• Published 9th Jun 2016
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The Everglow of a Twilight Sunset - David Silver

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (EQG Edition) try to make the portal safer. This does not end well and sends both catapulting in the body of ponies into a world of danger, magic, and unending adventure. Will they survive their trip to Everglow?

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28 - Leave Her Alone

Sunset shook her head. "Look, if you want to be her friend, great, but she's a girl." He blinked at her. "Think of her as a tiny foal. You wouldn't bother a tiny foal, would you?" She raised a brow, silently praying that his people's 'loving nature' did not extend that way.

"Of course not," he thankfully agreed as he glanced towards Twilight. "But she is far from a tiny foal." He swallowed softly. "I don't want to make an enemy of you, Sunset, you're a good friend. I would even dance with you if you wanted." Sunset went red with a combination of anger and embarrassment. "But it's Twilight that ha-- Did I say something wrong? Please, I meant no offense."

"You were easier to deal with silently," she hissed through clenched teeth.

True cringed and recoiled at once. "I... I'm sorry. You thought I was a simple fool because I kept my mouth shut, except for some harmless squeaking. You probably think I'm the small foal." His head hung a little as he walked along beside her. "That isn't true. That... I left my parents several years ago. I know how to survive on my own in the woods. If not for the spring dance, I would not have been close."

"Are you sad you came back?" Sunset raised a brow slightly. "Are you here only for Twilight?"

"No! Neither of those things." He frowned just a moment before it eased into something far less angry. He loooked at Sunset with wide eyes, asking something of her silently. "I pray that my parents are still alive and that we rescue them safely. I had a few friends, even my favored dancing partner, do you remember her? She cost me my voice for a time, but I would sing Lashtada's praises to have her free of this terribleness."

Morning came closer, gleaming in the light as she looked the two over. "You've been chatting with such serious faces. Anything you need to talk about?"

"N-no!" quickly spat out Sunset. "We're fine."

True looked between the two. "Morning Song, how old would you say Twilight is?"

Morning looked confused at the question, but turned her view over to Twilight marching beside Roll and Ixen. "I would say between seventeen and twenty summers have graced her pelt, why? It's rude to ask someone how old they are, in most cases."

True held up a hoof as he walked. "So you wouldn't say she's a foal, right?"

She leaned in suddenly. "Are you looking for a, how would your people phrase it, dance partner, small one?" He blushed, if only for being found for his attempt to be subtle. "She is no foal, but she carries many mannerisms of one too inexperienced of the world to make such heavy decisions."

"What are you all talking about?" It was Twilight, and everyone started at seeing her. "What?"

Sunset shook her head violently. "Enough! True, remember what I said." She separated with an angry stomping.

Morning watched her go, then looked back to Twilight, who looked confused, and True, who was busy looking dejected. "We are companions of battle. We need the air clear between us. Deny him or accept him, either is worth a song, but the question should not linger."

"What question?" Twilight blinked behind her thick glasses. "I feel like everyone is keeping a secret from me."

Morning pointed at the worried-looking True. "He loves you and would desire to have you as a stallion has a mare and to be had as a mare has a stallion."

Twilight stopped her walking a moment. "Oh..." It took a moment for things to wind back up, for the world to continue spinning for her. "I-I'm not looking for a boyfriend..." Looking at True, she saw a pony. That was a strike against him, as she'd barely begun to think of men as even vaguely appropriate targets, let alone tiny stallions.

"H-Have you danced before?" True looked up at her.

"Huh? If I had to."

"No! The dance of life, to make more life," he explained urgently. "If you have not, I will be as slow and careful as you--"

"Wait, you have?" Twilight blinked. The idea that the little horse had more experience than her was foreign and a little intimidating. "How, uh... many times?"

He moved a little closer. "It is difficult at times to not dance during the spring festival. That is what it is there for. I never had a partner I would dance exclusively with, to wish nothing but to feel summer's day at their side until my passing to Lashtada's side... until I met you."

Twilight began to flush a new dark red through her purple fur as the full weight of the statement settled on her. "You can't mean that," she half-squeaked. "We barely know each other."

"I know you are brave, empathetic, extremely intelligent and curious." He moved to her side. "I know you were enchantingly breathtaking and... you are scared of me." He danced away a few steps. "I... I'm sorry."

She waved a hoof at him, her glasses almost coming free in her energetic waving. "No no! I mean... Thank you, that's very nice, but I wouldn't consider, um, dancing... with anyone I wasn't friends with for a while first. Where I come from, people only... dance... with one person ideally, forever."

He seemed to perk up at that, clinging to some hope. "Then we shall be friends, which I hope we already are? I will go no faster or farther than you want to go." He put a hoof to his chest as he walked. "I respect you, Twilight. I will never make you do something you don't want to do."

