• Published 28th Mar 2016
  • 4,908 Views, 12 Comments

Deep snugglerity - Imperator45

Rarity fall asleep in the library and grab the first thing in her reach

  • ...

Those catchy white hooves.

"To love, it’s of not having the right anymore to the sun of everyone. We have our own."

-Marcel Jouhandeau.

Ponyville, inside the Golden Oak library.

A young purple Unicorn mare was standing near the entrance of the library wearing a saddle bag, she was talking to one friend of her.

"Okay, I really must go now, I’ll leaving the library in your care, take any books you want but don't forget to add them on the list before going home if you take some with you, but don't worry Spike should be there pretty soon, so he will do this instead if you want."

"Very well darling, don’t you worry about that, I’ll take care of everything alongside Spikey-wikey."

Twilight smiled at this before waving at her friend and opened the door, a few seconds later she was out of sight for anypony who was still within the tree house.

Rarity took a book who lied on a table with her magic and got to a couch standing in the main room. There she opened the said book and put it right before her on the couch and finally, started to read it.

"What a wonderful book really, it really has all the information that I was looking for. “exclaimed Rarity to herself, the fashionista has been looking for some information on the dress from the previous decade for the task that one client asked from her. The object of the contract wasn't difficult in itself but the client has asked for some dress that the fashionista clearly found outdated, but the client is king so.

"I'm lucky that Twilight was still here when i got to the library, she told me that she was on the point of closing the library for today before that she got out to go to Sweet Apple Acre looking for AJ...Or maybe that it was for Big Macintosh, those last time she seems to go there a little more that usually. Did the sparkle of love finally found our dear Twilight Sparkle?" Rarity smiled over the possibility that her purple friend finally experimented that wondrous feeling that come with having a crush...

"Maybe that it would make a good gossip material for later and-But what am i thinking about? I’m here to look for some dress idea, not to mentally discuss about the possibility that dear Twilight has a crush over the brother of one of her best friend. Silly Rarity now got back to work."

And so Rarity plunged back into her reading, she did found a couple of idea and written them down on her notebook so she could work on it in her shop after.

"I will really have to thank Twilight for that book she choose for me. With what i got i should be able to make at least ten dress. It shouldn't be very long before that i found material for the rest of them."

She keeps reading for a few seconds until that she began to feel sleepy.

"It's warm in there."

Rarity looked up from the book that was lying on the library couch just beside her and stared at the windows, one of the sun ray was directly pointing at her, enveloping her and the book into a gentle heat.

"Mmmh, So warm. “Rarity could feel the feline part within her when she began to stretch and lay down totally using the book as a makeshift pillow.

"I fell so sleepy, it's true that those last night I’ve been pretty busy with order and didn't get any full sleep in days, maybe that i could take a short nap and... No, focus Rarity, you’ve got work to do and..."

The intensity of the ray got only brighter.

"Mmmh, just for a minute..."

"Twilight I’m back from the market. “Shouted Spike, just as he said he just got back to the library with at least six back in his grab, each of them were at least half of his size and weight.

"Twilight i'm sorry to be the one that tell you that but no, they weren't selling anymore of that pink ink that you love so much, and I know very well what you are going to say, that-"


For having spent almost all his life alongside Twilight Sparkle, Spike knew many think about her. Like when she is poked under her belly she will emit a small burp. That even when she said that her stomach is full , she will discretely sneak up to the fridge. And that when she thinks that she is alone, she read some reading material...that shouldn't be reads by young ponies.

But in all his young life, he has never heard a yawn from Twilight that sounded...Elegant.

So, when he heard this yawn who could be compared to some verse coming from a wonderful poem, he instantly understood that this wasn't coming from Twilight.

So, his surprise was great when he turned around and found out a pony was lying on the couch of the main library...And what pony.

"Ra-Rarity." Spike’s heart missed a beat at the sight of the magnificent pony lying only a few meter away from him.

"Rarity, what is she doing here? "The dragon totally forgot about his bag and let them on the floor near the entrance of the library. Slowly he approached the sleeping pony until he was a foot away from the white beauty.

"Still, what is she doing here?" As Spike questioned himself, a quick glance around the being that hi heart was longing for gave him enough answers.

