• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 15: Quest for the Senzu Beans.

[Ponyville, 1:30 p.m. - Third Person POV]

"I-I lost..." was the only thought that came softly from Rainbow's mouth. The words and their implications reverberated throughout her skull. She could hardly process anything as both she and Goku flew past the cloud ring finish line.

Pinkie waved the flag feverishly as the racers blew past her. Finally, a flash went off, courtesy of a blue-furred white-maned mare named Photo Finish, when the athletes passed the finish line. They both shot upwards to avoid any injury and came to a stop as they hovered just above the castle. The spectator crowd was silent as they awaited the photo results while the racers slowly descended to the ground. Rainbow Dash collapsed to her hands and knees, panting heavily. She had worked herself to the bone before, but this time her fatigue has reached new heights. Rainbow slowly began to regain her breath as she took a glance over to Goku. Much to her chagrin and surprise, Rainbow discovered Goku seemed perfectly fine; there wasn't a beat of sweat or hint of exhaustion on his features. What's more, the fiery aura is still present.

"W-what the hay!? Isn't he even a little bit tired? I'm practically about to kill over, and he looks like he performs in 10 more races!" Rainbow said to herself. She lifted her head and noticed all her friends quickly approaching her along with Spike, the CMC, and the Sugar Lumps.

"Oh, my! Rainbow Dash, are you ok?" Fluttershy asks with concern as she looked down at her friend's exhausted form.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine," Rainbow said in between pants.

"Are you sure about that, darling? you look positively dreadful." Rarity said.

"Girls, really, I'm fine. Just let me stand--" Rainbow tried to rise to her hoofs, but a sharp pain rang out from her wings and spread throughout her back, causing her to wince.

"Whoa, there sugarcube. Best sit down for a spell. Ya worked yourself over pretty good." Applejack said. Rainbow reluctantly complies and sits back down. Fluttershy, in turn, moves behind her and tends to her wings. She starts to massage them and immediately notices how sore and swollen they are.

Twilight sees this as well and grimaces as Rainbow's wings pulsate. "I never thought I would see Rainbow pushed to this extent," Twilight said to herself. Then, she turned her attention to Goku, who casually approached the group. His white aura was still active as the ponies now stared at him in awe.

Goku stops in front of Rainbow and holds out his hand in a gesture of goodwill. "Hey, you ok? That was a great race," he chirped. Rainbow pauses for a moment and stares at the aura surrounding him. Goku notices this and gives a light chuckle. "Don't worry, this just my aura. It's completely harmless,"

"You sure? Because it looks like your on fire." Spike commented as the fillies took tentative steps closer to Goku. They watch as the edges of aura flowed up from his feet to his head. Scootaloo was the only one brave enough to touch the ethereal flames. She placed her hand on Goku's leg and braced herself for the oncoming burning sensation. When the feeling never came, she pulled her back, and a small amount of the aura went with it.

"Whoooa," Scootaloo said in amazement. Goku powered his Ki down, and his aura evaporated from Scootaloo's hands. She was naturally surprised by this and ran up to Goku with puffed-out cheeks. "Whadda do that for, Goku?" she said with a cute pout.

Goku laughs at the adorable sight, which in turn made Scootaloo angrier. Goku put his hands up defensively. "Ah, take it easy, Scootaloo. You'll be learning how to summon your aura soon enough," he said as Scootaloo immediately brighten up and fluttered her wings happily. "Say Pinkie, who exactly won the race?"

Pinkie's eyes widened at the question as she gasps and jumps into the air before finally zipping off into the crowd. Everyone was confused by the display until she came back moments later with a photo in hand. She brought out her megaphone again and addressed the crowd. "Wow! That was some of the best racing I have ever seen ponies. They were going so fast that I couldn't see who crossed the finish line first. But thanks to the amazing skills of Miss Photo Finish, we have the results - *GASP* - I don't believe this!!" Pinkie exclaims as she hands the photo to Twilight, who gasps and uses her magic to display the photo results on the magic monitor. The ponies were waiting eagerly as the picture became clear.

"Oh, great." Rainbow Dash said ruefully. She did not need to see the photo to know what happened; She was there after all. Rainbow could only splay her ears down and sank her head low in defeat. Her mane was small enough to shield her eyes.

