• Published 30th May 2016
  • 3,836 Views, 182 Comments

You Are What You Paint - David Silver

He got to meet the creator of Ponyfinder and score some books and a few figures to go with. Which should he paint first? He settled on a pegasus and gets out his paints. This is gonna be good.

  • ...

6 - Together

Robert leaned back in his chair. "That's pretty messed up. Why'd you come back though?"

George raised a brow at that. "What was the alternative, just... fade away? Poof, one day I was there, the next, gone. I have a job, friends, family."

Bob seemed less than impressed. "You get to be a magical horse in magical horse land. You like Richard that much you wanted to come back for him?"

"Not all of us are irresponsible jerks." George frowned as he stuffed the last bit of tasty not-mexican snack into his mouth. "Anyway, where are you going with this?"

"Well, you said you had two figures left, so..." His features lit up with hope. "Take me with you?"

George rose to his feet. "A: I'm not sure it works that way. B: You have a life too. C: Were you even listening to my situation or were you blinded by the idea of visiting Equestria?"

"I heard it, I just don't see the issue." He rolled a hand as he rose up to match George. "Go, marry the pony, and make with the little ponies. Win/win all around. She already thinks you have amnesia, so you have the perfect excuse for not knowing a damn thing. Shoot, you even have a perfect pony body all lined up."

A few people were glancing at their genuinely strange conversation. George decided to make it a moving event and began his way back towards work. "I'm not going to lie to her like that. The next time I'm there, I'm telling her the truth, even if her friends still haven't."

"Oh, hey, your boyfriend offed himself. I'm your cheap replacement." Robert rolled his eyes as he followed along. "I doubt that will go well."

"Better than living a lie forever." George shook his head. "Maybe we can just be friends, or maybe she'll avoid me forever just to not see her boyfriend's dead face."

"Or... Look, that's your choice, so..." He rolled a hand. "Can I hitch a ride?"

"I only have two figures left. I need them." If they even worked. There was no assurance either way. "Besides, you're ditching everything just to be here. Go back to work."

"Right right, anything you say boss." Robert held up his hands and backed away. He left, giving George back his peace.

George finished his own day of work, dispensing records, vinyl and plastic, to music fans. He liked his job. He liked music. Being able to help match people up with the music they liked? He liked it. The store wasn't closed.

With the boss in, he'd do the closing, so they parted with a friendly wave. As bosses went, his was pretty nice. He'd definitely want to say bye, at least, if he left at all. "Say, man, if I wanted to move to another country, what'd you say?"

His boss looked confused at the question. "What, Canada? I mean, it's your choice, but I'd miss having you around. It's nice having a worker that takes the job seriously instead of an excuse to waste a few hours."

"But if I did, just theoretically, it wouldn't be the end of the world, right?"

He leaned in suddenly. "Y... Look, you do what you need to do, but you're always welcome here, and your work's appreciated."

On that awkward note, George left. That barely felt like an answer, but prying felt even odder, so off he went to his car and climbed in. If he went away, his boss would find someone, maybe even someone good, but it'd probably take a few tries to stick. He let out a slow breath and turned the key, getting the car in motion.

He rolled down the streets towards his house. He considered grabbing something for dinner along the way, but the mood just wasn't there. Ah, home. It was curious how 'home' was still home, pony land or not. They just shared the same place, separated by a universe or three.

Climbing out of the car, he locked up and headed up to his door. When he turned his home key, he noticed a lack of resistance in unlocking. Suddenly alert, he also saw signs that someone had forced themselves in. He shoved the door open and... everything was where it should be. His television was untouched. His stereo, fine. Computer, check.

... His figures, not so check. One of them was pulled up to where someone could access it easily while sitting and was painted, poorly, but painted. "Rob..." Had his 'friend' just broken in to get to Equestria?

That complicated things, with only one untouched figure remaining. One more visit, and he'd have to make his final decision...

He looked to the wall where he was communicating and saw new words.

Aqua? Is that you? W

It cut off there, a trail of a mark going off. What had his friend done? It looked like Twilight's writing. He couldn't imagine his friend, as a new pony, was any real threat to Twilight, though if he reacted with immediate violence when she wasn't expecting it?

George put a hand to his head. The entire situation felt out of his control, but was ultimately his responsibility. He wouldn't leave Twilight, Octavia, Vinyl, or any of the other ponies in a bind like that.

If he went to look, it would be his last trip, one way or the other.

His phone suddenly rang. It was Richard. "Hey, what's up with you ponyfags today?"


"What do you mean, 'what?'. You call me first ranting about your horses, then Bob gets all interested and hangs up on me and hasn't picked up all day. Are you forming some kind of pony cult? Look, be hon--"

"No cult." He frowned against the phone. "Look, Richard... I might be going away for a... maybe forever. Take--"

"The hell? You being kidnapped by aliens?"

George quirked a smile at that. "That works." He hung up. He quickly typed out a text message to everyone he knew well, telling them he may be pursuing an opportunity that required he move quickly, but that he was safe and he wished them well. It likely wouldn't answer their questions, but it was better than... nothing.

With hands quaking with nervousness, he grabbed his bottles of paint, even the ones Bob must have knocked over in his haste, and got to work. He had friends to protect, even if they had four hooves.

Author's Note:

That felt like a really good break point, so I broke it there.

Thanks, Bob. You made this a lot more pressing than it otherwise would have been.

How will George/Aqua handle this typo of a situation?