• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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Now that we've stopped the world from ending, I hope you're ready to face the consequences of your action! See you in court, the honorable Princess Celestia will be attending this historic event and she'll make sure justice is served!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 68 )

And that is exactly why Starlight was not punished for what she did. It never happened. Thank you for writing this.

Princess Twilight Sparkle, are you the offensive lawyer today?

Well, she's certainly the prosecuting attorney. I hope she won't be offensive.

Also, there is the matter of Starlight probably being a wanted criminal at the time of trespass, what with the soul-mutilation cult and the magical assault on a princess and five other heroes of the realm.

That being said, it's nice to see a story that treats Starlight lightly. It's a nice counterbalance to those that take it too far in the other direction.

6868167 It felt like a story that had to be told. I hope the court scene I settled on was amusing.

6868186 Oh, possibly! But Twilight wasn't prosecuting -those- charges. Glad you had fun with it.

and other ponies - and the other ponies


If I let you go with just an apology, think of the precedent!

"I'm... sorry?"

I think I see what you did there. :twilightsmile:

took a bite of the fruit

Credit to the author for knowing that tomatoes are a fruit, technically a berry, and not a vegetable.

But she can't have trespassed there. That's a public building. Was she told to leave?

All of the castle is open to the public all the time? That could be embarrassing...

Spike was a witness to the alternate timelines, too.

Overall I rate this story triple-S. Short, silly and sweet. :derpytongue2:

6868251 - Oh and it's also clearly a poke at all the audience members that complained that Starlight Glimmer got off too lightly at the end of season 5.

Wow, Deja vu. I had an exceedingly long conversation against someone about this exact topic almost verbatim on Derpibooru. I even used the same points to defend Starlight, the Library being public property, "forbidden magic" not really existing, and time travel universes not actually mattering.

However I'd even go as far as saying Starlight didn't even waste her day, since they ended up exactly where they left.

6868251 Typo addressed, and a SSS Rating? Sweet! Maybe I was the one getting an A on their report this time. Sorry, Twilight.

6868276 It all worked out. Starlight forgave Twilight, and they walked off as friends, despite the scary court proceedings.

I really wanted a 'fix' story that kept everyone involved in character, which seemed to be a rarity. I really hope I achieved that. Twilight was adorable to write for! I had so much fun with her.


Yea I enjoyed your characterization of Twilight here. It's something that stories now ignore, that Twilight is a huge nerd that sticks to the rules and expects everyone else to do the same all the time.

Except Spike was also there when Starlight traveled to the past, and also assaulted Rainbow Dash with a magic spell.

Not to say the previous crimes of Starlight, brainwash ponies and stealing their cutie marks.

6868380 Sure, but saying he saw her burn down a house, when the house is clearly not burned or even singed doesn't work so well.

They weren't there for those other crimes. Some other prosecutor is going to have to bring those to court. Trilight quits at being a lawyer.

Maybe they'll have better luck.

A witness is as reliable as a lie detector, so not reliable at all and if you come from a nation were the the is no jury in the justice system it would not really mean much(Oscar pistorius is an okay example of this, some witnesses say they heard/saw him kill his partner but with other things the story chopped and changed with every interrogation )

Also in universe time travel has almost zero consequences so the time travel nonsense Twilight and Starlight got mixed up in is false tension.

Wonderful. I must say, it's very refreshing to read a fic like this after spending so much time with people screaming for Starlight's head on a pike, or writing grimdark edgelord revenge fics.

One of the ponies up in the stands, Bon Bon, leaned forward. "What'd she do, Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight twirled her hooves together. "Well, she almost destroyed Equestria, several times, plunging us into a dark alternative timeline that would have seen your lives utterly destroyed to despair and endless turmoil."

Twilight is severely out of line here; that sort of information should only revealed during the proceedings.

Twilight rose to her hind legs and pointed across to Starlight. "Objection! You're in contempt of the court. Don't speak out of turn!"

Twilight is out of line again. Contempt of court is for the judge to say, not the prosecution.

"Evidence?" Twilight sank to a seated position. "My word isn't enough? I'm a princess!"

I find it impossible to believe that Twilight, of all ponies would forget that. She has supposedly read a book about court trials, and besides that, she would have learned how to provide citations during her years in school.


They weren't there for those other crimes.

But they were there. She stole all of their cutie marks, clearly against their will, held them captive, and attempted some form of assault on Twilight. She can't be convicted for the season 5 finale, but she should still get 10-20 for the season 5 premiere.