"IT'S A TIE!!!" everyone screamed out in unison.

Rainbow's head instantly snapped up with new vigor; her eyes were wide, and her mouth was agape. "What?!?! But I-I lost. I know I did. How..." Rainbow trailed as she tried to make sense of the news. Finally, she looked up at the magic monitor, and the answer was clear as day. Both she and Goku were aligned with one another as they flew through the cloud ring. While everyone was still processing this and stared intently at the photo, Rainbow glances over to Goku, who was also looking at the picture. He had his fists against his hips as well as a small smirk on his face. He felt Rainbow stare and look straight at her. The world around the two seems to fade out into a black void. Rainbow's eyes conveyed apparent confusion as she silently asked him why he would settle for a tie to race that he would have won without a shadow of a doubt.

Goku stares at Rainbow for a moment longer before a big cheerful grin spread across his face. Rainbow became even more perplexed at this. But then, Goku pointed behind her as the world around the two snapped back into focus. Rainbow looked around to see her friends all surrounding her, throwing praises her way.

"Congratulations, Rainbow Dash. You two truly performed spectacularly. I honestly never thought anypony would match your speed." Twilight complements.

"We keep forgetting that Goku isn't just anypony, darling." Rarity said.

"Yeah, like the fact that he's an alien and not a pony at all," Spike said snidely.

"I'm thrilled that my wish came true, and they both won. Now there will be no hard feelings." Fluttershy said happily.

"Yeah, it was super duper hard to announce and cheer at the same time. Especially when I wanted to cheer for both of you." Pinkie said as Goku joined the group.

"I gotta hand it to ya partner. You gave Rainbow a run for her money. We all thought for sure that Rainbow was faster than you." Applejack said.

"Haha, well, I'd be lying, for I'd said she didn't surprise me a few times. And technically speaking did outclass me in a few areas." Goku said, never losing his smile.

Rainbow Dash finally got up from the ground now that her wings stopped throbbing. She had a small scowl directed at Goku and march straight up to his face. "What do you mean I had you beat in a few areas? At the end of the race, you were--"

"Hang on, let me explain further," Goku said as he cut Rainbow off at that moment. She let huff at the idea that Goku may have been holding back to spare her feelings. "You see, you're a lot more slender than I am, which means you don't have big muscles to slow you down. Not to mention, you're a lot more agile too. So there's no way I could've pulled off those moves you did earlier in the race. If there weren't any obstacles in the way and we both just raced in a straight line, then you would've had a much larger lead over me." Goku stated. None of the ponies present could find a flaw in his logic.

Although he made some excellent points, Rainbow still wanted to ask what happened near the end of the race. However, Goku beat her to the punch and did some she honestly did not expect. He spoke inside her mind. "Hey, I know you wanna ask why I settled for the tie but does it matter?" Goku said in Rainbow's mind. Rainbow looked like she had seen a ghost, and suddenly she felt racked with endless curiosity at this new ability Goku had just shared with her. But those feelings vanished as she reminded herself that questions were Twilight's thing, not hers. So she decided to take advantage of this opportunity that Goku presented to get her answers.

"Of course it matters; you had me beat, so why not take the win? Why would you hold back? Do you think that I can't handle losing? I have lost stuff before." Rainbow replies with her thoughts. But she immediately backpedals as she tried to come up with examples of her loss in speed competitions. Sadly, nothing comes to mind. She mentally sighed before speaking. "I just don't like not being taking seriously."

"You got the wrong idea. If anything, you showed me the areas I still need to improve on. Also, I bet that was the first time you flew for so long with that rainbow technique, huh?" Goku said while Rainbow remained silent. "I'm pretty sure that I definitely would've lost to you if you were more experience with that technique. So it wasn't a matter of me holding back as it was more of a matter of me outlasting you in terms of stamina and endurance. After all, you experienced a fast hand how intense my training can get, haha."

With that said, Goku cut off his link with Rainbow's mind. Rainbow stared at Goku again as she thought over the admittedly weird conversation she just had. After a few more moments, a smirk appeared on her face. Rainbow walked up to Goku and held up her fist to him. Goku got the gesture and bumped his fist with hers. "That was an awesome race. You might be just as awesome as I am." Rainbow said as all the ponies around her gasps.

