• Published 8th Mar 2016
  • 5,854 Views, 30 Comments

Just a Hobby - Ekhidna

Monsters and prisoners from Tartarus escape. All of them dangerous; especially one of them. It's up to a very secret, very special agency to deal with this new menance.

  • ...

I'll defeat you...

Author's Note:

Special thanks to all that read this!

Special thanks to Trithtale for editing, you're amazing!

By popular demand, here is a sequel to Just a dent in the plan. Never thought it would be so popular. I'll divide it in two parts because of my work leaves me with little free time and I'm also working in another project.

*OnePunch Man references but not an actual crossover*

Just a Hobby

Twilight, her friends and Discord sat in the dining hall of Canterlot’s castle in relative silence, the guards standing around nearby their only company. They had been sitting there for almost an entire hour after the six mares opened the box the Tree of Harmony had sprouted for them using the objects or ‘Friendship Keys’ they gained through the past weeks. The box was open and they were washed by a new but equally powerful force like the Elements of Harmony. These new ‘Rainbow Powers,’ cheerfully dubbed by Pinkie Pie, felt even more personal and belonging than the Elements themselves.

But that only lasted a few seconds before they disappeared and the box flew out, riding a rainbow until it reached Ponyville, and moments later a castle emerged. They only had time to see the large round stone table surrounded by six thrones each bearing one of their cutie marks and a seventh smaller one with no marks beside Twilight’s throne. After that a guard came in telling them that they would soon be needed in Canterlot. Then Discord snapped his fingers and here they were now.

Twilight took a tentative glance around and found the exact same thing she had from her previous attempts: Silence. Of course Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were talking to each other every now and then, Discord and Fluttershy were pretty much whispering between themselves and Rarity and Applejack remained mostly silent aside from pointing something about the room itself from time to time. Sure, they were speaking but they weren't talking.

She herself couldn’t blame them. How could she when she didn’t have any idea as to what they saw Spike do two hours earlier? She had fought Tirek one-on-one and she knew she was winning but she knew Tirek knew that as well, so he pulled the hostage card to win. She knew she could save her friends from his grasp and beat Tirek into submission...but she wasn’t sure if she could rescue them before Tirek could hurt them. So with her dear friends lives at risk she accepted the deal, Tirek got what he wanted, he gloated and tried to kill them.

And then Spike beats the demonic centaur without even touching him.

Beat him? Spike had Tirek begging to spare his life! How the hay can that even be possible!? Twilight asked herself, her eyes narrowing in thought. A million questions popped in her mind followed by a million answers trying to find any sense of logic to it all, each more ridiculous and farfetched than the last. No matter how hard she tried, no matter how much she dug into her subconscious trying to find something, anything, even the smallest hint of a clue hidden away in her memories that could possibly bring some light into the matter...there wasn’t. She absolutely had no idea and no explanation as to why Spike was able to do what he had done.

“Spike…,” Twilight whispered the name of her little brother, her number one assistant and her best friend.

Suddenly the doors opened revealing a tall, white coated unicorn with arctic blue eyes and curly amber mane and tail wearing a fancy white suit, a red bowtie and a rose adorning the left pouch of his suit. If there was any doubt who this pony was his cutie mark was enough to discern them: a compass rose.

“Prince Blueblood,” Twilight greeted. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?”

Blueblood didn’t immediately reply until he was standing a few hoofsteps in front of the dining table. “The seven of you, follow me and be quiet.”

Twilight was surprised at the tone in his voice. If she didn’t know him better she’d swear he was truly authoritarian, despite his usual rudeness and lack of tact. Before she could say a piece of her mind, Blueblood turned around and began to walk away. Her friends gave her a confused look, clearly having no idea what to do. Breathing out a sigh, Twilight decided to follow the prince despite her better judgment.

“Come on, let’s see what he wants,” Twilight said to her friends. Chairs shifted and soon a series of hoofsteps followed behind her. Twilight and her friends followed Blueblood for a good five minutes until they reached his personal chambers. Using his magic he opened the doors and the view was exactly what expected. The most luxurious sheets and curtains, an oversized bed, an open closet showcasing several costly suits and, of course, an army of brushes, lotions, perfumes and creams standing on an oversized vanity desk and mirror (apparently made out of gold) adorned to the brim with gems and jewels. Not even Celestia had such things. The doors suddenly closing behind the group managed to startle her. “What are you doing?”