"Let's see, a book on dress from the previous decade, a pencil, some sheet of papers, a note book...It look like she has been documenting for some idea of dress before falling asleep. -the young dragon looked up and saw some sun ray coming through the windows and going straight to the asleep Rarity. -And that sun ray must have make her fall asleep."

The sight of Rarity under the sun light gave her something that Spike could only describe as a divine aura.He stayed on contemplation fpr at least one minutes before that her shivering brought him back to reality.

"Hum? What happened? Is It-"Spike looked up and saw the cause of the shiver-"Clouds, clouds are covering the sun. Damn Pegasi, should be in jail for that. "He took one last glance to Rarity before turning around.

"Well, at least i should bring her some blanket to cover up, it is not said that Spike the dragon will not act as a gentledrake when a lady is-"Spike was suddenly interrupted who he felt something grab his torso and bring him back toward the couch.

"What? What is-"The realization of the situation silenced Spike, Rarity, feeling the cold air choose to grab the warmest thing in her reach, and dragon release a lot of warmth.

So now Spike was on the couch, right beside Rarity in her grab. Her, using him to gain some warmth as a makeshift blanket.

"Rar-Rarity!" The dragon didn't know what to think, he, a dragon, one of the more terrifying being of the whole world, was actually being hugged by the most beautiful being that ever existed.

And to his exclamation, the unicorn only responded by an adorable little yawn.

"She is yawning; she-she is waking up! What to do? How will she react when she'll find me like that? She will be disgusted, no doubt about that. She will call me a profiteer. Or worse...A molester!"

To this thought the dragon felt fear run through his whole body. If Rarity did find him in this situation, their relationship would be forever shattered. And what about his friend? Twilight would be disgusted and shun him away. And Celestia, the only being that he ever considered like a mother would be forever enraged against him. And the moon would likely found another resident.

But it seemed that the fashionista was a heavy sleeper or simply very tired because except for to stir up she didn't make any more movement, except for the one of her chest that showed that her lungs were still doing perfectly their works.

To this Spike sighed of relief, he was in a safe area...At least for now.

"I know that i should try to get from her grip, but i really want to stay within her hooves for some more...Is it wrong for me to think that?
Spike rested in her grip for some minutes, savoring each seconds the sweet embrace that held him, the fragrance of her mane who reach his nose, the warmth coming from her chest to his scale.

"She grabbed me for the warmth, but in the end it's me who is getting warmer than ever, it’s ironical." Spike smiled to his train of through, but that changed when he felt the two hoof that held him tighten a little more.


To those words Spike thought:
"That's it, she has woken up. Now she will be angry and will never talk to me again."

The said Spikey waited a few second the angry rant that should have come but seeing that it didn't come turned his head a little to see how Rarity was doing.

What he found surprised him:
Two closed eyes and a calm breath...She was still sleeping.

"But, if she is sleeping, then why did she said my name?"

Then another movement from Rarity took Spike by surprise when he felt her muzzle going straight for the hook of his neck. All of his movement stopped when she took one big breath.

It's only when the muzzle retired itself from him that he could breath again.


"Hmm, Spikey-wikey."This time Rarity put her entire head on his left shoulder, and that time again, O2 didn't find its way toward his lungs. But what really took him out of breath was the fact that Rarity hooked him with both of her hind legs.

"Okay, heaven exist, and this is the prrrooooooof."Spike got some difficulty to achieve his sentence when the Unicorn nipped his ear.

"Mmh, tasting scaly."Whispered Rarity.

For Spike it was really difficult to control himself, he really wanted to turn around and return the embrace.

"But i could never look at myself in a mirror if i took advantage of this situation, nor Rarity would never trust me again."

But Spike wasn’t at the end of the surprise as he felt something near his neck and at the top of his back.

"What-what is she doing now? "The reptile turned his head and finally saw what was happening: Rarity was rubbing her torso against him.

"Oh my Celestia!"The stress only leveled up when he felt both of her back hooves slowly but surely level up until their reached his belly.

"Rarity, my sweet Rarity, why are you torturing me so much." The movement from her chest were accompanied by her head who got on his left should. He could hear sharp breath coming from her.

But what was surprising him the most was what she was whispering:

"Spikey wikey, my dear spikey wikey."

That was too much for him, he needed to get out from this trap, and fast.

