• Published 13th Apr 2016
  • 4,457 Views, 59 Comments

A New World, Several New Ideas - cyberlord4444

When Grey woke up as a Metagross in another world, he started doing what he did best, creating.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Grey and his new friend walked down the tunnel. Well, his new friend walked, Grey kinda shuffled, half from inexperience in his new form, half from lack of coffee.

"So Gross," said his new friend, "how did you get down here anyway? I haven't seen anything like you before."

Grey sighed, hoping that his new name wouldn't stick. 'You know, it's rude to ask for someone's name without giving your own,' he thought to himself.

His new friend's ears perked up as she glanced around. "Huh, could have sworn I heard something," she said, "anyway, sorry but I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ferria of Clan Forgeburn."

'Huh, just when I was thinking about...' Grey facepalmed as he realized something, 'I'm a Metagross, I'm part Psychic, let's see if this works.' Grey closed his eyes and concentrated,'Come on Grey, you've seen Caitlin's Pokemon do this all the time. You've got 4 brains now, you can handle this. Testing, can you hear me Ferria?'

Ferria's eyes widened slightly, "Is that you Gross?"

"Well, glad to see I can do that mind-link trick," Grey said, "by the way, my name's 'Grey', not Gross, Metagross is the type of Pokemon I am. Plus I haven't had my morning coffee yet."

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Ferria, "what's a Pokemon?"

"Well, and keep in mind this isn't my field of expertise, Pokemon are creatures with various abilities. They come in a variety of types, though no single breed of Pokemon is more than 2. For example, Metagross like myself are Steel and Psychic type."

"Ooh, so does that mean you're a good metalworker?" Ferria asked.

"Two things, 1: just because I'm a Steel type doesn't mean I'm good at working with metal," Grey said. "2: that said back home I fixed trains with my team."

Before either one could continue, they were interrupted by shouts in the distance. "Hoopa's Rings," Grey said, "what was that!?"

(The Hall of Legends)

Hoopa paused as she felt something, for some reason she spontaneously felt a strange sense of pride. Disregarding it, she returned to her task, hoping Diance wouldn't be too mad if she borrowed one of her sculptures.

Grey and Ferria arrived to see an argument between a group of what appeared to be miners and some Excadrill. Well, as close as they could get to an argument seeing as the miners couldn't understand a word the Excadrill were saying.

"What's going on here?" Ferria asked.

"Lady Ferria," said what Grey assumed was the leader of the miners, "these creatures have caused one of the major mine shafts to collapse. Luckily no one was in there, but we'll need at least a week to clear it."

"Lady Ferria?" Grey asked.

"Well, my father is a Diamond Dog noble," Ferria explained, "although I'm nowhere close to becoming the next head of House Forgeburn."

"Anyway, I think I can handle this," Grey said before walking over to the Excadrill.

The leader of the Excadrill turned towards him. "Thank Arceus, a Metagross, now we can get somewhere."

"Well, I was going to help anyway," Grey said, "but why is me being a Metagross a good thing?"

The Excadrill scoffed, "All Pokemon know that Metagross as master mediators. Now, tell these sorry excuses for Ground types that we need to carve a safe place for our young, for some reason they can't seem to understand simple Pokespeak."

Grey looked to see that nestled protectively within the group of Excadrill was a group of Drilbur. "Well, I can see that's important," Grey said, "but the reason they couldn't seem to understand you was because they're not Pokemon."

"You're pulling my claw," replied the Excadrill, "they clearly aren't humans, so they must Pokemon, even if I've never seen them before."

Grey sighed, "Look, I'm just going to set up a mental link so we can all talk." Grey's eyes glowed slightly for a moment as he set up the connection, "Testing, we all good?"

Ferria and the Excadrill nodded as the head miner just stared, "What is this?"

"Psychic," Grey simply said, "now, I know they caused you some problems, but they just arrived out of nowhere and were just trying to find a place for their young, surely you can understand that."

The miner nodded, "Children are the future, it would be dishonorable to fault another for trying to preserve it."

"As for you," Grey said, turning to the Excadrill, "I know you didn't mean anything, but you caused these nice, Diamond Dogs I think they're called, some problems."

The Excadrill sighed, "To be honest, finding a place to live is the least of our problems, we need to find a source of food as well."

Grey tapped his chin, wishing his headache could go away so he could think. Suddenly it did, and dozens of scenarios played out in front of his eyes. Grey smiled as he settled on one. "How about this. Excadrill are master tunnelers, so, perhaps you could give them a mined out section to settle if they clean up the mess they made?"

"That sounds reasonable to me," said the head miner.

"Sounds good to me as well," said the Excadrill, "except for the fact that it doesn't solve our food problem."

"I'm getting to that," Grey said before turning back to the miner. "Anyway, if the Excadrill do a good enough job, perhaps you could hire them?

"Perhaps," the miner said, "although I don't expect much, there is no race on Equis that can match a Diamond Dog Miner when it comes to tunneling."

The Excadrill bristled, "Oh really? Come on boys, let's show these dogs how a real Ground Type digs!" With that, about half of the Excadrill collapsed into their drill stances and shot forward, digging through the collapsed section of the tunnel with ease.

"Well then," Grey said, noticing the stunned look on the faces of all the Diamond Dogs gathered, "I'd recommend figuring out how to communicate when I'm not around, cause I think you just gained a few new employees."