“I said be quiet,” Blueblood said before clearing his throat. “Many monsters run amok the land. Dangerous, vile and untamed. I’m the spear of day and the shield of night. Open your gates, for Charmer has returned.”

Not three seconds later the party heard the grinding of gears followed by the luxurious bed being lifted up until it stood at eighty degrees, the floor below the bed split and slid in opposite directions revealing a stone stairway leading to some sort of tunnel.

“Follow me and this time. Be quiet,” Blueblood commanded before stepping down the stairs. Six of the group of seven followed the prince.

Twilight, on the other hoof, hesitated for a moment after seeing a secret passage leading to Celestia knows where open in the room of Blueblood. At this point anything is possible, I think, Twilight thought before following suit.

After reaching the bottom of the stairs the passageway behind her close itself. There was a moment of darkness that was soon replaced by a dim blue light illuminating the incredibly ample passage. The group followed the prince for several minutes until in the distance they began to hear muffled voices; judging by the tones they were having an argument. Half a minute later the group reached the end of the passage and found themselves inside an oval shaped room.

Blueblood casted a spell and instantly the loud muffled voices became clear.

“--upose to do then, let Tirek kill them just like that?” That was clearly the voice of Spike, and he didn’t sound happy.

“That’s not what I mean, Dracone!” And that was Celestia. She sounded furious and it sent a shiver down the spines of the six mares, especially down Twilight’s. She knew Spike’s second name was Dracone, but she herself had rarely used it before; hearing it though in such a tone? *shivers* Pure terror.

“Sister, forgive Us but Our dear nephew is right. If not for his actions Tirek surely would’ve annihilated them,” and that was Luna trying to be the middle voice it seemed.

“Don’t side with him, Luna! We’re lucky his interference didn’t perturbed the Tree or worse!”

“And we’re lucky you’re plans, except this one, have worked every time by pure luck, mom.”

Don’t you dare talk back to me like that, Dracone!” Celestia shouted using the royal canterlot voice.

I was wrong, now it’s so much worse, Twilight thought forcing her legs not to tremble in fright.

“Then what do you want me to do? Sit back and just watch the next villain come and harm Twilight and the girls or worse? Because I won’t. And what does it matter now? They saw me in action, big deal.”

“Nephew, at the very least please show concern and seriousness about this dire matter!”

“Aunt Luna, can’t you see I am? But it doesn’t change that what I said is the truth. I’m not saying I’m perfect, cause I’m not, I still have nightmares about my rampage. Can you imagine what would’ve happen if I kept my strength? Cause I do.”

“That has nothing to do with this!”

“But it does, we were all lucky my feelings for Rarity never changed. Or that I could receive so many letters when Twilight gave up fighting Discord at once; my belly hurt for weeks by the way. Or that I was able to bring Twilight out of the trance that door put her in, which also put me in a waking nightmare. I swear I was this close from punching Sombra in the face. Or how about----”

“We’ve been through this topic already, Spike,” Celestia said in a more controlled tone. “And you’re right but those were risks we all had to take; I’m not all wise so I can’t foresee every single little thing that can go wrong. Still, that doesn’t excuse you from disobeying my direct orders to let them resolve the problem by themselves.”

“But you also gave me the direct order to protect them at all costs if something went off hoof. Remember why I asked to be an Agent in my free time in the first place, mom? To protect Equestria, to protect you and Twilight and everypony! I know I should've done something else like throw a rock at Tirek or something, but I moved without thinking. And….I’m sorry….but I’m not sorry I did what I did to save them.”


“We’ll continue this conversation later. For now, go to your room. You’re grounded until I say otherwise,” Celestia said followed by the sound of a teleportation.

“We...We are sorry, nephew.”

“Meh, no biggie, at least mom didn’t ban my comics. You did your best aunt Luna, thanks,” Spike said followed by the sound of a teleportation. Several seconds passed until Spike began to grumble and mumble and walk away if his tiny steps were any indication. Doors opened and then slammed shut.

The party waited for several moments until Fluttershy broke the silence.

“Oh my, I hope Spike and princess Celestia aren’t that mad at each other.”

Twilight barely contained an eye roll. Only Fluttershy could be worried about something like that at a moment like this. Understandable, yes, but still...“What was that all about?” she asked out loud. Twilight truly had no idea what to make out of the whole situation so she turned to the one that looked like did.

“Um, prince Blueblood, what exactly is going on? Why did you lead us here? And why was Spike referring to Celestia and Luna as ‘Mom’ and ‘Aunt’?” Fluttershy asked weakly.

