• Published 18th Feb 2016
  • 3,236 Views, 211 Comments

For Want of a Vampire - David Silver

Richard Von Dracula is a very proud vampire, from a very proud lineage. Well, he was, until his blood seemed to sour. All he produces these days are bats. Not even normal bats. Bat ponies! They're not even VAMPIRE bat ponies! He's forced to make do.

  • ...

11 - Welcome to the Herd

Sunrise and Sunset dashed behind Orange who was left to meet the gaze of the new vampony. She met his gaze easily a moment before she stood up on her new hooves, flexing her fingers with their sharp-looking claws. "What would you have of me, Master?"

Orange swallowed audibly.

"A name," whispered Sunset.

"She needs one," agreed Sunrise in a harsh whisper.

"Right!" He frowned in thought. Strong-willed, of clear African descent, even if that had become hidden under green fur. She still had her black hair, and her tail was also black. "Black..."

The new vampony frowned at him. "You best not be thinkin' t'name me something stupid, Master."

He swallowed back the title he had been thinking of. "Verdant Field."

She raised a brow. "Wolf Field."

Orange glanced back at those hiding behind him before meeting her gaze again. "Why wolf?"

"I like wolves." She leaned forward, hands on her hips. "Got a problem?"

Orange raised his hooves. "No no! Wolf Field then."

Sunset emerged from around Orange. "Nice to meet you, Miss Field."

Sunrise came from the other side. "A pleasure, Wolf. Welcome to the herd."

Richard threw open the doors from outside without touching them. "Has she fi--" He abruptly stopped when he caught sight of his newest servant. "You're standing on two legs! I would thank the angels, but that would be far too ironic for me." He moved for Wolf Field, smiling gleefully. "Welcome, Welcome... You look like a proper vampire, mostly."

Wolf snorted softly at Richard and hiked a thumb at him as she looked to Orange. "Who's this joker?"

Orange paled at the impudence and hurried forward, but not quickly enough for Richard's fury. With a disdainful flick, Wolf was sent flying towards the nearest wall. Her wings burst free as if in response and caught her before she slammed into the wall and she hissed in the pain of growing new limbs so rapidly. "A fiesty one! You think you can disrespect me or Master and get away with it?" Wolf demanded with a feral snarl.

Orange waved his hooves frantically. "Please, there's no need to fight!"

Richard reached down and pushed Orange back and away. "Oh, but there is. Your servant needs to learn her place." With an imperious sweep of his cape, he faced Wolf. "Child of a pony, you face a vampire of Dracula's famed descent."

Wolf moved her head back and forth in a rapid left and right motion, never breaking the deadly staring match with him and a finger waving in counter tune. "Don't you dare take that tone with me! You think that's gonna impress me? Nuh uh! You put that wagging tongue back in your mouth before I slap it out!"

Words were done, for the moment. They rushed one another, colliding hands first as they wrestled for direct physical superiority. Despite her spirit, Richard was fueled with a recent meal and experience besides, and began to force the newly forged vampire back and down to a knee. "Wolf? More like a puppy, barking at what she doesn't understand."

Orange looked back and forth between the two, unsure who to help, or how. He winced and turned away as she lashed out at him, only to find Sunrise beside him. "Our new herdmate is very brave."

"I can't help but admire her a little, Master." Orange turned to see Sunset at his other side. Their ability to move silently had yet to fail to amaze him.

With a sudden gust of force, Wolf was thrown back several feet. The light in the room dimmed and dark shadows rose up, grasping at the new vampire and securing her ankles. "You have amused me." Richard took slow steps towards her. "How many years has it been since last any put a mark to my flesh?"

"Too damn long if y'ask me." Wolf scowled at Richard, her fists balled and her body in a tense and ready position.

Richard curled a finger, lifting her from the ground on the powerful shadows that crept up her back, binding her arms to her torso along the way. "I am the master of this castle. Know this, and remember how helpless you feel right now."

Orange raised a hoof at Richard. "Master, sir, she's still new to all of... this."

Richard glanced towards Orange. "Your heart is too soft, servant. What say you, who would be called Wolf?"

She grinned at him, exposing sharpened teeth and lengthened fangs. "Show me how t' make with the shadows and I'll call it even."

Richard met her grin. "There are uses for spirited servants." With a soft gesture, she fell to her rump. "Rise, and serve me well, and many rewards await you."

A new figure came in from outside, ears perked and hooves clopping with his steps. "What's going on?"

Orange picked up on it swiftly. "You were the man at the gate?"

"I think so..."

Wolf snorted as she walked past Richard. "Welcome to this misfit of a crew."

"Herd," chorused Sunrise and Sunset.

Richard rolled his eyes. "That is a disgusting term." He leveled a finger at the new pony. "Why aren't you dead?"

"I don't know, Sir?" The new pony flapped his new leathery wings. "Did I do something wrong?"

Richard's problems only seemed to be growing more complex by the day. He made an angry swipe at the new pony. "Report to Orange Peel." He said the name as if it were sour in his mouth. "I will see to the scouting of this foul new place we've found ourselves in."

Author's Note:

What is a vampire that can't even kill someone properly?

What is Richard to do with this growing gaggle of ponies?