• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,552 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 07: Meeting

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 07: Meeting

As the homeroom lecture went on, Sunset kept on glancing at her class schedule. She wondered how many classes she was going to have with Barbara and Pamela.

Her classes were split into eight sections: there was homeroom and then seven different periods. Her fifth one was much longer but that was because that was lunch. It was spread out into five different sections. One group would just head straight for lunch as soon as fifth period started and then another group would show up. With such a large student body, the lunch room could only hold two groups at once.

Still, she was honestly surprised how efficiently things were organized and how the school times were different. School started at seven-thirty and then ended at two-forty-four; that was certainly not the times she had back in Canterlot High.

There were also only five minutes in between classes to get her things so Sunset knew she had to prepare and organize what she needed for the classes that would involve her skipping her locker. She actually felt she was one of the most organized people at school today; perhaps not as organized as Twilight would be, but still pretty thorough.

The whole day was more or less just going over the school’s handbook in each section for class. It ranged on the attendance policy, bullying, cheating, punishments, codes of conduct and the like. Most students honestly looked like they clearly didn’t want to be here today which made some sense. None of the classes were starting their lessons so it’s not like they would miss anything; it would be especially boring for those who were returning and had heard this all on their very first day of school.

There were no surprises for Sunset schedule-wise, since she had spent some time considering her choice of courses.. For her first two periods she was all by herself in terms of knowing anyone.

Thankfully, her next two classes she found herself with Pamela and the two of them quietly chatted for a bit. Sunset informed her that she managed to get Barbara to show up to join the club after class. Pamela was very excited to hear that, though when asked why, Pamela said she would explain after school.

Sunset headed over to the lunchroom after fourth period, and was pleasantly surprised by Barbara joining her at her table.

“Hey, Sunset!” The red-headed girl smiled as she sat across from Sunset.

“Barbara! Am I glad to see you!” She smiled back as her friend organized her food. “You got the first lunch group too?”

“Yeah, though I think we might be in different classes still.” Barbara took a bite of the sloppy joe that she had picked up before she cleaned off her hands and then pulled out her class schedule. She then handed Sunset the paper so she could compare the classes.

Sunset finished her bite before looking over the schedules. “Okay, so it looks like we only get the forty minutes of lunch together before we have to go to different classes. Oh, looks like we’re in luck! We share our seventh period gym class together!”

“Yes!” Barbara pumped her fist. “Gym is certainly more exciting than most of those boring lecture classes, and having that at the end of the day makes it all the more better. At least it’s something to look forward before the school day ends.”

“Speaking of that.” Sunset took a sip of her drink. “When exactly do I get to try out for the gymnastics team?” Zatanna had told her that she should probably join the program to give increase her physical skills, since that would greatly help out when she engaged in some actual crime fighting. Zatanna also had warned her that sometimes, just relying on her magic would be a mistake, and she would need to use her fists and feet effectively.

“Well,” Barbara began to answer. “Ms. Vann, our gymnastics coach, always has tryouts on Tuesday and Thursday after class on the first week of school. I’ll have to get you a flyer for that just to be sure she didn’t change anything up.

“Speaking of after school activities, there’s also a wide range of clubs that are trying to find members this week as well.” The young girl gave a small grin. “The whole first week is just a mess but thankfully when it’s passed, things tend to calm down and get in order.”

“Hey, you girls talking about clubs?” A brown haired boy with glasses walked over to the two girls. Both of them nodded. “Listen, my name is Felix Murphy, and we’re organizing a film club.” He handed them some flyers. “We’re actually going to watch the 1970 classic M*A*S*H after school today if you’re interested.”

Sunset shook her head. “Thanks for the offer, but we’re actually planning on joining Pamela Isley’s Green Advocacy Club.” Sunset’s kind smile began to fade as Felix slowly gained a nervous look on his face.

“Uh… okay… good luck with that.” He then started to walk away. “Just keep our group in mind.”

Sunset redirected her attention back to Barbara. “What was that all about?” She wondered.

“I’m not sure.” The redhead scratched her chin like she was trying to process past thoughts. “I think there are certain rumors about Pamela that I know I’ve probably heard before, but never really got any confirmation on.”