"Okay, I need to get out, if some pony gets there and see us, it could badly hurt the reputation of Rarity, and that's something that I would never allow."

Spike managed to grab the two front legs of Rarity, and managed to put them behind his back.
"Okay, that's part is done, now must do the next step...It’s in those situation that having a hand is really great."

And so Spike grabbed the hind legs and began to put them behind him when he heard something that made his heart stop.

"My Spike, my lovely Spike."

He stopped his movement for some second before finishing them. He needed this to be done, he could think of all that situation when he would be out from the hugging Rarity (He never thought that he could think that one day.)

Finally, he was free from Rarity and was on the point of climb down of the couch when he felt a hoof reached his shoulder.

"Spike...I... I love..."

Spike stood paralyzed there waiting for Rarity to complete her sentence, but he only got one response:


A snore.

Spike rolled his eyes at this and with disgust toward himself, put the white hoof away from his body got down from that couch and with a very slow motion, got to the plastic bag from the market.

"Hi Spike-Wikey."

"Hi Rarity."

Rarity just woken when Spike got back from the kitchen to the main room, the library.

"She just got awake, she has probably woken up when i stored up the groceries. She must have heard the noise."

Spike stood there, watching the white pony stretching before that she rubbed her eyes. After that she was finished she climbed down from the couch and stood up next to Spike.

"Sorry for falling asleep, Spikey darling. I know it is not very lady-like to do this, but it felt pretty good at the moment that i just couldn’t resist."

" Oh, don’t you worry about that, if you knew how many time did fall asleep during her studies." Replied Spike with a small smile.

"Coming from her it doesn’t surprise me at all. She must take better care of herself, or she'll get wrinkles and white mane before the age."

"Yes you're right but you know her. It doesn't matter how many time i tell her that, she’ll just nod and go back reading."

Rarity sighed to this.

"Yes, she's too old, we cannot change her anymore. "Spike nodded to that.

"Well, I got all information that I needed, I shall probably leave."

Even after all he has endured in the past ten minutes, Spike heart was flooded with sadness by hearing those word.

"Come on stay focused, after all, she has what she has come for, it is not like if she had any other reason to stay there. "A he watched the unicorn grab up her material and gather them into a saddlebag, his emotion finally got the better of him.

"Wait, stop right there!"

Rarity halted all action to this outburst that Spike did. The tone that he employed was almost terrifying. It was a tone that she didn't want to disobey so she turned around and looked at Spike. She too wanted to know what was so urgent that he nearly gave her a heart attack to announce it.

"Y-yes Spikey Wiley?"

Spike saw surprise in Rarity gesture and cursed himself for that. But he needed to try something, he didn't want her to leave now.

"Good job Spike, you’re shuttering just after shouting, and here goes your credibility…Far away."

"N-nothing Rarity." Finished Spike, his head hanging low. He slowly turned on the other way to let Rarity grab her belonging and go but-


Those word stopped Spike right on his track and turned again to face Rarity and saw that she had advanced of a few step toward him.

"Tell me what you have to say...Right now!"

Spike never heard Rarity to sound so...authoritative. She could probably beat Fluttershy stare right now. And like under Fluttershy stare, he obeyed submitted to it.

"Well, you see..."


"I wanted...I wanted to know if...You wanted to taste some tea…It is coming from Griffonia, we got it as a present from Celestia last week and it tasted really great, So I wondered I you would like to take some…With me, I’d understand if you must go, I’ll just –"


"Yes, Rarity?"Spike stopped his rant and opened his ears the must he could.(A lady is always worthy of every attentions that a gentlestalion is able to offer.)

The dragon could feel her eyes right thought his own as she answered.

"Spike I would love to...I would loke to get some of that tea with you."It took only a few second for Spike to act after this sentence.

"Really? Then follow me my lady, your mouth will go into a wonderful and foreign land." As Rarity followed him, Spike held the Kitchen door so she could get into the kitchen.

"I’m sure of it Darling, I’m sure of it."

A few hours later at the Carousel Boutique.

"Opalescence, it’s mommy, I’m home. "A growl was the only answers of the cat that Rarity received. she put her belongings on a closet before going upstairs.

After that she entered her room and got near a desk, she opened one of the drawer revealing a small chest, she took a key placed under the closet and opened the chest.