I see the point you are trying to make, and it's a good one, but Starlight Glimmer did several criminal acts that Twilight can easily prove.

6868636 This is like saying you can be arrested for and tried for murder and failing that, the prosecutor can totally bring up that time you swindled someone, and he has proof! You're going down...

That's not how it works, even with proof. It'd be a whole new trial and a whole new set of paperwork. Ultimately, Twilight quit being a lawyer and went back to being a friendship princess. Everyone should be happier for that decision.

6868656 Anyone who had done the proper preparation would bring all applicable charges to a single court case. If Twilight can't be bothered to do some paperwork, I recommend casting an anti-changeling spell at once.

6868667 Why are you so harsh on Twilight? She's an excitable dork that got carried away with the 'idea' of being a lawyer. She spouts words like 'contempt of court' because she read about it, but didn't fully grasp its use and meaning, which would take a lot more time than the rush she obviously pulled to do things 'right'. Smile thinking about the overexcited nerd that is Twilight approaching Celestia in the first place.

She's adorable. Adorkable, as the community says.

6868679 Twilight is smarter than this. My brother is a lawyer so I may be too close to the topic.

6868683 Forget lawyers, are we speaking of the same Twilight? The one who showed up with a dictionary of useless friendship advice and structures just a few episodes ago, convinced that as long as she had a book available, she could solve anything? She is the definition of knowing a lot of nothing. I love her to death! But calling her 'too smart' to make a mistake? No, this is the Twilight I know. The only opportunity I think I missed was that she should have been flipping wildly through the book when things started to go sour.

Spike was also a witness to the bad futures, and it seems weird that magical hanky-panky of that level wouldn't leave some kind of metaphysical resonance behind. It certainly did in the "bad" futures where chunks of the castle survived the timeline shifts. Dismissing her crimes on these grounds is reeeeeally weak.

Also, Twilight was basically acting out of character. She already basically forgave Starlight for her crimes scott-free in canon. Same with Sunset. And Luna. The only villain who's had to go through hoops to get trusted again is Discord, and considering Luna was the victim of demonic possession and Sunset and Starlight were largely guilty of anti-government resentment augmented with negligent action, it's kind of a different issue. So the fact that you apparently felt the need to write this fic is... weird? It also leaves out her emotionally and financially abusive therapy cult which is arguably a more substantive crime than the season finale given the whole "destroying Equestria" was actually a hugely unintended side-effect of what amounted to her just being a bitch which, augmented by time travel magic or not, is not illegal in most places.

It probably would have been more interesting if the trial was a show orchestrated by Twilight and Celestia for Starlight's benefit since it wouldn't be OOC for her to basically feel like she got off easy for her crimes. They would come in, charge her with the crimes she was ruminating over, and then slowly break them down to reveal how little she actually did that was of dire malicious evil. Basically you could argue her crimes down to "criminal harassment" and "criminally negligent uses of magic" and basically "condemn" her to group therapy and remedial magical ethics courses... which is basically what Twilight was planning on doing ANYWAY.

So, yeah. I think this was a neat idea that held potential, but it fell flat for me for the reasons outlined above. Still, keep trying, and good luck.

A decent fic but you do know she should still be punished for her crimes in the Season Premiere right? She pretty much got away for Psychological torture and brainwashing and not only that but she got rewarded for it.

Honestly it baffles my mind on why people Wonder why she has so much sheer hatred in this fandom. She's pretty much the most hated character in G4 at the moment. Though I will give this fic one thing. It's not a Starlight Glimmer torture fest.


This is like saying you can be arrested for and tried for murder and failing that, the prosecutor can totally bring up that time you swindled someone, and he has proof! You're going down...

You shouldn't be using a Phoenix Wright based image then. :derpytongue2: That kind of stuff happens all the time in that game. The evidence doesn't prove the defendent did this... but it looks like another witness did! So we'll take a short recess and come back with that person on trial at... 3:30 this afternoon. Hopefully you can gather all the evidence you need in just a couple hours! :pinkiecrazy:

6868797 What'd you think of the little tale?:twilightsmile:

6868756 By that logic literally every character should be in jail for one thing or another. Trixie for taking over Ponyville. Twilight for the want it need it spell. Spike for destroying half of Ponyville. Discord should still be a statue. Luna should be locked away. Fluttershy assaulted several ponies when she started acting like a bully.