Twilight knew the answer. Ever since their days in early magical kindergarten she knew Celestia had adopted Spike, but actually hearing them refer to each other as such always weirded her out. Seeing that Blueblood ignored her friend she took a step forward. “Blueblood, didn’t you hear her?”

“Special Agent Charmer, present,” Blueblood said making the floor in the middle of the room to open and a rectangular table with eleven seats, five at each of the lengthier sides and one smaller one at the head or bottom of the table, they couldn’t tell. Blueblood walked to the seat bearing a heart and a set of lips below it, he sat on the seat and let out a long, frustrated sigh. “Have any of you ever heard about the Special Anti-Invading-Terrorizing-Aggressive-Monster Agency that works….used to work hard for the protection of Equestria?”

The entire group shook their heads. “What agency?” Applejack asked tilting her head.

“Exactly,” Blueblood answered. “As for your questions: Something you shouldn’t even know about. To bring light into the darkness of your doubts. And because Spike is the adoptive son of Celestia.”

“Tia as a mother? That’d be the day,” Discord mumbled crossing his arms while five mares gasped.

“But that’s not important or relevant right now. What I’m about to tell you is super secret, understood?” Blueblood shot a glare at Discord. “With you I’m taking a risk though, but as I said the Agency is no more so…,” Blueblood lost his serious face and placed a hoof under his chin. “So it doesn’t really matter any more, actually. Forget what I first said then.”

“Why you no good-!” Rainbow begun but Applejack put a foreleg around her back and shook her head. With a huff Rainbow sat on her haunches and cross her forelegs.

“Excuse me, prince Blueblood?” Pinkie asked also sitting on her haunches. “Where are we? I don’t remember seeing this room before.”

“This was the HQ of our Agency, from here eleven Special Agents received their orders to protect Equestria from dangerous monsters by order of princess Celestia,” Blueblood sighed. “From here the safety of Equestria’s citizens was assured in secret,” taking a short lived glance at each seat Blueblood rubbed his temples for a few seconds. “It’s kind of hilarious to think you actually know most of us.”

“How interesting,” Discord droned. “But how is this important again? What about the little doombringer?”

Blueblood glared at the draconequus. “Then listen well to this story. And don’t interrupt me until I’m done, especially you two,” Blueblood pointed at Rarity and Applejack who shared a look of confusion. “Now then, it all started one day eleven years ago.”


Ten figures sat in silence in their respective seats waiting for something or someone. The silence went on for several minutes until one dare to break it.

“No one going to say anything about the extra seat then? Script, Masquerade, Zorro, Mustache?” the figure with a gruff voice. “Then I say. Why the extra seat?” the owner, a brown big diamond dog with green eyes, said pointing at the seat engraved with a flame symbol. His own seat engraved with the symbol of a dog holding up a detective lens.

“We’ll know once princess Celestia give us our orders, Tracking Traces,” Blueblood replied with mild annoyance.

“Whatever, prince Charmer,” Tracking Traces replied with a growl.

“Settle down you two, we must be happy to get another comrade!” a white unicorn with blue eyes, light brown mane, tail and mustache said cheerfully. “I do hope our mission to be something not too difficult; my oldest daughter is going to participate in a school play and I promised her to go and watch it today,” he ended by putting a metallic bat on the table. His seat engraved with the symbol of a mustache.

“Our duty to Equestria is more important than any school play, Mustache,” a light greenish gray coated mare with a two colored stripe mane and tail and delicate arctic blue eyes said. Her seat engraved by three rolled candies. “I promised my friend Lyra to help move her things to Ponyville today, but duty calls, here I am and you don’t see me whining about it.”

“Pfft, yeah. ‘Friend’,” a screechy sounding voice said. “You should tell her who you really are ‘Bon Bon’ and stop hiding behind that mask.”

“Says the changeling,” Sweetie Drops replied with a smug grin. “At least I don’t hide who I am behind a silly nickname, Masquerade,” she said looking at the changeling. His seat engraved with a festival mask symbol.

“Can we focus, please?” another stallion pleaded. His coat a brilliant gamboge with a trimmed two tone sapphire blue mane and tale and blue cornflower eyes. His seat engraved with a circle split in two symbol. “Who cares if there’s a new agent? We have to prioritize our missions and nothing more until they are completed.”

