• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 2,567 Views, 118 Comments

MLP: FML 2 - Chaotic Changes - Maniac92

Twilight and her friends return for another season of parody fun. However, new enemies may make this story a bit more serious than the last one...

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Twilight Sparkle's "Perfect" Day

Spike poured himself a glass of milk and walked over to the kitchen window. He stared out at Ponyville as its residents stumbled out of their houses and headed for their dead-end jobs.

“Ha,” laughed Spike. “Suckers.” Feeling content, he took a sip from his glass as he watched the early morning commute.

“SPIKE!” screamed Twilight as she rushed downstairs. “WHERE ARE YOU?!”

Spike choked and spat out his milk, spraying it all over the window. “W-what?!” he coughed as he spun around to face her. “What is it?!”

“I haven’t written a letter to Princess Celestia yet!” yelled Twilight. “We need to get started now!”

Spike stared at her. “Twilight…” he began, putting his glass on the counter. “You do realize that you actually haven’t been writing Princess Celestia, right? I think the last time you did was when you complained about only getting two Gala tickets.”

“…Oh yeah,” said Twilight. She laughed and said, “I don’t know what I was thinking. Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine,” said Spike, wetting a rag. He walked over to the window and began cleaning it. “I almost thought Discord was back again or something.”

Twilight shivered. “No, thank god.” She paused and said, “Although, even though Discord’s trapped again, we probably shouldn’t relax too much.”

“What do you mean?” asked Spike, throwing the dirty rag into the sink.

“Spike, have you noticed that something’s happening almost every day since we’ve moved in?” asked Twilight. “We’ve had Discord, Hydras, Diamond Dogs, Parasprites…”

“So?” asked Spike.

“So that’s not even getting into things like visiting Applejack’s relatives or going to Rainbow’s competition,” said Twilight. “We just need to be prepared in case something happens.”

“That’s a little paranoid, isn’t it?” asked Spike.

Twilight gave him a deadpan look. “Spike, you literally have a zombie apocalypse survival kit hidden in the closet upstairs.”

“That is a legitimate fear and you know it!” argued Spike.

“Whatever you say, Spike,” said Twilight, rolling her eyes. “In any case, let’s get as much of the library clean as we can. Who knows when one of the others will barge in here with some sort of crisis.”

“I already cleaned the library,” said Spike.

“First we should dust off…” Twilight blinked as she trailed off. She looked back at Spike and asked, “What?”

Spike shuffled his feet embarrassedly. “I…I felt guilty about not knowing where the Elements of Harmony book was during that whole Discord thing, so…I…I cleaned the library while you were sleeping.”

Twilight stared at Spike for a moment before quickly rushing to the next room. She gaped at the spotless room and the gleaming of the freshly cleaned bookcases. Owlowiscious hooted a greeting at her from his perch by the window.

Twilight looked back at Spike and said, “You did this all? On your own?”

Spike’s face took a dark hue and he turned his head. “I-It’s not like I’m trying to impress you or anything!” He muttered something that sounded suspiciously like “Baka” under his breath.

Twilight smiled and walked over to Spike. She reached out and pulled him into a tight hug. “Aw…you really are my number one assistant, aren’t you? Thanks Spike.”

“Alright, alright…” said Spike, blushing. “It’s no big deal…” He briefly returned Twilight’s hug before pulling away from her. “A-anyway…do you want some breakfast?”

“Better not,” said Twilight. “We have that picnic later today with the others, remember? There’s going to be a ton of food there.” She looked at the clock on the wall and said, “Speaking of which, we still need to get those cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie said she’d make a fresh batch for us.”

Spike frowned and put a hand over his stomach. “Why do the words ‘Pinkie’ and ‘cupcakes’ put together make me sort of sick to my stomach?”

“I’m sure it’s just your imagination,” said Twilight. “We have plenty of time to go grab them now that we don’t have to clean the library. We should hurry over there and grab them.”

“Wait…” said Spike. “If we have plenty of time, why do we need to hurry?”

Twilight gave him a deadpan look. “Would you trust Pinkie Pie to be alone with freshly-baked dessert?”

“...Alright, good point,” replied Spike.

“I’m going to get ready,” said Twilight. She began walking towards the stairs and said, “We’ll leave as soon as I’m done, ok?”

