• Member Since 28th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago



I was just a normal deadbeat. I had trouble keeping a job, even through I didn't have many personal issues that would caused me such troubles, and I didn't have many friends. So, in short, there's really nothing special about me.

But that all changed when the security firm I worked for was hired for an extra muscle at a Con. I don't clearly remembered what happened next, but I awoke to find myself in a world not my own, with a body not my own, but luck was with me, as a party was going on. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to join in as the party was rudely crushed by some uninvited guests.

Now it was up to me to save the day, learn why I'm here and why I have these new powers and body. But on the bright side, I may finally get a family I so long desired.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 109 )
Comment posted by Zodiac-The8th deleted May 10th, 2016

There do seem to be a lot of digimon displacements going on as of late.

Personally, Ironwar, I blame Digimon Fusion. I think that series remained everyone of how cool monster of the week stories can be,

7202702 Digimon Fusion is the utter worst the series has ever produced.

7202709 To each their own, I didn't hate the series, but I really didn't have much love for it either. It was to gimmick in the end, if you asked me

7202716 anyway, would you be open to a crossover at some point?

7202720 Sure, which Displaced story are you working on and how far along is it?

7202736 I got a few, I was thinking my digimon story.

7202756 The Joke's on Equestria.

7202767 Sure! Your story is actually, kinda the reason I began mine, though, it not as good as your (or most on the site), but that don't stop me from trying. Just, I would like to wait until I get the first act finish before doing a cross over.

7202782 Thanks, and this may sound a bit selfish, but how good are you are pre-reading? As you probably can tell, I'm have...issues.

7202788 Not personally, you should try the displaced group.

7202808 Nothing hurt by simply asking, but thanks anyways


I am done with all the things.

Great start so far, so some kind of Dark Kabuterimon huh? Where'd a changeling get their hooves on that?

7202825 this site might be helpful to you. http://dma.wtw-x.net

7202709 I couldn't get past the second episode of that farce, "Cutemon" was about 300 nails in it's coffin, I literally (an yes I truly mean literally not a figurative literary a real literally) sat there for a good 5 to 10 minutes after hearing that name just saying it to myself in disbelief, then I wen't and watched though Digimon tamers.

*forms finger pyramid, leans foreward*
Sooo, a security agency forced a 38 old guy to dress like a 12 year old anime girl because he was to work as sec-detail on a Con? Jeeze, talk about fucked up contracts, I bet he did not even had dental care.

If you are interested in more groups, there is a couple of digimon groups also if you want to add the story

Nicely done. Some spelling errors, but I can't wait for more

Uuueeee man that has to hurt. Well I'll do this to help

7209951 What is the picture you sent, my computer is old and can't seem to run it.

7210952 I can't see it as well. The hell?

Just finished reading the prolog, and while this sounds like it might be interesting... You really need someone to proof-read this, I don'y know if it gets any better, but this chapter really needs to be polished out.

Sorry for being a downer.

7219606 Hey, I know I'm not that good, but that doesn't stop from trying.

LOL, this is hilarious. good work so far.

7221076 Well, there isn't really much of a joke, its just overall hilarious in my opinion due to similarities in our pasts and differences in opinion between me and the main character of your story.

7221370 I can insure that wasn't my goal to make my character reflect any sort of real life person, though I know there's plenty of people like them in this world, real or fictionally.

7221388 I was mostly referring to the both of us having incredibly bad luck but ok. :pinkiehappy:

7221502 No, I guess I just misunderstood, that's all. no harm no foul, right?

You really need to work on your tensing, sometimes you'll write something in past tense and others in the Currant tense, I highly suggest using only past Tense, it's what is normally used in most novels and for many people it's the easiest to read.

I also suggest reading over a chapter you've written (after already finishing it) to make sure everything just sounds right, now this doesn't work for everyone but it might work for you..

7222139 Funny thing is, I do look over my work, but still I fail to see the mistake I make.

7222169 Here are somethings to read that might help you with your tensing problem,
and three

I also went over the prologue and edited that, you can find that here. I used G-Doc's to do it because that was easiest and i used the comment system to help show you where you needed improvement, I might do the other two chapters as well, but it's getting pretty late for me at the moment.

I hope this helped you.

7222572 Thanks, I been trying to keep in my mind my tensing, but it's not the easiest since I have been writing like that for years since my old reading problem lasting throughout high school, and I firmly believe that my mind had since been locked like that, like once a habit is formed, it kinda hard to un-break it. Say, any way I can convince you in helping with some editing or pre-reading? I use g-Docs for some editing

7222608 it all depends on if I have the time, feel free to ask but I might not get it done super fast, after all, I'm working on my own displaced story at the moment. (I'm in the pre-writing stages of planing right now.)

7222692 one more thing, when people say I'm not stable with my tensing, they may that I have a habit of flipping toward the two instead of sticking to one throughout the entire chapter?

7222726 yeah, it's best when you stick with one tensing for the whole thing, or it can get a bit confusing to read.

7222744 Thank you for all your input, I can give the excuse that I have written in that way so long because of my own pattern of speech, which is partly true, we do write the way we talk, but that not only have the reason.


You mean Stressful?

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