“Divide is right, it doesn’t matter right now,” a veteran looking, country sounding stallion wearing light green sleeveless shirt, shorts, coat and a matching single feathered hood hat. He had cobalt blue eyes, two tone cereluanish gray mane and tail, a white smooth mustache and beard and amber coat said smiling at the group. His seat engraved with an apple sitting on a rock symbol.

“You’re looking pretty happy today, Young Stride,” a filly, barely a teenager with light golden coat, rose eyes, multi-toned monochromatic mane and tail and wearing a khaki vest said with a serious look on her face. “Any special reason you’d like to share with us?”

“Just that Ah got mahself a new grand niece!” he replied cheerfully.

“It’s so strange to see Young Stride so happy!” another mare with a bubbly albeit a bit nasal tone said before giggling. She had a light mulberry coat and cerise mane, tail and matching eye color . A teenager herself, perhaps five or six years older than Script, shifted from side to side on her seat engraved with a chained lamp symbol. “Any names yet!?”

“Not that Ah know of, Obscure,” Young Stride replied making Obscure giggle madly.

“Oh, oh! How about Berry P-”

“No,” Charmer, or rather Blueblood, interrupted. “If you want to name a filly with that name then have one yourself, Obscure,” Obscure replied by sticking her tongue at him. After his declaration another two minutes of silence passed. “I’m surprised you didn’t say anything, Zorro. Usually you’re the first to open your beak,” no answer came to him as Zorro simply sat silently and remained unmoving.

Mustache, being the one sitting right next to Zorro, leaned to nudge his fellow agent. Receiving no response he nudged him again harder. “He’s asleep.”

Of course he is,” Blueblood groaned rubbing his templates. Charging his horn he cast a quick spell over to Zorro hitting him in his mask covered face; scorching two or three of his visible light brown feathers.

“Solo comi tres quesadillas!” Zorro, a griffon clad completely in a black cotton-padded outfit including a gaucho and a cape, shrieked stricken out of his sleep. Looking around with his silver eyes for a moment he quickly regained his composure. “Apologies, my friends. It was not my intention to fall asleep as we waited for our hermosa princesa,” out of nowhere Zorro pulled a guitar and struck a note matching the end of his sentence. His baritone voice, mixed with his polite tone and clear spanish accent made his college's roll their eyes.

“Let me guess, you saved another filly last night, right?” Divide teased.

“Not this time, Divide. I spent all night partying with a few amigos,” he played his guitar again. “There was no preciosa señorita in need of rescuing last night,” the rest of the agents rolled their eyes again. “Haha! Glorious occasion, a new fellow agent will join us!” Zorro declared pointing at the still empty seat.

Before Blueblood could point out his irritation, the sound of something shifting made the ten agents seat straight as a magical crystal screen descended from the ceiling. A few seconds later the screen came to a halt and the image of princess Celestia appeared.

All ten of them stood up and did a respectful bow.

“Special Agent Divide, present.”

“Special Agent Obscure, present.”

“Special Agent Tracking Traces, here.”

“Special Agent Charmer, present.”

“Agente Especial Zorro, presente; mi hermosa princesa,” a guitar strum punctuated his greeting.

“Special Agent Script, reporting.”

“Special Agent Young Stride, happy to serve.”

“Special Agent Sweetie Drops, eager to serve.”

“Special Agent Mustache, ready to swing away.”

“Special Agent Masquerade, ready to serve you, my queen.”

“Greetings to you all, my dear agents,” Celestia greeted with her usual motherly, soft tone letting them all know to retake their seats. “I have summoned you here today for two very special reasons. The first is the inclusion of a new Special Agent and the second is a dire situation that befalls our lands with dread,” the image of Celestia retreated to a corner of the screen while several other images appeared, all of them of chained monsters. Several dozens.

“What the hay…,” Obscure said looking at the screen. If the rest of her comrades shared her preoccupation they didn’t show it.

“Before I continue, let me introduce you to your newest companion, Special Agent Ember,” Celestia’s horn glowed for a couple of seconds until a *pang* noise echoed in the room and a small figure appeared a few meters away from the large desk. “Special Agent Ember, please take your seat so we may begin,” Celestia said with a tender smile.

“Coming!” Ember replied eagerly with childlike wonder. Reaching the seat, being bigger than him Ember stared at it unsure of what to do.

“Let me help you, honey,” Celestia said and her horn glowed.