When Twilight disappeared up the stairs, Spike turned and grinned smugly at Owlowiscious. “Number one assistant,” he said with a big grin.

Owlowiscious rolled his eyes. “Whoo-who-whoo,” he hooted dismissively.

“SHUT UP, DON’T TAKE THIS FROM ME!” screamed Spike.

Later, at Sugarcube Corner:

Pinkie Pie put the box of cupcakes on the counter and said, “There you go! Twelve freshly baked cupcakes made with a very special ingredient!”

Spike looked at the rainbow-colored frosting on the cupcake and asked, “Special ingredient?” He looked up at Pinkie. “What’s the special ingredient?”

Pinkie looked at him and began giggling. “You know, Rainbow Dash asked that same question when the last batch of cupcakes was made.” Her giggling turned malicious as she grabbed a large knife from underneath the counter. “Would you like to know what I told her?” asked Pinkie, her eye twitching as she held the knife in front of Spike.

“Um…” said Spike, backing away.

Pinkie opened a drawer on the counter and carefully put the knife inside. After closing the drawer, she reached over the counter and grabbed Spike, pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s love!” she cheered happily as she spun around with Spike in her arms.

“Oh,” said Spike. He chuckled nervously and said, “W-why did you have a knife?”

“It’s part of my zombie apocalypse survival kit, silly boy!” said Pinkie. “Duh!”

Spike looked over at Twilight and said, “See? Pinkie thinks it’s a good idea.”

“You’re right, Spike,” said Twilight. “Pinkie thinks it’s a good idea.”

“…Shit,” said Spike. “It’s not a good idea at all, is it?”

“Afraid not,” said Twilight. She looked at the rainbow-frosted cupcakes and said, “What’s with the rainbow colors?”

“You know how I said that the special ingredient is love?” asked Pinkie, still squeezing Spike.

“Yes?” said Twilight.

Pinkie walked over to the kitchen door and kicked it open. Twilight and Spike looked inside and saw Scootaloo by the oven, a bowl of rainbow-colored frosting on the counter beside her.

“All you have to do is take a cup of flour add it to the mix…” droned Scootaloo, her unfocused gaze on the oven.

“The special ingredient is also brainwashing,” said Pinkie. “She was going on and on about Rainbow Dash, so I started singing my cupcake song to tune her out and…uh...I guess I sort of brainwashed her?”

Twilight stared at Scootaloo and then at Pinkie. “So how do you un-brainwash her?”

“I got this,” said Spike, wiggling out of Pinkie’s grasp. He cleared his throat and said, “Rainbow Dash sucks.”

“YOU SUCK, YOU STUPID-!” yelled Scootaloo, snapping out of her trance. She blinked and looked around. “Wait…where…where am I?” She looked down at herself. “Who am I?”

“See?” said Spike, shutting the kitchen door. “Problem solved.”

“Hello?” called Scootaloo from the kitchen. “Is anyone there? I’m scared…”

Twilight looked at Pinkie and asked, “Wouldn’t Mr. or Mrs. Cake get upset at you for using hypnotized child labor to make cupcakes?”

“Probably if they were here,” said Pinkie. “But they’re gone. They said something about taking the bun in the oven to the doctor’s office down the road. Oh! And they were going to see the doctor because Mrs. Cake is pregnant.”

“Oh,” said Twilight, “Then are you going to be able to come to the picnic later? If you can’t, maybe we can all come down here to help you with-”

“I’m good,” said Pinkie. “The Cakes should be back from the doctor in a little while. I don’t have anything else going on today, so I’ll be able to make the picnic.”

“Great!” said Twilight. Her horn glowed as she levitated the box of cupcakes. “See you later, Pinkie!” She waved as she and Spike walked out of the bakery.

“Bye!” said Pinkie. She paused and mumbled to herself, “Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something?”

“Do I have wings?!” yelled Scootaloo from behind the kitchen door. “What am I?!”

“Oh yeah,” said Pinkie as she turned to face the door. “Should probably fix that…”

Spike looked back at Sugarcube Corner as he and Twilight walked away from it. “I can’t believe Pinkie can just brainwash people by singing.”

“She needs to be more careful,” said Twilight. “Who knows what kind of chaos could happen if she just randomly started brainwashing people.” She looked at the box of cupcakes floating near her head and said, “Come on. Let’s get these things back to the library.”

