• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,702 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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1 - Ponyville (Edited)

Rescue sat down on his haunches looking up at the night sky. It was nice here in Ponyville, he could see the stars above. He exhaled slowly, this would be his new town. That this was his chance at redemption, a fresh start after all the strangeness and tragedy.

He took the time as he sat there on the small hill. Watching the moon rise, he dipped his head and did as he has for almost 20 years now. He said a quiet prayer to Luna, as his hoof lifted to grip the small medallion that hung around his neck from a thin silver chain. Just a simple thing, etched with the very same shape and symbol that adorned the night princess’s flank. Almost every firepony and most the firebirdy he knew had one also. It was not really talked about outside the ranks of the EFD, but it was tradition. Lifting his head as he clutched the medallion in his hoof, he looked at the moon.

“When I am called to duty, Luna,
wherever flames may rage,
give me strength to save a life,
whatever be its age.
Help me embrace a little foal
before it is too late,
or save an older pony from
the horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert,
and hear the weakest shout,
quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling,
to give the best in me,
to guard my friend and neighbor,
and protect his property.
And if according to Your will
I must answer death's call,
bless with your protecting hoof,
my family one and all.”

Bowing his head now, eyes closing he added in softly. “You have given this stallion a second chance to right what was wrong and redeem himself. For that Saint Luna, I have but one thing to offer. I gladly offer my oath on the moon itself that my life will be spent upholding the firepony values. I will lay my life down to keep any foal from having to lose their family as I did,” his hoof sliding from the little metal he looks back down at Ponyville.

Just six months ago he would already be well into his second bottle of booze. The liquid the only thing that kept the nightmares of that night away. Just thinking about that night would have sent him into sobs of grief and into the bottle. He had spent his whole life in it, running from the memories. It was only now, he could see that. Luna had come to him, she had spent many nights in his dreams helping him, showing him how to cope and grow past the pain. His adopted father, the very pony who had saved his life, and his brother both stood by him despite all he had done. Even his fellow firefighters had forgiven him and stood at his side as he found sobriety and got himself back on path. Now, the badge that hung on a strong chain around his neck said it all, Chief.

Finding himself looking back up at the moon, the memories again came. However now it was not pain and anguish but just a simple longing to see his family again. That pain, she said, would always be in his heart for it was his drive. It was what pushed him to be the pony he was, and do the things he did. After all, it took a special kind of stupid to run into a place even the angels dared not tread. He closed his eyes and thought about that night...

The roar of the fire was like a freight train, the sound of a door crashing in. All he could do was cough and sob out, a shadow picked him up and slung him over its back. Coughing harder, blackness started to creep in, to take him. In the distance screams, his sister is screaming, his family, then a crashing sound, and darkness took him.

Light, pain in his chest, pain in his throat, his head pounded. Eyes opening as ten year old him felt cold ground under him, An angel held him, a dark angel of smoke and soot. He could see tears running down its face as it held on to him, making clean streaks as they washed away ash. Bringing down a mask the angel, no it was a pony. He could feel cool air rush into his lungs every breath. Up behind the stallion the moon hung bright, the mare in the moon looking down at him.

Memories rushed back, a fire, his family, waking to being choked by the fumes and smoke. Then the angel, his savior, covered in smoke and embers crashing in, carrying him out. This stallion above him, braved smoke and fire for somepony he did not know... a firefighter! In a moment bittersweet, one that should be a time of joy, his flank flared warm, the light of the moon above seemed to stream down onto the winged pony holding him on the grass, and himself. The blank flak flared and in place of what was once a slate, now sat the mark of his destiny, a dark blue shield carrying the cross of red on it.

Of course they had told him his family never felt the fire, that the smoke had taken them...but he knew the lie, he saw it in each firefighters face every day. The very pony that had saved him had adopted him, Then lieutenant now Battalion chief, his father Firehook had always tried to protect him from the memories. He was not alone in it, all the firepony of Canterlot station three had taken on the roll of father and mother for him. He was their good luck charm, a reminder of their job.

Two of their own perished in that blaze, doing their jobs, trying to save his family. Their names forever etched in the brass tag on the shrine in every firehouse in Equestria. He had grown up among the firefighters and paramedics, 30 stallions and mares, along with two gryphons, and a diamond dog raised him. Yet he knew the lie, he had heard the screams, he had heard them every time he closed his eyes.

Again looking up to the moon, he spoke to it, “Saint Luna, princess of the moon, I do not know why you picked me to be a smoke eater, to watch over hearth and home when you must attend to other things,” shaking his head softly as he did.

Now he was sober, he no longer ran to the bottle to hide and cower. He had to be the pony he was destined to be, and Ponyville was his chance to live up to the legacy he was given by fate. The bits were in place, the firewagons ordered, Equipment being built as he sat here. He had a daunting task before him, build a station, and train a almost all volunteer fire squad. He would do just that too! Setting his jaw he stood and started down the hill into his new home town, no pony would ever suffer as long as he still drew breath.

Author's Note:

A huge thank you to my editor Thunderblast

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