• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2015
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Hello everyone! I'm a Anime lover, an avid gamer. Kinda a crappy writter but eh im trying


When an Excalibur warframe's linset's engines explode causing a dimensional rift and ends up in Equestria shortly after the 1000th summer sun celebration, he must save the lives of the mane 6 from nightmare moon. However will his past sins and inner demons return to haunt him?

WARNING! This story will contain spoilers on the Second Dream quest and some of my own interpretations on the hidden and fragmented lore of Warframe. If you have not completed the second dream quest the I highly recommend playing through it first!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 35 )

7736562 Thank you! Got any requests of things for me to add?

Ok I really wanna know why everyone puts nataah on the hate list? I get that she's a sentient and all but as far as i've seen she genuinely treats the tenno as her children. I can understand the orokin hating her turning their secret weapons against them and all but the tenno? I'm sorry I refuse to believe that nataah could convince the tenno to kill the orokin based solely on her word alone. I think they were mistreated as science experiments and probably despised by the community. I get that the one lady I forget her name spoke out against the orokins decision to just kill them, she was just one person and i'd theorize that she's nataah herself. This leads to others probably of the science staff mistreating them or abusing them. Sure she may be a sentient but I wouldn't put hate on her for it. Those are my theories anyway.

7736691 well i dont hate her i just thought it would be nice to have her be an outcast for what ever reason and also only Excalibur has been shown to hate her so far

So I got several questions. Nothing damning to the story wondering where your logic is as compared to mine. first and most concerning, why did ex attack nightmare moon? I may have missed it reading but i didn't see a single reason he would attack her, unless he's goku "HEY let's fight!" from what i saw he doesn't know her, she hasn't done anything to him, and he did not speak with the mane six or celestia to even know she's a threat. Now far less concerning why introduce alt reality when space travel is a clear cut thing for warframe. Coulda just said he found a new planet or even that they are deep in the void, especially if you don't plan using the "your worlds a cartoon" info in any significant fashion. You may or may not use it, but it's kinda like the gun above the bar thing. Finally just rather bland reactions to him no one has anything really to say besides rarity and her gentlemen remark. I would expect twilight to instantly bombard him with questions knowing he's from another world (unless she's scared of him or something), fluttershy down right terrified so not much there other than squeak and hide behind the nearest posterior, rainbow definitely cautious may or not be distrusting depends on how you use her character. AJ is just depending on you and how you have her act, there's really not much to go by for her. I personally think celestia would be the most distrusting out of fear for her subjects if nothing else. Luna probably closer to twilight wanting to know what everything is. Sooo your thoughts?

7736691 because Lotus is a sentient and the sentients tried to wipe out humanity so that's why people Who portray her in their stories have it where the characters hate her she's the same machine that tried to kill them all

Comment posted by DracoBrony deleted Nov 21st, 2016

7736793 well on the personalities i decided to mix some of the tropes up a bit as well it is still season one and not only is it season one its the BEGINNING of season one so they havent developed some of their quirks that they are all known for in later seasons and on the celestia one since she has practically no screen time the fandom has had to give her a shall we say base personality and the xenophobic cares for her subjects safety one is the most used one. As for luna well remember she has literally JUST got back to equestria and been reformed so she's kinda in what i like to call processing shock were you are dumped with so much info and/guilt and feelings that you kinda dont talk to anyone. On the fluttershy one well in the zepher breeze episode she got a ton of character development so i decided to kinda jump start her courage a bit. As for the others? Eh i dont know. Now on to the space travel thing well its that its been done not one other warframe fic ive seen except maybe 2 or 3 that use the other universe/reality thing so there is that. As for your first question its kinda vaguely explained that he feels a dark precense or some bullshit i dont remember ive been writing this thing on and off for over three months or so. Also i would like to see it from his point of veiw which is you just quote un quote died after going in a rage and almost killing your sister and are now in a land of magic ponies that are from a show you watched years ago with your now dead wife. Definitely not in the most relaxing of situations. He is fighting to releave mental stress in my mind.

7736793 if it makes you feel any better blueblood is gonna get beaten to near death soon

7736793 another thing on the space travel question another reason i didn't do it is because that brings in the loose endof one of the other factions finding the planet and i dont want that