Back at the library:

Twilight set the box of cupcakes down on the table and then looked up at the clock. “11 o’clock…” she muttered. “Let’s see…the picnic’s at 1 o’clock. That leaves me with two hours to find out what the disaster of the day will be and fix it.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Spike. “What disaster?”

“The disaster that’s bound to come up sometime today, Spike,” said Twilight. “If Pinkie wasn’t having a problem today, then one of the others must be having one. I’ve only got…” She paused and looked at the clock on the wall. “One hour and fifty-eight minutes to find it so it doesn’t ruin the picnic.”

“Ok, ok…” said Spike. “Remember what you said earlier? These sort of things always happen almost every day. Almost. What if today’s one of the days where nothing happens?”

Twilight paused. “…Maybe you’re right.”

“Of course I’m right!” said Spike. “So, rather than worrying about it, you can-”

“See the others so I can ensure that nothing happens today!” said Twilight.

“Uh…no,” said Spike. “I-I was gonna say relax for two hours until we have to leave…”

“Spike, you’re a genius!” said Twilight, clearly not listening. She patted Spike’s head and said, “I’ll be back in time for the picnic. Be on the lookout in case any problems happen here, ok? Bye!” She turned and walked out of the library.

Spike sighed. “Whatever…” He looked over at Owlowiscious’s perch and smirked. Pointing at himself, he said, “She thinks I’m a genius.”

Owlowiscious rolled his eyes. “Whoo.”


Outside, Twilight walked away from the library and started heading into Ponyville’s marketplace. “Alright, Twilight,” she said to herself, “You just need to find your friends and see if anything’s wrong. You don’t even have to find Pinkie, because you checked in on her earlier. That just leaves the other four to-”

“Who are you talking to?” asked a voice.

Twilight blinked and looked down. Dinky Hooves was staring up at her, a curious expression on her face. “O-oh…uh…myself, I guess. Must seem a little crazy, huh?”

“Have you met the ponies in this town?” asked Dinky. “Talking to yourself is one of the least crazy things around here.”

“Dinky? Who are you talking to?” asked a voice. Derpy Hooves wandered over and smiled as she saw Dinky and Twilight. “Hello Toilet Sparkle! How are you today?”

“It’s Twilight Sparkle, Derpy,” corrected Twilight. “And I’m fine. How are you?”

“Great!” said Derpy. “I just got some great news earlier today!”

“Really?” asked Twilight. “About what?”

Derpy’s eyes widened a bit. “I…uh…what was it, again?” She looked around for a moment before her gaze landed on her daughter. “Dinky! I have great news about Dinky. She’s applying for an enrollment at Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns!”

“She is?!” said Twilight excitedly. “I went to school there!”

Dinky groaned and said, “Mom…I don’t want to go to some special school. I like being here, in Ponyville.”

“Shh,” shushed Derpy. “We can talk about this later.”

Dinky sighed. “Great…”

“Well,” said Twilight, “I was going to ask if you had any problems or disasters happening, but it looks like you have everything well in hand!”

“What’s a hand?” asked Derpy and Dinky.

Twilight paused. “I…I don’t know.” She shook her head and said, “By the way, have you seen anybody who looks like they’re in trouble? Like they’re dealing with a horrible catastrophe of some kind?”

“OH MY GOD!” yelled a familiar-sounding voice. “I AM DEALING WITH A HORRIBLE CATASTROPHE OF SOME KIND!”

“Hmm…” said Derpy, her face scrunched up in concentration. “I don’t know.”

“HELP! PLEASE!” screamed the voice.

Derpy gasped and said, “Maybe that person who’s screaming knows someone in trouble!”

“Thanks Derpy, I never would have guessed,” said Twilight, rolling her eyes. She turned around and started heading towards the direction of the voice.

When Twilight reached the middle of the marketplace, she spotted Rarity. The other unicorn was sobbing and cowering on the ground.

“IT’S AWFUL! TRULY AWFUL!” sobbed Rarity, her mascara running down her face. “WHY WON’T ANY OF YOU HELP ME?!”

“Mom?” asked Ruby Pinch. She pointed at Rarity and asked, “What is that?”

“That’s an undesirable, honey,” said Berry Punch. She glared at Rarity and yelled, “We only associate with decent, moral ponies!” She took a drink from the beer bottle in her hoof and belched.