"For now anyway. You might be able to keep up with me, but only one of us can be the fastest. So expect another race real soon, big guy." she said with confidence. Although Rainbow felt compelled to say something else for some reason, she couldn't put her finger on it. But she was interrupted from her musing as Scootaloo came up.

"That was so awesome! You two were great. I still can't believe it ended in a tie." Scootaloo said excitedly. However, a new realization hit her. "Hang on, if you both tied, then who will be teaching me?" she asks, which caused Goku and Rainbow to pause. That is until Rainbow got an idea.

"Well, how about we both teach you. Trust me, Scoots, learning how to fly is way easier than learning what fancy tricks the big guy will show you. So you can study under him every day after school while you and I get flying practice on the weekends." Rainbow said as Scootaloo beams with happiness.

"Nice idea, Rainbow," Goku said.

"Of course it is, I thought of it. I hope you won't be sad when I prove who's the better teacher." Rainbow said with her trademark confidence. Goku merely chuckles at her competitive spirit. Pinkie Pie came up behind the two and dragged them up to the podium. They stood side by side as she addresses the crowd.

"Come on now, everypony. Let's a big hand for our two racers who put on a great show." Pinkie said as the crowd started cheering wildly, throwing whistles and shouting encores. Rainbow Dash, being humble as ever, began blowing kisses to the masses and doing some poses. Goku settled for putting his hands together and bowing in gratitude. His eyes fell on Fluttershy as he remembers he needed to talk with her.

"Hey, Fluttershy," Goku said as he approaches her. "I need to talk to you about something important."

"Oh, hello, Goku. Congratulations on the tie. I'm glad things turned out this way. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if either of the ones you lost. Especially Rainbow Dash, she likes to win." Fluttershy said with emphasis. "So what was this thing you needed to talk about, if you don't mind my asking."

"Yeah, I can imagine. Anyways, I wanted to ask you two things. The first is about this special soil that Zecora told you about that helped you save a flower. And the second is I need to know where I can find some meat around here."

"O-oh, you want some meat as in to um eat." Fluttershy squeaked out. She was suddenly feeling a tad bit nervous. "But I think you like the food that is available here?" she asks.

"Well, sure, I like the food that's here, but most of it is deserts, and I can't overeat of that stuff. Otherwise, I'll be as big as my ship." Goku said as Fluttershy giggles; imagining Goku as a big ball of fat that's the size of his home would be a sight to behold. "If I don't start to get the proper diet, then both my training and my body will suffer from it, so can you please help?" Goku asks.

Fluttershy was still slightly put off at the idea of anything other than some of her animal friends eating. But then she remembers meeting some carnivores when they came to see Princess Twilight, and they weren't wrong. Plus, she knows Goku is good, but Fluttershy never knew of any species that can eat meat and vegetables. "Well, if you need it to stay healthy, I do hold small storage for some of the more carnivorous critters at my cottage. I could spare some to you until you're able to get your own if that's okay, I mean." Fluttershy said.

"That's great. Which is it to your cottage?" Goku asks.

"It's just a little ways west of here near the Everfree forest in that direction. Why do you ask-- eep!" Fluttershy felt lifted off the ground. She soon discovered that Goku was now cradling her in his arms and was hovering in the air. Instincts took over as she clamps her arms around Goku's form.

Scootaloo notices Goku in the air with Fluttershy and addresses them. "Hey Goku, where are you heading now?"

"I'm just taking Fluttershy to her home so she could help me out with a problem I've been having. Stop by anytime tomorrow so we can start your training. See ya then." Goku said, and with that, he flew toward Fluttershy's cottage, leaving a perplexed crowd.

"Huh, I wonder what problem he's been having that he would need Fluttershy's help?" Pinkie asks innocently.

Rarity brought her hand to her mouth in surprise. "You don't suppose...." she trailed off as she let the idea hang in the air. In her mind, it was merely too scandalous to imagine. But, unfortunately, some of the more "inclined" ponies got the message as well.