7737350 Ok alot of that makes sense and the alt universe does work if you want to incorporate the rest of the warframe universe. Believe me I know how annoying troupes can get. You don't know how many times I cringe when the new equestrian never-been-seen-before creature gets attacked by rainbow for little to no reason or when twilight "just happens" to fuck up a spell and she has no failsafes for even though everything we know about her "checklists" would suggest otherwise. However it should be noted that the troupes exist for a reason and that's because it's an extension of their base personality... except the twilight one they only got that one from I think the want-it need-it fiasco in which case she even had a counter spell she just couldn't get it off. Now I can't speak for others but, when I read crossovers I want to see the mane six as the mane six, if their not acting like they should or would expect them too then they seem out of character. Instead of getting hey here's my oc interacting with mane six it becomes hey here's my oc interacting with ponies. There are ways to incorporate their personalities without falling back on outrageous troupes like the ones i mentioned. facial expressions and off hand comments to name a few. Now celestia is a different nut to crack. There has been little no real input into celestia. All we know is that she can mischievous if her phoenix episode was anything to go by. Other than that we know she's a ruler who as far as we know has the best of intentions regarding her subjects. Now i didn't mean to imply she should be xenophobic (I never portrayed as such in my writings incomplete as they are) however in the head of a ruler she sees an armored being (yes i believe she would recognize it as combat armor) who's intent she does not know. Yes i would think and hope actually that she would be cautious for her subjects. And that's it in that regard.

7736691 The Tenno of the game were experiments and a failed one at that. Margolis was the leader and treated them like living beings where the Orokin treated them like demons and animals and eventually scrapped the Ten Zero program and ordered for their deaths. Natah was originally sent in as a spy to destroy the Tenno and the program, she saw the error of her ways and betrayed her father and took on Margulis' form and became the Lotus. But the fact that she hid the secret that she is the daughter of the being that tried to kill humanity is one of the biggest reasons why she ends up being hated in fics. And SHE IS a sentient.

And Draco. Why do you say linset instead of Liset?

7737377 Bur by a technicality the void is the space between space or the space between dimensions. So an accident could lead to a tear in reality leading to a situation like this. Its just a random theory but when we got the event for Phobos so many years ago, unprotected Corpus ships ended up with strange anomalies that could easily lead to a similar situation like this. Even though Warframe is mostly understandable, the strange still happens.

Good start here, but it needs work in a few areas. :pinkiehappy:

7756860 did I? Huh well ill edit it later. hey thanks for checking this fic out! May you aim stay true and your blade forever sharp tenno!

7756877 yeah it needs work i mean i doubti can get it as good as yours but flattery aside for how much i play the game and that i kinda changed some stuff last second i think it turned out rather well

7756860 ok the tenno were not created through experimentation they got their powers from the void after being lost for x amount of years. They were experimented on after. And yes I know she's sentient and was a spy, but everyone and their grandmother makes their oc hate her even though as far as I can see she's the closest thing to a mother they got.

7757273 well i dont actually hate her per say but like i said Excalibur is the ONLY one show to hate her thus far.

7757273 also its hinted in the ember prime codex i think that they were intentionally put on a military ship as children

7757273 they were taken as young kids into this program, Excalubu'rs codex talks about how the Tenno were thrown into the void and the still partially mental stable ones were taken for the Ten Zero project. Than experimentation. Would you be angry if your "mother" that you put all your trust and love into was the daughter of the leader that intends to destroy you and your friends? I'd be a little annoyed.

7757125 well with help and some extra time those gaps could easily be filled. If it's any consolation my story is unedited.

7757403 mind point out those gaps im kinda well i know they are there but i cant seem to find them

7760442 I'll look at at later when I have the time and I'll PM you an edited copy with suggestions. I know that you are missing some punctuation in some sentences. Some sentences are way to long. Rushed in a few areas. There is a lack of detail in some parts. I know just about everyone here knows who the mane six, Celestia, Luna, and Nightmare Moon all look like, but a little more detail could be used. Talk about how he feels and add what gestures he could be doing, I mean not every little detail, but larger gestures like when talking and using signals. I do have to agree with Hiderman, I know you said that this is the start of the show and they dont have their quirks, but Twilight is still that curious little filly and Celestia has to take on that curious yet cautious mindset. Personally, I try to put myself in as the character and try to act like not only the main character but who he is interacting with. If you can, try to imagine what he is doing and what he sees. I mean, that works for me, not for everybody.

Can't wait for more I love warframe

7811909 thank and thank you for the watch and fave!

7760577 so i just completed the war within yesterday... What the fuck? also the glast gambit quest is soo difficult to get money for the index!

7837917 congrats, you are a child operating a humanoid puppet! And run some sorties for credits, they give out just shy of 200k credits. But when you finish Glast, use Nidus on that infested door. Are you on pc? If so I can help you a little bit.

7838195 yeah i am its jugernaught-slayer that spelling cause i couldn't remember how to spell it when i made the acount im on right now actually

7737491 another thing i just thought of is that celestia is in kind of a rather happy mood now that her sister is back. i know it doesn't fix the issue of her not being rather cautious so

Smith and wesson 500 or a 44 mag. Is my guess.

Kudos for doing a warframe story.

There are some issues though.
Not to be coy but PM me and I point them out.

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