Ember was lift from the floor and then seated on his place at the bottom of the desk. “Thanks mom!” Ember smiled at the Celestia in the screen. The rest of the agents stared at the newest addition for several seconds. “Hi, my name is Spike, nice to meet you!” Spike beamed joyfully.

Suddenly, Obscure step down from her seat and walked up to the young baby dragon. He didn’t look very tall, in fact if he stood up the top of his head would barely pass her chin; minus his green crest of course. They stared at each other's eyes for an entire second before Obscure picked him up, sat him on her back, walked back up to her seat, climb it, sat on her haunches placing Spike in between her legs and hug him tightly against her barrel. “He’s so cute and adowable! I love him and he’s mine now!” Obscure nuzzled him making Celestia, Young Stride, Divide and Masquerade snicker.

The rest of the agents didn’t say anything except for one. Blueblood’s right eye twitched in anger while Obscure kept on nuzzling the young dragon, who was protesting to be ‘handsome’ not cute. Looking to his aunt in the screen he cleared his throat. “Aunt Celestia, if I may?” Celestia looked at him and nodded. “Why is my dear baby cousin here?” he shot another look to Spike before continuing. “And why in the name of you is he wearing that ridiculous thing?”

“It’s my costume, Blue!” Spike replied before Celestia could. “It makes me look cool!” to make a point he freed himself from Obscure’s grasp and jumped to the table striking a fighting pose bringing his fists up. Spike was wearing a tight yellow jumpsuit with a zipper on the front, a black belt with a golden buckle (showcasing in the middle Celestia’s cutie mark), red gloves and boots and a wide white cape that slightly dragged itself on the floor; his tail creating a perch. “You’re weird for not wearing a costume to protect your secret ide-Idindi--.”

“Identity?” Zorro offered.

“Yes, that, thank you,” Spike said, his mouth going agape.

“You’re not even covering your face,” Script pointed out in a mumble.

Spike looked up and down at Zorro. “Wow! Your costume is cooool, you look so awesome!” he said gawking at the black clad griffon. “Like Batstallion, but real!”

Zorro grinned and turned to face the screen. “Mi princesa, I approve of this fine young lad, he knows awesome when he sees it,” he finished giving the dragon a fist bump. “It is decided, from now on, you shall become my pupil!”

“Hey, I saw him first; get your own cute baby dragon, Zorro!”

“I’m not cute, I’m handsome!”

“How old is he exactly?” Mustache asked to Young Stride sitting at his other side.

“Pretty young, more than Script I think,” the stallion replied enjoying the tug of war between Obscure and Zorro over the little dragon while Celestia giggled and laughed contently.

“Can we FOCUS?” Sweetie Drops demanded.

“Focus on tiny baby dragon!” Tracking Traces said grinning like an idiot jumping to Zorro’s side and hugging both Zorro and Spike with one arm and using his other to keep Obscure away. “Welcome to no-pony-agents club! Masquerade, come and join hug!”

“I’m good,” the changeling said smirking.

“Ugggggg!” Sweetie Drops groaned resting her forehead against the desk.

“Why am I surrounded by these idiots?” Script sighed in disappointment.

“Is it wrong of me that I want to hug him, too? Because I want to hug him,” Divide said watching the three-way sandwiching of the dragon.

“Aunt Celestia, can we please proceed?” Blueblood asked to his aunt who was smiling broadly at the display. His words did reach her and with a quick shaking of her head she coughed.

“You’re right, Charmer. Everyone, please retake your seats,” they all obeyed except for Obscure,she took Spike on her forelegs again, blew a raspberry at Zorro and Tracking Traces and sat on her seat holding Spike tightly. Spike didn’t seem to mind though. “Thank you,” Celestia said once again in a serious tone. Closing her eyes for a couple of seconds the eleven Agents waited patiently for their princess and commander.

“Three days ago,” she began reopening her eyes. “There was an outbreak in Tartarus itself, the source coming from within. Monsters and prisoners tried to escape but were thankfully stopped by the mighty Cerberus,” the other images took three-second long turns taking almost the entire screen. All of them were of monsters being retained or fighting a squadron of elite royal guards, monster tamers or even the Wonderbolts. “Sadly, a significant number of monsters managed to escape and are been dealt with as we speak,” there was moment of silence before Celestia took the entire screen and frowned.

