damage had been done to... whatever it was that had appeared and destroyed part of a residential neighborhood.

A voice from her right snagged her attention. “Sergeant, orders from the BC.” a soldier from the Fire Direction Center reported to her while handing her a scrap of paper.

Rebecca nodded, pausing to rub the bridge of her nose. “Thank you, Private.” She cleared her throat and touched a throat mike. “Load high-explosive rounds and repeat fires”

“I don't think you should do that. It's just a waste of your weapons.”

Rebecca's eyes shot up, catching sight of a white horse floating right above her, ethereal mane and tail floating in the air, wings slowly flapping in the air and a glowing horn sprouting from the forehead. She had barely enough time to reach for her sidearm before a vial flew at her, breaking apart and spilling some sort of liquid over her face and hand...

Marissa let out a groan as two more X-19's were destroyed. “Tell all aircraft to pull back,” she ordered.

A communications officer suddenly glanced up from her screen. “General, we've lost contact with artillery positions twelve, thirteen and fifteen.”

Before anyone else could respond, President Abernathy and his bodyguards walked in. Clayton walked up to Bat and Marissa. “Negotiations are off,” he declared, face an expressionless mask. “Not that they were ever on.” He straightened up and locked eyes with Marissa. “It's war against all of humanity.”

Marissa's eyes blazed. “Well, that is what the Earth Defense Command was founded to do.”

Bat, meanwhile, walked over to the comm officer who made the previous report. “Have you been able to reestablish communications with those positions?” he asked, crossing his arms.

The communications officer shook her head. “No, sir. And now their biometric data's going haywire!” She tapped her keyboard. “Now position fourteen's gone dark!”

A voice suddenly boomed out, commanding and forceful. “I have disabled four of your weapons platforms. Do not attempt any more attacks on the dome, or else.”

Bat glanced to the ceiling. “What did you do to the crew of those artillery units?” he growled out, hands clenching.

“I have freed them from their human form,” Celestia replied. “Even now they go to Neo-Equestria. Hopefully, as many as possible will join them. I go back now to begin preparing my little ponies for their new brothers and sisters. You shall hear from me very soon.” And with that, her voice fell silent once more.

Clayton swallowed. He leaned in close to his goddaughter. “Marissa, what space-based assets do we have in orbit?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Marissa slid a small datapad out of a pocket on her pants and tapped the screen several times. “The Enterprise, Repulse and Yokohama are currently in orbit for our battleships. We've got some destroyers in dock as well. Plus there's the Home Fleet.” She glanced up at him, eyes widening as realization set in. “Mister President, are you suggesting-”

“I hope to hell it doesn't come to that,” he said, holding up a hand. “But I need all options open.” He turned and focused in on Bat before glancing to Marissa. “General, Commodore, I'm heading back to Washington. Hopefully Mister Preston has something for me by the time I get back and Twilight Sparkle and her friends are there as well. I'll expect hourly updates from you. Anything happens, I want to know about it.”

Both Bat and Marissa drew themselves up to attention and saluted. Clayton returned it. “And godspeed to you and your soldiers. I swear, we'll get those turned back,” he said.

The communications officer touched her headset. “Mister President,” she announced,” there's a message coming in from the White House,” she said. “There's a message from Iacon.”

Clayton's head whipped around. “Can you patch it through to here?”

There was a pause before she nodded. “Putting it up on the main viewscreen now,” she said.

The wall-mounted screen's image faded and switched to the static image of the Autobot emblem. All eyes in the room turned to it as the head and shoulders of Optimus Prime appeared on it. “President Abernathy,” the leader of the Autobots said, voice grave and carrying nine million years’ worth of authority. “I apologize for not being able to talk to you directly. As of five minutes from now, Iacon-One has departed from Altihex with myself aboard. We are taking the fastest route to Earth in order to help aid you. Also, as per the Geneva Accords, all Autobots and Autobot assets in the Sol System are placed under Earth Defense Command authority to aid in the conflict.”

There was a pause as the Autobot leader glanced off to the side. “Clayton, my old friend. I do not know what this false Celestia wishes to accomplish, but by my laser core, by the Matrix, she will not succeed. I do not know what trials await humanity in the coming weeks, but the Autobots shall help those who helped us win the Great War and bring peace and justice back to Cybertron. This, I swear.” And with that, the image disappeared, to be replaced by an overhead view of the dome.

There was silence before a technician let out a small “Whoop!” Before long almost everyone in the room was cheering, thrusting their fists into the air or clapping.

After a few seconds, Bat held up his hands. “All right, settle down!” he barked, bringing the impromptu celebration to an end. “We've still got a lot of work to do. Get it in gear, people!”

Clayton, meanwhile, placed his hands on his hips and looked around. “Well, I say our chances just shot up a bit,” he said, chuckling slightly and looking around. “Bat, Marissa, keep me posted.” He turned to walk out, but stopped. “And General, keep the current forces held back until reinforcements arrive.”

Bat straightened up to attention. “Yes, Mister President,” he said, saluting.

Clayton returned the salute before finally leaving.

Neo-Equestria, outside of Canterlot
Shining Armor looked out into the landing field. He and two of his top guardsponies were standing on a balcony, right outside of Canterlot proper. His eyes swept over the five thousand pegasi standing at attention before him, all clad in armor and with saddlebags loaded with vials of potion.

He cleared his throat before speaking, using a minor spell his beloved sister taught him to project his voice out over the crowd. “You know what your mission is! You will be divided into teams and sent out to this new Earth, to spread the potion and convert as many as possible before the barrier and conversions bureaus are ready.”

He paused for a moment. “Many of you... might not return, but know this! Your deaths shall not be in vain, for you shall be saving an entire species from themselves!” He thrust a foreleg into the air. “Caelestibus inuictum!” he declared.

The pegasi all returned the salute. “Caelestibus inuictum!”

Author's Note:

1. MASSIVE thanks to shubzilla for his help in getting this chapter ready and with the military stuff.

2. Thanks to the folks at spacebattles for their help as well.

3. The Enterprise is, of course, named in homage of the aircraft carriers, the shuttle and the starships.

4. What, you thought it was gonna be easy? ;)