“That being?” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“I hear that she hasn’t had the greatest luck when it comes to her friendships or her club efforts. This is actually the first year she got that club off the ground after failing her first two years here.”

“Her friendships? Doesn't she have any friends?” Sunset asked to which Barbara shook her head.

“I know she has acquaintances, but not much in terms of people that hang out with her,” She explained, shrugging. "I've never been too close to her, so I wouldn't know."

“Well, I for one am going to be a good friend to her," Sunset stated, "she was the first girl I actually met here and I think we might have some things in common. I certainly hope you’ll perhaps do the same?”

“Hey, I said I’d join the club, but I rather get to know Pamela before I say we’re friends,” She admitted.

“Understandable… but I think she certainly will appreciate seeing us. Actually, she already was very excited when I told her about you joining earlier.”

“That’s nice to hear.” Barbara gave a small grin. “Then perhaps those rumors were just that. Rumors.”

“Oh my god, they shot him! Hot Lips, you incredible nincompoop, it’s the end of the quarter!” The girls looked over a few tables away from them and heard those words being said by Felix.

“What was that all about?” Sunset wondered to which Barbara tried to stifle a laugh.

“Oh, that’s just normal Murphy. Trust me when I say those words you shared with him were the closest you are going to get to having a normal conversation with him. The guy is like a walking pop-culture machine. Almost everything he says will always tie into some sort of movie or TV show.” Both girls then began to laugh.

While Sunset’s fifth and sixth period had no familiar faces aside from Murphy, her seventh was much better. Not only did she have the same class as Barbara as she found out earlier, but Pamela was there as well.

Unfortunately, the gym teacher was very insistent on arranged seating during the days when they had to be in a class so the three of them were spread out, with Pamela sitting near the door.

The class was as boring as the rest of the day had been with the lecture finishing up the handbook before finally everyone was allowed to leave.

The other students immediately fled the room, either heading home or to whatever club had interested them. Pamela was one of them, presumably heading straight to start setting things up..

“Hey.” Barbara grabbed Sunset’s shoulder, holding her back. “If we're going to be helping Pamela, I think we should get some snacks and other things for the club. You know, just in case a group of people show up.”

Sunset nodded at the idea. It honestly sounded like something Pinkie Pie would come up with. “Good idea. I think Pamela would really appreciate that. There any places that sell stuff like that?”

Barbara nodded. “Yeah, there’s actually a pretty good bakery that’s only a few blocks from here.”

“Then let’s go.” Sunset smiled and the two of them left to go to the bakery.

When they got there, it was clear that apparently today was a busy day for the store as there was a good amount of people waiting for pastries and the store was falling behind in the orders.

“Hey, maybe we should try some other place, perhaps?” Sunset suggested.

Barbara shook her head. “No, this is the only place nearby that I can think of. Besides, if we go anywhere else, we run the risk of perhaps going into some more questionable areas of the city.”

Sunset shuttered as she quickly remembered both her first few minutes in this world as well as the story about the Waynes that Zatanna told her. “Okay then… crap, I didn't get her phone number, maybe I should go back to the school and tell Pamela what’s going on then?”

Barbara shook her head “It shouldn’t take too long, and we're almost at the counter. What do you think though, how many people do you think will show up?”

“Hmm… well, I think perhaps we should get maybe enough for seven or eight people. If we have any extras, we can just split them up amongst ourselves and take them home.”

“Good thinking.” Barbara then pulled out her wallet but realized something. “Oh, shoot… I don’t have as much cash on me as I thought.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it,” Sunset said, patting Barbara's shoulder “I can cover the bill if you want.”

“Oh, no! I don’t want you to spe-”

“Relax, I can easily handle it. Don’t worry,” she assured her. "Besides, we all will be in on the club, I'm sure you'll get a chance to cover the groceries sometime."

Barbara stopped and nodded. The two of them were asked to come forward and order but they would have to wait for a bit as more of the pastries and snacks had to be cooked.