There, stood a red notebook, with an elegant R for title. Rarity magically grabbed it and posed it down on her bed.

" So, let’s write some news in there. "The dress making pony opened the book and after searching for the right page, began to write.

"So, today i finally got some valuable information on the command that i received two days ago, tomorrow i will do some sketch then i should be able to make some good idea for the client that asked me to make 23 dress for a gala. That put aside i have discovered that Twilight may have a crush on some pony coming from the Apple, right now the question is Big Mac or AJ? I don't know for sure but whoever it is, I hope that this pony will treat with all the respect she is worth."

Rarity flipped the full page to write on another one.

But those are not the only things that i learned today, for example, I leaned that:
"Celestia sun can be sweeter that a silk blanket."
"That Spikey-Wikey can be very loud while entering into a house but that he is really a gentledrake."

After writing her last sentence, Rarity paused for a few moments. It’s only when a smile decorated her lips that she continued.

"And that apparently, I’m a very good actress as he never noticed that I was awake since he entered into the library."

She posed her pencil on the side of her bed and looked at her writing. She remembered all the event of the day, her sleeping action included before closing her note book.
She quietly got off her bed to reach a closet that stood on the other side of the room, she unlocked it revealing its content.

A fire ruby.

The one Spike gave to her some years ago on his birthday.

She took it with both of her front hoof and held it right before her.

And after a few second to stare at it she kissed it on the center. Then she took a chain that laid in the closet and attached it to the ruby. After forming a necklace, she put it around her neck and got near the windows and opened it.

As she put her head on the edge of the window, she thought about the young dragon.

"Soon Spike, soon...Very soon."

She stood there for some time, looking at the sun setting, Celestia having fulfilled her duty for the day, before going straight toward her bed ready for a good night of sleep and rest.

That night, she got the best dream in all her life.

Spike, unlike almost every other resident of Equestria, still wasn't asleep.

Rarity had left for hours now, even Twilight got home (covered in mud but he didn't ask why) and after the evening meal got straight to bed. Leaving him alone with his thought.

The event of the day were repeating themselves in his scaly head, he couldn't sleep with that much in mind. But even if he remembered fondly the touches, It was the words she said while sleeping who stayed in particularly inside his mind .

"Spike...I... I love..."
"My Spike, my lovely Spike."
"Spikey wikey, my dear spikey wikey."

Those sound couldn't be kept out of his mind, and even if I could he wouldn't.

"If...If she didn't care for me ...Would she really said that?" As the young dragon looked at the moon, he remembered one last sentence and action that were important.

"Of course, Spike. I would love to."

Spike smiled, if he understood one thing from that day, it’s that he stood a chance. A chance to possess a treasure...A treasure that had more value than any gold, jewels, lands or anything else...That no others dragon in the whole world would possess.

The love from a white unicorn named Rarity.

Shortly after that he felled asleep with the best dream he has never experimented.


Comments ( 12 )

My thoughts on this so far is that it has potential for delightfully warm fuzzies, but you either need an editor or go back over the work yourself and correct a number of grammatical mistakes. Perhaps have another friend look over and give some additional constructive critique regarding how to tighten up the story? Either way, I enjoyed it for what it's worth and eagerly await a cleaned-up version!

Multiple but still very sweet. I wasn't sure if rarity was faking being asleep or not. I hope to see a sequel to this.

It's a cute story, but the grammar is... honestly painful. Needs a prereader or editor.

1 bad thing.....bad grammer

however the story is pretty good. I like it keep up the good work :raritywink:

Needs work, darling...but...not terrible...But find an editor or something, yes?

I can help editing this.

PM me for more details.

It's cute and enduces warm fuzzies. But you seriously need an editor for this one. Still, have a like and a fav! All hail cute Sparity!

This has such great potential but the lack of editing and grammar mistakes distract from the emotions it's trying to evoke.

If you need an editor, there are several groups dedicated to connecting authors with editors.

I can tell that English isn't your first language, but you did good

"Okay, heaven exist, and this is the prrrooooooof."Spike got some difficulty to achieve his sentence when the Unicorn nipped his ear.


Lovely story. Lots of errors though. I took the liberty of copying and editing your script for grammar issues to the best of my ability. If you're interested let me know and I can PM you what I have typed out.

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