“Rarity?” asked Twilight as she walked over to the crying unicorn. “What’s the matter? Do you have a problem that could potential turn into a world-ending disaster?”

“YES!” yelled Rarity. Her horn glowed as she levitated Twilight. Rarity ran back to her boutique, dragging Twilight with her. Once on her porch, the glow in Rarity’s horn disappeared and Twilight dropped ungracefully onto Rarity’s front lawn. Twilight got back on her hooves, only to go flying backwards as Rarity tackled her.

“Oh Twilight, it’s awful!” said Rarity, wrapping her arms around Twilight’s body. “I’m so glad you’re here with me! I need you!”

“Um…that’s great Rarity,” said Twilight, who noticed that the passersby around them were staring. “Maybe you could tell me what’s wrong, and I’ll-”

“Shush!” said Rarity, slamming her hoof against Twilight’s lips. “No words could possibly do this…tragedy justice! You need to see it for yourself!” She pulled away from Twilight and walked over to her front door. “I…I hope you’re ready for this…” she muttered.

Twilight walked forward and got into a wide stance, her horn glowing purple. “Ready,” she said, glaring at the front door.

“Alright…” sniffed Rarity. “Just…don’t say I didn’t warn you…” Using her magic, Rarity slowly opened the door.

Twilight jumped inside the boutique, her magic at the ready. Her gaze darted around the room as she tried to locate the cause of Rarity’s distress. At any moment something vile could leap out of the shadows and she would destroy it, solving Rarity’s problem and averting various potential crises.

Nothing happened.

Twilight didn’t waver. She didn’t run or cower. She stood her ground and waited for the monster that must have been in the boutique, causing Rarity undue stress and excessive worry lines.

Still, nothing happened.

The glow in Twilight’s horn faded, but she was still vigilant. It’s not like Rarity brought her in here for something stupid, right? Right?

Several seconds passed.

Twilight looked around the room one more time, but only saw furniture and empty mannequins. “Rarity,” she asked, keeping her eyes forward, “What am I supposed to be-”

“THERE IT IS!” shouted Rarity, knocking Twilight over as she rushed inside the room. She pointed at her fancy-looking couch and said, “Isn’t it terrible?!”

Twilight got up and looked at the couch. Its plush, red cushions and overstuffed purple throw pillow looked extraordinarily comfortable. Other than that, it just looked like a couch to Twilight. She opened her mouth to say that she could see nothing wrong.

“I wanted the sofa over in this corner against the wall,” said Rarity. Her horn glowed and the couch was moved to the corner. “But then I noticed that it looked amazing in front of the window!” Her horn glowed again and the couch moved in front of the window. Rarity turned and looked pleadingly at Twilight. “What do you think? Where does it look best?”

“Wait…a couch?” asked Twilight. “That’s all you’re worried about? I thought you said it could be a world-ending disaster.”

“IT IS!” yelled Rarity. “The position of the sofa could ruin the feng shui of the room. Where the sofa is could affect my creative process, leaving me unable to design new dresses, which would leave without a job!” She sniffed and said, “Eventually, I’ll be left on the streets! Destitute, penniless, unable to contribute to society! People will laugh! People will point! People will say I’m…I’m…unfashionable!” She gagged and shuddered. “Oh…it will be awful…”

Twilight stared at her. “Rarity, the couch looks-”

Wait!” yelled Rarity. She smacked her hoof against her forehead and said, “Of course! It’s so simple!” Her horn glowed and the couch was lifted to the other side of the room, where it faced the mannequins. “With the sofa there, I’ll be able to look over my designs as I relax. That will increase my creativity tenfold! Twilight, you genius!” She turned and wrapped her arms around Twilight’s neck, pulling her into a suffocating hug. “You’ve single-handedly saved my career! Now I can focus my efforts into creating fabulous new designs!”

“Rarity…” wheezed Twilight, her face turning blue.

“Shush! No time for talking!” said Rarity. She let go of Twilight, who gasped as air rushed back into her lungs. Rarity’s horn glowed and Twilight was magically lifted into the air. “Now is the time for action!” continued Rarity as she towed Twilight towards the front door. She opened the door and set Twilight down on the porch. “I’m going to spend the rest of the day thinking of new designs on my perfectly positioned sofa! Good day to you!” She slammed the door shut, and then opened it again. “And do come by more often, darling. I enjoy our talks.” She slammed the door shut again, leaving Twilight alone.