"Now, let's not jump to a conclusion, everypony," Twilight said as she tried to be the voice of reason.

"I agree with Twi. Plus, the guy is married, and Goku isn't the type to do- That!" Applejack said in Goku's defense. Although, she had to fight the urge to pull her hat over her face in embarrassment.

"I guess that makes sense, darling. Although, he has been here for some time without his significant other. Not to mention that she could be millions of miles away, and she would have no idea of what could transpire here." So rarity suggested as the vague idea started to rot in her head.

"Guys, this is Fluttershy we're talking about, you know. She would never do anything like that. So quit all this silly talk. Now, if you excuse me, I have to get better practice with my sonic rain-boom. Gotta dash." Rainbow said as she flew off.

[Fluttershy's Cottage.]

Goku landed right in front of Fluttershy's home. It was a humble, modest little home that fit Fluttershy perfectly. He gently places Fluttershy on her hoofs so that she may regain her composure. Fluttershy was dazed for a moment before she shook her head rapidly. She looked around the area and saw that she was at her home. She enters her house with Goku right behind her, and many different animals were scampering them.

"Hello, my little critters. I miss you all so much." Fluttershy said. Different animals such as ducks, squirrels, cats and dogs, a bear, and a rabbit all filled her cottage. They all jump around excitedly until they noticed Goku stand behind Fluttershy, watching the scene before him. The critters all tensed up at the sight of Goku and watch him cautiously. Fluttershy picked up on the sudden change of behavior. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I forgot to introduce my new friend to you all. Critters, this is Son Goku, but he prefers to be called Goku. He was the one who helped Spike and the girls, so please give him a warm welcome."

Goku saw that despite Fluttershy's kind words and reassurance. The animals were still wary of his presence. "I think they might feel a little nervous around, so if you could just get the food, and I'll be out of your hair," he said.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll warm up to you. These sort of things takes time. Now, wait right here while I will get your food." Fluttershy said she went to a door leading to her cottage basement, leaving Goku alone with the critters. Silence filled the humble abode as neither side approached the other. Goku flashed the critters a friendly and waved at them, hoping to make a good impression. However, this action seems to backfire as they caught a glimpse at his canines slightly. Goku tried a different by closing the gap between the critters and himself. He took very tentative steps to avoid spooking them.

"I'm sorry if I'm making you guys uncomfortable. But I would like it if we became friends, and I promise I won't eat any of you." Goku said softly. Goku's words seem to ease the tension with most critters, but the snow-white bunny still had doubts. Goku then sat down on the ground so he would not seem so imposing to them. Finally, the rabbit started to feel brave and approaches Goku. He stuck his head out and sniffed him a little. Finding nothing abnormal in Goku's scent, the rabbit moves closer until he hops up into his hands. Goku proceeds to gently pet the rabbit, which in turn relaxes under his touch. Soon the other animals make their way over to Goku and take up various positions around. The large bear laid on its belly behind him. The ducks nested on his shoulders. The cats and dogs sat in front of him, and a squirrel sat on his head.

"Here you go, Goku," Fluttershy said as she carried a brown basket filled with fish. "I can only spare a little fish since I haven't gone back to the lake recently. But, I can show you where it is if this isn't quite enough- Oh my." Fluttershy paused before the sight she was witnessing. All of her critters, even the most apprehensive ones, were all crowded around Goku. Fluttershy remained shocked until a warm smile appeared. "I guess you didn't need that much time after all. You even got Angel bunny to open up to you. Do you have a cutie mark for communication with animals, too?" she asks teasingly.

"I wouldn't say that, but growing up in the wilderness helps a bit. But, hey, is that all fish?" Goku asks as he spotted the basket.

Fluttershy nodded. "The fish are the only animals that are not sentient, so they're ok to eat. There's a creek not too far that has plenty of fish. But wasn't there something else you needed that Zecora told you about?"

"I wanted to ask you to escort me to the place where you got that special soil. Zecora said it has special properties that can grow any plant, which is good since I ran out of my Senzu beans. She said we should head out a week from now when the soil will be at its prime. So what do you say, you up for it?" Goku said.

"I'd be happy too." Fluttershy agrees.