“That’s the information my officials know of, but what they do not know is that several S-rank monsters from the depths of Tartarus also escaped,” with that said Divide, Young Stride and Mustache frowned while humming thoughtfully. Charmer, Masquerade, Tracking Traces, Obscure and Sweetie Drops kept on staring the screen. Zorro whistled and strung his guitar. Script narrowed her eyes and Spike stood still looking at empty space.

“I get a feeling the worse is yet to come, yes?” Young Stride asked.

“Correct you are, Young Stride. For there are three prisoners that also managed to escape; including the perpetrator,” With that Celestia’s image once again moved to the corner of the screen while six new darkened images appeared. “These are the monsters in question. First, the Bug Bear,” the image of an oversized, four-armed, bee stinger, insect winged, black, yellow and white colored monstrosity of a bear appeared on screen.

“The Parasprite,” the image of a small, fuzzy, big eyed ball of fur appeared making most of the agents D’awww internally.

“The Growler,” the image of a toad looking, six eyed, green covered slime thing appeared.

“The Farseer,” the image of a tall bipedal, two-armed, blue skinned, two glowing eyed creature appeared.

“The Tatzlwurm,” the image of a long serpentine purple scaled monster with a red mane and pink head appeared.

“And the Bazul,” the image of a round, black scaled, with no visible limbs or eyes and a series of large fangs on its mouth appeared.

“Each and every single one of these monsters must be found, captured and returned to Tartarus if possible,” Celestia’s horn glowed and six blue folders appeared in front of Sweetie Drops, Tracking Traces, Blueblood, Masquerade, Obscure and Divide; one folder for each of them. “Inside is all the information you need regarding your selected target. Make no mistake, if allowed these monsters will kill you and wreak havoc upon Equestria and beyond.”

“Moving on to the prisoners, first we have Lavan,” the image of an overweight, bipedal slimy being appeared. “Dangerous, tyrannical and malevolent. His only ambition is to transform himself into crystal, thus enhancing his power to rule the world and reshape it in his own image,” her horn glowed and three folders, this time red, appeared in front of Young Stride, Zorro and Mustache.

“Next is the ancient treasure hunter whose sole ambition is world domination without any regard for consequences or remorse,” the image of a dog like creature with hands for forelegs, a hand like tail, sapphire bluish fur and elongated face appeared on screen. “His name is Ahuizotl,” Celestia ended and a red folder appeared in front of Script.

“And finally, the instigator himself: Grogar, the Necromancer,” Celestia stayed silent for around ten seconds before continuing. “What little we know about him is only what legends tell. Five thousand years ago he ruled Equis with an iron hoof until he was defeated by my father and mother and sent into the Shadow World. He came back a hundred years later when I was merely eighteen years old and was defeated once again by my parents and sent to the Shadow World once more and hopefully sealing him forever in the deepest pits of Tartarus,” she sighed. “I do not know how powerful he is right now but if we allow him to regain his strength no one will be able to stop him.”

Celestia finished in a such a tone that sent shivers down the spines of her agents. Several uncomfortable seconds of silence later one dared speak up.

“What must we do, my queen?” Masquerade said looking at Celestia.

“Before you start your own missions you are tasked with confronting and stopping Grogar before it's too late using whatever means necessary to do so,” the screen split in two with the right showing a map bearing a wide red ‘X’ on it. “Here, in the ruins of Tambelon, is where Gogar is currently hiding and regaining his powers.”

“My princess, if I may?” Mustache inquired receiving a nod from Celestia. “If this Grogar dude is so dangerous, shouldn’t you confront him personally? I mean, of course we would back you up and everything.”

“I’m afraid I cannot,” Celestia said truthfully. “Grogar’s magic directly counters alicorn magic, the only reason my parents defeated him was because together they had much more magic than him. And I am weaker than any of my parents, if only…,” she stopped herself. “I’m afraid that against this foe, I’m utterly powerless.”

So we’re the only ones capable of stopping Grogar, Blueblood thought grimly seeing the hurt expression on his aunt’s face.

“I may not be able to aid you in battle, my agents, but I am able to help you get to your destination faster. I shall teleport you all as close as I can to the ruins of Tambelon without alerting Grogar of your presence. Be strong and fight bravely, I’m counting on you,” Celestia said igniting her horn.

“We will not fail,” the ten Agents said in unison feeling the magic of their princess coursing through their bodies.

“I wonder what’s for dinner tonight,” Spike said to himself but thanks to the room his voice was loud enough for all of them to hear. “Emerald soup sounds great.”


Was all Blueblood could say before he was teleported along with his fellow agents.

Part 1 end.