“What just happened?” asked Twilight to herself.

A few minutes later:

“Alright,” said Twilight to herself as she walked through the town square, “Nothing’s bothering Rarity. That’s good. That means she’s one less pony you have to worry about causing a disaster. Now all you have to do is go find the others. Let’s start with-”

A loud explosion interrupted Twilight’s mutterings. She looked up and saw a rainbow-colored mushroom cloud rise into the air some distance away.

“What the hell was that?!” yelled a random pony.

“Sounded like it came from Sweet Apple Acres!” said another.

“Christ, why do we live here, again?!” asked another.

“Yes, a disaster!” said Twilight. She paused for a second. “I mean…uh…oh no a disaster.” Clearing her throat, she said to herself, “I better go see what’s going on.” Twilight quickly ran in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres and the explosion that happened within it.

Twilight quickly reached the main gate to Sweet Apple Acres. Not stopping, she used her magic to open the gate and run through. “Come on…” she muttered as she looked around. “Where the hell was that?”

A crashing noise got her attention and she turned her head to see an older-looking barn. Suddenly, a blue blur blasted out of the barn, sending splintered wood everywhere. Twilight squinted and made out the form of a familiar-looking blue pegasus flying through the air.

“Whoo!” cheered Rainbow Dash, flipping and spinning in the air. “This is awesome! Nothing can stop m-uuurrrrk!” She choked as a purple glow surrounded her body, stopping her instantly. She was lowered to the ground, where Twilight was waiting for her.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” yelled Twilight, dropping Rainbow on the grass.

Rainbow Dash got back up and brushed the grass off her body. “Breaking Applejack’s old barn. What the hell does it look like I’m doing?”

“Breaking Applejack’s old barn!” yelled Twilight.

“Oh, cool,” said Rainbow.

Not cool!” yelled Twilight. “Why are you destroying Applejack’s property?”

“Hmm…” said Rainbow, thinking about it. “Well, one, it’s fun. Two, I look badass while doing it. And three, Applejack told me to.”

“Applejack…what?” asked Twilight.

“Hey!” yelled a voice. Twilight and Rainbow Dash turned their heads to see Applejack walking towards them. “What’s the holdup? Ah ain’t payin’ ya to take breaks!”

“You’re not paying me at all,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Oh yeah,” said Applejack. “…Still though.”

“Applejack, why are you having Rainbow Dash destroy your barn?” asked Twilight.

“Ah wanted a new one!” said Applejack.

“What the hell was wrong with this one?” asked Twilight, pointing at the ruins of the barn.

“Wasn’t the right color,” replied Applejack. “Ah want a red barn, not a brown one.”

Twilight stared at her for a second. “…Applejack, you do know you could have just repainted it, right?”

“Yeah…I was actually wondering about that when you asked me to do this,” said Rainbow.

Applejack blinked. “…Fuck,” she muttered, smacking her forehead with her hoof. “Why didn’t Ah just repaint it?”

A few minutes later:

“Alright,” said Twilight as she walked down the path to Fluttershy’s home. “Rainbow Dash is fine and Applejack’s an idiot. Now all I have to do is check on Fluttershy.” She laughed to herself and said, “I’m sure she’s fine. It’s not like one of her animals is going to attack her or anything.”

A loud roar suddenly came from behind Fluttershy’s house, causing Twilight to jump.

“Why do I even say anything?!” asked Twilight as she started running towards the roar. She ran into the clearing at the back of Fluttershy’s home and skidded to a stop. Her jaw dropped as she looked at the scene in front of her.

A large wrestling ring had been set up in the middle of the clearing. Two large grizzly bears were standing in front of Fluttershy, who was calmly standing in the middle of the ring. The pegasus was wearing a black mask adorned with pink and green designs.

“Fluttershy?” asked Twilight. She walked closer to the ring and said, “What are you-?”

A white-furred paw suddenly appeared in front of her and she quickly stopped. Looking down, she saw Angel Bunny, who was wearing a green mask. Angel hopped over to the side of the ring, where a boombox was waiting. He pressed the play button and music started playing.

Booyaka booyaka! 619!” blared the singer.