[One week later]

A week had passed, and it was time to set out on the journey to the dragon's keep to acquire the soil needed for the Senzu beans. During that time, Goku had been teaching Scootaloo some basic stances in martial arts. She caught quicker than expected as she revealed that Rainbow had been showing some of her karate moves.

"Remember to focus on your breathing with each move you make," Goku advised as Scootaloo mimics his moves.

"Got it, but when are gonna get to the good stuff?" Scootaloo asks.

"That may take a little longer since we have to go through the basics first," Goku said, but Scootaloo looked dejected. "How about this? I'll let you tag along on my trip with Fluttershy to Dragon's keep. That sounds good?"

"That sounds awesome! Let's get going." Scootaloo said. Goku places her on his shoulders, and they flew off to Fluttershy cottage. Fluttershy was outside tending to her garden when a shadow cast over her. She looked up and saw Goku with Scootaloo on his shoulders.

"Hello Goku, hello Scootaloo." Fluttershy greeted

"Hiya Fluttershy, are you all set for our trip?" Goku asks.

"Hmm-hmm, I have the map with me. The journey won't take too long, and we should be back by dinner time." Fluttershy informs much to Scootaloo's dismay.

"Oh, pony feathers. That means we won't run into something cool." Scootaloo said as she frowns. Goku chuckles, and they were about to set off until he sensed a familiar presence.

"Hey Pinkie, do you want to come along too?" Goku asks while shouted up to the roof of Fluttershy cottage. Fluttershy and Scootaloo look up with confusion until a puffy pink mane stuck out from the roof's edge.

Pinkie climbs down the roof and stomps to Goku with a pout on her face. "How am I suppose to surprise you when you keep using your sonny sense to ruin them." Goku chuckles at her reply. "But since I'm done trying to surprise you, for now, I'll come along," she said as the group set out on the path to Dragon's keep.

"Um, Pinkie, how long were you on the roof?" Fluttershy asks to which Pinkie smiles.

"Oh, I was camping out up there to see if the rumors were true for about a week now." Pinkie answers nonchalantly.

"Err, what rumors?" Goku asks.

"You know, silly. The rumors that you and Fluttershy are having a fling." Pinkie said with a wiggle of her brows. Fluttershy turns beet red while Goku and Scootaloo look on with bewilderment.

"W-w-when did this happen?" Fluttershy asks with a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"Right after the race when you helped Goku with his problem." Pinkie replies. Fluttershy's complexion paled as she recounted the events. She became distinctly aware of how easy it would be to take the facts out of context.

"How does getting meat for my diet start rumors?" Goku asks obliviously.

"And what's a fling?" Scootaloo chimed in on the discussion.

"Meh, it doesn't matter now. Don't worry, you two. I'll clear the air once we get back." Pinkie said. The rest of the trip was uneventful as the group continued in silence. Unbeknownst to the group, a certain "pony mare" was tailing them.

"Aw, what a nice day for a walk to Dragon's keep. The perfect time for our little chat Son Goku." Crystalline said as she flared her horn and teleported to the groups' destination.

Meanwhile, Goku and company stoop in front of the cave they sought after. The entrance seems to resemble a dragon's mouth, and the inside was moist and damp. "So the soil is inside this cave?" Goku asks.

"That's right. I know it may look terrifying, but there isn't a reason to be afraid. The caves completely harmless." Fluttershy assures.

"Lame!! With a name like Dragon's keep, you would think there be a dragon in there or something." Scootaloo complained.

"There used to be lots of dragons that came here. The cave had all these gems and jewels that dragons love so much. But they didn't like sharing, so they fought all the time until it was all gone," Pinkie informs as the others gave her a quizzical look. "What? I read more than just cookbooks, you know."

"In any case, you all stay out here, and I'll get the soil. We should play it safe since we don't want to run into any dragons." Goku said as the group did as instructed.

"Pfft, I'm you would be able to handle any dragon that tries to pick a fight," Scootaloo said confidently. Goku gave her a thumbs up in response and entered the cave.