None of them are being punished.


are we speaking of the same Twilight?

I'm talking about the Twilight who is so obsessed with doing things by the book that she is paralyzed with indecision when the book doesn't say what to do. How could that Twilight have such flagrant disregard for proper procedure as seen here?

But calling her 'too smart' to make a mistake?

This isn't Twilight making a mistake, this is Twilight neglecting to think at all. Twilight always dots her I's and crosses her T's. She makes graphs and charts. She reads every relevant book in the library before buying a set of curtains. There is no way that Twilight could be caught not knowing court procedure in court, let alone forgetting to prepare evidence. Her preparation is not always enough to win the day, but she is always, always prepared.

That's why the season finale was so annoying. Twilight was smarter than that. She's bored because she has memorized every book, and she spends her spare time inventing new spells. How could she possibly lose to a mere unicorn with no training and inferior thought processes?


Those examples are also actions that should never be forgiven especially not Discord after his stunt in Twilight's Kingdom and Luna's in DPDOMS. The difference between those situations is that those characters were somewhat established as actual likable prior to their appearances.

Glimmer was never established as that likable of a character so she has literally no sympathetic basis to stand on. Combine that with the fact she was rewarded and she basically never apologized to the Mane 6 for what she did to them then you have a massively hatable character which is then insulted by that montage at the end.

It's petty but humans are petty and the audience never actually got a chance to like Glimmer and before you bring up the time travel thing well the audience knows she did it. Just because the characters have no reason to hate her in the setting doesn't mean the audience won't. Judging by how Season 5 finale ended I'm massively worried for S6.

6869136 Oh dear God thank you. The finale was obnoxious as all hell because of how dumbed down Twilight was. It was ridiculous.

Not to mention she acted like she had no idea what was going on in the alternate timelines even though the audience did know. She was seeming to act as an audience-stand in when the episode REALLY didn't need one because we could tell RIGHT OFF THE BAT what was happening. :ajbemused:

6869149 I agree completely that the whole "Well it's time travel so technically none of it happened" excuse is complete crap. By that logic, nothing that happens in Back to the Future, Doctor Who, Undertale, or basically ANY TIME TRAVEL STORY EVER matters whatsoever. We know it happened. We're not gonna forget it. If the finale was trying to make Starlight sympathetic with her backstory, even then the finale doesn't have a leg to stand on with her reformation. :ajbemused:

6869157 It's the "Superman Effect". When you have a really strong character, like Superman, the only way to make a situation challenging is for him to be stupid. According to the written material, Superman is smarter than a normal human, but if you watch him in any movie he is unbelievably stupid. Now that Twilight has become a demigod, the same thing is happening to her.


You know what? I'm just about done with this fandom because of how ridiculously serious people take everything in the show, and those same people then getting an attitude when someone is just trying to enjoy the show itself.

News flash! It's not meant to be taken seriously! But it's still better than most of what's on these days. I can't even watch my beloved Marvel characters because the current shows just feel like a giant insult, and don't get me started on Teen Titans Go.

So the show isn't perfect. So what?

6869169 That's why I don't really like time travel stories in general. Too easy to poke holes in the plot.

6869208 If you like it, great. Nobody's stopping you. Fantastic. But all I'm hearing here is "Don't criticize things you don't like ever" With how many very well written episodes have come out of the series that can actually deal with heavy subjects (Amending Fences dealing with severe introversion and losing contact with old friends and the guilt that comes from doing so, and Tanks for the Memories which has a lot of subtext regarding the grieving process) in a lot of aspects it IS meant to be taken seriously.

And regarding the time travel stuff...yeaaah the perfect time travel story doesn't exist.

6869243 I get it ok. I really do. But can you really, honestly, say that people aren't taking it too seriously? And I'm talking about on both sides of this.

I just want to sit down and have good time with my favorite cartoon. But ever since Twilight became an alicorn, people have started to seriously obsess over the slightest thing that they don't like. And they refuse to shut up about it. I have several friends here so I'm on almost every day, and every day for the past two weeks I've seen nearly one new story per day that was just a complaint about Starlight, and that's just the ones that got featured.

And anyone who has anything bad to say about one of the stories, from my experience, gets nothing but hate.

6869303 I hope I have not shared the hate. Those who find faults in my story are welcome to share. Typos are especially nice to be reported and fixed.


Actually people have been taking this show a little to seriously since season 2 ending when Cadence and Shining were introduced.