The bears lunged at Fluttershy, who quickly moved to the side to avoid them. She kicked out with her back legs, hitting one of the bears in the stomach. As the bear bent over in pain, Fluttershy grabbed its head and placed it between her legs, where she held it in place. She wrapped her arms around the bear’s chest and lifted it up onto her shoulders. Fluttershy quickly sat down, slamming the bear into the ground as she did so. The bear wheezed in pain as it curled up into a ball.

The other bear roared and dove at Fluttershy, who rolled away from it. The bear kept moving forward and crashed into the ropes at the edge of the ring, its arms flopped over the middle rope. Fluttershy got up and ran to the other side of the ring. She bounced off the ropes and started running towards the bear. Her wings spread open as she jumped and grabbed the top and middle rope. She swung through the ropes, which pulled her back towards the bear. Her knees connected with the bear’s head and it stumbled back into the ring. As it fell, Fluttershy rushed forward, grabbed its legs, and pinned it.

Angel tapped the ring ten times. A bell rang and Fluttershy let the bear go. “I’M STILL THE CHAMPION!” she shouted happily. “NONE OF YOU JOBBERS CAN BEAT ME!”

“…What in the fuck is happening?” asked Twilight.

Fluttershy blinked and looked down. “Oh! Hello Twilight. I didn’t see you there.” She climbed out of the ring and walked over. “How are you today?”

“I am…confused,” said Twilight. “Very confused.” She pointed at the ring and said, “What is all of this?”

“Oh! Today’s the championship match between all the animals I take care of,” said Fluttershy. “They can’t hunt like they do in the wild, so they assert their dominance over each other by wrestling.”

“…Okay…” said Twilight, choosing to just accepted that reasoning. “Then why are you participating?”

Fluttershy laughed and said, “Because I’m in charge of this house. I just need to slap them all down once a year to remind them who’s boss.”

Twilight opened her mouth to comment, but shut it when she thought better of it. “Whatever…” she muttered. “So…you’re fine? This wrestling thing is over?”

Fluttershy pulled the mask off her face. “Yep.”

“Your animals aren’t attacking you?” asked Twilight.

“Nope,” said Fluttershy.

“You have no problems whatsoever that I, as your friend, could help you with?” asked Twilight.

“Not that I can think of,” replied Fluttershy. “In fact, the only other thing I have to do today is go on that picnic with everyone.”

“Oh…uh…alright,” said Twilight. “I guess I’ll…see you then?”

“Sure!” said Fluttershy.

There was a pause as the two stared at each other.

“…You’re sure that there’s nothing wrong?” asked Twilight. “Nothing?”

“I’m fine,” said Fluttershy. “But I should be getting ready for the picnic. I’m in charge of the potato salad.”

“Do you need any help with that?” asked Twilight.

“Nope, I’ve got it!” said Fluttershy. She turned and walked towards her house. “I’ll see you, Twilight!”

“Yeah…” said Twilight, watching her go. “See you…I guess…”

A few minutes later:

Twilight walked into the library, shutting the door behind her. “Spike! I’m back!” she called.

“Hey!” said Spike as he walked back into the room. “How was everybody doing? Any problems or disasters that you had to deal with?”

“Nope!” said Twilight happily. “Everyone was fine. I guess I was just worried for nothing.” She chuckled and said, “It was a little silly of me to worry so much, huh?”

“I’ll say,” said Spike. “Anyway, it’s almost time for that picnic. You hungry?”

“Starving,” replied Twilight. “We should probably head over to the park now. Are you ready?”

“Hang on,” said Spike. He ran into the other room and came back with the box of cupcakes in his grasp. “Ready!”

Twilight and Spike left the library and started walking down the path to the park. As they walked, Twilight suddenly giggled to herself.

“What’s so funny?” asked Spike.

“Nothing,” answered Twilight, a big smile on her face. “It’s just…how often does a day like this come around? I mean, what are the odds that none of our friends have any problems we have to deal with?”

“Pretty good actually,” said Spike. “I mean, when you stop to think about it, that is.”

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight.

“I mean…well, look around,” said Spike. He nodded his head towards the groups of ponies around them. “There are tons of ponies in Ponyville. Any one of them are just as likely to have problems as you and the others right?”

“…Right…” said Twilight slowly.

“So any one of them could just as likely be dealing with a world-ending disaster,” said Spike. “The fact that those sort of things always happening to the six of you is pretty lucky when you stop to think about it.”

