• Published 8th Feb 2016
  • 16,913 Views, 222 Comments

Raven - SaintChoc

Anyone who has sought counsel from Princess Celestia has met Raven, her most faithful aide. She has been a veritable second shadow to the princess for as long as the castle staff can remember... longer than they can remember, in fact. Much longer.

  • ...

Part 4

Raven opened the door to Celestia's study, carrying with her magic a lantern, a cup of tea, and a folder. The princess was seated on the rug in the center, a lit fireplace some feet away from her. Her shoulders were convulsing heavily, her breath ragged.

"Your Keemun tea, Princess," she said, walking around to the front of Celestia.

Celestia's eyes were wild and unfocused, looking as if all that kept them dry was the fact that the tears were long spent. "I… I haven't accomplished anything. I never have. I've never fixed anything. Every problem, I've just… I've just l-locked away for later. I've sealed kingdoms, I've banished p-ponies…" Her breathing became more intense, and she suddenly reared up on her hind legs. "...but I could never, ever, fix it!" She slammed her front hooves on the ground, and a shockwave of magical energy emitted from her horn. Pictures fell off the wall, and books flew to the other side of the room. The fireplace went out, leaving the room only lit by Raven's lantern. Raven's magic stayed firm. Not a drop of tea was spilled.

"The fact that this nation lives in peace and prosperity is a momentous accomplishment, and every citizen has you to thank. Drink your tea." Raven kept her tone unwaveringly professional.

Celestia fell awkwardly to her knees, not acknowledging Raven's words. "I can't do this anymore. I can't. We're getting closer and closer to my sister returning, and I don't know what I'm going to do. If I end up simply banishing her again, I d-don't think I could…" She breathed in and out rapidly. "And then the Crystal Empire will return, and I…" She bared and gritted her teeth. "NnnaaAAAAAAHHHHHH!" she screamed.

Raven didn't flinch. "Drink. Your. Tea."

Celestia finally focused enough to meet Raven's gaze, swallowing, then looked at the tea. A light gold glow overtook it as she brought it to her lips, though it trembled as it flew. A hint of red remained encircled around it as Raven helped keep it steady.

Raven cleared her throat. "Princess, do not waste the advantage you have gained in your banishments: preparation." Celestia looked to her, her expression slowly returning to some semblance of normalcy. "There still remain over a hundred years until she returns. You know what will happen and when it will happen. Do not squander the opportunity to make sure you are ready."

Celestia continued staring at her. She broke her gaze as she put the cup to her lips once more. "I… I don't know what I can…"

"You have over a hundred years to think of something," Raven said. "The emissary from Griffonstone will be here in an hour. I would recommend we discuss the meeting in the throne room."

Celestia nodded, her breathing more steady. "Alright. Thank you, Raven." She picked herself up and walked out of the room, holding her tea in front of her.

Raven followed, leaving the lantern in the room. She made eye contact with the guards outside the room and used her head to surreptitiously motion inside. The guards nodded, then entered and set to the task of fixing the room back up.

Raven moved faster to catch up with Celestia. "Here is an outlining of the trading that has been done with Griffonstone within the last year. I've—"

"He'll likely want to discuss the border policy. Have there been any significant events that might be relevant to that since the airspace violation four months ago?"

Raven smiled. "There have not." She tucked the border events summary back into the folder.