Anyway part of the hate for her redemption I suspect is how the fandom holds the show compared to the IDW comics and they pretty much made a redemption worst than IDW.

i kinda expected more. like, twilight pulling out all the stops. maybe some how having the other versions of the mane six as witnesses, zecora [as shown to know when the multiverse is out of wack] or even somehow using villains. after reading it and your responses, which in my opinion should have been in the story, i see what you were after. this actually answered my questions of why she got off Scotfree and it was kept a localized event.

6869303 At one point, everyone took it too serious. That's always possible. And what I mean by "too serious" is the amount of overly edgy Starlight torture fics that were written after the finale. That's going overboard. Stating actual legitimate flaws of an episode people don't like though, is not taking it too seriously.

When it comes to Starlight and the way her redemption was handled, I REALLY doubt any of this is going to die down unless they manage to REALLY pull a miracle in Season 6 and get more people to like her. Because here, we don't get any reason for any of us to actually like Starlight. The writers are somewhat aware they messed up so I'm sure they'll fix things in Season 6 like they usually do with this sort of thing (People DESPISED Twilight as an alicorn when it first happened but the writers made it in future episodes where is showed she was the same loveable Twilight, just with wings and maturing some. It got people to lighten up because of the good writing in future episodes) , but until then, I'm afraid people's opinions aren't going to change. Sorry. :applejackunsure:

6869425 And that's just it. The writers will do something to fix it and we all know it.

6869398 and now everyone loves them.

6869353 it's fine. To tell the truth, I have some pretty serious personal stuff going on that I don't trust to tell my family about. Fimfiction is my escape, and if something messes with that I tend to react poorly. I'm sorry for almost starting a flame war.


Actually this is what really what makes me dread season 6 with Starlight. By the way the episode ended it seems like the setting already thinks Starlight is already likable. If we're going by this then instead of trying to make her likable they will try to make her sympathetical but you need to make someone likable before they're sympathetic.


From what I've seen alot of people are indifferent to Cadence and Shining Armor.


you need to make someone likable before they're sympathetic.

Not really. The Joker's origin is pretty sympathetic. If you don't know what I'm talking about just look up The Killing Joke.

6869495 I unfortunately have to chalk up that bit of the finale to Josh Haber being a very incompetent writer. I really don't have any other reasoning for it that I can think of since I've yet to come across any episode written by him that's actually good. (If I'm wrong and there's actually a really good episode written by him, then by all means tell me) If a majority of season six is written by literally ANYONE ELSE I think we'll be safe...

Hopefully. I can't see the future.

I don't think Starlight Glimmer was the problem with the episode. I agree that her motivation was stupid, but they have done better episodes with worse backstories. She could be really fun if they keep her bad enough to have a personality (her taunting clap when Twi zapped Dash by mistake was hilarious).

I think Twilight was the problem. Twi's disappointing performance made everyone think that SG was overpowered when actually she was just doing moderately high-level unicorn stuff.

It doesn't seem likely the writers will do anything to fix the problem, since they didn't do anything to fix Twilicorn. They're just going to keep going like nothing happened, and by halfway through the season, most of us will have gotten used to it. If they don't do anything to make it worse, this will all blow over.

6869553 Ironic that it that very same comic Joker says the phrase:
"If I'm going to have a past I'd rather it be multiple choice. Hahahaha!"
He's alluding to the many different origin stories he's had over the years given to him by the comic writers. It means you can pick which origin story clicks with you, even if they are not true.

You forgot about Starlight Glimmer's crimes against a WHOLE TOWN and the Mane 6 in the Season 5 Premiere :flutterrage::facehoof:


moderately high-level unicorn stuff.

Flying as a unicorn seems to be fairly high-level, how many others have you seen do that AND do a horn-bolt?

6870768 Pumpkin Cake has flown as a unicorn before. If a baby can do the same thing Starlight did, it's probably not that impressive.

Aw I was expecting Twilight to get a Phoenix Wright-esq Objection with the Cornered theme and everything. Still a fun little story!

6869958 That taunting clap and her shit-eating grin make me want to punch her teeth out and make a necklace out of them. And then throw her toothless ass to MegaPone or Cloperella to be used for a rape clopfic.

I don't like clopfics very much, I absolutely hate rape fics, but if it's Starlight who's on the receiving end I can dig it.

Damn I hate her so much. In case it wasn't obvious.

Oh, and this was a good read.

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