"Now, let's see- Zecora said the sold is near the end of this cave where there would be a hole on the ceiling. The rays from the sun would hit the ground, and the soil would glow in an ambient color." Goku continued to walk through the cave until he reached the spot where a patch of dirt lay. Above it was the hole in question, and after a few moments, the sun's rays shine through it. The light from the rays causes the soil to admit a shimmering golden glow. Realizing that this was his objective, Goku took out a jar that Fluttershy brought and began to fill it up.

"Here we are, one jar of dirt. Now I need to get it back to Zecora." Goku was about to leave until he picked a strange power level that he hadn't felt for some time. "You can come out now. I know I'm not alone," he said.

"Well, well well, aren't we perceptive. But I must ask, just what's so special about a jar of dirt? Such a waste of time. I feel that someone of your skills should serve a better purpose." A voice called from the shadows of the cave. Soon the light revealed a figure to be a bug-like pony. Goku's eyes widen in surprise as the mare in front of him shares a strong resemblance to those other bug ponies he met.

"You're just like those two bug ponies that met in the forest a while ago," Goku said in surprise.

Chrysalis scoffs at being referred to as a bug. "I see somepony neglected to tell to hold proper mannerisms while in the presence of a queen. No matter, though, I can't fault you for your ignorance. That has proven to be your best quality." Chrysalis said as her horn began to glow.

"Why would that be my best quality?" Goku asks, unaware of the growing danger.

"It allows me to do- THIS!!!" Chrysalis said as her horn lit up the entire cave. Goku shields his eyes from the bright green flash until it begins to die down. Chrysalis stood triumphantly at how easily her plan succeeded. "Yes, I do find a strong, capable drone to be a worthy addition to my hive. And with you on my side, the changelings will reign uncontested." Chrysalis let out a peal of crackling laughter as soon all her dreams of conquest and revenge will soon come to fruition.

"Ooh, so you're called Changelings. I guess that explains why you were made earlier. I know I wouldn't want to call it a bug. Sorry about that." Goku said. Chrysalis ceased her laughing and stared blankly at Goku, who stared back. A long silence echoes throughout the cave until Chrysalis spoke up.

"W-what trickery is this? That spell should have to place you under my control," Chrysalis said in a panic. She quickly put her hands to the muzzle in an attempt to silence herself.

"If this is about me entering your home uninvited, then I'll leave right now," Goku said as he began to walk away. Chrysalis ran up in a fit of panic and grabbed Goku by the arm, thus stopping him from leaving. Goku looks at her curiously before speaking. "Is there something else you wanted?"

Chrysalis cleared her throat and straightened out her dress. "Why yes, there is something I want. I do apologize for my earlier behavior. I did not know if you were a threat. However, that's hardly an excuse. Let me introduce myself. I am Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changeling hive. And who might you be? You certainly aren't like anypony I've might before~" she said seductively. Chrysalis knew she had to change tactics if she wanted to add Goku into her ranks. So she would use her feminine wiles to entice Goku into swearing loyalty to her.

"My name's Goku. It's nice to meet you, Chrysalis." Goku chirped.

"Hmmm, Goku~, It's such a strong and exotic name," Chrysalis said in a sultry tone. She circled Goku with a gentle sway in her hip. "Tell you what, Goku, I will make you an offer. Join me, rule by my side as the Changelings king. There will be nothing that will be out of your reach. Nopony one will be able to stop us. And you will be able to fulfill your wildest....desires~" Chrysalis proposed, raising her thigh slowly against Goku's leg to emphasize her last remark. She used her magic to pick up Goku's emotions. Chrysalis had expected to find emotions such as lust, greed, and pride. Anything that would confirm her efforts of gaining a new pawn. What she did not expect to find was only a single emotion, namely confusion. Yes, there were others she could feel, but this one was the strongest. Chrysalis looks up at Goku to find a bewildered expression staring back at her.

"Thanks for the offer - I guess - but I don't want to be a king, and I pretty much have everything I could back on Earth. Plus, Chi-Chi would be furious at me if I became a king and didn't return home." Goku said. At first, Chrysalis was stunned silent. No being on Equis was immune to her charms. Heck, one of her ancestors once ensnared a dragon to her whims. However, Chrysalis regained her lost composure after hearing Goku mention someone she believed to be his wife. With this in mind, Chrysalis tried a different angle.