“It is?” asked Twilight, coming to a stop.

“Yeah,” said Spike. “I mean, just think. Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, Doctor Whooves, Vinyl Scratch, the Cutie Mark Crusaders…each and every one of them has an equal chance of stumbling on some monster or something. Not to mention the random ponies we don’t know. Just think of all the problems that could be happening right now that we wouldn’t even know about!” Spike laughed and said, “But that’s just crazy right? We’d have to be pretty paranoid to assume that some poor, innocent bastard will just find something that would destroy the world, right?”

“…Right…” said Twilight, as she looked around at all the ponies around them.

“Anyway, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about,” said Spike. “Not on an empty stomach at least. Let’s go eat!” He started walking away, whistling happily.

Twilight stood still as she looked around at the crowds of ponies around her. “All the problems we don't know about…” she muttered. She gulped and quickly took off after Spike, keeping her eyes on as many ponies as she could in the process.

Comments ( 13 )

She ran into the clearing at the back of Fluttershy’s home and skidded to a stop. Her jaw dropped as she looked at the scene in front of her.
A large wrestling ring had been set up in the middle of the clearing. Two large grizzly bears were standing in front of Fluttershy, who was calmly standing in the middle of the ring. The pegasus was wearing a black mask adorned with pink and green designs.

Fluttershy as a Luchador:yay:

Twilight smiled and walked over to Spike. She reached out and pulled him into a tight hug. “Aw…you really are my number one assistant, aren’t you? Thanks Spike.”


Pinkie opened a drawer on the counter and carefully put the knife inside. After closing the drawer, she reached over the counter and grabbed Spike, pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s love!” she cheered happily as she spun around with Spike in her arms.

Nice. Cliched, but nice.

“…Shit,” said Spike. “It’s not a good idea at all, is it?”

No, sorry

“I got this,” said Spike, wiggling out of Pinkie’s grasp. He cleared his throat and said, “Rainbow Dash sucks.”
“YOU SUCK, YOU STUPID-!” yelled Scootaloo, snapping out of her trance. She blinked and looked around. “Wait…where…where am I?” She looked down at herself. “Who am I?”
“See?” said Spike, shutting the kitchen door. “Problem solved.”


“Have you met the ponies in this town?” asked Dinky. “Talking to yourself is one of the least crazy things around here.”

She's not wrong.

“That’s an undesirable, honey,” said Berry Punch. She glared at Rarity and yelled, “We only associate with decent, moral ponies!” She took a drink from the beer bottle in her hoof and belched.

Says the drunk.

“IT IS!” yelled Rarity. “The position of the sofa could ruin the feng shui of the room. Where the sofa is could affect my creative process, leaving me unable to design new dresses, which would leave without a job!” She sniffed and said, “Eventually, I’ll be left on the streets! Destitute, penniless, unable to contribute to society! People will laugh! People will point! People will say I’m…I’m…unfashionable!” She gagged and shuddered. “Oh…it will be awful…”

... William H Macy, and I thought canon Rarity was bad.

Applejack blinked. “…Fuck,” she muttered, smacking her forehead with her hoof. “Why didn’t Ah just repaint it?”

Cause it's funny.

Booyaka booyaka! 619!” blared the singer.

You have NO idea, how long I had to put up with that insipid fucking song for all of high school! Sorry about that, I'm normally far more composed. I just loathe that song.

Twilight stood still as she looked around at the crowds of ponies around her. “All the problems we don't know about…” she muttered. She gulped and quickly took off after Spike, keeping her eyes on as many ponies as she could in the process.

Darnit Spike...

Wow. I had no idea Owlowicious used such profanity. :derpyderp2:

7424732 I know. So sad to see the owls of Equestria today use such filthy language.

And suddenly Twilight begin to spy everypony just like in 'Person of Interest'

:twilightangry2: I can't sleep, I have to protect everypony

:moustache: What about Princess Celestia? Is that not in theory her job?

:twilightoops: Princess... Who? Now is not important... I'm sure this pony is going to have a problem in the next five hours.

Looks like this is Twilight's perfect excuse to turn Equestria into a police state.

7426618 that's enough weird internet 'for you for one day, my friend

Ya know, Spike has hands. The hands cliche' doesn't really work...

Well, therewill be a disaster at the end of the day:trollestia:

So... Is this story cancelled?

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