“Okay, now I’m pretty sure I should’ve have at least ran back to tell her we were going to be late.” Sunset sighed as she and Barbara were walking back to the school with their order. It turns out they had to wait much longer than they thought as it was now almost three forty-five; almost an entire hours since school ended..

“Okay," Barbara admitted, "that was my bad. It's never taken that long before. But look, with what we brought, it’ll clearly make up for our tardiness! I mean, who can stay angry when we come bearing gifts?”.

"Besides, it might give her some time to get to know any other new members besides, us right? Yeah, I think you're right."

However, as the two of them got closer to the room where they were supposed to meet up, they heard loud, crashing noises and frustrated screaming. The two of them looked nervously at each other before running in.

As they got into the doorway, they could now clearly see what had happened. There was a bunch of posters and papers scattered around the room; most of them had been torn apart and destroyed.

At the center of the room with her back turned to them, stood Pamela who was shaking where she stood.

“Uh… Pamela?” Sunset spoke up. The glasses-wearing girl quickly turned around, and flashed a face of pure rage before it quickly shifted into a mix of shock and embarrassment.

“I… I… um…” The girl was speechless and fell to her knees while covering her face.

“Sorry we’re late,” Barbara apologized as she walked over and cleared a table full of destroyed papers before placing the snacks she was holding on the table. “There was quite a backup at the bakery.”

“We thought perhaps we should bring some snacks for anyone that showed up today,” Sunset explained as she placed down her food as well and went over to help Pamela up. “Um, did anyone show?”

Pamela just sighed as she grabbed a chair and sat in it. “No. No one showed up,” she said miserably, not looking up to meet their eyes.

“And the room?” Barbara asked as she took a seat herself. Sunset followed suit and both girls looked at the disappointed club leader.

“Yeah, that was me.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry… this isn’t the first time I’ve tried a club like this before. Nobody would show up or worse, some would—” She stopped before she said anymore.

“Wait, why would that be bad?” Barbara asked, while Sunset sighed knowingly.

Pamela soon held her head up to look her in the eyes. “Because they would promise to come and leave me hanging, then make fun of me for believing them. Or they would come and destroy my things. Or make fun of my projects.. Sometimes I would try to set up a few gardens, and they would end up being destroyed.”

Both Barbara and Sunset looked at each other before looking back at Pamela. “That’s terrible,” Sunset said, shaking her head a little guiltily, making Barbara raise an eyebrow, but Sunset ignored her, concentrating on Pamela. "Bullies will do anything to get under your skin, but you're not alone anymore.".

“Yeah. But then I met you the other day, Sunset, and thought maybe there was at least someone else that shared my likes involving plants. Then there was earlier today when you also said you had got Barbara here to join us and that got me more excited.”

“But when it looked like we flaked out on you and just left you alone and then—” Barbara waved her finger around the room to indicate the mess that was lying throughout the classroom. “You clearly got very upset.”

Pamela nodded. “Yeah, I probably am going to get a stern talking-to about my actions from the school sometime this week… and then that’s going to get back to my mom and there’s a long lecture I don’t want to hear.” The girl groaned.

“Well," Sunset said, "I'll be the first to apologize for making you wait, Pamela. We didn't mean to do so, and I didn't realize I didn't have your number until we were there." She motioned with her hand at Barbara. By the way, I don’t think you two have properly been introduced. Barbara, this is Pamela Isley. Pamela, this is Barbara Gordon.”

“Pleased to meet you.” Pamela held out her hand and shook Barbara’s. “Well, I have seen you around school for a while now but, you know...” She rubbed the back of her head nervously

“Yeah, same here,” Barbara admitted.

“Now then, since we’re all friends now.” Sunset had a warm smile on her face as she stood up. “How about we get the meeting started while we still can? I’ll help clean up the mess, Barbara; you can pass out the snacks and drinks.”

Both Barbara and Pamela stood up with Sunset and they all did their respective tasks. Barbara got the pastries out of their boxes and spread them out. Meanwhile, Sunset cleaned up the torn stacks of paper and tried to salvage what could be salvaged. Finally, there was Pamela at the front who was writing some things down on the classroom’s whiteboard.