"Chi-Chi would be mad, would she? But Goku..." Chrysalis trailed off as she morphed her form into Chi-Chi. "I'm right here, honey," Chi-Chi said.

Goku was shocked at the moment, and Chrysalis believed she finally had the edge until Goku's shocked expression morphed into one of amazement. "Wow, no way! You have the same ability as Oolong and Purah."

Taken aback again, Chrysalis was nearly speechless. "You know of other shapeshifters?" She asks as she dropped her disguise.

"Yep, they're two of my best friends. Although, Oolong wasn't as good as Purah when it came to changing forms. You seem to have a knack for though. I couldn't even pick up you Ki when you changed." Goku said as Chrysalis just stared blankly at him. "Well, this has been fun, but I gotta get back to my friends," he said as he turned away from Chrysalis.

Chrysalis started to grow frustrated. In all her years as queen, she never encountered a being immune to her mind control spell, unfazed by her charms, and completely disregarded her shapeshifting. She felt rejected as a mare and disrespected as a queen and Changeling. Chrysalis had half a mind to attack while the fool had his back turned. But she quickly thought against it. She still had one more card to play. A method exemplifies the very paradigm of what it means to be a Changeling that no other species could hope to equal. Chrysalis had the best weapon she could muster, the power of deceit.

"Oh, and by your friends, you mean those ponies waiting outside?" Chrysalis said as she got Goku to stop.

"Yeah?" Goku said.

"I wouldn't exactly call the ponies any friends of mine. I scarcely believe that anything that's not a pony would say the same." Chrysalis said.

"Why would they say that? The ponies have been pretty friendly to me." Goku said in defense.

Chrysalis gave a curt snort in disgust. "Have they now? Think about it, did will they welcome you with open arms? Did they look past the obvious differences and regard you without suspicion or mistrust? They may claim to love and tolerate, but their friendship only extends to one of their own. Sure they like you now, but in actuality, they're just waiting for you to slip up." Chrysalis said venomously.

Goku said nothing as he took in her words. He read her reactions and piece together that something happened between her and the ponies. "So what exactly happened between the Changelings and the Ponies?"

Chrysalis's face was neutral, but she was smiling inwardly. The seeds of doubt are beginning to grow. "The same thing that most likely happens to you. We came seeking aid and friendship from the Ponies. But all we got was fear and rejection. They saw us as monsters incapable of coexisting with them, and they cast us out. I tell you this now because I wish to spare you this fate and fall victim to their demonization." Chrysalis said as she gave her best pleading look.

Goku remained silent, and Chrysalis took this as a sign that her words had hooked him. However, once again, she was surprised by what he did next. "Thank you for the warning, but I think you might be mistaken. I have been around the Ponies for a while and, we may not have had the best of greetings; we eventually came to an understanding. But, I think that if you gave them another chance, then you'll see that the Ponies and Changelings can coexist."

Chrysalis was having trouble deciding if Goku was a hopeful optimist or a pompous fool. "Bah! You have only known them for a few weeks at best. You have no idea how they truly are."

"That may be true but know that you and your Changelings won't get the help you need if you keep to yourselves," Goku said as Chrysalis stared at him wide-eyed. "And if you like, I'd be happy to help you. Until then, I'll see you later."

Chrysalis stood there dumbfounded. How did he pick up on the current plight of her subjects? Had she somehow let it slip out? From what Chrysalis could gather from this meeting is that Goku was a carefree, aloof fool. But perhaps there was more to him than she realizes. Chrysalis would have to speak with her cohort about this. "Goku," she called out to him, and Goku turns around. "I will take what we discussed under advisement. I suggest you do the same. Although, be a dear and leave this conversation between us." and with that, Chrysalis lit up her horn and teleported away.

Goku made his way outside the cave where the girls were waiting. "Goku, what took you? You were in there for like ever." Scootaloo said.

"Oh my, I hope you're not hurt or anything," Fluttershy said as she checked him over for injuries.

"Did you meet any new friends in there? Do they like parties?" Pinkie asks.

"I did meet someone, but she'd rather hold off on the parties until she ready. So let's head back." Goku said as the group made their way back to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Next episode will be an adaptation of the episode Gauntlet of Fire.

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