• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.


When I was but a little colt, I just wanted to play...

And play little colt Cheese Sandwich did, his playmate being his curious and hyperactive brother, Tomato Sandwich. Long before his years as a super duper party pony, Cheese took on the role of being a super duper big brother, making sure that little Tommy was safe, happy, and most importantly, loved.

Though he enjoyed spending time with him, his brotherly duties were taxing, especially since he was just a child. Between making sure that Tommy doesn't kill himself in recklessness, having to deal with some of his annoying episodes, making sure he didn't break any of Mom's knickknacks, and keeping his lonely and bully-ridden school life a secret so that Tommy didn't worry, Cheese could get rather exhausted.

Still, there was no way he'd trade his baby bro and their playtimes for the world.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 12 )

6829085 Oooh, approval with the OTP. Nice. :pinkiehappy:

Awh! This is so cute! :pinkiehappy:
Can't wait to see more :D

Awww god this is amazing!!!:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy: I can see potention in this!!!:rainbowwild: great story can't wait to read more!!!!:raritywink:

Cheese is adorable. Did we ever learn what happened to Hay Burger to cause such a radical change in the last 3 years? He was so excited to be a dad the first time, and now he's already phoning it in.

That is really sweet -- with some dark foreshadowing of the continued decay of Hay Burger's marriage to Mozzarella.

I like the foreshadowing of Tommy liking money even as a little baby -- though, of course, he would learn in time not to eat the coins.

Did you know that gold is a very soft metal? Generally it's alloyed in coin form to make it a bit harder, so that the impression isn't blurred or destroyed by normal usage: the Equestrians presumably do this as well. On the other hand, Human jaws are strong enough to bite a gold coin hard enough to nick it (the point of the biting test sometimes shown in historical movies, the recipient is making sure that it's really gold). Ponies probably have stronger jaws, pound for pound of body mass, based on the shape of their muzzles. Tommy, as a baby, would have weaker jaws in absolute terms than adults, but baby Humans have stronger jaws relative to their own body mass than do adult Humans, and the same may well be true for Ponies also.

I think your point about the colostrum also applies to Humans as well. That is something that wasn't well-known when I was a baby myself -- I was formula fed, like most children in the mid 1960's. It's actually healthier for the reason you gave to either nurse from the mother or milk the mother to fill the bottle.

Poor Hay Burger, having to fish for that coin!:rainbowlaugh::pinkiesick:

I never thought I'd be feeling sympathy for Mozzarella of all ponies.

Ah the toddler years. I miss those years because I still had my grandparents on my dads side, I miss them so much. :applecry::fluttercry::raritydespair::raritycry:

That was adorable. Oooh, I feel bad for what's going to happen to Beans and Panini. :fluttershyouch:

Wait, if Cheese was out getting vaccines, then how did Hay and Ella avoid running into each other while Hay was taking Tommy to the doctor's?

Mozzarella slammed her hooves on the table. "Teleporting into places he shouldn't be--and he's not a unicorn, mind you--is not normal toddler behavior! Something's up with Cheese, and I've got to figure out how to get it under control. After all, if the rest of the neighborhood finds out that our son is... is... a freak , they won't ever leave us alone about it! And you know how some ponies like to get dirt on me."

Hay raised his head and lowered the newspaper a little, his eyes closed and nose upturned in a haughty manner. "Well, that's too bad. The universe can't bend to your whim, and you'll have to deal with this wild card." He turned back to continue to read his newspaper. "That's something you have to acc--YIKES!"

Yeah, I was actually sympathizing with Ella up until I got to this part. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Hay's assessment of the situation (as insensitive and uncaring as it was).

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