“Alright then.” Pamela stopped writing on the board and turned around to face the girls. Sunset was on the floor getting some more papers while Barbara had a cupcake in her mouth. “Welcome to the first meeting of Gotham High’s Green Advocacy Group. Just to clarify, we’re meeting after Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

“Now, then, what is our goal?” Pamela continued, “well, our goal is mostly to spread awareness involving plants and the benefits they have. Both physically and psychologically.”

“That’s right,” Sunset spoke up, “the first time I showed up here, I noticed how dreary this place looked. In fact, it looked more like prison.” Both girls nodded at that.

"I really do love Gotham High," Barbara said, "but the school certainly could use a bit more life around it rather than it looking about as dreary as the Mojave.".

“Exactly!” Pamela pointed to the whiteboard. “Look, we have some big ideas, but right now this club should start with a more reasonable goal: that being the spreading of information and awareness of plants.”

“What exactly would be an end goal?” Barbara asked.

“Good question." Pamela smiled, crossing her arms. "Well, I suppose an end goal would be perhaps defending the rights for plants.”

Barbara gave her a strange look.

“I know, I know. It sounds silly, but listen for a moment. Plants are living, breathing things just like us, so why don’t they get rights too? They provide so much for us and most people don’t even bat an eye when they simply step on them or destroy them to make way for some sort of building.”

“That’s not even including certain companies like, Chlorogene, that seem to go out of their way to harm plants with chemicals which they claim is helpful but in reality is nothing more than poison. There’s also psychological effects involving plants and simply being around them can work wonders.”

Sunset nodded, interrupting Pamela’s speech. “Just a little bit of green could go a long way. It would certainly probably have a positive effect on the students here.”

“Without plants we couldn't survive at all in this planet. They deserve as much respect and protection as we can give them."

Barbara was certainly surprised by how strongly the two girls felt for all this. “Okay, okay, you convinced me,” she said, putting her hands up in a placating gesture.

“Great!” Pamela had a big smile on her face. “Barbara, you can honestly be a big help to us just by being here actually.”

The red headed girl raised an eyebrow, suddenly wary. “Uh, how exactly?”

“Simple. Your father is a deputy commissioner in the Gotham City Police Department, right?” Barbara nodded at Pamela’s question. “Well, if we can, we might actually get to be able to put up flyers around the police stations. That would be a great way to spread awareness.”

“Woah, hold up there!” Barbara held up her arms. “It almost sounds like you only want me in this club just so you can use my dad’s position in the GCPD.”

Pamela’s eyes widen as Barbara said that. “Oh, no, no, no!” She quickly waved her hands. “Far from that! Okay, you’re right, it does sound like that but believe me, that’s not why I want you here.”

“Look,” Barbara sighed. “I’d rather us get to know each other better before we even consider that.” Pamela nodded.

“It was a good idea,” Sunset told her. “But let’s just stick to stuff involving the school before we start going further. I must admit, that is a pretty smart idea, but we might also want to think very carefully about what we can do, if anything. I imagine outreach and such is our first goal.”

“Hey, I’ve done plenty of thinking about all this.” The glasses wearing girl smirked. “So, I’m sure I can up with a few brilliant ideas.” She then walked over to the snacks at the table before pouring herself a cup of soda. “Girls, shall we make a toast?”

Barbara and Sunset walked over and followed suit. All three of them held up their cups. “To the Green Advocacy Club,” Pamela said.

“To the Green Advocacy Club.” The girls smiled and they all bumped their plastic cups together.

“Well, certainly sounds like you had quite a first day.” Zatanna’s voice echoed over the phone that Sunset was talking to her on.

Sunset arrived home late since she and the girls spent a lot of time talking and trying to make up for the time that Barbara and Sunset missed getting the snacks. At least the good news was that they weren’t assigned homework.

While she was on the phone, Sunset was also getting a few stretches in as she was preparing for the gymnastics tryouts tomorrow afternoon.

“Yeah, I still feel bad that we left Pamela hanging like that. She was so upset when we first saw her...” Sunset’s voice trailed off near the end as she leaned forward and touched her toes.

“Sounds like you’re talking from experience,” Zatanna said.