"My dear child," whispered Lashtada between Twilight's ears. "He is very gallant to hold himself back. What about him makes for an ideal or unideal mate, in your eyes? I have learned that your tastes are not my own, and not those of most I have met."

Twilight thought back at her. Speaking to herself looked odd, and she didn't want any new glares. "He's fine, really, but kinda small, and I don't have, uh, experience with that."

"How will you gain experience if not by doing?"

Twilight frowned a little. "Can't we start with dating and stuff before we jump right into... that?"

"I understand that. Will you date him?"

Would she? "Let me decide when we're back in civilization." A thought came to her and she perked up. "Wait, I plan to go home, how can I even start thinking of pony boyfriends?"

"Ask him," urged the soft voice of the goddess. "I know that look. He would walk free of a cliff if it meant he could be with you for the moments before the ground."

Twilight shuddered softly. "Speaking of, uh, going home. Will you stop being in my head then?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe? Would you be upset if I remained? I will watch over you gladly."

Ixen snorted a small lick of fire in front of Twilight. "That pony god of yours distracting you that much? We called a break ten meters back." She grasped the distracted pony by the shoulders and hefted her, carrying her right over to the others and setting her down as a fire was started. "Here she is."

Sunset approached Twilight and looked at her a moment before reaching out and hugging her. "Tonight, we're sleeping together."

"Huh? Alright." She didn't understand why Sunset insisted, but she saw nothing wrong with the idea.

True was far less confused as Sunset took a defensive place around Twilight. He would find no help from Sunset. Morning settled beside him suddenly and pulled him closer with a hoof. "You are a brave little thing, but you've said your piece. I'd let them both recover from the truth you've said before you try further."

Ixen raised a brow. "Did I miss the pony mating ritual?"

Roll glanced between her friends and off to Twilight and Sunset separate from the others. "I fear I have missed something."

True curled up in Morning's warm embrace. "I have told Twilight that I--"

Ixen burst into laughter. "You would require a ladder just to reach her properly."

As True turned a dark hue, Iliana, quiet until that point, spoke, "Let us not be distracted. It's bad enough that we cannot end the slave trade entirely. My guilt over leaving any in their grasp is immense, but we have our task, and if we are to storm the entirety of one of their 'tribes', we will make sure it's worth it. Let us turn our minds to this task and leave off thoughts of romance until it's over."

Her dressing down got the others to fall quiet for a time, a small time. Ixen snickered softly, likely envisioning that ladder and how the two would look.

Morning held True close, providing silent but real comfort.

The next day, they broke camp and descended towards the valley that held their enemy.

As they approached, True advanced to the fore and began pointing out pitfalls before them. Progress slowed, but they avoided literal pits, snares, and other wicked traps beside. It seemed these gnolls wanted no guests.

Sunset called out as an arrow embedded itself painfully in her side. "Son of a..." She limped forward, hissing and clearly injured from the missed trap.

Twilight hurried to her side and set her cold free in her friend. The wound frosted over and the arrow fell free, leaving blue lines behind.

Sunset shivered softly, chilled by the touch and the powerful magic, but the arrow wound itself stopped hurting. "T-thanks. Hey, True, be more careful!"

Roll advanced to stand at True's side. "I will assist." She lent her sharp vision to the effort, allowing them to make slow, but safe, passage forward.

"I feel something," Lashtada whispered to Twilight. "There is another god at work, or there was. I cannot tell clearly. Be mindful."

The ground rumbled just moments before a half-dozen gnolls burst free in a loose circle around the party. They did not make threats or demands, they attacked. With long and menacing polearms, they advanced.

Ixen blew out a snort of almost annoyance as one of their weapons skidded along her tough scales. "Pathetic." The fact that she was wearing magical aids might have helped, but woe to the person that insisted on that. She grabbed her attacker with clawed hands and dug into the hyena's flesh even as fire bulged dangerously in her throat. She held the creature firmly as she cooked him in place, reducing him to a scorched mess.

Iliana gestured at the one moving towards her as her horn began to glow. He swung at her only to be repelled by her magic, then slump to the ground, sleep overtaking him.

Roll brought down her pick as she took a spear in the side. The pick thirsted for gnoll blood and drank deep. An arrow thudded into the side of the same gnoll, True's shot living up to his name as the creature fell to the ground, the battle driven from it.

The small force had no hope of turning away the invading force. In the end, only Roll had suffered any injuries, and they were small.

Iliana tied up the gnoll she had put to sleep, and the only survivor of the conflict. "He has information that will see our approach safe and fast. Treat him carefully, but ensure that he doesn't escape."

Author's Note:

My computer exploded, hard drive, dead. HD replaced, and the typos continue!