“Yeah,” Sunset admitted, thinking carefully about what to say. “In a lot of ways, Pamela reminds me of the Twilight Sparkle that went to Crystal Prep Academy back in the other human realm I was in. I didn’t get to know her well, but it was clear she was quite… lonesome. Didn’t have many friends, you know?”

“I hear what you’re saying. I suppose that sometimes we all just kind of reach that place where we feel kind of alone. I know I didn’t have many friends growing up; traveling around the world with Dad means that you never stayed put in one place for long.”

“I wonder how they’re doing right now.” Sunset’s thoughts drifted to Canterlot High and Equestria. Did the girls at least send word back to her through her magic journal or did a simple visit through the mirror answer that?

“I hope everything is okay, I imagine the other Twilight probably is hating herself right now for what happened.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that,” Zatanna assured her, “from what you told me, your friends are terrific girls and will probably be supporting her in your absence.”

“I hope so.” Sunset still had some slight concerns. However, there wasn’t much she could do now. All she could do was hope that perhaps Fate and Zatanna could find the dimension that contained Equestria or Canterlot High.

“Listen, I need to hang up and get ready for another show, okay?” Zatanna told her. “I expect you to keep up with your studies, both in school and extra-curricular.”

“I hear you. Goodnight, Zatanna.” Sunset sighed.

“Goodnight, Sunset.” Sunset then heard the dial tone indicating that Zatanna hung up.

Sunset sighed as she settled down and cleaned herself up after her workout. She then laid down on her bed and glanced over to the bookshelf that she had bought when she went out with Zatanna.

She walked over and pulled out an empty journal that she had gotten and sat at the desk that was also in the room. She reached over and used magic to slightly levitate a pencil into her hand. She was making progress in magic training as a lot of it was like riding a bike. Being Celestia’s former student, much of her training was coming back to her, though it had to be readjusted due to her different form and being in a different universe.

Sunset stared at the blank pages for a few moments before she started to write some things down. “Dear Princess Twilight…” She started to write while saying what she wrote down aloud. “Oh, this is pointless.” She sighed in defeat as she knew that it would never reach the Princess of Friendship.

However, Sunset decided to write once more as it could be used as a sort of catharsis; making her feel like she still had a sort of connection to her original home, even if it would only be read by her.

“Okay, let’s try this again.” She started to write again. “Dear Princess Twilight, this is honestly strange for me to write but once again I find myself in a strange new world; this one a lot more violent and dangerous than the one I left. At least it’s still somewhat familiar, what with me still being human and that’s just the start of it.

“I’m now currently living in a place called Gotham City. This world I’m in is inhabited by a good amount of humans with extraordinary gifts. In fact, I now find myself being the apprentice to a superheroine sorceress named Zatanna who also lives a double life of being a world famous stage magician.

“Now I’m currently doing the same. To most of the world, I’m Sunset Lucciola, an orphaned girl that serves as Zatanna Zatara’s assistant and attending Gotham High School. However, I’m also learning this world’s magic in preparation for my dual life as a crime fighter.

“Oh, I also made some new friends. Their names are Pamela Isley and Barbara Gordon. We’re all in a Green Club and plan to try and spread plant awareness across this city. Gotham is, well, it’s not that good looking of a city. Even Manehattan was much prettier on its exterior. Anyways, these girls, I know I just met them but I know I’m probably going to end up being close with them.

“Well, it’s getting late and I got class in the morning so I need to head to bed. This probably won’t reach you but, hey, stranger things have happened. I thought I was beyond any help and you showed me how wrong I was there. I just hope that everything will be okay and that you’ll help deal with the troubles that I’ve now been forced to leave behind. Until next time, your faithful friend, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset put down the pencil and leaned back against the chair. She took a deep breath and honestly felt good now that she wrote all that down. A thought then crossed her head and she got out a small note pad and tore out a piece of paper.

She found herself writing down several names over the next thirty minutes on that note pad paper. Her brain was now focused on trying to come up with a great superheroine name that she would eventually use. She soon yawned, put down her pencil before she got up and crawled into bed and fell asleep after setting her alarm.

On the sheet of paper that laid on top of the journal had a multitude of names with only one circled.
